34 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the Conference on Emerging Economic Issues in a Globalizing World

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    To evaluate the financial condition and performance of a company the financial analyst needs certain yardsticks. The yardstick frequently used is a ratio, or index relating two pieces of financial data to each other. When comparing changes in the business's ratios from period to period, you can pinpoint improvements in performance or developing problem areas. By comparing the ratios to those in other businesses, you can see possibilities for improvement in key areas. This paper focus on the main financial ratio calculated for the activity’s entities referring to average levels registered for Romanian’ entities in comparison with average level registered in Europe and generally, in the world.Romania, financial ratios, liquidity ratios


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    Industrial revolutions, the progress in IT industry, the growth rate of developing new technologies, global competition, liberalization of markets, continue to demand change, globalization of market, economic and financial crisis are just some of the causes that have contributed to the restoration of a new global economic with direct impact on business entrepreneur. Changes socio-economic level paradigm is reflected both in changes to management and organization paradigms enterprise activity in the product market, at work, at the performance that follows the entrepreneur. In this article we tried a summary of mutations in these paradigms, mutations that will rearrange and reposition the business entrepreneur in the current context of a sustainable economy, based on knowledge, so-called \"new economy\"."new economy", sustainable development, entreprise, paradigms, changes, global performance

    Romanian country risk in the context of the adherence to the European Union

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    The main aim of this paper is to analyse all possible characteristics related to the country risk factor for the state of Romania. The country risk factor is a measure of a risk related to economic, political, physical and other unforeseen events able to affect the stability of the financial sector in a certain country with immediate results in the profitability index of the multinational companies operated in the country especially banks. Nowadays, in the context of a very high rhythm of economic globalization and of international investor’s expansion in multinational companies, the country risk factor is very important. The paper tries to assess the Romanian country risk factor especially after the year 2007, when Romania has became a member of the European Union. Some comparisons between its country risk factor and that of the other new member states will be also made in an attempt to find out the relative position of Romania with respect to the other nations joined the European Union recently. A valid analysis of the business environment will be also presented as it is consider as a key element for the enterprises in order to be aware of the direction they are heading and contributes to improve the favorable factors they should develop to come out with the competitive advantage. The SWOT analysis will be used to emphasize the strengths, the weaknesses, the opportunities and the drawbacks of the Romanian business environment and their mode to influence the country risk factor of the state of Romania.peer-reviewe

    Financial crisis and accounting information : the need for corporate social responsibility in accounting profession

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    This paper wants to draw attention on several aspects regarding the causes that led to the emergence of 21st century economic crisis, pointing their implications in the balance of economic-financial mechanisms. In history, on the occasion of economic and/or financial crisis, among their causes there are mentioned causes related to managers’ irresponsible actions, managers who, together with accounting professionals, chose to alter accounting data in order to create a more appealing image on the market of the company’s financial status. We will underline the role of accounting in system of a more efficient, socially responsible corporatist governing, capable of recreating economic-financial balances and of regaining the confidence of the population in economic values, as well as the role of accounting in “faithfully” reflecting these values.peer-reviewe

    The role of cash flow in the financial management of the entity

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    In the present the authors show the modalities of analysis the cash – flow statement, based on an specific indicators system.cash - flow, net profit ratio, cash – flow productivity

    Corporate governance and business performance: Evidence for the Romanian economy

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    Our finding contributes towards the understanding of movements regarding the adoption of corporate governance practice in emerging countries such as Romania and its impact on business performances of a company. We have developed two econometric models to assess the business performances of the companies listed on Bucharest Stock Exchange, in order to point out the impact of corporate governance on business performances. Our results are inconsistent for the period 2001–2011, but if we consider only 2011, the results document a positive correlation between corporate governance quality and market value of companies, such it is reflected by Tobin’s Q. Therefore, our results contribute to the studies relating corporate governance and business performances, as it confirms a positive relationship between the two variables which appears once the Romanian emerging economy has began to adopt the best corporate governance practices. Firstly, our research has important implications for managers in order to know that the adoption of the best corporate governance practices could contribute to the financial success of the firm. Secondly, the results are useful for any investor who needs to consider the quality of corporate governance as a good predictor for the best rate of return of theirs investments. Moreover, our findings have also implications on policy-makers and regulatory authorities in European developing countries and offer them a barometer of adopting the best corporate governance practices in European space. First published online: 17 Mar 201

    Board characteristics and firm performances in emerging economies. Lessons from Romania

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    This study investigates correlations between board characteristics and firm performances. For this purpose, six board characteristics were chosen: (1) equilibrium between non-executive and executive members of the board of directors; (2) independence of board members; (3) selection of board members by the assistant role of the Nomination Committee; (4) training the members’ competences; (5) remuneration policy of board members by the assistant role of the Remuneration Committee; (6) improuving the accountability and transparency of financial information by the assistant role of the Audit Committee. The financial performances are represented by Return on assets (ROA) and Tobin’s Q. The present study sample consists of 55 Romanian non-financial companies which are listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) in 2012. We found the following characteristics in the majority of boards of directors: equilibrium between non-executive and executive members, independence of the members and concerns on training competences. On the other hand, the majority of companies do not have, within their governance system, advisory committees (such as Nomination, Remuneration or Audit Committees), which are meant to help the board in its decision-making. No statistically significant association was found between any of the board characteristics and performances represented either by Tobin’s Q or ROA, but the findings are in line with numerous studies conducted in developing countries and may be explained by various shortcomings which characterise the lagging of transition economies

    The impact of fiscal policies on corruption: A panel analysis

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    This article seeks to complement the previous literature and clarify whether fiscal policy plays a role in the level of corruption of a country. The present work investigates whether the increase in fiscal pressure leads to a higher level of corruption and whether the results differ from developed to developing countries. This article examines a large sample consisting of over 185 countries, during the period 2005–2014. The technique employed was short panel data. Five statistical models were used such as the pooled OLS, pooled FGLS, within model, between model and random-effects GLS model. Our main contribution consists in finding differentiated results of the influence of fiscal policy on the level of corruption among developed and developing countries. For developed countries, we found that, with high-quality institutions, low fiscal pressure leads to a lower level of corruption, which is in line with expectations. Conversely, in developing countries, with low-level institutional quality, low fiscal pressure increases corruption, because of low governance efficiency under which people may easily circumvent the law. Our findings suggest that governments and policy-makers need to acknowledge that the anti-corruption fight requires not only the right fiscal policies but also the right way of implementing these policies, recognising the role of quality institutions, which need to prevail in any country

    Impact of european funds upon rural development in the European Union: Impacto dos fundos europeus no desenvolvimento rural da União Europeia

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    Rural Development Funds are an important part of the European Union strategies, under the Common Agricultural Policy. They should help in the development of rural areas, which are the most subjected to poverty and social depravation. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of these funds upon rural development in an attempt to assess the efficiency of their usage. To do this, we use data for the 27 European Union members states for the 2000 – 2022 period. Data related to productivity in agriculture, employment and poverty in rural areas is used as dependent and modelled with the help of dynamic panel regression against the amount of money used from these funds. We show that as rural development funds increased in time, poverty decreased, which is an important indicator of efficiency. Additionally, while the variables related to the rural areas, like importance of agriculture in the national economy, employment and poverty in rural areas follow the classical spatial distributions on the West-East direction, the use of rural development funds does not. Absorbed rural development funds have significantly impacted the gross value added in agriculture, employment, and poverty in rural areas. Our most important result is the inverse relationship between rural development funds absorbed and the percentage of rural people at risk of poverty and social exclusion, clearly pointing out the need for continuous support for rural development.&nbsp