10,521 research outputs found

    Kondo effect and spin quenching in high-spin molecules on metal substrates

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    Using a state-of-the art combination of density functional theory and impurity solver techniques we present a complete and parameter-free picture of the Kondo effect in the high-spin (S=3/2S=3/2) coordination complex known as Manganese Phthalocyanine adsorbed on the Pb(111) surface. We calculate the correlated electronic structure and corresponding tunnel spectrum and find an asymmetric Kondo resonance, as recently observed in experiments. Contrary to previous claims, the Kondo resonance stems from only one of three possible Kondo channels with origin in the Mn 3d-orbitals, its peculiar asymmetric shape arising from the modulation of the hybridization due to strong coupling to the organic ligand. The spectral signature of the second Kondo channel is strongly suppressed as the screening occurs via the formation of a many-body singlet with the organic part of the molecule. Finally, a spin-1/2 in the 3d-shell remains completely unscreened due to the lack of hybridization of the corresponding orbital with the substrate, hence leading to a spin-3/2 underscreened Kondo effect.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Viscoelastic vibration damping identification methods. Application to laminated glass.

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    Laminatedglass is composed of two glass layers and a thin intermediate PVB layer, strongly influencing PVB's viscoelastic behaviour its dynamic response. While natural frequencies are relatively easily identified even with simplified FE models, damping ratios are not identified with such an ease. In order to determine to what extent external factors influence dampingidentification, different tests have been carried out. The external factors considered, apart from temperature, are accelerometers, connection cables and the effect of the glass layers. To analyse the influence of the accelerometers and their connection cables a laser measuring device was employed considering three possibilities: sample without instrumentation, sample with the accelerometers fixed and sample completely instrumented. When the sample is completely instrumented, accelerometer readings are also analysed. To take into consideration the effect of the glass layers, tests were realised both for laminatedglass and monolithic samples. This paper presents in depth data analysis of the different configurations and establishes criteria for data acquisition when testing laminatedglass

    Government Guarantees in Infrastructure Projects: A Second, Third Look at the Policy

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    To encourage private sector participation in public infrastructure projects, government guarantee has been utilized as an instrument to mitigate the risks associated with public investments. However, this creates contingent liabilities that the government has to face. This issue argues that the government must move towards project financing structures having less provision for subsidies and guarantees. Private sector should then have greater risk participation while strict monitoring measures should be implemented concerning contingent liabilities.government guarantee, public infrastructure projects, BOT scheme, private sector participation, contingent liability

    A New Vision and Credit Policy Framework for Financing LGUs Basic Services and Development Projects

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    This paper presents a new vision and the proposed policy framework for financing local government’s basic services and development projects. This vision intends to wean away the LGUs from their dependence on the national government and to promote a more effective private sector participation in developing and funding local projects. The credit policy framework aims to direct and make LGUs creditworthy to the private sources of capital.local government unit, capital markets, services sector, credit program

    Lived experience in primary caregivers of people with schizophrenia. Master's final work

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    La esquizofrenia es un trastorno cerebral complejo que se define como un trastorno caracterizado por una mezcla de signos y síntomas tales como: ideas delirantes, alucinaciones, pensamiento desorganizado, comportamiento desorganizado, aplanamiento afectivo, alogia y abulia. En nuestra sociedad, la familia es la fuente principal de cuidados para las personas que padecen esquizofrenia, y la familia se ve con el compromiso de satisfacer las necesidades que el enfermo por sí mismo no puede cubrir, siendo ésta, una tarea no retribuida ni esperada, y convirtiéndose en una obligación moral el prestar asistencia continua en la vida del paciente. La convivencia con un familiar que padece una enfermedad mental implica un impacto para la familia y, especialmente, para el cuidador principal quien tiene que hacerse cargo de la persona y asumir la realización de tareas que exigen amor, dedicación, esfuerzo y disciplina para mantener el bienestar de su familiar enfermo. Tras esto, muchos cuidadores sufren problemas de salud, tales como ansiedad o depresión, pero a menudo no son conscientes de ello, pues el sufrimiento que padecen por satisfacer las necesidades del paciente es tan absorbente, que no son conscientes de la fragilidad de su situación