501 research outputs found


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    Первые данные по морским диатомовым Турции, основанные на материале, собранном в Мраморном море, были опубликованы С. Эренбергом в 1843 г. Бентосные морские диатомовые изучены намного слабее, по сравнению с пресноводными. Материалы для настоящего исследования собраны на одной станции в бухте Аклиман, Синоп, в декабре 2012 г. В результате работ, виды Achnanthes longiceps C. Agardh, Bacillaria socialis (Gregory) Ralfs, Berkeleya micans (Lyngbye) Grunow, Berkeleya obtusa (Greville) Grunow, Berkeleya sparsa Mizuna, Chamaepinnularia clamans (Hustedt) Witkowski, Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin, Cocconeis costata Gregory, Fallacia clepsidroides Witkowski, Fallacia florinae (M. Møller) Witkowski, Gomphonemopsis obscurum (Krasske) Lange-Bertalot, Grammatophora undulata Ehrenberg, Mastogloia pusilla var. subcapitata Hustedt, Mastogloia urveae Witkowski, Navicula germanopolonica Witkowski & Lange-Bertalot, Navicula parapontica Witkowski, Kulikovskiy, Nevrova & Lange-Bertalot, Navicula pavillardii Hustedt, Navicula subagnita Proshkina-Lavrenko, Neosynedra provincialis (Grunow) D.M. Williams & Round, Nitzschia prolongata Hustedt, Opephora guenter-grassii (Witkowski & Lange-Bertalot) Sabbe & Vyverman, Parlibellus berkeleyi (Kützing) E.J. Cox, Parlibellus calvus A. Witkowski, Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot и Planothidium depertidum (Giffen) Witkowski, Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin зарегистрированы как новые находки для диатомовой флоры Турции.The first study on marine diatoms in Turkey based on material collected from Marmara Sea was published by C. Ehrenberg in 1843. Regarding to benthic diatom studies, marine diatoms are understudy comparing to freshwater diatoms. In this study, the samples were collected from one station in Akliman Bay, Sinop in December 2012. As a result, Achnanthes longiceps C. Agardh, Bacillaria socialis (Gregory) Ralfs, Berkeleya micans (Lyngbye) Grunow, Berkeleya obtusa (Greville) Grunow, Berkeleya sparsa Mizuna, Chamaepinnularia clamans (Hustedt) Witkowski, Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin, Cocconeis costata Gregory, Fallacia clepsidroides Witkowski, Fallacia florinae (M. Møller) Witkowski, Gomphonemopsis obscurum (Krasske) Lange-Bertalot, Grammatophora undulata Ehrenberg, Mastogloia pusilla var. subcapitata Hustedt, Mastogloia urveae Witkowski, Navicula germanopolonica Witkowski & Lange-Bertalot, Navicula parapontica Witkowski, Kulikovskiy, Nevrova & Lange-Bertalot, Navicula pavillardii Hustedt, Navicula subagnita Proshkina-Lavrenko, Neosynedra provincialis (Grunow) D.M. Williams & Round, Nitzschia prolongata Hustedt, Opephora guenter-grassii (Witkowski & Lange-Bertalot) Sabbe & Vyverman, Parlibellus berkeleyi (Kützing) E.J. Cox, Parlibellus calvus A.Witkowski, Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot and Planothidium depertidum (Giffen) Witkowski, Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin were “new record” status for Turkish Diatom Flora

    Composition, morphology and pasting properties of Orchis anatolica tuber gum

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    Orchis anatolica (O. anatolica) tuber is commonly used in the production of Salep gum or O. anatolica tuber gum (OaG) for use as a thickener, flavouring agent, gelling agent, film former and emulsifier in the food industry. The aim of this study was to investigate the chemical composition, physical, morphological and pasting properties of OaG. Physical and morphological analyses, and pasting properties of OaG were analysed using static light scattering, scanning electron microscopy, light microscopy and rotational rheometry, respectively. Volume-weighted mean particle diameter (D [4,3]) value of OaG was 180 ± 1.25 μm. OaG was composed mainly of starch (41.6%), dietary fiber (32.3%) and glucomannan (18.5%). The powder of OaG had irregular shaped particles with smooth surfaces and round edges. After pasting treatment, the initial and final viscosity values of the OaG dispersions at a concentration of 0.5% OaG were 33.7 ± 0.24 and 34.3 ± 0.45 mPa.s, whereas, the corresponding values at a concentration of 2.5% OaG were 1193 ± 92.0 and 1437 ± 83.3 mPa.s, respectively. The glucomannan and dietary fiber components and their possible interactions with starch, in OaG appear to have influenced the peak temperature and viscosity on pasting, due to limitation of the leaching of amylose and amylopectin from starch granules. Therefore, O. anatolica tuber gum, a complex biopolymer, can provide interesting and unique functionality to the food industry in the development of novel food structures

    Multidetector computed tomography findings of an asymptomatic levoatrial cardinal vein with an interatrial course

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    A 57-year-old female patient with a family history of coronary artery diseaseadmitted to our hospital for the coronary check-up. A coronary angiographywas performed with ECG-gated 128 slice dual source computed tomography.Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) showed, in addition to the normalcoronary arteries, a persistent levoatrial cardinal vein (LCV) draining into vena cavasuperior. ECG-gated cardiac MDCT is a useful tool showing the origin, course, anddrainage site of LCV

    A Review on Plasma Gasification of Biomass and Conversion to Jet Fuel

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    Aviation sector is growing rapidly. Several organisations have determined targets to decrease GHG emissions in aviation by replacing fossil fuels with renewable bio-jet fuels. To meet these targets, the most suitable pathway is waste/biomass to jet fuel conversion. In this review, plasma gasification of waste/biomass is investigated. Then, three alternative conversion methods from syngas to jet biofuel which are state of the art or beyond, are briefly examined. When comparing the overall energy efficiencies of the three conversion methods, the values are determined to be 45% for Fischer-Tropsch (FT), 57% for gas fermentation (GF) and up to 67% for syngas to gasoline plus (STG+). FT and GF methods have a technology readiness level near to pre-commercialization.  But, among the three methods, STG+ is evaluated to be the most appropriate and simple process in all scales except the technology readiness level. Further studies are needed to maturate the STG+ technology to commercialization. Keywords: waste, biomass, plasma gasification, bio-jet fuel, advanced biofuel, next generation biofuel technologie

    Design and implementation of a spelling checker for Turkish

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    This paper presents the design and implementation of a spelling checker for Turkish. Turkish is an agglutinative language in which words are formed by affixing a sequence of morphemes to a root word. Parsing agglutinative word structures has attracted relatively little attention except for application areas for general purpose morphological processors. Parsing words in such languages even for spelling checking purposes requires substantial morphological and morphophonemic analysis techniques, and spelling correction (not addressed in this paper) is significantly more complicated. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of a morphological root-driven parser for Turkish word structures which has been incorporated into a spelling checking kernel for on-line Turkish text. The agglutinative nature of the language complex word formations, various phonetic harmony rules, and subtle exceptions present certain difficulties not usually encountered in the spelling checking of languages like English and make this a very challenging problem. © 1993 Oxford University Press

    Application of pectin-alginate and pectin-alginate-laurolyl arginate ethyl coatings to eliminate Salmonella enteritidis cross contamination in egg shells

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    This study highlights the potential application of pectin‐alginate blend (PA) and pectin‐alginate‐LAE blend (PAL) coatings to eliminate Salmonella enteriditis 10,118 cross‐contamination without changing the shelf‐life of fresh eggs and their physico‐chemical properties during storage at 7 °C for 42 days. Egg shells were dipped in a solution of Salmonella enteritidis 10,118 with a concentration of 7 x 106 cfu/ml to assess Salmonella cross‐contamination. PA and PAL coatings did not have a significant effect on shelf‐life based on physico‐chemical properties. The egg shells treated with PA and PAL coatings had a significantly lower microbial population compared to the uncoated egg shells. PA and PAL coatings effectively inhibited the growth of Salmonella after 1 and 7 days of storage, respectively. In addition, no outgrowth was observed up to 42 days

    Characterization of a benzoic acid modified glassy carbon electrode expressed quantitatively by new statistical parameters

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    The main aim of this study is to characterize the nanosurface of the benzoic acid modified glassy carbon (GC) electrode by using a new statistical approach. In this study, the electrode surfaces were modified by cyclic voltametry in the potential range of +0.4 and -0.8 V at a scan rate 200 mV s-1 for four cycles versus Ag/Ag+ electrode in acetonitrile containing 0.1 M tetrabutylammonium tetraflouroborate (TBATFB). FT-IR spectra of the surface modifier molecules in both solid (GC and nanofilm (GC-benzoic acid)) forms were recorded in the spectral range 600-4000 cm-1. The FT-IR spectra of p-aminobenzoic acid were obtained by using KBr pellets. The above FT-IR spectra of both GC and its nanofilm with benzoic acid were processed by new statistical approach to reach optimal smoothing trend for the characterization of the modified electrode surface consisting of the nanofilm of GC-benzoic acid. In the frame of new statistical approach all measured spectra have been 'read' in terms of a set of universal statistical parameters. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Analysis of the effect of potential cycles on the reflective infrared signals of nitro groups in nanofilms: Application of the fractional moments statistics

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    The effect of the potential cycles on the reflective IR signals of nitro-groups in nanofilms was studied for the statistical characterization of nitrobenzene (NB) and nitroazobenzene (NAB)-modified glassy carbon (GC) surfaces. Both NB and NAB nanofilms were obtained by the electrochemical reduction of the diazonium tetrafluoroborate salts in acetonitrile using cyclic voltammetry (CV). The modified surfaces were denoted as GC-(NB)n and GC-(NAB)n, respectively, where n indicates the number of CV cycles performed during modification. Reflective IR signals of the normalized NB and NAB nanofilms and GC were used for the quantitative evaluation of the effect of the potential cycles on the reflective IR signals of nitro-groups in nanofilms. The detection and quantitative reading of the influence of number of CV cycles were realized in the frame of a new error controllable approach that was applied for analysis of all available set of data. This approach includes in itself the following basic steps: (a) the procedure of the division (normalization) on the GC spectra, (b) the comparison of the smoothed spectra for their statistical proximity in the frame of the statistics of the fractional moments, (c) extraction of possible calibration parameters for possible calibration of the normalized spectra with respect to the number of CV cycles. These three basic steps are becoming effective for detection of the influence of some external factors. In our case it is important to detect the influence of the factor n characterizing CV cycles

    Analysis of a nanofilm of the mercaptophenyl diazonium modified gold electrode within new statistical parameters

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    The main aim of this study is to characterize the nanosurface of the mercaptophenyl diazonium modified gold (Au) surface by a new statistical approach. In this study the gold electrode surfaces were self-assembled in ethyl alcohol by 1.0 mM mercaptophenyl diazonium. FT-IR spectra of the surface modifier molecules in both solid and nanofilm of mercaptophenyl diazonium (MCP-Au) forms were recorded in the spectral range of 600-4,000 cm-1. The FT-IR spectra of solid mercaptophenyl diazonium tetrafluoroborate salt were obtained by using KBr pellets. The above FT-IR spectra of both bare Au and its nanofilm of mercaptophenyl diazonium were processed by new statistical approach to reach optimal smoothing trend for the characterization of the modified electrode surface consisting of the nanofilm of gold-mercaptophenyl diazonium. In the frame of new statistical approach all measured spectra have been 'read' in terms of a set of universal statistical parameters. These new parameters help to establish the statistical proximity of the smoothed spectra compared and give a possibility to classify the measured spectra in accordance with new set of statistical and robust quantitative values. Besides, there is a possibility to receive the relative fluctuations and the smoothed spectra of the second order. So, thanks to new approach we do not loose any measured information: the smoothed spectra and accompanied them noise (relative fluctuations) can be analyzed separately for detection of possible influence of predominant external factors that can be essential for this type of measurements. Copyright © 2010 American Scientific Publishers All rights reserved