170 research outputs found

    Instrumentation System for Thermal analysis of Electro-Explosive Devices.

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    A constant current pulser, with adjustable pulse width and current, is designed to evaluate thermal characteristics of electro-explosive devices (EED). The thermal response in voltage/time profile is digitised and recorded on a PC. A software for the analysis of this data has been developed. It computes the heat loss coefficient (Lambda), thermal capacity (Co) and thermal time constant (of the system. These parameters are used for the prediction of the performance EEDs during development stage and also in quality control. A computerised system developed for this purpose is also described in detail

    A simulation scenario based mixed integer programming approach to airline reserve crew scheduling under uncertainty

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    The environment in which airlines operate is uncertain for many reasons, for example due to the effects of weather, traffic or crew unavailability (due to delay or sickness). This work focuses on airline reserve crew scheduling under crew absence uncertainty and delay for an airline operating a single hub and spoke network. Reserve crew can be used to cover absent crew or delayed connecting crew. A fixed number of reserve crew are available for scheduling and each requires a daily standby duty start time. This work proposes a mixed integer programming approach to scheduling the airline’s reserve crew. A simulation of the airline’s operations with stochastic journey time and crew absence inputs (without reserve crew) is used to generate input disruption scenarios for the mixed integer programming simulation scenario model (MIPSSM) formulation. Each disruption scenario corresponds to a record of all of the disruptions that may occur on the day of operation which are solvable by using reserve crew. A set of disruption scenarios form the input of the MIPSSM formulation, which has the objective of finding the reserve crew schedule that minimises the overall level of disruption over the set of input scenarios. Additionally, modifications of the MIPSSM are explored, a heuristic solution approach and a reserve use policy derived from the MIPSSM are introduced. A heuristic based on the proposed MIPSSM outperforms a range of alternative approaches. The heuristic solution approach suggests that including the right disruption scenarios is as important as the quantity of disruption scenarios that are added to the MIPSSM. An investigation into what makes a good set of scenarios is also presented

    A theory of regular MSC languages

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    Message sequence charts (MSCs) are an attractive visual formalism widely used to capture system requirements during the early design stages in domains such as telecommunication software. It is fruitful to have mechanisms for specifying and reasoning about collections of MSCs so that errors can be detected even at the requirements level. We propose, accordingly, a notion of regularity for collections of MSCs and explore its basic properties. In particular, we provide an automata-theoretic characterization of regular MSC languages in terms of finite-state distributed automata called bounded message-passing automata. These automata consist of a set of sequential processes that communicate with each other by sending and receiving messages over bounded FIFO channels. We also provide a logical characterization in terms of a natural monadic second-order logic interpreted over MSCs. A commonly used technique to generate a collection of MSCs is to use a hierarchical message sequence chart (HMSC). We show that the class of languages arising from the so-called bounded HMSCs constitute a proper subclass of the class of regular MSC languages. In fact, we characterize the bounded HMSC languages as the subclass of regular MSC languages that are finitely generated

    Detonating Cord for Flux Compression Generation using Electrical Detonator No. 33

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    The paper highlights the use of electrical detonators for magnetic flux compression generator applications which requires synchronisation of two events with precise time delay of tens of ms and jitter within a few ms. These requirements are generally achieved by exploding bridge wire type detonators which are difficult to develop and are not commercially available. A technique has been developed using commercially available electrical detonator no. 33 to synchronise between peak of seed current in stator coil and detonation of explosive charge in armature. In present experiments, electrical signal generated by self-shorting pin due to bursting of electrical detonator has been used to trigger the capacitor discharge and the detonating cord of known length has been used to incorporate predetermined delay to synchronise the events. It has been demonstrated that using electrical detonator and known length of detonating cord, the two events can be synchronised with predetermined delay between 31 and 251 ms with variation of ± 0.5ms. The technique developed is suitable for defence applications like generation of high power microwaves using explosive driven magnetic flux compression generators.Defence Science Journal, 2011, 61(1), pp.19-24, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.61.3

    Phycobilisome’s exciton transfer efficiency relies on an energetic funnel driven by chromophore–linker protein interactions

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    The phycobilisome is the primary light-harvesting antenna in cyanobacterial and red algal oxygenic photosynthesis. It maintains near-unity efficiency of energy transfer to reaction centers despite relying on slow exciton hopping along a relatively sparse network of highly fluorescent phycobilin chromophores. How the complex maintains this high efficiency remains unexplained. Using a two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy polarization scheme that enhances energy transfer features, we directly watch energy flow in the phycobilisome complex of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 from the outer phycocyanin rods to the allophycocyanin core. The observed downhill flow of energy, previously hidden within congested spectra, is faster than timescales predicted by Förster hopping along single rod chromophores. We attribute the fast, 8 ps energy transfer to interactions between rod-core linker proteins and terminal rod chromophores, which facilitate unidirectionally downhill energy flow to the core. This mechanism drives the high energy transfer efficiency in the phycobilisome and suggests that linker protein-chromophore interactions have likely evolved to shape its energetic landscape

    Chimeric Oncolytic Adenovirus Evades Neutralizing Antibodies From Human Patients and Exhibits Enhanced Anti-Glioma Efficacy in Immunized Mice

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    Oncolytic viruses are a promising treatment for patients with high-grade gliomas, but neutralizing antibodies can limit their efficacy in patients with prior virus exposure or upon repeated virus injections. Data from a previous clinical trial using the oncolytic adenovirus Delta-24-RGD showed that generation of anti-viral neutralizing antibodies may affect the long-term survival of glioma patients. Past studies have examined the effects of neutralizing antibodies during systemic virus injections, but largely overlooked their impact during local virus injections into the brain. We found that immunoglobulins colocalized with viral proteins upon local oncolytic virotherapy of brain tumors, warranting a strategy to prevent virus neutralization and maximize oncolysis. Thus, we generated a chimeric virus, Delta-24-RGD-H43m, by replacing the capsid protein HVRs from the serotype 5-based Delta-24-RGD with those from the rare serotype 43. Delta-24-RGD-H43m evaded neutralizing anti-Ad5 antibodies and conferred a higher rate of long-term survival than Delta-24-RGD in glioma-bearing mice. Importantly, Delta-24-RGD-H43m activity was significantly more resistant to neutralizing antibodies present in sera of glioma patients treated with Delta-24-RGD during a phase 1 clinical trial. These findings provide a framework for a novel treatment of glioma patients that have developed immunity against Delta-24-RGD
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