1,069 research outputs found

    Effect of tangential traction and roughness on crack initiation/propagation during rolling contact

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    Rolling fatigue tests of 0.45 percent carbon steel rollers were carried out using a four roller type rolling contact fatigue tester. Tangential traction and surface roughness of the harder mating rollers were varied and their effect was studied. The results indicate that the fatigue life decreases when fraction is applied in the same direction as that of rolling. When the direction of fraction is reversed, the life increases over that obtained with zero traction. The roughness of harder mating roller also has a marked influence on life. The smoother the mating roller, the longer the life. Microscopic observation of specimens revealed that the initiation of cracks during the early stages of life is more strongly influenced by the surface roughness, while the propagation of these cracks in the latter stages is affected mainly by the tangential traction

    Hawking Radiation from Fluctuating Black Holes

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    Classically, black Holes have the rigid event horizon. However, quantum mechanically, the event horizon of black holes becomes fuzzy due to quantum fluctuations. We study Hawking radiation of a real scalar field from a fluctuating black hole. To quantize metric perturbations, we derive the quadratic action for those in the black hole background. Then, we calculate the cubic interaction terms in the action for the scalar field. Using these results, we obtain the spectrum of Hawking radiation in the presence of interaction between the scalar field and the metric. It turns out that the spectrum deviates from the Planck spectrum due to quantum fluctuations of the metric.Comment: 35pages, 4 figure


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    Lorentz Violating Inflation

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    We explore the impact of Lorentz violation on the inflationary scenario. More precisely, we study the inflationary scenario in the scalar-vector-tensor theory where the vector is constrained to be unit and time like. It turns out that the Lorentz violating vector affects the dynamics of the chaotic inflationary model and divides the inflationary stage into two parts; the Lorentz violating stage and the standard slow roll stage. We show that the universe is expanding as an exact de Sitter spacetime in the Lorentz violating stage although the inflaton field is rolling down the potential. Much more interestingly, we find exact Lorentz violating inflationary solutions in the absence of the inflaton potential. In this case, the inflation is completely associated with the Lorentz violation. We also mention some consequences of Lorentz violating inflation which can be tested by observations.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Electric Polarization Induced by a Proper Helical Magnetic Ordering in a Delafossite Multiferroic CuFe1-xAlxO2

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    Multiferroic CuFe1-xAlxO2 (x=0.02) exhibits a ferroelectric ordering accompanied by a proper helical magnetic ordering below T=7K under zero magnetic field. By polarized neutron diffraction and pyroelectric measurements, we have revealed a one-to-one correspondence between the spin helicity and the direction of the spontaneous electric polarization. This result indicates that the spin helicity of the proper helical magnetic ordering is essential for the ferroelectricity in CuFe1-xAlxO2. The induction of the electric polarization by the proper helical magnetic ordering is, however, cannot be explained by the Katsura-Nagaosa-Balatsky model, which successfully explains the ferroelectricity in the recently explored ferroelectric helimagnets, such as TbMnO3. We thus conclude that CuFe1-xAlxO2 is a new class of magnetic ferroelectrics.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Angle-dependent magnetoresistance in the weakly incoherent interlayer transport regime

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    We present comparative studies of the orientation effect of a strong magnetic field on the interlayer resistance of α\alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2_2KHg(SCN)4_4 samples characterized by different crystal quality. We find striking differences in their behavior which is attributed to the breakdown of the coherent charge transport across the layers in the lower quality sample. In the latter case, the nonoscillating magnetoresistance background is essentially a function of only the out-of-plane field component, in contradiction to the existing theory.Comment: 4 pges, 3 figure

    Transport and Magnetic Studies on the Spin State Transition of Pr1-xCaxCoO3 up to High Pressure

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    Transport and magnetic measurements and structural and NMR studies have been carried out on (Pr1-yR'y)1-xAxCoO3 {R'=(rare earth elements and Y); A=(Ca, Ba and Sr)} at ambient pressure or under high pressure. The system exhibits a phase transition from a nearly metallic to an insulating state with decreasing temperature T, where the low spin (LS) state of Co3+ is suddenly stabilized. For y=0, we have constructed a T-x phase diagram at various values of the external pressure p. It shows that the (T, x) region of the low temperature phase, which is confined to a very narrow region around x=0.5 at ambient pressure, expands as p increases, suggesting that the transition is not due to an order-disorder type one. For the occurrence of the transition, both the Pr and Ca atoms seem to be necessary. The intimate relationship between the local structure around the Co ions and the electronic (or spin) state of Co3+ ions is discussed: For the smaller unit cell volume or the smaller volume of the CoO6 octahedra and for the larger tilting angle of the octahedra, the temperature of the transition becomes higher. The role of the carriers introduced by the doping of the A atoms, is also discussed. By analyzing the data of 59Co-NMR spectra and magnetic susceptibilities of Pr1-xCaxCoO3 the energy separations among the different spin states of Co3+ and Co4+ are roughly estimated.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, 2 tables, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Building A High Performance Parallel File System Using Grid Datafarm and ROOT I/O

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    Sheer amount of petabyte scale data foreseen in the LHC experiments require a careful consideration of the persistency design and the system design in the world-wide distributed computing. Event parallelism of the HENP data analysis enables us to take maximum advantage of the high performance cluster computing and networking when we keep the parallelism both in the data processing phase, in the data management phase, and in the data transfer phase. A modular architecture of FADS/ Goofy, a versatile detector simulation framework for Geant4, enables an easy choice of plug-in facilities for persistency technologies such as Objectivity/DB and ROOT I/O. The framework is designed to work naturally with the parallel file system of Grid Datafarm (Gfarm). FADS/Goofy is proven to generate 10^6 Geant4-simulated Atlas Mockup events using a 512 CPU PC cluster. The data in ROOT I/O files is replicated using Gfarm file system. The histogram information is collected from the distributed ROOT files. During the data replication it has been demonstrated to achieve more than 2.3 Gbps data transfer rate between the PC clusters over seven participating PC clusters in the United States and in Japan.Comment: Talk from the 2003 Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP03), La Jolla, Ca, USA, March 2003, 4 pages, PDF. PSN TUDT01

    Anisotropic Inflation with Non-Abelian Gauge Kinetic Function

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    We study an anisotropic inflation model with a gauge kinetic function for a non-abelian gauge field. We find that, in contrast to abelian models, the anisotropy can be either a prolate or an oblate type, which could lead to a different prediction from abelian models for the statistical anisotropy in the power spectrum of cosmological fluctuations. During a reheating phase, we find chaotic behaviour of the non-abelian gauge field which is caused by the nonlinear self-coupling of the gauge field. We compute a Lyapunov exponent of the chaos which turns out to be uncorrelated with the anisotropy.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Radion and Holographic Brane Gravity

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    The low energy effective theory for the Randall-Sundrum two brane system is investigated with an emphasis on the role of the non-linear radion in the brane world. The equations of motion in the bulk is solved using a low energy expansion method. This allows us, through the junction conditions, to deduce the effective equations of motion for the gravity on the brane. It is shown that the gravity on the brane world is described by a quasi-scalar-tensor theory with a specific coupling function omega(Psi) = 3 Psi / 2(1-Psi) on the positive tension brane and omega(Phi) = -3 Phi / 2(1+Phi) on the negative tension brane, where Psi and Phi are non-linear realizations of the radion on the positive and negative tension branes, respectively. In contrast to the usual scalar-tensor gravity, the quasi-scalar-tensor gravity couples with two kinds of matter, namely, the matters on both positive and negative tension branes, with different effective gravitational coupling constants. In particular, the radion disguised as the scalar fields Psi and Phi couples with the sum of the traces of the energy momentum tensor on both branes. In the course of the derivation, it has been revealed that the radion plays an essential role to convert the non-local Einstein gravity with the generalized dark radiation to the local quasi-scalar-tensor gravity. For completeness, we also derive the effective action for our theory by substituting the bulk solution into the original action. It is also shown that the quasi-scalar-tensor gravity works as holograms at the low energy in the sense that the bulk geometry can be reconstructed from the solution of the quasi-scalar-tensor gravity.Comment: Revtex4, 18 pages, revised version, conclusions unchanged, references adde