289 research outputs found

    Localization and composition of seed oils of Crithmum maritimum L. (Apiaceae)

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    The use of some halophytes for rehabilitation of salt affected area has been reported. Crithmum maritimum L. halophyte and apiaceae can tolerate high levels of salt. Their seed was endospermic and had a suitable size for oil extraction. The aim of this report is to localize the lipids in the seed and determine their oils composition. The results showed that the lipids were accumulated in endosperm tissue as oil globoids. The percentage of oils was 44.4% dry weight basis. The C. maritimum L. seed oil was rich with oleic acid (78.6%), low level of palmitic acid (4.8%) and non negligible amount of linoleic acid (15.4%). This composition is similar to olive oil and canola oil. These results confirmed the good quality of C. maritimum L. seed oils.Keys word: Halophytes; Crithmum maritimum L.; seed oils

    Dynamic estimation of bank-propeller interaction effect on ship maneuvering using CFD method coupled to 6DOF algorithm

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    This paper presents a numerical investigation of ship maneuvering under the combined effect of the bank and propeller. The incompressible turbulent flow with free surface around the self-propelled hull form is simulated using a commercial CFD software (Fluent). In order to estimate the dynamic effect of bank and propeller, the CFD model with the dynamic mesh setting is coupled to the 6DOF module to compute the ship motion due to hydrodynamic forces. The numerical simulations are carried using the equivalent experiment conditions. The validation of the CFD model is performed by comparing the numerical results to the experimental data

    Etude du lac collinaire de Sadine 1 : installations et premiers résultats

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    Rapport d'installation des 2 premiers enregistreurs pluviométrique et limnimétrique susceptibles d'être équipés d'émetteur ARGOS et de permettre une télétransmission des données. Ces 2 appareils ont été installés sur un lac collinaire de la région de Maktar. Définition des termes du bilan hydrologique en matière de retenue artificielle. Présentation de quelques résultats. (Résumé d'auteur

    Anatomy of the fruit of the halophyte Crithmum maritimum L. with emphasis on the endosperm structure and histochemistry

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    The halophytes are plants that can survive and reproduce under high salinity. They show high potentiality as new crops plant for biosaline agriculture. Crithmum maritimum L. (Apiaceae) is one of the promising halophytes. In this paper, the endosperm structure of the fruit of this oilseeds halophyte was investigated using scanning electrons microscopy (SEM), light microscopy (LM) and fluorescence microscopy (FM). The fruit was composed of a spongy outer coat, a secretory envelope, a thin endocarp reduced to a unicellular layer delimiting the endosperm and an embryo. The endosperm cell appeared limited by thick cell wall and filled with numerous reserve globoids. The histochemical test showed that the cell wall of the endosperm was rich of carbohydrates as revealed by PAS (periodic acid-schiffs). Within the endosperm cells, there were mainly lipid bodies and protein bodies. The starch grains were less abundant. The protein bodies enclose crystal globoids. The x-ray microanalysis revealed that the reserve globoids accumulated mostly Mg, K, Ca, S and P. Taken together, these results highlight the structural features, the biochemical composition and confirm the nutritional quality of C. maritimum L. fruit.Keys words: C. maritimum L., crystal globoids, the endosperm cells, histochemical test, protein bodies, x-ray microanalysis

    Permeability and tensile strength of concrete with Arabic gum biopolymer

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    The use of materials of vegetal origin is increasingly being promoted in many industries due to their cost effectiveness and the rising sensitivity to environmental protection and sustainability. Arabic Gum Biopolymer (AGB) is a wild plant byproduct that is abundantly found in Sudan and is also produced in other African countries. It has long been used in various industries. However, its utilization is very limited in the construction sector although there appears to be a significant potential for use of AGB in the building industry. As an example, there is evidence that AGB may be an effective additive to concrete mixes that would improve fresh and hardened concrete properties. The aim of the present work is to provide further experimental evidence on the improvement that can be achieved in the physical and mechanical properties of hardened concrete when AGB is added to the mixture. The experimental results show a significant reduction in permeability for an optimum percentage of AGB and an increase in flexural and tensile strength and in the elastic modulus

    Permeability and tensile strength of concrete with Arabic gum biopolymer

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    The use of materials of vegetal origin is increasingly being promoted in many industries due to their cost effectiveness and the rising sensitivity to environmental protection and sustainability. Arabic Gum Biopolymer (AGB) is a wild plant byproduct that is abundantly found in Sudan and is also produced in other African countries. It has long been used in various industries. However, its utilization is very limited in the construction sector although there appears to be a significant potential for use of AGB in the building industry. As an example, there is evidence that AGB may be an effective additive to concrete mixes that would improve fresh and hardened concrete properties. The aim of the present work is to provide further experimental evidence on the improvement that can be achieved in the physical and mechanical properties of hardened concrete when AGB is added to the mixture. The experimental results show a significant reduction in permeability for an optimum percentage of AGB and an increase in flexural and tensile strength and in the elastic modulus

    Photosynthetic responses to salinity in two obligate halophytes: Sesuvium portulacastrum and Tecticornia indica

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    Abstract Seedlings of the obligate halophytes Sesuvium portulacastrum L. and Tecticornia indica (Willd.) subsp. indica were grown with 0, 200, or 400 mM NaCl for 13 weeks to investigate whether salt tolerance was related to maintenance of adequate photosynthetic activity and pigment equipment. Both species showed growth optimum at 200 mM NaCl and better tissue hydration under salinity but different photosynthetic response to salinity. CO2 assimilation rate and stomatal conductance of S. portulacastrum were highest at 200 mM NaCl, while in T. indica they decreased with salinity. Pigment content increased under salinity in both species. The de-epoxidation state in S. portulacastrum suggests the need for energy dissipation at 400 mM NaCl, while its salt-induced decline in T. indica, despite the reduced photochemistry, suggests the involvement of adaptive mechanisms other than the xanthophyll cycle

    An efficient implicit direct forcing immersed boundary method for incompressible flows

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    International audienceA novel efficient implicit direct forcing immersed boundary method for incompressible flows with complex boundaries is presented. In the previous work [1], the calculation is performed on the Cartesian grid regardless of the immersed object, with a fictitious force evaluated on the Lagrangian points to mimic the presence of the physical boundaries. However the explicit direct forcing method [1] fails to accurately impose the non-slip boundary condition on the immersed interface. In the present work, the calculation is based on the implicit treatment of the artificial force while in an effective way of system iteration. The accuracy is also improved by solving the Navier-Stokes equation with the rotational incremental pressure- correction projection method of Guermond and Shen [2]. Numerical simulations performed with the proposed method are in good agreement with those in the literature

    Traitement des diplegies laryngees en fermeture: Apport du laser

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    Introduction: Les diplegies laryngees en fermeture sont rares et mal tolerees par les patients. Leur prise en charge therapeutique a connu de nombreuses avancees au cours des dernieres annees. Le but de ce travail est dfetudier la place du laser dans leur prise en charge.Malades et methodes : Notre etude est retrospective a propos de six patients porteurs de diplegie laryngee en fermeture. Lfage moyen etait de 46 ans (16 et 70 ans). Lfetiologie etait une intubation prolongee ou traumatique dans 3 cas, post thyroidectomie totale dans deux autres cas et idiopathique dans 1 cas. Le traitement a consiste en une tracheotomie en urgence dans 5 cas. Tous les patients ont beneficie dans un secondtemps dfun traitement au laser apres 9 mois de surveillance.Resultats : La cordectomie posterieure a ete realisee en premier temps dans 4 cas. Elle etait bilaterale en deux temps dans 2 cas et unilaterale dans 2 cas. Une aryteno.dectomie initiale a ete realisee pour les deux autres patients. Une revision chirurgicale a consiste en une arytenoidectomie dans 2 cas et une cordotomie partielle posterieure controlaterale dans un cas. La decanulation etait bien toleree pour 4 patients. Un seul malade a garde une gene respiratoire sans veritabledyspnee avec une canule parlante fermee et la decanulation a ete refusee. Une voix satisfaisante a ete obtenue pour tous les malades. Des fausses route transitoires ont ete note dans 2 cas.Discussion : Actuellement, le traitement endoscopique au laser constitue le traitement de choix dans la diplegie laryngee et doit etre propose en premiere intension. Deux techniques principales sont decrites :  lfaryteno.dectomie au laser type Ossof et la cordectomie posterieure transverse de kashima. plusieurs series ont defendu chacune des deux techniques. Notre serie a montre que les deux techniques peuvent etre associees pour donner de meilleurs resultats.Mots cles : diplegie laryngee, Laser, aryteno.dectomie, cordectomie posterieure

    Synthesis, spectroscopic, structural and thermal characterizations of [(C7H6NO4)2TeBr6·4H2O]

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    AbstractTellurium (IV) complexes with pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate ligand were synthesized by slow evaporation from aqueous solutions yielding a new compound: [(C7H6NO4)2TeBr6·4H2O]. The structure of this compound was solved and refined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The compound is centrosymmetric P21/c (N°: 14) with the parameters a=8.875(5)Å, b=15.174(5)Å, c=10.199(5)Å, β=94.271° (5) and Z=2. The structure consists of isolated H2O, isolated [TeBr6]2− octahedral anions and (pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate) [C7H6NO4]+ cations. The stability of the structure was ensured by ionic and hydrogen bonding contacts (N–H⋯Br and O–H⋯Br) and Van-Der Walls interaction. The thermal decomposition of the compound was studied by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The FTIR and Raman spectroscopy at different temperatures confirm the existence of vibrational modes that correspond to the organic, inorganic and water molecular groups. Additionally, the UV–Vis diffuse reflectance spectrum was recorded in order to investigate the band gap nature. The measurements show that this compound exhibits a semiconducting behavior with an optical band gap of 2.66eV