16 research outputs found


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    In order to design the by-pass road of the city of Omiš which will partially he founded on the landslide Mlija and for the safety of foundations of houses, detail subsurface exploration especially engineering-geological surveys, geophysical surveys, boring and laboratory tests of the sliding material were conducted. Obtained results are presented in this paper. Due to numerous damages of roads, walls and houses built in the area of Mlija and Borak, the possibility of construction in the area was discussed and the foundation method proposed. In order to obtain an overview of circumstances, constant monitoring of variations of the water table level and velocity of the moving material has been proposed.Za potrebe projektiranja obilaznice Omiša koja će dijelom biti temeljena na klizištu Mlija te za sigurna temeljenja obiteljskih kuća na toj padini, provedena su detaljna istraživanja, posebice inženjersko-geološko kartiranje, geofizička istraživanja, istraživačko bušenje i laboratorijska ispitivanja materijala koji klizi, U ovom radu prikazani su postignuti rezultati, a zbog brojnih oštećenja na prometnicama, zidovima i stambenim zgradama izvedenim na području Mlija i Borak, raspravljena je mogućnost gradnje na odnosnom terenu s prijedlogom načina temeljenja. Uz to, za dobivanje cjelovite slike stanja, predloženo je stalno praćenje kolebanja razine podzemne vode i brzine kretanja materijala

    Engineering Geological Research of Flysch in the Eastern Housing Developments in Split

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    Opisuju se rezultati inženjerskogeoloških istraživanja za potrebe građenja u naslagama eocenskog fliša. Naznačene su osnovne litostratigrafske, tektonske, inženjerskogeološke i hidrogeološke značajke istraženih područja. Izdvojene su zone različitih inženjerskogeoloških karakteristika sa stanovišta stabilnosti u prirodnim uvjetima i u uvjetima inženjerskih radova.This paper present the results of engineering geological research carried out for the construction in the eocene flysch layer of the housing settlements in the eastern part of Split, Yugoslavia. They are marked on the basis of lithostratigraphical, tectonic, engineering geological and hydrogeological characteristics of the researched areas. The separate engineering geological zones have been distinguished under the natural and building conditions


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    The paper deals with engineering geological characteristics of karst (karstified) terrain, with problems caused by the presence of caverns and small caves with thin vaults, and the possibilities and methods of studying such phenomena. The paper also presents a possible method of solving the interaction between underground caves located immediately below the surface and the construction of roads by applying the finite elements method, with the solution illustrated by an actual example. In addition, the second example presents a solution for the road location and its basic structure above the cave in the slope of the road cut.Opisane su inženjersko-geološke značajke okršenih terena, problemi koji nastaju zbog pojave kaverni i manjih špilja s tankim svodom, te mogućnosti i metode istraživanja takvih pojava. Prikazan je mogući način rješavanja međusobnih utjecaja špilja neposredno ispod površine i konstrukcije ceste metodom konačnih elemenata, te rješenje na jednom konkretnom primjeru. Uz to, na drugom primjeru je prikazano rješenje prolaza trase i njene temeljne konstrukcije iznad špilje u boku zasjeka trase


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    The suggested methodology includes an approach to investigations which has the objective of obtaining all relevant data on the environment through which the road corridor is planned. This implies an integrated approach to the programming and the implementation of investigation works which, however, cannot be applied to all cases. Frequent changes which ure encountered over small distances in the karst and flysch terrains can be studied simultaneously since these layers are generally in contact in the coastal regions in Croatia. The paper presents an efficient methodofogy applied to investigation works planned according to types of structures and phases of the road planning. The preliminary design phase should include all planned investigation works in order to solve thc number of problems relevant to the final design phase and to the conditions and possibilities of road construction. The paper also stresses the necessity of precisely defining the lithostlratigraphical and tectonic features as a prerequisite for planning the scope and quantity of investigation works and for proper interpretation of all engineering-geological and hydrogeological relations.Predložena metodologija sadrži pristup istraživanjima koja teže postizanju svih relevantnih spoznaja o prirodnom okolišu u kojem se neka prometnica planira izvesti. To osigurava osnovu za jedinstveni pristup programiranju i izvođenju istraživačkih radova, ali bez pretenzija na univerzalnost. Prikazan je način funkcionalnog povezivanja istraživačkih radova u zavisnosti o objektima i fazi projektiranja prometnice. Predviđeno je da se u fazi istraživanja za idejni projekt obave svi programirani istraživački radovi u cijelosti, kako bi se odgovorilo na što veći broj pitanja nužnih za cjelovitost izradbe izvedbenog projekta, ali i o uvjetima i mogućnostima izvedbe prometnice. Naglašena je prvenstvena potreba cjelovitog definiranja litostratigrafskih i tektonskih odnosa kao temeljnog preduvjeta za inženjerskogeološka i hidrogeološka istraživanja u procesu projektiranja i izgradnje cesta u okršenim vapnenastim i klasitičnim (flišnim) terenima južne Hrvatske


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    Assuming the necessity of analysis, diagnosis and preservation of existing valuable stone masonry structures and ancient monuments in today European urban cores, numerical modelling become an efficient tool for the structural behaviour investigation. It should be supported by experimentally found input data and taken as a part of general combined approach, particularly non-destructive techniques on the structure/model within it. For the structures or their detail which may require more complex analyses three numerical models based upon finite elements technique are suggested: (1) standard linear model; (2) linear model with contact (interface) elements; and (3) non-linear elasto-plastic and orthotropic model. The applicability of these models depend upon the accuracy of the approach or type of the problem, and will be presented on some characteristic samples.Uz pretpostavku uvažavanja potrebe za analizom, utvrđivanjem zatečenog i projektiranog stanja, te očuvanjem postojećih vrijednih kamenih (i/ili) zidanih konstrukcija i povijesnih građevina u današnjim urbanim jezgrama europskih gradova, numeričko se modeliranje pojavljuje kao učinkovit suvremen »alat« za praćenje stanja konstrukcije. Pri tome bi ulazne podatke trebalo određivati eksperimentalnim putem, a samu numeričku analizu promatrati kao segment u ukupnom kombiniranom i interdisciplinarnom pristupu, posebice kao jednu od nedeslruktivnih metoda ispitivanja na konstrukciji/modelu. Za one konstrukcije ili njihove dijelove koji mogu zahtijevati detaljniju analizu predlaže se uporaba triju numeričkih modela po tehnici konačnih elemenata; (1) standardni linearni model; (2) linearni model s kontaktnim (dodirnim) elementima; (3) nelinearni elasto-plastični i orlo-tropni model. Primjenjivost navedenih modela ovisna je o razini detaljnosti pristupa i tipu problema, te će bili prikazana kroz nekoliko karakterističnih primjera


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    Obilaznica Ploča bit će izvedena dijelom na vapnencima, a dijelom na glinovito-prašinasto-pjeskovitim sedimentima. S ciljem postizanja pouzdanih rezultata za sigurno temeljenje prometnice i izvedbu objekata na njoj, obavljena su terenska i laboratorijska istraživanja čiji se rezultati prikazuju u ovom radu. Razredba vapnenaca učinjena je prema GSI, a značajke glinovito-prašinasto-pjeskovitih sedimenata određene su u laboratoriju i poslužili su kao podloga računskom modelu za geostatički proračun i temeljenje.The Ploče by-pass road will be constructed partly in limestones and partly in clayey-silty-sandy sediments. In order to obtain reliable data for purposes of safe foundation technique for the road and respective structures, field and laboratory investigations were performed. The results are given in this paper. The limestones were classified based on Geological Strength Index (GSI) while the properties of clayey-silty-sandy sediments were determined in the laboratory. The obtained results were used as a base for geostatic calculations by a numerical model and for the design of foundations


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    Istraživanjima u »intaktnom« terenu, kao i na izvedenim kosinama usjeka i zasjeka, u temeljnim jamama objekata i u tunelima, određene su inženjerskogeološke i osnovne tektonske značajke senonskih vapnenaca, eocenskog fliša, prominskih breča i brečo-konglomerata, te oligocenskih slabo sortiranih breča, na trasi poluautoceste Solin-Klis (Dalmacija, Hrvatska). Laboratorijskim ispitivanjima na velikom broju uzoraka stijena utvrđeni su rasponi njihovih osnovnih fizikalnih i mehaničkih značajki unutar pojedinih inženjerskogeoloških cjelina. Rezultati laboratorijskih ispitivanja uspoređeni su sa svojstvima stijenskih masa u cjelini procijenjenim primjenom RMR-klasiflkacije stijena i rezultata mjerenja brzine širenja uzdužnih seizmičkih valova. Ukazano je na mogući istovjetan pristup i kod izrade Osnovne inženjerskogeološke karte Republike Hrvatske.The research, that has been done both on the »intact« terrain and on the opened cuts and discontinuities, and which has been carried on in the basic caves of the object, as well as in the tunnels; has verified the engineering geological and basic tectonic characteristics of Senonian limestones, Eocene flysch, the Promina breccias and breccia-conglomerates, as well as Oligocene poorly sorted breccias, on the route of semi-highway Solin-Klis (Dalmatia, Croatia). The lab analyses, of the great number of the rock samples, have brought out the parametres of their basic physical and mechanical features within a particular engineering geological unit. The results, thus obtained, have been compared to the qualities of the rock structure block as a whole, and had been previously evaluated by applying RMR-classification of the rocks, and the results of the measured velocities of the longitudinal waves. It has been pointed out that similar procedure may be applied in the publication of General Engineering Geological Map of the Republic of Croatia


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    Opisane su inženjerskogeološke značajke stijena, nužne kao podloga za računanje i dokaz stabilnosti visokih zasjeka u čvrstim razlomljenim stijenama. Mjerenjem i analizom pukotinskih sustava, dobijeni su podaci za strukturno-geološku obradu. Uz pretpostavljeni i simulirani ravni lom utvrđen je nagib s kojim bi kosine zasjeka bile stabilne.The paper deals with the engineering geological characteristics of the rock massif in charge to compute and provide the stability of high cuts in solid fractured rocks. The data for the structural geological processing have been obtained by measuring and analyzing the system of fissures. In addition to the supposed and simulated straight fracture the maximum slope of the high cut has been determined considering additional forces which were introduced into the rock mass


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    Istraživačkim radovima za potrebe projektiranja tunela «Konjsko» s dvije tunelske cijevi na autocesti Split-Zagreb, dobiveni su svi relevantni podaci o značajkama stijena i terena temeljem kojih su izrađeni prognozni inženjerskogeološki uzdužni profili. Zapadni portali tunela su locirani u naslagama zgnječenih i dijelom dinamički metamorfoziranih lapora eocenskog fliša, a istočni u naslagama senonskih vapnenaca. Kontakt flišnih lapora i vapnenaca je navlačan. Početkom iskopa tunela počelo je i redovito registriranje svih pojava i stanja stijenske mase nakon svakog miniranja, što je rezultiralo stvarnim uzdužnim inženjerskogeološkim profilima i poprečnim profilima čela. Odstupanja od prognoziranog stanja je bilo, a nastala su zbog nemogućnosti posve točnog određivanja nagiba navlačne plohe koja se nalazila plitko ispod nivelete tunela i pojave poprečnih rasjeda koji su raskinuli navlaku i uzdignuli lapore u dio tunelskog profila. Podaci prikupljeni prije i tijekom izvedbe tunela upotpunili su spoznaje o geološkoj građi šireg okoliša i fizičko-mehaničkim značajkama naslaga.Investigation works for the design of the Konjsko Tunnel with two pipes, part of the Split-Zagreb Motorway, provided relevant data on rock mass and soil properties for construction of the prognose engineering-geological longitudinal sections. West tunnel portals are situated in tectonically deformed and partly dynamically metamorphosed Eocene flysch marls, while east ones are located in Senonian limestones. There is an overthrust contact between flysch marls and limestones. With the beginning of the excavations, rock mass characteristics were regularly registered after each blasting and actual longitudinal engineering-geological cross-sections were constructed as well as cross-sections of the excavation face. There were some differences between prognosticated and registered sections since it was infeasible to accurately determine the dip of the overthrust plane that was at shallow depth below the tunnel grade line and also due to the occurrence of transversal faults that intersected the overthrust. Data collected before and during the tunnel construction complemented the knowledge on geological structure of the surroundings and physical-mechanical characteristics of strata