6 research outputs found

    Penerapan Teknologi Membran Nanofiltrasi-Reverse Osmosis Untuk Produksi Air Bersih dan Air Minum di Pesantren Kiai Marogan Palembang

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    Buruknya kualitas air Sungai Betutu yang mengelilingi Pondok Pesantren Kiai Marogan Palembang serta minimnya pengetahuan tentang cara mendapatkan air bersih dan air minum menyebabkan pihak pesantren kesulitan mendapatkan air bersih dan air minum untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk membuat suatu teknologi terintegrasi nanofiltrasi-reverse osmosis guna memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih dan air minum para santri dan staff pengajar di Pondok Pesantren Kiai Marogan yang sesuai standar baku mutu lingkungannya. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian diawali dengan tahap persiapan, meliputi focus group discussion, survey lapangan, dan pengambilan sampel Sungai Betutu untuk mengetahui kualitas airnya. Setelah itu dilakukan tahap pengujian alat, tahap sosialisasi dan pelatihan, dimana pada tahap ini dilakukan penyuluhan tentang pentingnya air bersih dan bagaimana cara mendapatkannya serta pelatihan cara pengoperasian dan merawat alat yang diberikan. Tahap akhir adalah monitoring dan evaluasi yang dilakukan secara berkala terhadap kinerja alat serta mencari solusi untuk memecahkan masalah yang timbul selama proses teknologi ini digunakan. Dengan bertambahnya pengetahuan tentang pentingnya air bersih dan bagaimana cara mendapatkannya, teknologi ini dapat digunakan secara berkelanjutan dan pada akhirnya dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup para santri dan staff pengajar di Pondok Pesantren Kiai Marogan. Produk air bersih dan air minum yang dihasilkan menunjukkan bahwa teknologi terintegrasi nanofiltrasi-reverse osmosis ini mampu meningkatkan pH dan mampu menurunkan kandungan TDS, Kekeruhan, Fe, Mn, NO2 dan koliform hingga memenuhi standar yang diatur pada Permenkes RI No. 32 Tahun 2017 untuk air bersih dan Permenkes RI No. 492 Tahun 2010 untuk air minum


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    The provision of clean water is an urgent need that must be realized in order to solve the problems that continue to be faced by people living on peatlands. The purpose of this research is to process peat water into clean water using nanofiltration method by ceramic membrane based on clay, activated carbon nanoparticles of Oil Palm Empty Fruits Bunch (OPEFB) as an additive and iron powder as a reinforcement. Peat water is first neutralized by addition of quicklime then processed through various microfiltration methods with sponges with pore sizes, namely 0.5 µm, 0.3 µm 0.1 µm and activated carbon and finally processed through ceramic membranes made from OPEB activated carbon nanoparticle additives. The pressure is set at 1 bar, 1.5 bar and 2 bar. The raw material for peat water from the Telang River is acidic with a pH value of 4.1 and contains TSS 147.5 mg/L, Fe 0.33 mg/L, Mn 0.56 mg/L, Zn 0.02 mg/L, NH3- N 0.58 mg/L, NO2-0.19 mg/L, PO4-3 0.264 mg/L, and BOD5 12.1 mg/L. It was found that, the greater the transmembrane pressure difference and the longer the operating time used, the better the permeate yield. The difference in pressure of 2 bar gives the best results in reducing the levels of contaminants contained in peat water with an average percent rejection reduction of TSS 91.89%, Fe 70%, Mn 93.2%, Zn 95%, NH3-N 68, 6%, NO2- 70%, PO4-3 38.14%, and BOD5 91.99%

    Ceramic Filters and their Application for Cadmium Removal from Pulp Industry Effluent

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    The purpose of this paper was to investigate the performance of ceramic filters made from a mixture of natural clay, rice bran, and iron powder in removing cadmium from pulp industry effluent. Some parameters were examined such as acidity, total dissolved solid (TDS), total suspended solid (TSS), electrical conductivity (EC), and cadmium concentration. Results showed that the composition percentage of the ceramic filter, which in this case amounted to 87.5% natural clay, 10% rice bran, and 2.5% iron powder, may decrease cadmium concentration in pulp industry effluent by up to 99.0%. Furthermore,  the permeate flux decreased after 30 minutes of filtration time, and subsequently became constant at one hour of contact time. In addition, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) micrographs of the ceramic filter surfaces indicate that ceramic filters have a random pore structure and can be categorized as microfiltration filters


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    Limbah bottom ash yang masih memiliki nilai kalor yang cukup tinggi masih dapat dimanfaatkan kembali sebagai bahan bakar dengan mencampurkan limbah sabut kelapa dan batubara sub bituminus yang memiliki nilai kalor lebih tinggi. Pencampuran tersebut dipadatkan sebagai briket. Pada penelitian ini, briket dibuat dengan perbandingan sabut kelapa, abu dasar, dan batubara sub bituminus = 0,5:1:1 disertai perekat kanji. Waktu pengeringan briket adalah lima jam dalam oven memmert dengan suhu 105°C. Analisis yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah kadar air, kadar abu, kadar zat terbang, dan analisis kalori. Hasilnya adalah briket dengan kadar air 5,90%, kadar abu 7,94%, kadar zat terbang 44,17%, dan nilai kalor 5647 kal/g dengan acuan nilai SNI01-6235-200

    Metal Pillared Bentonite Synthesis and Its Characteristics Using X-Ray Diffraction

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    Modification of bentonite by the Al/Fe metal oxide pillarization process was carried out with metal oxides. The bentonite pillars were successfully characterized using an X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) spectrophotometer. The results of XRD characterization showed the peak diffraction angle (2θ) in metal-pillared bentonite was 26.84° at 698.98 cps. Meanwhile, in thermally and chemically activated bentonite, the peak angles were marked at 20.64° and 26.7°. There is a shift in the peak angle after activation and pillarization. XRD patterns showed dioctahedral smectite and quartz accessory minerals

    Effect of activated carbon made from oil palm empty-fruit bunch and iron oxide powder on the performance of ceramic membrane

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    The high cost of commercial membranes has boosted the search for alternative materials to be used as a substitute to facilitate the practical application of this technology. One of the most promising alternatives to commercial membranes is ceramic clay-based materials. Their low cost, natural availability, and long-term functional robustness make these cost-effective materials feasible for scaled-up systems. In this work, ceramic membranes containing different amounts of activated carbon were made from oil palm empty-fruit bunch (AC-OPEFB) (20, 15, and 10 wt%) and iron oxide powder (2.5 wt%). These membranes were utilised to remove contaminants of Fe, Mn, Zn, NH3–N, and PO4. The most favourable rejection percentages for each contaminant in this work are 92.03, 97.08, 99.67, 84.56, and 87.10%. The Brunauer-Emmet-Teller (BET) analysis results show that the membrane surface area has an inverse relationship with AC-OPEFB composition (wt.%) contained in the membrane