6 research outputs found

    Gender Issue in the Ukrainian Language Teaching Techniques

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    The article deals with the present day problem of gender education of schoolchildren and students. It was found out, that in Ukraine the gender issue is only in the initial stage of study, although its interdisciplinary horizons are limitless. Relevance of the article is in the fact that the authors suggest studying the gender issue at the methodic level, namely through teaching syntax at the higher educational institutions. In order to achieve this aim the article provides brief characteristics of the gender issue in different aspects; the article is based upon the contemporary studies of the scientists who represent various social and linguistic sciences. The conceptualization of gender includes such cultural categories as masculinity and femininity, the process of the evolutional development of the oldest archetype opposition “man–woman”. The gender issue is directly connected with the language personality. Among the Ukrainian phraseological units there are a lot of such ones which stress the social status of men but not women. This fact lets us hope for the further study of the gender issue in the language teaching technique, namely at the level of syntax and text linguistics. First, it is an internal content of the texts proposed for scrutiny (gender education), and secondly, these are structural changes at the lexical and grammatical level (the use of words which denote jobs and professions in different functional styles), third, speech correction of both sexes representatives, and finally, the development of androgynous personality that combines the best of the social features of both sexes (love of children, patriotism, kindness, courage, compassion, sensitivity, courage, pragmatism, etc.). We consider the main principles of teaching Ukrainian syntax in the gender teaching technology as follows: dialogism, problematic, compliance with the age and individual characteristics of students, emotionality, psychology, gender identity principle. While looking for the ways to improve the language teaching techniques, especially in the field of syntax, teachers can make use of the proposed tasks at practical classes in higher educational institutions and at the lessons of Ukrainian in comprehensive schools

    Gender issue in the Ukrainian language teaching techniques

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    The article deals with the present day problem of gender education of schoolchildren and students. It was found out, that in Ukraine the gender issue is only in the initial stage of study, although its interdisciplinary horizons are limitless. Relevance of the article is in the fact that the authors suggest studying the gender issue at the methodic level, namely through teaching syntax at the higher educational institutions. In order to achieve this aim the article provides brief characteristics of the gender issue in different aspects; the article is based upon the contemporary studies of the scientists who represent various social and linguistic sciences. The conceptualization of gender includes such cultural categories as masculinity and femininity, the process of the evolutional development of the oldest archetype opposition “man–woman”. The gender issue is directly connected with the language personality. Among the Ukrainian phraseological units there are a lot of such ones which stress the social status of men but not women. This fact lets us hope for the further study of the gender issue in the language teaching technique, namely at the level of syntax and text linguistics. First, it is an internal content of the texts proposed for scrutiny (gender education), and secondly, these are structural changes at the lexical and grammatical level (the use of words which denote jobs and professions in different functional styles), third, speech correction of both sexes representatives, and finally, the development of androgynous personality that combines the best of the social features of both sexes (love of children, patriotism, kindness, courage, compassion, sensitivity, courage, pragmatism, etc.). We consider the main principles of teaching Ukrainian syntax in the gender teaching technology as follows: dialogism, problematic, compliance with the age and individual characteristics of students, emotionality, psychology, gender identity principle. While looking for the ways to improve the language teaching techniques, especially in the field of syntax, teachers can make use of the proposed tasks at practical classes in higher educational institutions and at the lessons of Ukrainian in comprehensive schools

    The place and role of political advertising in the system of manipulative technologies: the linguistic dimension

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    Issues of language and political discourse form a very dense framework for theories and studies of argumentation, the new rhetoric. The political discourse analysis is gaining in scope and epistemological precision. However, discursive effects remain largely understudied regarding linguistic means as manipulative tactics. This phenomenon shapes the relevance of this study. It also analyses how linguistic traces of political discourse affect the population in terms of psychosociology and manipulative tactics. The ideology of discursive persuasion reveals issues in cognitive activity (meaning, intentionality, and strategy) that the speaker performs, as well as the impact on a known target. The study focuses on the norms and use of language, image, text, and sound in political advertising. It also analyses scholarly works related to the topic, offering an analysis based on observations on political communication and its media staging of the functioning of sociolinguistic variation regarding the norms and representations that operate in this official/dominant language market and specific to the language of politics. Research related to advertising and advertising language in relatively recent studies is still approached with some caution. Therefore, this paper attempts to deal with them from the perspective of linguistics in its broader discussion. To do so, the article focuses on studying linguistic means specific to political advertising on billboards during political campaigns. The most peculiar aspects of the contextual and formal expression of political advertising on billboards are identified

    Nova formula za izračun koeficijenta korelacije u geodetskim mjerenjima za mali broj opažanja

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    When performing geodetic surveys, the number of measurements is usually small, which in the case of dependent series of measurements leads to an underestimation of the correlation coefficient calculated by the standard formula. A new formula for determining the correlation coefficient is proposed. The values of correlation coefficients calculated by the new formula and by the known ones were compared for the number of measurements . It was found that the correlation coefficient values calculated by the new formula will have higher values as compared to the values calculated by the known formulas, i.e. these values will be less biased with respect to the true values of the correlation coefficients. The correlation coefficients obtained by the new formula will be maximal at an appropriate level of significance and number of degrees of freedom. With a large number of measurements, the values of correlation coefficients obtained by the new formula and by the formulas that are widely used in geodesy and photogrammetry will not differ significantly.Prilikom izvođenja geodetskih izmjera, broj mjerenja je obično mali što u slučaju serije ovisnih mjerenja dovodi do niske procjene koeficijenta korelacije izračunatog pomoću standardne formule. Predlaže se nova formula za određivanje koeficijenta korelacije. Uspoređene su vrijednosti koeficijenta korelacije izračunate pomoću nove formule i pomoću poznatih formula za broj mjerenja . Utvrđeno je da će vrijednosti koeficijenta korelacije izračunate novom formulom biti veće u usporedbi s vrijednostima izračunatima pomoću poznatih formula, odnosno te vrijednosti će biti manje pristrane u odnosu na prave vrijednosti koeficijenata korelacije. Koeficijenti korelacije dobiveni pomoću nove formule bit će maksimalni na odgovarajućoj razini značaja i broja stupnjeva slobode. Za veliki broj mjerenja, vrijednosti koeficijenata korelacije dobivene novom formulom i formulama čija je upotreba raširena u geodeziji i fotogrametriji neće se značajno razlikovati

    Innovative Technology of Teaching Moodle in Higher Pedagogical Education: from Theory to Practice

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    Relevance. Innovative activities in education should be aimed at ensuring the comprehensive development of the individual and professional development of students. The main idea of modular technology is that the student should learn by himself, and the teacher should manage his learning activities. The advantage of modular technology is the ability of the teacher to design the study of the material in the most exciting and accessible forms for this part of the study group and at the same time achieve the best learning results. Innovative Moodle technology. it is gaining popularity every day, significantly expanding the space of teaching and learning, and allowing students to study inter-faculty university programs in depth. This study aims to assess the quality of implementation of the e-learning system Moodle. The study was conducted at the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky in order to identify barriers to the effective implementation of innovative distance learning technologies Moodle and introduce a new model that will have a positive impact on the development of e-learning. Methodology. The paper used a combination of theoretical and empirical research methods. These include scientific analysis of sources on this issue, which allowed us to formulate the initial provisions of the study; analysis of the results of students 'educational activities; pedagogical experiment; questionnaires; monitoring of students' activities in practical classes.Актуальність. Інноваційна діяльність в освіті має бути спрямована на забезпечення всебічного розвитку особистості та професійного розвитку студентів. Основна ідея модульної технології полягає в тому, що студент повинен навчатися сам, а викладач повинен керувати його навчальною діяльністю. Перевагою модульної технології є можливість викладача проектувати вивчення матеріалу в найбільш захоплюючих і доступних формах для цієї частини навчальної групи і при цьому досягти найкращих результатів навчання. Інноваційна технологія Moodle, вона набуває популярності з кожним днем, значно розширюючи простір викладання та навчання, дозволяючи студентам поглиблено вивчати міжфакультетські та університетські програми. Дане дослідження спрямоване на оцінку якості впровадження системи електронного навчання Moodle. Дослідження проводилося в Південноукраїнському національному педагогічному університеті імені К. Д. Ушинського з метою виявлення перешкод для ефективного впровадження інноваційних технологій дистанційного навчання Moodle та впровадження нової моделі, яка матиме позитивний вплив на розвиток електронного навчання. Методологія. У роботі використано поєднання теоретичних та емпіричних методів дослідження. До них відноситься науковий аналіз джерел з даної проблеми, що дозволило сформулювати вихідні положення дослідження; аналіз результатів навчальної діяльності студентів; педагогічний експеримент; анкети; моніторинг діяльності студентів на практичних заняттях