12 research outputs found

    Effect of Performance Assessment and Compensation on Lecturer and Employee Productivity in The Faculty of Education and Science North Sumatera Islamic University

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    Performance Appraisal is an effort to identify, measure (assess) and manage (management) to determine decisions about success or failure in carrying out work carried out by workers with work standards set by the company. Compensation for organizations / companies means rewards / rewards to workers who have contributed in realizing their goals, through activities called work. Total productivity is nothing but the ratio of what is produced (out put) to all what is used (in put) to obtain these results. FKIP-UISU Medan is part of one of the faculties at the Islamic University of North Sumatra Medan and its address at Jalan Puri Number 18 Simpang Jalan Alloy Tenaga Medan. The problem formulation is "How big is the effect of performance appraisal and compensation on the productivity of lecturers and staff at the Teaching and Education Faculty of the Islamic University of North Sumatra".The purpose of this study was to determine the FKIP-UISU lecturer and staff assessment of performance appraisals, compensation provided, level of productivity. The results of the study using the formula of multiple correlation between variables x1 (performance appraisal) and x 2 (compensation) together with variable y (productivity of lecturers and staff) that is 0.826 which means it has a positive relationship because r count is greater than rtable (0.826> 0.361 ).  Based on the table, it is known that = 0.826 is at the coefficient interval 0.80 - 1,000, then the relationship of variable x1 (performance appraisal) with variable x2 (compensation) which is jointly correlated with variable y (lecturer and employee productivity) is included in the category very strong relationship. Based on the calculation of the value of Fcount = 28.890 this value is then consulted with Ftable with an error rate of 5% based on the numerator dk = k (2) and the denominator dk = n-k-1 (27), then Ftable = 3.35 is obtained. These results indicate that Fcount is greater than Ftable, 28.890> 3.35. Because the price of Fcount is far greater than the price of Fable, the proposed Zero Hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. According to the results of these calculations it can be concluded that the productivity of lecturers and staff at the Teaching and Education Faculty of the Islamic University of North Sumatra, Medan is influenced by performance evaluation and compensation variables of 68.15%, while 31.85% is influenced by other variables

    Online Bussiness Interest Factor Analysis for Students

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    This study aims to see how the factors that arise on the interests that affect students in doing business online. Online business has several factors that influence the development of student interest. Some students think that they will become unemployed after college, or that they will find it difficult to get a job later, and so on. From the results of the research conducted, it was found that there were educational and environmental factors that were very influential in the progress of student interest in doing online business. The sample used in this study were 20 students from the entire student population. The method used in this research is survey method and quantitative analysis method. This study uses a questionnaire instrument in data collection. The data obtained in the education factor is the t-count value of the education variable> from the t-table, namely (3.251> 2.086) and a significant value (0.000 0.05). From the test results, the value of the F table is 2.71 at the level of alpha = 0.05 degrees of freedom of the numerator 3 and the denominator is 16. Obtained F count is 4.513> than the F table is 3.10. This comparison shows that the influence of education and environmental factors simultaneously has an impact on student interest in doing business online


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    This analysis of financial reports maximizes relatively little information into broader and more accurate information. Analysis results of financial statements will be able to uncover various inconsistencies of a report. The purpose of financial reporting provides information about the financial position, financial performance, and the cash flows of entities that help most users report in economic decision making. This research aims to determine the extent to which the analysis of financial statements plays a role in management in carrying out its duties as accounting. The techniques used by the authors in this study are Data analysis ratios, among others: liquidity ratio, solvency ratio, profitability ratio and activity ratio. Based on the results of the research concluded on PT. Indosentra Pelangi Medan Branch Lack of management analyzed the financial statements that caused the company not to use their financial statements during this crisis so that the company in Running the operation is not achieved to the fullest, meaning hypotheses submitted by the author are acceptable


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    Road construction is a vital necessity as the main supporter of economic activity both at central and regional levels. One is the area of Betung because the area are potential area for agribusiness and agro- industries. The final report this writing, the author would like to know how the planning and design of geometric and consrtuction pavement on The Road Lingkar Betung STA 0+000 - STA 5+036, so thatthe road will be able to give a sense of security, convenient, and economical way for the user. In the planning design of geometric road, things become a reference in planning include the horizontal alignment calculation, vertical alignment, hard compact and define what that will be used. From the results of above calculations, so The Road Lingkar Betung is a road with the speed of the road plan 80 km/hour, and this road used 6 curves including 2 Spiral-Spiral and 4 Spiral Circle Spiral. For surface area hard compact thickness is 7 cm used asphalt concrete, sub base is 15 cm used split class A and base is 21 cm used sirtu class B. This road building was carried out within 112 days with a total fund IDR. 52.464.500.000


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    he property and real estate sector has in recent years become one of the topics in economic growth. However, it has not shown encouraging development, even though property is a form of long-term investment. The Indonesian Employers' Association (Apindo) estimates that the property sector in 2019 will still not fully recover, property developers who are members of Real Estate Indonesia (REI) have complained about the sluggishness of the property industry). Over the past 4 years, growth in this sector has been moving slowly and has also been suppressed by global challenges, ranging from interest rates to the high value of the United States dollar (US). Therefore, government support is needed to encourage the growth of the property industry. continued the trend of slowing growth in 2018 and people tend to have a lot of consideration in buying property. For this reason, this study aims to predict the symptoms of bankruptcy in property and real estate companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange by using financial ratios. The factors tested in this study include Leverage Ratio, Cash Flow and Current Ratio. This type of research is a causal research which aims to analyze the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable. The population in this study were 22 property and real estate companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data collection technique used in this research is documentation study by collecting secondary data from property and real estate companies. This research uses logistic regression analysis. The output targeted in this research is an accredited national journal.  Sektor properti dan real estate dalam beberapa tahun terakhir menjadi salah satu topik dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi. Namun belum menunjukkan perkembangan yang menggembirakan, meskipun properti merupakan salah satu bentuk investasi jangka panjang. Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (Apindo) memperkirakan sektor properti pada 2019 masih belum sepenuhnya pulih, Pengembang properti yang tergabung dalam Real Estate Indonesia (REI) mengeluhkan lesunya industri property. Selama 4 tahun terakhir, pertumbuhan di sektor tersebut bergerak lambat dan juga ikut tertekan oleh adanya tantangan global, mulai dari suku bunga, hingga tingginya nilai dollar Amerika Serikat (AS). Oleh karenanya, perlu dukungan pemerintah untuk mendorong pertumbuhan industri properti. melanjutkan tren pelambatan pertumbuhan pada 2018 dan masyarakat cenderung memiliki banyak pertimbangan dalam membeli properti. Untuk itu, penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk memprediksi gejala kebangkrutan pada perusahaan Properti dan Real Estate yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia dengan menggunakan rasio keuangan. Faktor-faktor yang diuji dalam penelitian ini meliputi Leverage Ratio, Cash Flow dan Current Ratio. jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kausal yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh variabel bebas terhadap variabel terikat. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 22 perusahaan properti dan real estate yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi dokumentasi dengan cara mengumpulkan data sekunder dari  perusahaan properti dan real estate.Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi logistic. Luaran yang ditargetkan pada penelitian ini jurnal nasional terakreditasi

    The effect of training and motivation on the performance of Medan City public works (PU) employees

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    This study aims to see and determine the effect of training and motivation on employee performance at the Medan City Public Works Department. The research was carried out at the Public Works (PU) department, which is located on Jalan Pinang Baris, Kampung Lalang, Medan Sunggal. research time starts from August 2021 until completion. The population of this study were all permanent employees at the Medan Public Works Department as many as 30 people. And the sample used is the whole of the total population that is 100% with a total of 30 samples. From the results of the statistical test of the training measurement ratio carried out, the standard deviation value was 3.592. On the work motivation variable with a mean value of 43.30, the standard deviation is 3.44. on the employee performance variable with an average value of 34.10 and a standard deviation of 3.36. The results of the F test obtained that the calculated F is 10.59, which is greater than the F table, which is 2.67 with a significance level of 0.05. this means that work motivation and employee performance are significant

    The effect of communication and motivation on employee performance at PT. Transdata Satkomindo Medan

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    This study aims to see the results of the analysis of the influence of communication and motivation on employee performance at PT. Transdata Satkomindo Medan. Research conducted at PT. Transdata Satkomindo Medan Kec. Medan Sunggal, Medan City, North Sumatra, 20122 which will take place on July 15, 2021 until its completion. The research population is all the employees of the PT, totaling 37 employees and the sample used is a total sampling of all 37 employees. Test the research hypothesis using Multiple Linear Regression with 3 variables. The results of the descriptive statistical data analysis were obtained for the communication value with an average of 31.7 and the standard deviation of 2.33. Then the work motivation variable obtained an average value of 27.7 with a standard deviation of 1.77. The results of the t test are obtained, namely the communication T count is smaller than T table (0.202 0.05. Then on work motivation obtained the value of T count < T table (-1.39 < 1.30). it means that the two variables have a negative and insignificant effect

    Analysis of the Effect of Final PPh Collection on the Transfer of Land and/or Building Rights to the Financial Aspects of PT. Indonusa Property Center Medan

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    This study aims to determine how the results of the analysis of the application of Final Income Tax at PT Sentra Properti Indonesia and its influence on the profit and loss results of PT Sentra Properti Indonusa Medan. Of the problems found, namely the application of Final Income Tax on the transfer of rights to land and or buildings at PT SPIM regarding payment of income tax on the transfer of rights to land and / or buildings and see the profit and loss. From the results of the analysis it was found that by comparing the final PPh tariff using Article 17 tariff, it turns out that using the Final PPh tariff is more efficient than using Article 17 tariff. It can be seen that the tax paid if using Final PPh is Rp. 1,235,520,000 while the tariff used in Article 17 the amount of tax to be paid is IDR 2,276,599,343 greater than using the Final Income Tax rate so PT. Indonusa Property Centers are more efficient at using Final PPh rates than using Article 17 tariffs. It can be concluded that using Final PPh Tariffs is more efficient than using Article 17 and the application of Profit and Loss to PTs does not significantly influence