192 research outputs found

    Psychosocial assessment : a critical incident analysis of child and family health nurses' decision-making in an early parenting setting

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Health.Child and family health nurses are skilled professionals, responsible for making decisions regarding care. Decision-making in nursing is a complex process involving both formal and informal thinking to gather and analyse information, evaluate significance, weigh alternative actions and to make judgements regarding care. The nurses’ ability to make decisions affects access to and the outcomes of care. Psychosocial assessment of women in the first postnatal year is critical to ensure access to care. Many women caring for their babies experience mental illness. It is essential that these women are recognised and help is offered to them to reduce the risk of mental illness onset or, when present, to provide support and treatment for mental illness. The objective of this research is to describe the clinical decision-making process of child and family health nurses when they undertake psychosocial assessment of women in the postnatal period. A description of the clinical decision-making process of nurses will provide information and education for health care professionals undertaking postnatal psychosocial assessment. Critical Incident technique is the methodology used to explore the process of clinical decision-making. Thinking in Practice is the theoretical framework that is used to understand the clinical decision-making process. Twelve Child and Family Health nurses working in an early parenting service were interviewed in this research study. Both template and thematic analysis were used to work with the data. This research found that decision-making in regard to postnatal psychosocial assessment is a complex process. The nurses move through relevant domains of information that are specific to each woman, most commonly information on parenting and care of the child, information from assessment tools and women determined issues or goals were considered. The nurses used a variety of thinking strategies in each information domain, most commonly searching for information, recognising pattern, drawing a conclusion and judging the value of the information

    Global role of Community College Trustees in Ensuring quality public engagement and social justice in a changing society

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    Community college trustees are striving to meet the ever changing public accountability and educational demands. Community college trustees and other adult learners are interested in becoming fiscally savvy using Web 2.0 applications. The target learners were the publicly elected community college Board of Trustees members’ who needed instruction to understand Web 2.0 applications. Project explored practical fiscal principles and applications useful for adult learners. Project revealed findings and recommendations for using Web 2.0. and upon completion of tutorial trustees were able share documents in a variety of public settings, e.g. board meetings, closed sessions, study sessions, and community meetings

    Lewis L. Sims in a Senior Recital

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    This is the program for the senior voice recital of baritone Lewis L. Sims, accompanied by Deborah Mashburn on piano. The recital was held on May 8, 1967, in Mitchell Hall Auditorium

    Managing projects for change: Contextualised project management

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    This paper will detail three projects which focussed on enhancing online learning at a large Australian distance education University within a School of Business,School of Health and School of Education. Each project had special funding and took quite distinctive project management approaches, which reflect the desire to embed innovation and ownership at the instructor and student interface. By responding to the stakeholder requirements these three projects provide insight into a) how integrated professional development serves to enable change in practice; b) why leadership at both junior and senior levels of the organisation is an important driver to support instructor engagement for real change; c) what role external private contractors can play; and, d) how instructors were integrated through the varied project management approaches. The integrating theme of the paper is instructor engagement for real change. Each project will be detailed as mini-cases and key lessons drawn out that describe and explain the challenges, opportunities and scope of varied project management approaches to suit the distinct four contexts. This paper builds on and brings together considerable investigation into how we can support and enhance dissemination of a variety of project-based models that respond to contextual needs and issues. The multiple school case study methodology serves to provide an approach that is both robust and cognisant of current trends in increased university investment through shortterm project funding. The final recommendations will highlight how different approaches to project management are both desirable and essential for successfully embedding change of instructor practices for enhancing student learning in distance education modes

    The Benefits and Challenges of One New Zealand Nursing Undergraduate Clinical Education Model: a Case Study

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    This research project has utilised a case study approach to give ward managers a voice in the literature, by exploring and describing from their perspective the benefits and challenges of one particular nursing undergraduate clinical education model. The Tertiary Education Provider contracts the Health Provider to provide Clinical Nurse Educators (CNEs) to support second and third year undergraduate nursing students during their clinical experiences. The CNEs are seconded from their respective wards to meet the organisation’s contractual obligations. Data were gathered from two ward manager’s using semi-structured interviews. A thematic analysis using the ‘colour coding’ method as described by Roberts and Taylor (1999) was used to analyse the interview data. The findings elucidate the role of the undergraduate CNE, highlighting benefits such as the CNE being supernumerary to ward rosters and having time to teach, not only supervise students. CNEs are student-focused and easily accessible as they are based on site. The CNE was the one person who was ‘there’ for a student as a student’s preceptor can change shift-by-shift and day-by-day. One significant challenge which emerged was the replacement of ward staff, not only of senior nurses who can leave their wards for up to 12 weeks to undertake the CNE role but also that of the student’s preceptor if the student’s preceptor was on annual, sick or study leave. Other challenges such as the inability of ward managers to pre-book casual staff; preceptor work-loads; skill-mix issues and fluctuating fulltime equivalents (FTEs) are also discussed

    Devalued, Misunderstood, and Marginalized: Why Nontraditional Students’ Experiences Should be Included in the Diversity Discourse

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    Objective: This paper presents a rationale for discussing the marginalization of nontraditional students in the diversity discourse. Background: There is tremendous growth in adult college student enrollment, however marginalization of the nontraditional population is perpetuated through institutional policies and practices. Although there has been improvement in educational access for these students, they are still neglected programmatically and in service provision, similar to underrepresented student populations. This neglect is apparent in the omission of their experiences in scholarly diversity literature. Method: A content analysis of 706 sources was conducted to determine how often and in what ways nontraditional adult student experiences are explored as diversity issues. Results: A huge gap in the diversity literature regarding nontraditional adult students’ experiences exists. Conclusion: This oversight silences adult students’ voices and impedes their academic and economic progress. Application: Increasing diversity publications about adult students’ experiences as a marginalized population will provide resources to educate diversity scholars, practitioners, and college personnel

    Lewis L. Sims and Jim Barnes in a Junior Recital

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    This is the program for the junior voice recital of baritone, Lewis Sims, accompanied by Deborah Mashburn on piano, and the junior piano recital of Jim Barnes. The recital was held on October 7, 1966, in Mitchell Hall Auditorium
