14 research outputs found

    The opportunity to develop strategic spatial planning with the impulse of integrated territorial investments in Croatia

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    Regional development and spatial planning in Croatia are organised as parallel planning systems regulated by different legislations and coordinated by two ministries, the development of which has been strongly influenced by the European Union (EU). In the last two decades, the intensive development of strategic documentation on a local, regional, and national level regarding diverse territorial governance aspects has had extensive analytical scope but little potential for implementation due to the overlapping of responsibilities and disconnected budget and implementation instruments. The Integrated Territorial Investments (ITI) mechanism of implementation contributed to the understanding of multifaceted territorial governance beyond strategic document drafting. This paper analyses the first phase of ITI implementation in Croatia, i.e. the processes which unified functional urban areas, creating the possibility to develop joint management structures and strategies, integrated projects, and common participative planning models

    Historijsko - geografski razvoj Belišća

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    Analysis of Administrative-Territorial Organization in Osijek-Baranja County

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    U radu se analizira trenutna administrativno teritorijalna podjela Osječko-baranjske županije s kratkim osvrtom na njezin povijesni razvoj. Koristeći se raznim kvalitativnim i kvantitativnim kriterijima te hijerarhijom u funkcionalnom značenju svih jedinica lokalne samouprave ove županije ustanovljeno je da u županiji postoji jedna lokalna jedinica koja sadrži naselje stupnja makroregionalnog centra, šest lokalnih jedinca s naseljima statusa subregionalnog centra, 21 lokalna jedinica s naseljima koja su područni i 10 jedinica s naseljima koja su lokalni centri. Također postoje i četiri općine s naseljima bez ikakvog centraliteta. Uzimajući u obzir činjenicu (iznesenu u brojnim studijama koje su proučavane prilikom izrade ovog rada) da je broj jedinica lokalne samouprave u Hrvatskoj (pa tako i u ovoj županiji) prevelik na kraju rada predložena je reorganizacija postojeće administrativno-teritorijalne podjele potkrijepljena uspješnim primjerima nekih europskih zemalja. Pri tome je procesom amalgamiranja smanjen broj lokalnih jedinica te predložena njihova reorganizacija.In the thesis the current administrative-territorial organization of Osijek-Baranja county is analyzed, with a brief review on its historical development. By using various qualitative and quantitative criteria and hierarchy in functional meaning of all units of local self-government of this county, it was found that in the county exists one local unit which contains a settlement of the macroregional center degree, six local units with settlements of subregional center status, 21 local units with settlements which are regional, and ten units with settlements which are local centers. There are also four municipalities with settlements with no centrality at all. Taking into consideration the fact (stated in numerous studies which were scrutinized when writing this thesis) that the number of the units of local self-government in Croatia (as well as in this county) is enormous, at the end of the thesis a reorganization of the existent administrative-territorial division is proposed and corroborated with successful examples of some European countries. Thereat, the number of local units was decreased by the process of amalgation, and the reorganization of local units was proposed

    Demographic development concept of Valpovština region

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    Uvodni dio rada razmatra detaljna demografska obilježja povijesno-geografske regije Valpovštine okupljene oko gradova Belišća i Valpova. Analizom su utvrđeni negativni demografski trendovi u gotovo svim naseljima koji su prikazani kroz sastavnice općeg, prirodnog i prostornog kretanja, ali i kroz obrazovnu strukturu stanovništva. Završeni dio rada sadrži projekciju budućeg kretanja stanovništva do 2021. godine koja je pokazala nastavak negativnih demografskih trendova, a izneseni su i prijedlozi za budući razvoj regije temeljene na postojećim ljudskim potencijalima.In the first part of the paper a detailed demographic analysis of historical and geographic region of Valpovstina gathered around cities Belišće and Valpovo was made. The analysis has identified the negative demographic trends in nearly all the settlements which can be seen through components of general, natural and spatial movement, but also in the educational structure of the population. Projections of future population trends are also made in the paper to 2021 which showed a continuation of negative demographic trends. Furthermore, ideas for the future development of the region based on the available human resources are presented

    Historijsko - geografski razvoj Belišća

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    Historijsko - geografski razvoj Belišća

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