2,245 research outputs found

    Needed now: a world environment and development organization

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    Global environmental policy certainly could gain strength if the management of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) or of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) were made more efficient. However, such a minimalist strategy of efficiency improvement is no panacea: it can only be an element, not the core of a new global environmental policy. Therefore, instead of merely calling for improved efficiency and coordination, in this paper a proposal is made to establish a World Environment and Development Organization (WEDO) as a new specialized agency of the United Nations. At the very least, such an Organization should integrate UNEP, the CSD and the relevant Convention Secretariats (climate, biodiversity, desertification conventions); close cooperation with the Bretton Woods institutions - the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Trade Organization (WTO) - and the existing UN specialized agencies would need to be ensured. Also, ideas are being presented on the decision-making procedures, the participation of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and on the financing of such a World Environment and Development Organization. --

    Institutional reform of international environmental policy: advancing the debate on a world environment organization

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    "With the onset of the new millennium, the longstanding need for reform of the United Nations system has gained new momentum. Efficiency gains and better coordination are desirable, though not sufficient to bring about improvement in international relations. It could therefore make sense to look for institutional innovations that would upgrade the pressing tasks of environmental and development policy in the eyes of national governments, international organizations, and nongovernmental organizations, improve the institutional setting for the negotiation and implementation of new agreements and action programs, and strengthen the action capacity of the developing countries on these matters. The present paper points to and elaborates the need for a 'World Environment and Development Organization' within the United Nations system, and outlines the shape it might be given. The intention here is to carry the debate, which has made considerable headway, into the science of politics and development. How will the expert community in the field of foreign relations and development cooperation, based on their theories and empirical knowledge, respond to the proposal?" (author's abstract)"Mit dem Beginn des neuen Jahrhunderts hat die lang anstehende Reform des Systems der Vereinten Nationen neue Dringlichkeit erhalten. Effizienzgewinne und bessere Koordination sind wünschenswert, aber nicht hinreichend, insbesondere, wenn es um die Stärkung der Umweltkompetenz geht. In diesem Beitrag wird die Notwendigkeit der Etablierung einer Sonderorganisation für Umwelt und Entwicklung im System der Vereinten Nationen begründet und in ihren Umrissen vorgestellt. Der Vorschlag zielt insbesondere darauf, die Diskussion über notwendige institutionelle Innovationen auf der globalen Ebene zu stimulieren. Wie werden Experten für internationale Beziehungen und Entwicklungszusammenenarbeit auf diese Empfehlung reagieren?" (Autorenreferat

    Plädoyer für eine Weltorganisation für Umwelt und Entwicklung

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    Wie kann die Wirksamkeit der Weltumweltpolitik verbessert werden? In diesem Paper plädieren die Autoren für die Gründung einer neuen Sonderorganisation der Vereinten Nationen: eine Weltorganisation für Umwelt und Entwicklung (World Environment and Development Organization). Hierin sollten einige bestehende Programme und Institutionen integriert werden, vor allem das UN-Umweltprogramm, die UNKommission zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung sowie die Sekretariate der relevanten internationalen Konventionen. Eine solche neue Sonderorganisation könnte den drängenden Aufgaben der Weltumwelt- und Weltentwicklungspolitik einen höheren Stellenwert bei Regierungen, internationalen Organisationen und privaten Akteuren verschaffen, das institutionelle Umfeld für die Aushandlung neuer Konventionen und Aktionsprogramme wie für die Umsetzung und Koordination der bestehenden verbessern und zudem die Handlungskapazität insbesondere der Entwicklungsländer stärken. --

    Complexities of deep learning-based undersampled MR image reconstruction

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    Artificial intelligence has opened a new path of innovation in magnetic resonance (MR) image reconstruction of undersampled k-space acquisitions. This review offers readers an analysis of the current deep learning-based MR image reconstruction methods. The literature in this field shows exponential growth, both in volume and complexity, as the capabilities of machine learning in solving inverse problems such as image reconstruction are explored. We review the latest developments, aiming to assist researchers and radiologists who are developing new methods or seeking to provide valuable feedback. We shed light on key concepts by exploring the technical intricacies of MR image reconstruction, highlighting the importance of raw datasets and the difficulty of evaluating diagnostic value using standard metrics.Relevance statementIncreasingly complex algorithms output reconstructed images that are difficult to assess for robustness and diagnostic quality, necessitating high-quality datasets and collaboration with radiologists.Key points• Deep learning-based image reconstruction algorithms are increasing both in complexity and performance.• The evaluation of reconstructed images may mistake perceived image quality for diagnostic value.• Collaboration with radiologists is crucial for advancing deep learning technology.</p

    Recent Developments in Speeding up Prostate MRI

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    The increasing incidence of prostate cancer cases worldwide has led to a tremendous demand for multiparametric MRI (mpMRI). In order to relieve the pressure on healthcare, reducing mpMRI scan time is necessary. This review focuses on recent techniques proposed for faster mpMRI acquisition, specifically shortening T2W and DWI sequences while adhering to the PI-RADS (Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System) guidelines. Speeding up techniques in the reviewed studies rely on more efficient sampling of data, ranging from the acquisition of fewer averages or b-values to adjustment of the pulse sequence. Novel acquisition methods based on undersampling techniques are often followed by suitable reconstruction methods typically incorporating synthetic priori information. These reconstruction methods often use artificial intelligence for various tasks such as denoising, artifact correction, improvement of image quality, and in the case of DWI, for the generation of synthetic high b-value images or apparent diffusion coefficient maps. Reduction of mpMRI scan time is possible, but it is crucial to maintain diagnostic quality, confirmed through radiological evaluation, to integrate the proposed methods into the standard mpMRI protocol. Additionally, before clinical integration, prospective studies are recommended to validate undersampling techniques to avoid potentially inaccurate results demonstrated by retrospective analysis. This review provides an overview of recently proposed techniques, discussing their implementation, advantages, disadvantages, and diagnostic performance according to PI-RADS guidelines compared to conventional methods. Level of Evidence: 3. Technical Efficacy: Stage 3.</p
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