131 research outputs found

    On the Theoretical Equivalence of Several Trade-Off Curves Assessing Statistical Proximity

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    The recent advent of powerful generative models has triggered the renewed development of quantitative measures to assess the proximity of two probability distributions. As the scalar Frechet inception distance remains popular, several methods have explored computing entire curves, which reveal the trade-off between the fidelity and variability of the first distribution with respect to the second one. Several of such variants have been proposed independently and while intuitively similar, their relationship has not yet been made explicit. In an effort to make the emerging picture of generative evaluation more clear, we propose a unification of four curves known respectively as: the precision-recall (PR) curve, the Lorenz curve, the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and a special case of R\'enyi divergence frontiers. In addition, we discuss possible links between PR / Lorenz curves with the derivation of domain adaptation bounds.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Role of psychomotricity in the management of body image disorders in schizophrenia: a case report

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    Schizophrenia is one of the most debilitating psychiatric disorders affecting around 1% of people worldwide. Its causes and management are quite poorly controlled. Patients with schizophrenia often experience an alteration in their body image. Its corollaries such as depersonalization are felt like real torture. In the biopsychosocial model of the management of mental health disorders, very few tools are effective in the management of depersonalization syndrome which is often overlooked by psychiatrists who mainly focus on erasing hallucinations and other positive symptoms. Psychomotricity, a poorly known branch of the biopsychosocial model, is still trying to find a place between psychological and body therapies. For a period of 6 months, we conducted a prospective case-study on two patients living with schizophrenia and treated in the Psychiatry Department of Laquintinie Hospital in Douala in Cameroon. In those patients, the association of psychomotor therapies provided a satisfactory response to a problem of depersonalization, also known as fragmentation anxiety

    Analyzing trade liberalization effect in egg sector using a dynamic gravity model

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    This study analyzes the effects of different liberalization scenarios in the international trade of eggs and egg products. We use a dynamic gravity model that takes into account the observed persistence of trading partners. The estimated parameters of the gravity model serve to quantify the impact of various liberalization scenarios on the probability of importing (extensive margin) and on trade volumes (intensive margin). The results indicate that even in the context of aggressive trade liberalization, trade gains at the extensive margin will be modest. Gains at the intensive margin of trade are present even in the context of partial liberalization - Doha-type - of trade

    Analyzing trade liberalization effect in egg sector using a dynamic gravity model

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    This study analyzes the effects of different liberalization scenarios in the international trade of eggs and egg products. We use a dynamic gravity model that takes into account the observed persistence of trading partners. The estimated parameters of the gravity model serve to quantify the impact of various liberalization scenarios on the probability of importing (extensive margin) and on trade volumes (intensive margin). The results indicate that even in the context of aggressive trade liberalization, trade gains at the extensive margin will be modest. Gains at the intensive margin of trade are present even in the context of partial liberalization - Doha-type - of trade

    Analyzing trade liberalization effect in egg sector using a dynamic gravity model

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    This study analyzes the effects of different liberalization scenarios in the international trade of eggs and egg products. We use a dynamic gravity model that takes into account the observed persistence of trading partners. The estimated parameters of the gravity model serve to quantify the impact of various liberalization scenarios on the probability of importing (extensive margin) and on trade volumes (intensive margin). The results indicate that even in the context of aggressive trade liberalization, trade gains at the extensive margin will be modest. Gains at the intensive margin of trade are present even in the context of partial liberalization - Doha-type - of trade

    Les garrots de prélèvement, un drame chez le nourrisson: à propos de 3 cas

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    Le délai pour la levée d'un garrot sur un membre est limité, tout retard, surtout après la 3ème heure expose à un risque d'amputation de celui-ci. Notre objectif a été de rapporter trois cas de gangrène ischémique de membre par oubli d'un garrot après un prélèvement sanguin, afin d'interpeler le personnel soignant sur ses dangers. Il s'est agi de trois nourrissons dont deux de 3 mois et un de 5 mois, reçus aux urgences viscérales du CHU-Yalgado Ouédraogo pour tuméfaction du membre thoracique gauche. Dans leurs antécédents, on a noté une pose de garrot pour prélèvement de sang qui a été oublié pendant 24 heures dans deux cas et 48 heures dans un cas. L'examen avait retrouvé un oedème diffus associé à un sphacèle du membre supérieur remontant jusqu'au 1/3 moyen du bras; une abolition des pouls ulnaire et radial ainsi que de la sensibilité de la main dans 2 cas. Dans un cas les signes étaient atténués. Le diagnostic de gangrène ischémique de membre a été retenu dans tous les cas. La biologie réalisée était normale. En urgence, il a été réalisé une amputation trans-humérale dans 2 cas et un débridement associé à une amputation de quatre doigts dans un cas. L'évolution a été simple dans tous les cas. La gangrène sèche iatrogène de membre par garrot en milieu hospitalier ne devrait pas se concevoir. Cela passe par la rigueur dans l'administration des soins et une surveillance régulière et attentive des patients.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    Complications du diverticule de Meckel (DM) chez l’adulte: à propos de 11 cas au CHU-Yalgado Ouédraogo au Burkina Faso

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    Le diverticule de Meckel (DM) est la persistance partielle du canal omphalomésentérique. Ses complications sont rares. Le diagnostic est le plus souvent per opératoire. L’objectif a été de décrire les complications du diverticule de Meckel chez l'adulte dans le service de chirurgie générale et digestive du CHU Yalgado Ouédraogo. Il s'est agi d'une étude transversale descriptive sur 10 ans (janvier 2004-décembre 2013) portant sur les dossiers des patients âgés de plus de 15 ans ayant présenté un DM compliqué. Durant la période d'étude, 11 cas ont été colligés. L'incidence annuelle a été de 11 cas. Nous avons noté une prédominance masculine avec un sex-ratio de 4,5. L'âge moyen des patients était de 29,8 ans. Le diagnostic préopératoire a été dans huit cas une occlusion intestinale aiguë, une appendicite aiguë dans deux cas, une péritonite aiguë généralisée dans un cas. Il a été diagnostiqué en peropératoire une occlusion intestinale dans neuf cas; une diverticulite dans un cas et un cas de perforation du DM. Tous les DM avaient été réséqués dont huit résections segmentaires iléales emportant le DM et trois résections cunéiformes. Tous les DM étaient situés à moins d'un mètre de la jonction iléo-caecale. L'histologie réalisée dans deux cas avait conclu à une diverticulite. Les suites opératoires ont été simples dans neuf cas, compliquées dans deux cas dont une éventration et un décès. Les complications du diverticule de Meckel sont rares. Le diagnostic préopératoire est difficile. Le traitement est essentiellement chirurgical.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    Analyse comparative des initiatives One Health en Guinée et en République Démocratique du Congo: Un appel à l’opérationnalisation

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    La Guinée et la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) sont deux pays confrontés à des maladies zoonotiques (ré)émergentes, lesquelles représentent de graves menaces pour la santé publique et pour l’économie. Cela renforce l’importance de mettre l'accent sur les approches interdisciplinaires pour la prévention, la détection et l’atténuation des maladies infectieuses afin de mettre en place des systèmes de réponses adéquats. Dans les dernières années, des efforts ont été fournis dans les deux pays pour la conception, la mise en œuvre et la promotion de l’approche “Une Seule Santé” (One Health) qui offre des solutions à l’interface homme-animal-plante-écosystèmes. Cependant, dans ces pays, il n’existe pas une approche systémique “Une Seule Santé” qui soit réellement opérationnelle. Ainsi, cet article vise à faire une analyse comparative des initiatives « One Health » (OH) en Guinée et en RDC. Les résultats suggèrent qu'il existe un engagement fort de la part du gouvernement guinéen à signer un ordre conjoint de collaboration entre les trois départements clés, mais la coopération et la collaboration entre les différents secteurs et disciplines font défaut. En RDC, trois plateformes existent, mais leurs actions ne sont pas coordonnées, ce qui démontre les lacunes dans la vision globale que devrait avoir l’approche OH. Le défi majeur dans ces deux pays est d'adopter une approche holistique pour dépasser les structures et les paradigmes organisationnels et disciplinaires pour développer une véritable coopération entre tous les secteurs directement ou indirectement touchés par les maladies à potentiel épidémique.   Guinea and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are two countries facing (re)emerging zoonotic diseases, which pose serious threats to public health and the economy. This reinforces the importance of emphasizing interdisciplinary approaches for the prevention, detection, and mitigation of infectious diseases to put in place adequate response systems. In recent years, efforts have been made in both countries for the design, implementation, and promotion of the “One Health” (OH) approach which offers solutions at the human-animal-animal-plant-ecosystems interface. However, in these countries, there is no operational OH systemic approach. Thus, this article aims to make a comparative analysis of the OH initiatives in Guinea and the DRC. Findings suggest there is a strong commitment on the part of the government of Guinea to sign a joint order of collaboration between the three key departments, but cooperation and collaboration between different sectors and disciplines is lacking. In the DRC, three platforms exist but are not coordinated, which shows gaps in the overall vision that OH should be in the country. The major challenge in these two countries is to adopt a holistic approach to go beyond organizational and disciplinary structures and paradigms to develop real coordination and cooperation between all the sectors directly or indirectly affected by diseases with epidemic potential

    Imaging local genetic influences on cortical folding

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    Recent progress in deciphering mechanisms of human brain cortical folding leave unexplained whether spatially patterned genetic influences contribute to this folding. High-resolution in vivo brain MRI can be used to estimate genetic correlations (covariability due to shared genetic factors) in interregional cortical thickness, and biomechanical studies predict an influence of cortical thickness on folding patterns. However, progress has been hampered because shared genetic influences related to folding patterns likely operate at a scale that is much more local (cm) than that addressed in prior imaging studies. Here, we develop methodological approaches to examine local genetic influences on cortical thickness and apply these methods to two large, independent samples. We find that such influences are markedly heterogeneous in strength, and in some cortical areas are notably stronger in specific orientations relative to gyri or sulci. The overall, phenotypic local correlation has a significant basis in shared genetic factors and is highly symmetric between left and right cortical hemispheres. Furthermore, the degree of local cortical folding relates systematically with the strength of local correlations, which tends to be higher in gyral crests and lower in sulcal fundi. The relationship between folding and local correlations is stronger in primary sensorimotor areas and weaker in association areas such as prefrontal cortex, consistent with reduced genetic constraints on the structural topology of association cortex. Collectively, our results suggest that patterned genetic influences on cortical thickness, measurable at the scale of in vivo MRI, may be a causal factor in the development of cortical folding

    The Cost of Simplifying Air Travel When Modeling Disease Spread

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    BACKGROUND: Air travel plays a key role in the spread of many pathogens. Modeling the long distance spread of infectious disease in these cases requires an air travel model. Highly detailed air transportation models can be over determined and computationally problematic. We compared the predictions of a simplified air transport model with those of a model of all routes and assessed the impact of differences on models of infectious disease. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using U.S. ticket data from 2007, we compared a simplified "pipe" model, in which individuals flow in and out of the air transport system based on the number of arrivals and departures from a given airport, to a fully saturated model where all routes are modeled individually. We also compared the pipe model to a "gravity" model where the probability of travel is scaled by physical distance; the gravity model did not differ significantly from the pipe model. The pipe model roughly approximated actual air travel, but tended to overestimate the number of trips between small airports and underestimate travel between major east and west coast airports. For most routes, the maximum number of false (or missed) introductions of disease is small (<1 per day) but for a few routes this rate is greatly underestimated by the pipe model. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: If our interest is in large scale regional and national effects of disease, the simplified pipe model may be adequate. If we are interested in specific effects of interventions on particular air routes or the time for the disease to reach a particular location, a more complex point-to-point model will be more accurate. For many problems a hybrid model that independently models some frequently traveled routes may be the best choice. Regardless of the model used, the effect of simplifications and sensitivity to errors in parameter estimation should be analyzed
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