56 research outputs found


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    Nata a Pistoia nel 1880 e morta a Genova nel 1971, Leda Rafanelli abbraccia giovanissima l’ideale anarchico; durante un suo breve soggiorno ad Alessandria d’Egitto, incontra e si innamora di Luigi Polli, il pubblicista fiorentino – in seguito suo primo marito – che la introdurrà alla locale colonia anarchica italiana della Baracca Rossa. Subito dopo la Rafanelli si converte al sufismo – conversione rappresentativa della sua ribellione ai miti colonialisti e capitalisti dell’Occidente. Con il secondo compagno, Giuseppe Monanni, dirigerà la Casa Editrice Sociale, punto di riferimento per la cultura italiana dissenziente durante gli anni della dittatura fascista, ma anche del secondo dopoguerra. Solo ultimamente tornata ad essere criticamente valutata ed apprezzata, in Memorie di una chiromante (che ha visto la pubblicazione nel 2010, per i tipi di Nerosubianco, grazie al lavoro di Milva Cappellini e di Fiamma Chessa) Leda Rafanelli ci propone una comunità di donne raccontata da una donna, dove la vita quotidiana è contemporaneamente luogo privato e spazio dove esprimersi anche politicamente. Romanzo della maturità e della vecchiaia, Memorie di una Chiromante è una pedagogica metautobiografia in cui la scrittura di sé – ed in modo particolare quella femminile – diventa atto politico per eccellenza.Leda Rafanelli (1880 - 1971) was a political activist, a poet and a novelist, a scholar of Arabic languages, and an individualist anarchist. She converted to Sufism at a very early age, while she was travelling in Egypt, where she met Luigi Polli, a comrade who introduced her to the Italian anarchist circles in Alexandria; later he became her first husband and co-publisher. Although many individualist anarchists would side in favor of World War I as interventionists, Leda stated her pacifist ideas throughout her long life. She wrote tirelessly, from political pamphlets to children stories, from anti- colonialist novels to biographies and auto-biographies. With Giuseppe Monanni, her second partner, she founded the influential publishing house Casa Editrice Sociale, active from 1907 to 1935. Memorie di una chiromante (The memories of a fortune teller) was published in 2010 thanks to the research conducted by Milva Cappellini and Fiamma Chessa, the director and keeper of the Archive Famiglia Berneri – Aurelio Chessa in Reggio Emilia. Written when Leda had reached her maturity, it is a collective meta-autobiography and an invaluable handbook to practice existence as a political act through the methodology of self narration – which, especially in the case of women’s autobiography, becomes quintessentially political

    Avanti il Divorzio di Anna Franchi

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    Anna Franchi, esponente di spicco del nostro primo femminismo, fece scalpore agli inizi del ‘900 con il romanzo autobiografico Avanti il Divorzio, in cui senza falsi pudori descrisse il proprio infelice matrimonio, abbracciando la causa divorzista con un anticipo di oltre mezzo secolo. Ribelle autodichiarata, consapevole ed orgogliosa dell’ostracismo al quale sarebbe stata condannata, non tralasciò neppure i dettagli più inquietanti, conscia che questa agghiacciante documentazione delle violenze subite ne avrebbe costituito la prova, grazie alla quale sarebbe riuscita ad ottenere la legittimizzazione-liberazione. Romanzo e documento storico al tempo stesso, volutamente provocatorio, Avanti il Divorzio costringe anche la lettrice / il lettore attuale a confrontarsi con una realtà altra, opposta a quella di un’Italia immaginaria ed immaginata, sfortunatamente ancora oggi proposta come reale

    Un crocevia di culture tra ebrei, nobili e religiosi. Il Palazzo Cipolloni-Cannella (L'Aquila, secc. XV-XXI)

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    ItL'articolo, nel ricostruire la storia di uno dei principali edifici della città dell'Aquila, restituito alla collettività in seguito ai lavori di restauro post-sisma 2009, propone una riflessione sulla simbologia di spazi urbani di rappresentazione in una città di antico regime. Complesse vicende hanno caratterizzato l'evoluzione storica del palazzo Cipolloni-Cannella nella morfologia urbana e le sue fasi costruttive. Realizzato dalla nobile casata dei Bonanni in un sito precedentemente occupato dalle abitazioni degli ebrei, fu rilevato agli inizi del XIX secolo dai Cannella, che furono all'Aquila una delle famiglie politicamente più impegnate durante il Risorgimento. L'edificio, attualmente di proprietà della Compagnia di Gesù, caratterizza profondamente l'immagine della città da un punto di vista architettonico lungo il Corso, ad angolo con la Piazza del Duomo.EnThe article deals with the history of one of the largest and most important buildings in the city of L'Aquila, the Cipolloni-Cannella building, which was returned to the community following the 2009 post-earthquake restoration work. Complex events have characterised the historical evolution of the building in its urban morphology as well as in the construction phases. Built by the noble Bonanni family on a site previously occupied by Jewish houses, it was taken over by one of the most politically committed families during the Risorgimento, the Cannella family. The palace, now owned by the Society of Jesus, characterises the image of the city from an architectural and symbolic point of view along the Main Street at the corner of the Cathedral Square

    Memorial al Holocausto del pueblo judío : Un lugar para reflexionar. Montevideo, Uruguay / 1993

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    La obra es el resultado del trabajo de un equipo de arquitectos nacionales y surge de un Concurso público de Anteproyectos, cuyo resultado se conoció hacia mediados de 1993. La convocatoria fue realizada por la Comisión Ejecutiva del Memorial al Holocausto del Pueblo Judío, Comisión integrada en forma honoraria por personas de la colectividad judía del Uruguay. La iniciativa contó además con el apoyo del Gobierno Nacional y de la Intendencia Municipal de Montevideo que cedió el predio en el cual se implanta.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Discovery of a new selective inhibitor of A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 10 (ADAM-10) able to reduce the shedding of NKG2D ligands in Hodgkin's lymphoma cell models

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    Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) is the most common malignant lymphoma in young adults in the western world. This disease is characterized by an overexpression of ADAM-10 with increased release of NKG2D ligands, involved in an impaired immune response against tumor cells. We designed and synthesized two new ADAM-10 selective inhibitors, 2 and 3 based on previously published ADAM-17 selective inhibitor 1. The most promising compound was the thiazolidine derivative 3, with nanomolar activity for ADAM-10, high selectivity over ADAM-17 and MMPs and good efficacy in reducing the shedding of NKG2D ligands (MIC-B and ULBP3) in three different HL cell lines at non-toxic doses. Molecular modeling studies were used to drive the design and X-ray crystallography studies were carried out to explain the selectivity of 3 for ADAM-10 over MMPs

    Italian Society of Anesthesia, Analgesia, Resuscitation, and Intensive Care expert consensus statement on the use of lung ultrasound in critically ill patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (ITACO)

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    Background To produce statements based on the available evidence and an expert consensus (as members of the Lung Ultrasound Working Group of the Italian Society of Analgesia, Anesthesia, Resuscitation, and Intensive Care, SIAARTI) on the use of lung ultrasound for the management of patients with COVID-19 admitted to the intensive care unit. Methods A modified Delphi method was applied by a panel of anesthesiologists and intensive care physicians expert in the use of lung ultrasound in COVID-19 intensive critically ill patients to reach a consensus on ten clinical questions concerning the role of lung ultrasound in the following: COVID-19 diagnosis and monitoring (with and without invasive mechanical ventilation), positive end expiratory pressure titration, the use of prone position, the early diagnosis of pneumothorax- or ventilator-associated pneumonia, the process of weaning from invasive mechanical ventilation, and the need for radiologic chest imaging. Results A total of 20 statements were produced by the panel. Agreement was reached on 18 out of 20 statements (scoring 7–9; “appropriate”) in the first round of voting, while 2 statements required a second round for agreement to be reached. At the end of the two Delphi rounds, the median score for the 20 statements was 8.5 [IQR 8.9], and the agreement percentage was 100%. Conclusion The Lung Ultrasound Working Group of the Italian Society of Analgesia, Anesthesia, Resuscitation, and Intensive Care produced 20 consensus statements on the use of lung ultrasound in COVID-19 patients admitted to the ICU. This expert consensus strongly suggests integrating lung ultrasound findings in the clinical management of critically ill COVID-19 patients

    Sirt6 regulates dendritic cell differentiation, maturation, and function

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) are antigen-presenting cells that critically influence decisions about immune activation or tolerance. Impaired DC function is at the core of common chronic disorders and contributes to reduce immunocompetence during aging. Knowledge on the mechanisms regulating DC generation and function is necessary to understand the immune system and to prevent disease and immunosenescence. Here we show that the sirtuin Sirt6, which was previously linked to healthspan promotion, stimulates the development of myeloid, conventional DCs (cDCs). Sirt6-knockout (Sirt6KO) mice exhibit low frequencies of bone marrow cDC precursors and low yields of bone marrow-derived cDCs compared to wild-type (WT) animals. Sirt6KO cDCs express lower levels of class II MHC, of costimulatory molecules, and of the chemokine receptor CCR7, and are less immunostimulatory compared to WT cDCs. Similar effects in terms of differentiation and immunostimulatory capacity were observed in human monocyte-derived DCs in response to SIRT6 inhibition. Finally, while Sirt6KO cDCs show an overall reduction in their ability to produce IL-12, TNF-α and IL-6 secretion varies dependent on the stimulus, being reduced in response to CpG, but increased in response to other Toll-like receptor ligands. In conclusion, Sirt6 plays a crucial role in cDC differentiation and function and reduced Sirt6 activity may contribute to immunosenescence

    A real‐world comparison among third‐generation antiseizure medications: Results from the COMPARE study

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    Objective: There are few comparative data on the third-generation antiseizure medications (ASMs). We aimed to assess and compare the effectiveness of brivaracetam (BRV), eslicarbazepine acetate (ESL), lacosamide (LCM), and perampanel (PER) in people with epilepsy (PWE). Efficacy and tolerability were compared as secondary objectives.Methods: This multicenter, retrospective study collected data from 22 Italian neurology/epilepsy centers. All adult PWE who started add-on treatment with one of the studied ASMs between January 2018 and October 2021 were included. Retention rate was established as effectiveness measure and described using Kaplan-Meier curves and the best fitting survival model. The responder status and the occurrence of adverse events (AEs) were used to evaluate efficacy and safety, respectively. The odds of AEs and drug efficacy were estimated by two multilevel logistic models.Results: A total of 960 patients (52.92% females, median age = 43 years) met the inclusion criteria. They mainly suffered from structural epilepsy (52.29%) with monthly (46.2%) focal seizures (69.58%). Compared with LCM, all the studied ASMs had a higher dropout risk, statistically significant in the BRV levetiracetam (LEV)-na & iuml;ve (hazard ratio [HR] = 1.97, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.17-3.29) and PER groups (HR = 1.64, 95% CI = 1.06-2.55). Women were at higher risk of discontinuing ESL (HR = 5.33, 95% CI = 1.71-16.61), as well as PER-treated patients with unknown epilepsy etiology versus those with structural etiology (HR = 1.74, 95% CI = 1.05-2.88). BRV with prior LEV therapy showed lower odds of efficacy (odds ratio [OR] = .08, 95% CI = .01-.48) versus LCM, whereas a higher efficacy was observed in women treated with BRV and LEV-na & iuml;ve (OR = 10.32, 95% CI = 1.55-68.78) versus men. PER (OR = 6.93, 95% CI = 3.32-14.44) and BRV in LEV-na & iuml;ve patients (OR = 6.80, 95% CI = 2.64-17.52) had a higher chance of AEs than LCM.Significance: Comparative evidence from real-world studies may help clinicians to tailor treatments according to patients' demographic and clinical characteristics