47 research outputs found

    Antioxidants for Preventing Preeclampsia: A Systematic Review

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    Objective. To investigate the efficacy of antioxidants for preventing preeclampsia and other maternal and fetal complications among pregnant women with low, moderate, or high risk of preeclampsia. Methods. We searched MEDLINE, Embase, CENTRAL, mRCT, and other databases, with no language or publication restrictions. Two independent reviewers selected randomized controlled trials that evaluated the use of antioxidants versus placebo and extracted the relevant data. Relative risks (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) were calculated. The data were compiled through the random effects model. Main Results. Fifteen studies were included (21,012 women and 21,647 fetuses). No statistically significant difference was found between women who received antioxidant treatment and women who received placebo for preeclampsia (RR  = 0.92; 95% CI: 0.82–1.04), severe preeclampsia (RR  = 1.03; 95% CI: 0.87–1.22), preterm birth (RR  = 1.03; 95% CI: 0.94–1.14), and small for gestational age <10th centile (RR  = 0.92; 95% CI: 0.80–1.05). Side effects were numerically more frequent in the antioxidants group compared to placebo, but without significant statistical difference (RR  = 1.24; 95% CI: 0.85–1.80). Conclusions. The available evidence reviewed does not support the use of antioxidants during pregnancy for the prevention of preeclampsia and other outcomes

    A enfermagem diante da mulher negra vítima de violência

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    Por estética de cor/raça e gênero feminino, as mulheres negras brasileiras sofrem veemente múltiplas violências nos mais diversos ambientes, impostas brutalmente por uma sociedade racista e escravocrata. Objetivo: Sendo assim, o objetivo deste artigo é discorrer sobre a atuação da Enfermagem diante das mulheres negras que são submetidas aos mais diversos tipos de violência.&nbsp;Métodos: Este artigo foi elaborado a partir de uma revisão de literatura. Para realização do levantamento de dados científicos,&nbsp;foram&nbsp;realizadas&nbsp;pesquisas nas seguintes bases de dados eletrônicas:&nbsp;Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), Literatura Internacional em Ciências da Saúde (MEDLINE), Literatura Latino-Americana&nbsp;e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS). Objetivando o levantamento dos artigos,&nbsp;foram&nbsp;utilizados os descritores seguintes: “Violência contra as Mulheres” AND “Atenção integral á mulher” AND “Assistência integral à Saúde” AND “Vulnerabilidade social”, no período de 2018 a 2022.&nbsp;A pesquisa foi realizada entre os&nbsp;meses de setembro e outubro de 2022. Resultados: A partir dos artigos selecionados, houve a discussão entre os respectivos autores sobre questões envolvendo as origens, consequências e assistência de Enfermagem diante da mulher negra vítima de violência.&nbsp;Considerações finais: Faz-se necessário a inclusão de mais políticas públicas em escolas e universidades a cerca do tema, para que objetivem a erradicação de todo e qualquer nível de violência á mulher, bem como o extermínio do preconceito racial que diminui, degride, humilha hipersexualiza e hostiliza a cor negra. Bem como, torna-se extremamente necessário o cumprimento da legislação vigente neste país, que protege vítimas e pune o agente causador da agressão

    Problem-Based Learning in Pharmaceutical Education: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Objective. To assess the effects of problem-based learning (PBL) on the learning achievements of pharmacy students. Methods. We searched for controlled studies that compared PBL to traditional learning in pharmacy courses (graduate and undergraduate) in the major literature databases up to January 2014. Two independent researchers selected the studies, extracted the data, and assessed the quality of the studies. Meta-analyses of the outcomes were performed using a random effects model. Results. From 1,988 retrieved records, five were included in present review. The studies assessed students&apos; impressions about the PBL method and compared student grades on the midterm and final examinations. PBL students performed better on midterm examinations (odds ratio [OR] = 1.46; confidence interval [IC] 95%: 1.16, 1.89) and final examinations (OR = 1.60; IC 95%: 1.06, 2.43) compared with students in the traditional learning groups. No difference was found between the groups in the subjective evaluations. Conclusion. pharmacy students&apos; knowledge was improved by the PBL method. Pharmaceutical education courses should consider implementing PBL

    Problem-Based Learning in Pharmaceutical Education: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Objective. To assess the effects of problem-based learning (PBL) on the learning achievements of pharmacy students. Methods. We searched for controlled studies that compared PBL to traditional learning in pharmacy courses (graduate and undergraduate) in the major literature databases up to January 2014. Two independent researchers selected the studies, extracted the data, and assessed the quality of the studies. Meta-analyses of the outcomes were performed using a random effects model. Results. From 1,988 retrieved records, five were included in present review. The studies assessed students’ impressions about the PBL method and compared student grades on the midterm and final examinations. PBL students performed better on midterm examinations (odds ratio [OR]=1.46; confidence interval [IC] 95%: 1.16, 1.89) and final examinations (OR=1.60; IC 95%: 1.06, 2.43) compared with students in the traditional learning groups. No difference was found between the groups in the subjective evaluations. Conclusion. pharmacy students’ knowledge was improved by the PBL method. Pharmaceutical education courses should consider implementing PBL

    Stability of extruded diets for dogs

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    Controlling the factors that influence the conservation of extruded dog foods can increase shelf life and/or guarantee the quality of shelf life of diets for these animals. Therefore, the objective was to evaluate the relationship among water activity (Aw), moisture (M), acidity, lipid peroxidation, crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), and kibble size of extruded dog foods stored in sealed and open packages for 60 days (Experiment I). We also evaluated the stability of the Aw for up to 6.5 hours after coating with palatant (Experiment II). We manufactured four extruded dry dog foods: high CP and EE (HPE); low CP and EE (LPE); small kibble (SK); and large kibble (LK). In experiment I, the foods were stored in sealed 1 kg packages and 10 kg open packages, for a period of 60 days. We measured Aw, M, acidity, peroxide, CP, and EE of foods and the relative humidity (RH). Data were subjected to Pearson correlation analysis. For experiment II, samples were collected immediately after coating with palatant. Sub samples were collected every half hour to measure Aw. In experiment I, positive correlations were observed (P&lt;0.05) among kibble size, M, and Aw; acidity, CP, EE, and M; and between Aw and RH, for open and sealed packages. There was also a positive correlation (P&lt;0.05) for open packages among time, Aw, and peroxide. In experiment II, LK and LPE food presented Aw stabilized in less time. Diets with higher kibble size and high CP and EE levels are more unstable if kept in open packages. Extruded dry food with higher protein and lipid and smaller kibble size needs more time to stabilize its Aw

    Conhecimento de professores do ensino fundamental sobre primeiros socorros na infância

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    The aim was to identify the knowledge of elementary school teachers regarding first aid in childhood. Non-experimental, descriptive and exploratory field research, with a quantitative approach. A questionnaire with closed questions was elaborated, and this was sent to the target population in the model called “snowball”, where, after identifying the target group of the research, they will indicate other possible interviewees, generating a connection network. It was found that the participants had considerable knowledge on the subject. Some participants report participating in annual lectures, courses, online classes and workshops. On the other hand, some participants declared that they had never participated in a first-aid activity. The research showed the need for the first-aid course in the higher education curriculum, since schools and children's recreation spaces need to have teachers prepared to guarantee students a safe environment. Therefore, through the Health at School Program, nursing can contribute to the training of these teachers through health education.Objetivou-se identificar o conhecimento de professores do ensino fundamental quanto aos primeiros socorros na infância. Pesquisa de campo de caráter não experimental, descritivo e exploratório, de abordagem quantitativa. Foi elaborado um questionário com perguntas fechadas, e este foi enviado para a população-alvo no modelo chamado “bola de neve”, onde, após identificar o grupo alvo da pesquisa, estes indicarão outros possíveis entrevistados, gerando uma rede de conexão. Verificou-se que os participantes apresentaram conhecimento considerável quanto ao assunto. Alguns participantes declaram participar de palestras anualmente, cursos, aulas online e oficinas. Por outro lado, alguns participantes declararam nunca terem participado de atividade sobre primeiros-socorros. A pesquisa mostrou a necessidade do curso de primeiros-socorros no currículo do ensino superior, visto que as escolas e espaços de recreação infantil precisam ter professores preparados para garantir aos alunos um ambiente seguro. Diante disso, através do Programa Saúde na Escola, a enfermagem pode contribuir com a capacitação desses professores através da educação em saúde