13 research outputs found

    In vivo antifungal activity of neem oil and aqueous extracts against leaf spot disease caused by Cercospora abelmoschii on okra

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    The cercospora leaf spot, caused by Cercospora abelmoschi Ellis and Everhart, is quite common in okra  culture. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of aqueous extracts of neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss), citronella (Cymbopogon nardus (L.) Rendle), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus grandis L.), ecolife®, A. indica oil and fungicide cercobin 700 PM® in control of cercospora leaf spot on okra in greenhouse. The extracts and neem oil were tested in concentration 10%, the fungicide cercobin 700PM® in dose 2.5 g.l-1, applied 10 days after pathogen inoculation by leaf spray and the citric biomass extract ecolife® in concentration 5.0 ml.l-1, applied 10 days before pathogen inoculation. All treatments, except ecolife®, were effective in controlling cercospora leaf spot and may be recommended as alternatives in agroecological systems. © JASEMKeywords: Abelmoschus esculentus, aqueous extracts, Cercospora abelmoschi, fungicide cercobin andgreenhouse

    Morphological aspects and effect of carbon sources in the physiology of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. passiflorae

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the morphological and physiological characteristics of F. oxysporum f. sp. passiflorae. Isolates were obtained from yellow passion fruit plants with fusariosis symptoms grown in four production poles. The pathogenicity test was carried out on seedlings of this crop, under greenhouse conditions. The morphological characters evaluated were the size of macroconidia and microconidia in single conidiophores or in false heads; number of septa, presence of basal cell in the macroconidia and chlamydospores, and the aspects of the colonies of the isolates cultivated in potato dextrose agar (PDA) culture medium for aerial mycelium formation and colony coloration. The carbon sources: starch, lactose, maltose and sucrose were tested for the three most virulent isolates obtained in the pathogenicity test. The mycelial growth was obtained through readings every 24 hours of the diameter of the colony in two diametrically opposite directions. Sporulation determination was performed by counting spores in a Neubauer chamber. The isolate Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. passiflorae 4 (FOP 4) was the most virulent. There was variation in the morphological characteristics of all the isolates. The starch provided the highest mycelial growth and the isolates showed preferences for a particular carbon source in the sporulation test

    Influência de fatores epidemiológicos na podridão de Alternaria em uva var. Itália

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    A variedade de uva Itália é a principal uva fina de mesa exportada pelo Brasil principalmente na Região do Vale do São Francisco, mas possui grandes problemas que se apresentam após a colheita, entre eles se encontra as podridões. Entre vários agentes de podridões em uva se encontra a podridão de alternaria causada por Alternaria alternata que tem provocado grandes perdas aos produtores e consumidores. O objetivo do trabalho foi de verificar a influência de diferentes concentrações de inóculo (103, 104, 105, 106 e 107 conídios/mL), do período de molhamento (0, 12, 24, 36 e 48 h) e da temperatura (10, 15, 20, 25, 30 e 35ºC) sobre o desenvolvimento de dois isolados de A. alternata em uva var. Itália, além das possíveis alterações físico-químicas (pH, SST, AT e ácido ascórbico) nos cachos. Os cachos de uva aparentemente livre de doenças em estádio de maturação comercial foram inoculados por dois isolados mais agressivos, selecionados pelo teste de agressividade, com 10μL da suspensão de A. alternata, sendo que a concentração de 106 conídios/mL foi a que apresentou maior tamanho de lesão, não houve diferença significativa (ao nível de 5%) entre os diferentes períodos de molhamento e a temperatura em torno 25ºC favoreceu ao desenvolvimento da podridão e a temperatura ao redor 10ºC é recomendada para armazenamento durante sete dias sem afetar as características físico-químicas e proporcionando a diminuição da severidade da doençaThe grape variety of Italy is the main table grapes exported by Brazil mainly in the region of the São Francisco, but has major problems that arise after the harvest, among them is the rot. Among several agents of rot in grapes is of alternaria rot caused by Alternaria alternata which has caused great losses to producers and consumers. Objective was to verify the influence of different concentrations of inoculum (103, 104, 105,106 e 107 conídios/mL), wet period (0, 12, 24, 36 e 48 h) and temperature (10, 15, 20, 25, 30 e 35ºC) on the development of two isolates of A. alternata grape var. Italy, in addition to possible physical-chemical changes (pH, TSS, TA and ascorbic acid) in grape. Bunches of grape apparently free of disease in commercial maturation stage were inoculated by two most aggressive isolates were selected for the test of aggression, with 10μL of suspensão A. alternata, and concentration of 106 conidia/mL showed the greatest lesion size, no significant difference between different periods of wetness and temperature of 25°C favored the development of rot and temperature 10°C is recommended for storage for seven days without affecting the physical-chemical and providing the decrease in disease severity.Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNP

    Effects of the buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L.) oil supplementation on crossbred lactating goats: behavioral, physiological, and hematological responses

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    ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the buriti oil (Mauritia flexuosa L.) inclusion levels (0, 15, 30, and 45 g kg−1 in dry matter) replacing ground corn on the feeding behavior, as well as physiological and hematological variables of crossbred lactating Anglo Nubian goats. Eight Anglo Nubian goats were used, which were distributed in a double 4 × 4 Latin square experimental design (four periods and four levels of buriti oil) replacing corn in the total dry matter. For the evaluation of feeding behavior, single animals were observed every ten minutes for 24 h on three days. Respiratory rate (RR), heart rate (HR), rectal temperature (RT), and sweating rate (SR) of the animals were evaluated in the morning (09:00 h) and in the afternoon (15:00 h). Blood samples were always taken in the morning, before feeding, by puncturing the jugular vein for the complete blood count and white blood cell count. The levels of buriti oil had no effect on feeding, rumination, idling time, water intake, defecation and urination, DM intake, feed efficiency, and rumination efficiency of DM and NDF, but had effects on NDF intake. Physiological variables (RT, SR, RR, and HR) in both periods of the day were not influenced by the inclusion of buriti oil. However, SR and RR were higher in the afternoon than in the morning. In erythrocyte, results showed that the hematocrit and mean corpuscular volume increased with the inclusion of buriti oil. Hemoglobin, red blood cell count, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, and total plasma protein were not affected by the inclusion of buriti in the goat diet. The inclusion of buriti oil is recommended in up to 45 g kg−1 (DM basis) as a replacement for ground corn in diet of lactating goats without affecting the feeding behavior and physiological and hematological variables

    Effect of Edible Onion (Allium cepa L.) Film on Quality, Sensory Properties and Shelf Life of Beef Burger Patties

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    The production of edible film from onion (Allium cepa L.) to be applied as packaging is attractive, due to its chemical properties and biodegradable characteristics. Thus, we tested the hypothesis that edible onion film can positively influence the sensory properties, quality and increasing shelf life of beef burgers patties. The experiment was designed in a 4 × 2 factorial scheme, with two treatments (beef burgers patties with or without edible onion film) at an interval of four storage times (0, 3, 6 and 9 days) at 4 °C. The uncoated burger patties (control) suffered the most intense color modifications during the storage (p < 0.05). The luminosity index was higher (p < 0.05) in the control at all storage times, except at day 6, and redness, yellowness and chrome were higher (p < 0.05) in the edible onion film patties at all storage times. The pH of the beef burger patties was lower (p < 0.05) at all storage times when the edible onion film was applied. For the texture profile, only the chewiness was affected, as the inclusion of the edible onion film improved the chewing of the beef burgers patties over the storage time (p < 0.05). Additionally, there was an inhibition of the microbial growth of mesophiles and psychrophiles with the application of the edible onion film in beef burgers patties. The use of edible onion film improved the perception of panelists for the variables texture, color, flavor, odor and overall appearance, and increased the preference of panelists. The edible onion film is recommended for preserving beef burgers patties, as it delays the proliferation of unwanted microorganisms, stabilizes and improves the color parameters and sensory attributes, and increases the overall acceptance of the consumer

    Fermentation profile and nutritional value of sesame silage compared to usual silages

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    The objective was to evaluate the fermentation parameters, chemical composition and in situ degradability of sesame silage in comparison to usual silages. The losses, fermentation quality and chemical composition of the forages and silages were evaluated using a completely randomised design with four treatments (sesame, corn, millet and sunflower) and four replicates per treatment, the silages were produced in experimental silos. In-situ degradability was evaluated using a completely randomised design with four treatments and three replicates (animals) per treatment. The results were statistically evaluated by analysis of variance and Tukey’s test with a level of 5% of probability. Three rumen fistulated non-castrated Santa Inês rams were used. Sunflower and corn silages presented higher percentages of losses through gases (p = .0256). Millet silage presented higher losses by effluent (p < .0001). The dry matter recovery (p < .0001) ranged from 70.0 to 96.5% for sesame and corn silage, respectively. The dry matter content (p = .0002) in the silages ranged from 280.0 to 429.4 g kg−1. The sesame silage presented loss amounts and fermentation parameters similar to those found in corn and sunflower silage. Sesame silage showed moderate dry matter (DM), content, excellent crude protein (CP) and total digestible nutrients (TDN) contents, and low lignin content. Corn silage presented higher concentration of the soluble fraction of DM (p < .0001). The sesame silage presented a high degradability rate of DM and it was similar to corn and millet which have great nutritional potential for ruminants feeding. Sesame has the potential to produce quality biomass and silage for animal feeding.highlights The sesame can be an option for silage making. Sesame helps to ensure sustainability by promoting lower seasonal risks in this region through the usage of silage as feed for the animals. Sesame also increases the productivity of livestock throughout the year, through the availability of feed for the herd mainly during the dry season of the year

    The Quality of Salted Sun-Dried Meat from Young Nellore Bulls Fed Diets with Lauric Acid

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    This study aims to evaluate the quality of salted sun-dried meat from young bulls (Nellore cattle) fed with a diet containing 0.0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5% of lauric acid in the total dry matter (DM). Thirty-two Nellore bulls with initial body weight of 368 ± 32 kg were used. A linear decrease (p a*, b*, C*), and shear force were not affected. Lipid oxidation at 7 days of storage increased linearly in the salted sun-dried meat. Most of the fatty acid composition of the salted sun-dried meat from the semimembranosus muscle of young bulls was not influenced (p > 0.05) by the lauric acid inclusion in the bulls’ diet. However, there was a linear increase (p n − 3) and DHA (C22:6n − 3), and a quadratic increase in the PUFAn-6 arachidonic (C20:4n − 6) due to lauric acid addition from palm kernel oil in the diet. There was a liner increase (p n − 6, ∑n − 3 contents of salted sun-dried meat from the semimembranosus muscle of young bulls and the h:H health index of the level of lauric acid inclusion in bull’s diet. In contrast, the thrombogenicity health index (TI) and ∑n − 6:∑n − 3 ratio content in salted sun-dried meat from the semimembranosus muscle of young bulls presented a linear decrease (p n − 6 and n − 3, TI, and h:H indexes, which are associated with a better lipid quality of meat products, and further improves tenderness at the highest concentration

    Dietary Effect of Palm Kernel Oil Inclusion in Feeding Finishing Lambs on Meat Quality

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    This study evaluated the effects of palm kernel oil (PKO) in the diet of lambs on carcass characteristics, quality, and fatty acid profile of the meat. Forty uncastrated male Santa Inês lambs were used and divided among the treatments: PKOzero without inclusion; PKO1.3—added 1.3%; PKO2.6—added 2.6%; PKO3.9—added 3.9%; PKO5.2—added 5.2%. The carcass characteristics, the variables related to meat color, and the chemical composition of the Longissimus lumborum of lambs were not affected by the PKO inclusion. The weight of the carcasses at slaughter, hot and cold, half carcass, loin-eye area, and commercial cuts decreased linearly when PKO was added to the lamb diet (p < 0.01). CCY decreased linearly to the inclusion level of 2.66% PKO (RMSE 2.204). Total conjugated linoleic acid CLA and C18:3 n-3 GA concentrations remained stable until the inclusion levels of 3.44% PKO (RMSE 0.0956) and 2.17% (RMSE 0.0637), decreasing its concentrations as the increased level of PKO. The presence of PKO in the lambs’ diet up to the level of 5.2% did not change the meat quality characteristics; thus, from the point of view of lamb meat production and fatty acid profile, the inclusion of PKO is not beneficial