40 research outputs found
Wsparcie społeczne i strategie radzenia sobie ze stresem a depresyjność młodzieży
Social support, strategies of coping with stress and depression in adolescents The study focused on social support role as a protective factor (against depression) in 12–17 years old adolescents’ life. Strategies of coping with stress were also studied. It was found that the adolescents’ social network consisted of many subjects, mainly mothers, fathers, friends, siblings and important adults. Sources of social support changed with adolescents’ age and gender. Satisfaction with received help buffered the depression in adolescents though the relation was weak. Strategies of coping: reformulation, worry, ignore the problem, hard work and achieve, social action and concentrate on leisure activities were predicting the depression in adolescents. Further studies should focus on the relation between the type of support provided to adolescents and depression
Percepcja i przeżywanie stresu psychologicznego w kontekście kultury kolektywistycznej
Spostrzeganie (ang. perceive) stresu i radzenie sobie z nim zależy od kultury, w jakiej człowiek żyje. W pewnym uproszczeniu można powiedzieć, że kultura indywidualistyczna i kolektywistyczna to dwa różne systemy wartości, które determinują takie zjawiska psychologiczne, jak ocena stresora, jego odczuwanie, wybór strategii radzenia sobie i do pewnego stopnia efektywność przepracowania trudności. Ludzie żyjący w tzw. kulturze indywidualistycznej odnoszą stresory do jednostki – jej praw, aspiracji i dobrostanu psychicznego. Inaczej się dzieje w kulturze kolektywistycznej, gdzie trudności – nawet jeśli uderzają w jednostkę – są obciążeniem grupy. Z takiego spostrzegania stresu wynikają też odmienne strategie. Mimo danych uzyskanych z badań ilościowych i jakościowych nie wiadomo, czy skuteczność radzenia sobie ze stresem jest determinowana przez cechy tych kultur
Strategie radzenia sobie ze stresem a występowanie symptomów depresyjnych u młodzieży w wieku 13–16 lat
The main aim of the study was to analyse the strategies of coping used by adolescents in the age group of 13–16 years and the links between the strategies and the perceived depression. The strategies were studied with the reference to adolescentsʼ age and sex. The perceived depression was measured with self-description method. According to the results, younger adolescents (13–14 years) more often used the “ignore the problem” strategy compared to older youngsters (15–16 years). Strategies: “worry” and “seek the professional help” were more often used in the group of older adolescents. Girls used more various forms of social support and worried more often than boys. They also referred to relaxing strategies such as drawing, painting or reading books. Boys more often seek professional help. Surprisingly, the strategy of concentrating on pleasure activities protected adolescents from depression
The learning path to neural network industrial application in distributed environments
Industrial companies focus on efficiency and cost reduction, which is very closely related to production process safety and secured environments enabling production with reduced risks and minimized cost on machines maintenance. Legacy systems are being replaced with new systems built into distributed production environments and equipped with machine learning algorithms that help to make this change more effective and efficient. A distributed control system consists of several subsystems distributed across areas and sites requiring application interfaces built across a control network. Data acquisition and data processing are challenging processes. This contribution aims to present an approach for the data collection based on features standardized in industry and for data classification processed with an applied machine learning algorithm for distinguishing exceptions in a dataset. Files with classified exceptions can be used to train prediction models to make forecasts in a large amount of data.Web of Science912art. no. 224
COVID-19 outbreak has changed the economic and social relations and caused a critical impact on the higher education system. The closure of University campuses to prevent community transmission of the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has shifted face-to-face classes to online learning, distance learning, e-learning, mobile learning, and social learning. E-Learning and virtual education may become an essential component of the higher education system in the next years. Accordingly, teaching staff had to adapt their teaching methodology and tools to eLearning tools and platforms for effective student engagement. This paper reports on a first study conducted from December 2020 to January 2021, involving one hundred Higher Schools teachers of Management in the Silesia Region.The study showed many serious problems related to the emergency teaching-learning experience since it was essentially based on the translation of face-to-face approach in the online environment.
Animals in iodine deficiency or sulfadimethoxine models of thyroid damage are differently affected by the consumption of brassica sprouts
The study was primarily aimed at investigating the effect of brassica sprout consumption, namely rutabaga (Brassica napus L. var. napobrassica) sprouts (R) generally recognized as antithyroid agent due to its goitrogenic substance content, on hematological, biochemical, and immunological parameters in rats. Sprouts were tested alone and in a combination with other antithyroid factors, such as iodine deficiency (RDI) and sulfadimethoxine (RS). The expression of the heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) gene
in the thyroid as a stress-inducible protein was determined. The thermographic analysis was also estimated. The intake of rutabaga sprouts by healthy rats did not reveal any significant, harmful effect on the thyroid function. Both body temperature and expression of HO-1 remained unchanged in response to the consumed sprouts. In animals with hypothyroidism, rutabaga sprouts enhanced the negative effect of iodine deficiency or sulfadimethoxine ingestion on the organism by increasing the WBC (RDI), TNF-α (RS), creatinine (RS), and triglyceride (RDI and RS) levels, as well as decreasing PLT (RS) level. Moreover, rutabaga sprout consumption by rats with iodine deficiency and sulfadimethoxine decreased their body temperature. Additionally, the concomitant administration of sprouts and iodine depletion significantly reduced the expression of HO-1 in the thyroid. The results may prove useful in confirming rutabaga sprout consumption to be safe, though the seeds of this vegetable provide a well-known antithyroid agent. Our results have shown that rutabaga sprout consumption may be also a factor that enhances the negative clinical features only when combined with iodine deficiency and sulfadimethoxine ingestion
Expression of pattern recognition receptors in liver biopsy specimens of children chronically infected with HBV and HCV
Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) constitute a pivotal arm of innate immunity. Their distribution
is widespread and not limited to cells of the immune system. Following our previous findings concerning the
expression of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) 2, 3 and 4 in chronic viral hepatitis C of children, we wished to search for
other PRRs, including other TLRs, NOD-like receptors (NLRs) and RIG-1-like helicase receptors (RLR) in
infected hepatocytes. Liver biopsy fragments from ten children with chronic hepatitis B and C were used and two
others in which hepatotropic virus infection was excluded. Frozen sections of liver samples were subjected to ABC
immunohistochemistry (IHC) following incubation with a set of antibodies. Results of IHC findings were screened
for correlation with clinical/laboratory data of patients. It was found that several PRRs could be shown in affected
hepatocytes, but the incidence was higher in hepatitis C than in B. In hepatitis C, TLR1, 2, 4, NALP and RIG-1
helicase showed the most marked expression. In hepatitis B, TLR1, 3, 9, NOD1 and NALP expression were the
most conspicuous. Expression PRRs in liver from hepatitis of unknown origin was much lower. It was also the case
in cytospins from human hepatoma cell line. Several correlations between PRRs expression and clinical findings in
patients could be shown by statistical exploration. In conclusion, this data suggests some role for PRRs in the
pathogenesis of chronic viral hepatitis. (Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 2011; Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 410–416
Can a fermentation gas mainly produced by rumen Isotrichidae ciliates be a potential source of biohydrogen and a fuel for a chemical fuel cell?
Bacteria, fungi and protozoa inhabiting the rumen – the largest chamber of the ruminants’ stomach, release large quantities of hydrogen during the fermentation of carbohydrates. The hydrogen is used by coexisting methanogens to produce methane in energy-yielding processes. This work shows, for the first time, a fundamental possibility of using a hydrogen-rich fermentation gas produced by selected rumen ciliates to feed a low-temperature hydrogen fuel cell. A biohydrogen fuel cell (BHFC) was constructed consisting of (i) a bioreactor, in which a hydrogen-rich gas was produced from glucose by rumen ciliates, mainly of the Isotrichidae family, deprived of intra- and extracellular bacteria, methanogens, and fungi, and (ii) a chemical fuel cell of the polymer-electrolyte type (PEFC). The fuel cell was used as a tester of the technical applicability of the fermentation gas produced by the rumen ciliates for power generation. The average estimated hydrogen yield was ca. 1.15 mol H2 per mol of fermented glucose. The BHFC performance was equal to the performance of the PEFC running on pure hydrogen. No fuel cell poisoning effects were detected. A maximum power density of 1.66 kW/m2 (PEFC geometric area) was obtained at room temperature. The maximum volumetric power density was 128 W/m3 but the coulombic efficiency was only ca. 3.8%. The configuration of the bioreactor limited the continuous operation time of this BHFC to ca. 14 hours
Stressors of part-time students
Artykuł podejmuje problematykę stresu, z jakim radzą sobie studentki i studenci studiów niestacjonarnych. W odpowiedzi na pytanie zamieszczone w kwestionariuszu badawczym, które dotyczyło wyzwań, problemów i trudności, z jakimi mieli styczność badani, uzyskano opis około dwustu pięćdziesięciu różnych stresorów. Podzielono je następnie według treści na kilka grup. Najliczniejsza grupa trudności dotyczyła wykonywanej przez badane osoby pracy lub jej braku. Kolejne kategorie skupiały problemy dotyczące godzenia życia zawodowego, rodzinnego i wyzwań związanych ze studiowaniem. Obciążające okazały się także: brak czasu dla rodziny i bliskich, trudności materialne, przeżywanie choroby własnej lub kogoś bliskiego. Wyniki uwzględniają podział w stresorach spostrzeganych przez kobiety i mężczyzn. Liczba i rodzaj trudności podawanych przez badane osoby mogą wskazywać na fakt, że studiowanie w trybie niestacjonarnym wiąże się z wysokim poziomem natężenia stresu u osób, które taką formę studiów podjęły.The article addresses the issue of stress that is being suffered parttime students. In the research questionnaire a question concerning challenges, problems and difficulties, with which the studied group had to deal with, was asked. In an answer to the questionnaire around 250 stressors were gathered. They were divided, according to their content, into a couple of groups. The most numerous group concerned job or the lack of it. Further categories included reconciling worklife balance with challenges connected with studying. Also the following factors appeared stressful: lack of time for family, financial problems and own illness or illness of someone close. Research results are divided according to women’s and men’s perception of stressors. The number and type of difficulties can indicate that studying part-time is connected with high level of stress