337 research outputs found

    Insect taxonomy can be difficult : a noctuid moth (Agaristinae: Aletopus imperialis) and a geometrid moth (Sterrhinae: Cartaletis dargei) combined into a cryptic species complex in eastern Africa (Lepidoptera)

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    The systematic position of a large and strikingly coloured reddish-black moth, Cartaletis dargei Herbulot, 2003 (Geometridae: Sterrhinae) from Tanzania, has remained questionable since its description. Here we present molecular and morphological evidence showing that Cartaletis dargei only superficially resembles true Cartaletis Warren, 1894 (the relative name currently considered a junior synonym of Aletis Hubner, 1820), which are unpalatable diurnal moths superficially resembling butterflies, and that it is misplaced in the family Geometridae. We transfer it to Noctuidae: Agaristinae, and combine it with the genus Aletopus Jordan, 1926, from Tanzania, as Aletopus dargei (Herbulot, 2003) (new combination). We revise the genus Aletopus to contain three species, but find that it is a cryptic species complex that needs to be revised with more extensive taxon sampling. Our results demonstrate the difficulties in interpreting and classifying biological diversity. We discuss the problems in species delimitation and the potential drivers of evolution in eastern Africa that led to phenotypic similarity in unrelated lepidopteran lineages.Peer reviewe

    A Review of Formal and Informal Regulations in the Nordic Influencer Industry

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    This article provides a systematic review of laws, guidelines, and best practices related to the Nordic influencer industry as of the year 2020. We highlight some nuanced differences or shortfalls across Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden, and give some policy recommendations to national governments and industry in order to maintain a professional Nordic standard. The article identifies a degree of social, cultural, and economic coherence in the Nordic context that allows for the Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, and Swedish influencer industries to be viewed as a collaborative entity. It then reviews the status of income and tax procedures, and the regulation of commercial disclosures for influencers in the Nordic region. It is hoped that this research contributes to strengthening the integrity and rigour of the Nordic influencer industry to serve as a model for other regional networks of influencers.publishedVersio

    Conservation Genetic Resources for Effective Species Survival (ConGRESS): Bridging the divide between conservation research and practice

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    Policy makers and managers are increasingly called upon to assess the state of biodiversity, and make decisions regarding potential interventions. Genetic tools are well-recognised in the research community as a powerful approach to evaluate species and population status, reveal ecological and demographic processes, and inform nature conservation decisions. The wealth of genetic data and power of genetic methods are rapidly growing, but the consideration of genetic information and concerns in policy and management is limited by the currently low capacity of decision-makers to access and apply genetic resources. Here we describe a freely available, user-friendly online resource for decision-makers at local and national levels (http://congressgenetics.eu), which increases access to current knowledge, facilitates implementation of studies and interpretation of available data, and fosters collaboration between researchers and practitioners. This resource was created in partnership with conservation practitioners across the European Union, and includes a spectrum of taxa, ecosystems and conservation issues. Our goals here are to (1) introduce the rationale and context, (2) describe the specific tools (knowledge summaries, publications database, decision making tool, project planning tool, forum, community directory), and the challenges they help solve, and (3) summarise lessons learned. This article provides an outlook and model for similar efforts to build policy and management capacity. © 2013 Elsevier GmbH.ConGRESS is funded by European Commission grant FP7-ENV-2009-1 244250 (Knowledge Transfer and Uptake of EU Research Results

    Neural architectures of music – Insights from acquired amusia

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    The ability to perceive and produce music is a quintessential element of human life, present in all known cultures. Modern functional neuroimaging has revealed that music listening activates a large-scale bilateral network of cortical and subcortical regions in the healthy brain. Even the most accurate structural studies do not reveal which brain areas are critical and causally linked to music processing. Such questions may be answered by analysing the effects of focal brain lesions in patients´ ability to perceive music. In this sense, acquired amusia after stroke provides a unique opportunity to investigate the neural architectures crucial for normal music processing. Based on the first large-scale longitudinal studies on stroke-induced amusia using modern multi-modal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques, such as advanced lesion-symptom mapping, grey and white matter morphometry, tractography and functional connectivity, we discuss neural structures critical for music processing, consider music processing in light of the dual-stream model in the right hemisphere, and propose a neural model for acquired amusia.</p

    Elämänlaadun ja toimintakyvyn muutokset ikääntyneillä aivoverenkiertohäiriön sairastaneilla kävelyn ja käden tehostetun käytön kuntoutuksen aikana

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    65–85-vuotiaiden aivoverenkiertohäiriön (AVH:n) sairastaneiden (n = 270) kuntoutustutkimus toteutettiin osana Kelan kehittämishanketta. Kontrolloimattomassa seurantatutkimuksessa selvitettiin laitos- ja avomuotoisen kävely- ja käsikuntoutuksen aikana tapahtuneita muutoksia elämänlaadussa ja toimintakyvyssä. Kävelykuntoutus sisälsi painokevennettyä ja muuta kävelyharjoittelua. Käsikuntoutus sisälsi halvaantuneen käden tehostetun käytön harjoittelua. Kävelykuntoutuksen perusjakson kesto laitos- ja avokuntoutuksessa oli 20/18 vrk, käsikuntoutuksen 14/13 vrk. Seurantajaksot I (6 vrk) ja II (2 vrk, loppumittaukset) toteutettiin 6 ja 12 kuukauden kuluttua perusjakson päättymisestä. Alkutilanteessa kävelyn avokuntoutujissa itsenäisesti käveleviä (FAC) oli enemmän kuin laitoskuntoutujissa. Laitoskuntoutujilla itsenäisesti kävelevien määrä kasvoi 45 %:sta 63 %:iin. Molemmilla ryhmillä kävelymatka (6 min) piteni. Laitoskuntoutujilla motorinen ja kognitiivinen toiminta (FIM) paranivat. Avokuntoutujien motoriset ja prosessitaidot (AMPS) paranivat. Laitoskuntoutujien elämänlaatupisteet ympäristön osa-alueella (WHOQOL-BREF) nousivat. Alkutilanteessa yläraajan toimintakyky (WMFT) oli käden laitoskuntoutujilla parempi kuin avokuntoutujilla. Molemmissa ryhmissä halvaantuneen yläraajan toimintakyky koheni. Laitoskuntoutujien puristusvoima (dynamometri) ja avokuntoutujilla motoriset taidot (AMPS) paranivat. Tutkittavien iän, sukupuolen, sairastamisajan ja toimintakyvyn lähtötason yhteyttä tutkittiin toimintakykyä kuvaavien mittareiden muutoksiin. Vain alhainen lähtötaso ennakoi parempaa edistymistä mittaustuloksissa. Ikääntynyttä AVH:n sairastanutta kannattaa kuntouttaa kävelyn, halvaantuneen yläraajan käytön sekä päivittäisistä toiminnoista suoriutumisen parantamiseksi

    Cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying the mnemonic effect of songs after stroke

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    Sung melody provides a mnemonic cue that can enhance the acquisition of novel verbal material in healthy subjects. Recent evidence suggests that also stroke patients, especially those with mild aphasia, can learn and recall novel narrative stories better when they are presented in sung than spoken format. Extending this finding, the present study explored the cognitive mechanisms underlying this effect by determining whether learning and recall of novel sung vs. spoken stories show a differential pattern of serial position effects (SPEs) and chunking effects in non-aphasic and aphasic stroke patients (N = 31) studied 6 months post-stroke. The structural neural correlates of these effects were also explored using voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and deterministic tractography (DT) analyses of structural MRI data. Non-aphasic patients showed more stable recall with reduced SPEs in the sung than spoken task, which was coupled with greater volume and integrity (indicated by fractional anisotropy, FA) of the left arcuate fasciculus. In contrast, compared to non-aphasic patients, the aphasic patients showed a larger recency effect (better recall of the last vs. middle part of the story) and enhanced chunking (larger units of correctly recalled consecutive items) in the sung than spoken task. In aphasics, the enhanced chunking and better recall on the middle verse in the sung vs. spoken task correlated also with better ability to perceive emotional prosody in speech. Neurally, the sung > spoken recency effect in aphasic patients was coupled with greater grey matter volume in a bilateral network of temporal, frontal, and parietal regions and also greater volume of the right inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (IFOF). These results provide novel cognitive and neurobiological insight on how a repetitive sung melody can function as a verbal mnemonic aid after stroke.</p

    A randomised controlled trial investigating motor skill training as a function of attentional focus in old age

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    BACKGROUND: Motor learning research has had little impact on clinical applications and rarely extended to research about how older adults learn motor skills. There is consistent evidence that motor skill performance and learning can be enhanced by giving learners instructions that direct their attention. The aim of this study was to test whether elderly individuals that receive an external focus instruction during training of dynamic balance skills would learn in a different manner compared to individuals that received an internal focus instruction. METHODS: This randomised trial included 26 older persons (81 +/- 6 years) that were training functional balance twice a week for the duration of 5 weeks. Learning outcomes were recorded after every training session. Weight shifting score and dynamic balance parameters (Biodex Balance System), components of the Extended Timed-Get-Up-and-Go test, five chair rises, and falls efficacy (FES-I) was assessed at baseline and post-intervention. RESULTS: Participation for training sessions was 94%. No differences between groups were found following 5 weeks of training for weight shifting score, dynamic balance index and dynamic balance time (p < 0.95, p = 0.16, p < 0.50), implying no learning differences between training groups. Extended Timed-Get-Up-and-Go components Sit-to-stand, p = .036; Gait initiation, p = .039; Slow down, stop, turnaround, and sit down, p = 0.011 and the Fes-I (p = 0.014) showed improvements for the total group, indicating that function improved compared to baseline. CONCLUSION: A 5-week balance training improved weight shifting scores and dynamic balance parameters as well as functional abilities. The observed improvements were independent from the type of attentional focus instructions. The findings provide support for the proposition of different motor learning principles in older adults compared to younger adults
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