136 research outputs found

    Teachers and standardized assessments in mathematics: an affective perspective

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    Standardized assessments in mathematics have an increasing relevance in the educational debate and, often, they heavily affect educational policies. Specifically, the framework and the items of standardized assessments suggest what is considered relevant as an outcome of mathematics education at a certain school level. The strength and the quality of the educational impact of standardized assessments seem to depend heavily on teachers’ affective reactions to standardized assessment; however, studies focused on this issue are very rare: what are teachers’ attitudes towards the standardized assessments and their effects? In this frame, we carried out a large qualitative research to investigate teachers’ attitudes in the Italian context

    Il libro bianco sulla sicurezza alimentare. Futuri aspetti normativi

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    RIASSUNTO Il Libro Bianco si basa sul principio che la politica della sicurezza alimentare deve prendere in considerazione l’intera catena alimentare, tanto che la Commissione, nella sua stesura, ha già delineato più di 80 azioni necessarie ad integrare ed ammodernare l’attuale normativa, per renderla più coerente, comprensibile e flessibile, per farla rispettare meglio e per garantire una maggiore trasparenza. L’impegno primario è di definire i ruoli di tutti i partecipanti alla catena alimentare: i produttori di mangimi, gli agricoltori ed i produttori/operatori del settore che devono avere la responsabilità primaria riguardo la sicurezza degli alimenti; le autorità competenti negli Stati membri e nei Paesi terzi che devono avere compiti di monitoraggio e devono far sì che tutte le responsabilità vengano rispettate attuando sistemi nazionali di controllo e di sorveglianza; la Commissione che deve avere il compito di valutare la capacità che hanno le autorità competenti di attuare tutti i sistemi di controllo (audit e ispezioni a livello nazionale); infine, i consumatori che devono essere coscienti che sono responsabili dell’adeguata conservazione, manipolazione e cottura degli alimenti. SUMMARY The white paper base itself on the principle that the politic on food security must consider the whole food chain. For this reason the Commission, during the drawing up of the White Book, has already outlined more than 80 necessary actions: to integrate and to modernize the present provisions, to make the provisions more coherent understandable and flexible, to make the provisions better observable, and to guarantee a greater transparence. The primary objective of the book is to determine the role of every people involved in the food chain. The feed producers, the farmers and the producers/workers of the chain must have the primary responsibility of the food safety. The competent Authorities, in each European Country, and also in the so called Third Countries, must monitor the productive process and must perform random checkups and controls, to evaluate their systems and, eventually, to detect faults of every kind of operator. The European Commission must evaluate the Authorities of each European Country and also of the trading foreigner Countries (by audit and inspections on the national markets). The consumers must storage, handle and cook the food with the correct methods

    From synthetic geometry to dynamic geometry and back: the case of circular inversion

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    This vignette was written for the Klein project and was published on October 22, 2020 at: http://blog.kleinproject.org

    Allocentric spatial perception through vision and touch in sighted and blind children.

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    Abstract Vision and touch play a critical role in spatial development, facilitating the acquisition of allocentric and egocentric frames of reference, respectively. Previous works have shown that children's ability to adopt an allocentric frame of reference might be impaired by the absence of visual experience during growth. In the current work, we investigated whether visual deprivation also impairs the ability to shift from egocentric to allocentric frames of reference in a switching-perspective task performed in the visual and haptic domains. Children with and without visual impairments from 6 to 13 years of age were asked to visually (only sighted children) or haptically (blindfolded sighted children and blind children) explore and reproduce a spatial configuration of coins by assuming either an egocentric perspective or an allocentric perspective. Results indicated that temporary visual deprivation impaired the ability of blindfolded sighted children to switch from egocentric to allocentric perspective more in the haptic domain than in the visual domain. Moreover, results on visually impaired children indicated that blindness did not impair allocentric spatial coding in the haptic domain but rather affected the ability to rely on haptic egocentric cues in the switching-perspective task. Finally, our findings suggested that the total absence of vision might impair the development of an egocentric perspective in case of body midline-crossing targets

    Increased F2-isoprostane levels in semen and immunolocalization of the 8-iso prostaglandin F2α in spermatozoa from infertile patients with varicocele

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    Polyunsaturated fatty acid damages lead to alterations in sperm function. This study aimed to investigate the involvement of F2-isoprostanes (F2-IsoPs), oxidized lipid products from arachidonic acid, in sperm quality impairment. For this purpose, F2-IsoP levels in semen and F2-IsoP localization in spermatozoa were explored in infertile subjects affected by idiopathic infertility or varicocele, as well as in fertile men. As compared to fertile men, in the idiopathic infertility and varicocele groups, sperm concentration, motility, morphology, viability, and fertility index were significantly lower and the mean scores concerning sperm apoptosis, necrosis, and immaturity were significantly higher. The idiopathic infertile group showed a reduction in sperm motility and fertility index, as well as an increase of apoptosis and necrosis percentages, in comparison to the varicocele group. The varicocele group showed the highest levels of F2-IsoPs, a significant increase of sperm immaturity, and a significant correlation between F2-IsoP levels and sperm immaturity. 8-Iso Prostaglandin F2α, biomarker of in vivo F2-IsoP, was clearly localized in sperm midpiece and cytoplasmic residues. Data show that F2-IsoP formation is relevant in semen and sperm from infertile patients with varicocele and high percentage of immaturity, suggesting that a correct fatty acid integrity is needed for sperm maturation

    Clinical assessment of the TechArm system on visually impaired and blind children during uni- and multi-sensory perception tasks

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    We developed the TechArm system as a novel technological tool intended for visual rehabilitation settings. The system is designed to provide a quantitative assessment of the stage of development of perceptual and functional skills that are normally vision-dependent, and to be integrated in customized training protocols. Indeed, the system can provide uni- and multisensory stimulation, allowing visually impaired people to train their capability of correctly interpreting non-visual cues from the environment. Importantly, the TechArm is suitable to be used by very young children, when the rehabilitative potential is maximal. In the present work, we validated the TechArm system on a pediatric population of low-vision, blind, and sighted children. In particular, four TechArm units were used to deliver uni- (audio or tactile) or multi-sensory stimulation (audio-tactile) on the participant's arm, and subject was asked to evaluate the number of active units. Results showed no significant difference among groups (normal or impaired vision). Overall, we observed the best performance in tactile condition, while auditory accuracy was around chance level. Also, we found that the audio-tactile condition is better than the audio condition alone, suggesting that multisensory stimulation is beneficial when perceptual accuracy and precision are low. Interestingly, we observed that for low-vision children the accuracy in audio condition improved proportionally to the severity of the visual impairment. Our findings confirmed the TechArm system's effectiveness in assessing perceptual competencies in sighted and visually impaired children, and its potential to be used to develop personalized rehabilitation programs for people with visual and sensory impairments

    Pro-Atherogenic and Pro-Oxidant Diets Influence Semen and Blood Traits of Rabbit Bucks

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    : Many dietary factors can affect sperm traits. We compared the effect of diets rich in pro-oxidant (flaxseed oil) and pro-atherogenic (coconut oil) substances without added antioxidants on semen traits, using the rabbit as an animal model. Thirty rabbit bucks (8 months old) were fed three diets for 150 days: CNT (control) a standard diet; HA (high-atherogenic) standard diet + 3% coconut oil, and HO (high-oxidizing) standard diet + 3% flaxseed oil. Semen samples were collected weekly for the evaluation of qualitative traits (kinetics, viability) and the oxidative damage (MDA and cytokines). Blood was collected at the start (T0) and end (T8) of the experimental period for the assessment of the oxidative damage (MDA and isoprostanoids), lipid profile, and testosterone. A worsening of sperm kinetics and viability was recorded in the HA group. Lipid oxidation in seminal plasma, as well as isoprostanoids in blood (F3-IsoPs and F4-NeuroPs), increased in both the HO and HA groups. A high level of TNF-α, a marker of inflammatory status, was recorded in the seminal plasma of the HA group. The resulting outcomes were mainly attributable to the different fatty acid profiles (SFA vs. PUFA) of the diets, which modulated an inflammatory/oxidative response

    A systematic review of the literature on ethical aspects of transitional care between child- and adult-orientated health services

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    Background Healthcare policy and academic literature have promoted improving the transitional care of young people leaving child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS). Despite the availability of guidance on good practice, there seems to be no readily accessible, coherent ethical analysis of transition. The ethical principles of non-maleficence, beneficence, justice and respect for autonomy can be used to justify the need for further enquiry into the ethical pros and cons of this drive to improve transitional care. The objective of this systematic review was therefore to systematically search for existing ethical literature on child- to adult-orientated health service transitions and to critically appraise and collate the literature, whether empirical or normative. Methods A wide range of bioethics, biomedical and legal databases, grey literature and bioethics journals were searched. Ancestral and forward searches of identified papers were undertaken. Key words related to transition, adolescence and young adulthood, ethics, law and health. The timeframe was January 2000 to at least March 2016. Titles, abstracts and, where necessary, full articles were screened and duplicates removed. All included articles were critically appraised and a narrative synthesis produced. Results Eighty two thousand four hundred eighty one titles were screened, from which 96 abstracts were checked. Forty seven full documents were scrutinised, leading to inclusion of two papers. Ancestral and forward searches yielded four further articles. In total, one commentary, three qualitative empirical studies and two clinical ethics papers were found. All focused on young people with complex care needs and disabilities. The three empirical papers had methodological flaws. The two ethical papers were written from a clinical ethics context rather than using a bioethical format. No literature identified specifically addressed the ethical challenges of balancing the delivery of transitional care to those who need it and the risk of pathologizing transient and self-limited distress and dysfunction, which may be normal during adolescence. Conclusions There is very little research on ethical aspects of transitional care. Most existing studies come from services for young people with complex care needs and disabilities. There is much scope for improvement in the amount and quality of empirical research and ethical analysis in this area
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