29 research outputs found

    Dyskusje o wpływie wojny na emancypację kobiet w prasie kobiecej dwudziestolecia międzywojennego

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    The text attempts to present how the Great War’s impact on emancipation processes and changes in the relationship between the genders were seen in the women’s press. An analysis was conducted of the series of articles by Cecylia Walewska entitled ‘The differentiation of the female type after the war’, published in the weekly Bluszcz in 1927; the series has been confronted with other voices appearing in the interwar press and with the realities of life at that time.Tekst zawiera próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak na łamach prasy kobiecej dwudziestolecia międzywojennego widziano wpływ Wielkiej Wojny na procesy emancypacyjne i zmianę relacji między płciami. Analizie poddano cykl artykułów Cecylii Walewskiej, pt. Zróżniczkowanie się typu kobiecego po wojnie, publikowanych na łamach „Bluszczu” w 1927 r. Skonfrontowano je z innymi głosami pojawiającymi się w prasie międzywojennej oraz z realiami ówczesnego życia

    Evolution or revolution? : transformations of family in the Polish lands in the first half of the twentieth century : selected aspects

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    The text focuses on select issues related to the transformation of the family in the first half of the twentieth century, such as: changes regarding marital choices and relationships between spouses, changes in the scope of parental roles and the processes of individualization and individual autonomy in the family. It tries to answer the questions about the dynamics of these processes in different social milieus and to indicate factors that accelerated and delayed them. The analysis of the sources and literature concerning family lives does not allow for an unambiguous assessment of the rapidity and range of changes taking place in families. Nevertheless, it exposes the diversity of models existing in family life and shows that it depends on such elements as social environment, gender, idiosyncratic features of the individual, to the same extent as it does on the rate of change

    Assessment of education requirements for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, based on the Polish version of the Educational Needs Assessment Tool (Pol-ENAT), in the light of some health problems – A cross-sectional study

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    © 2016, Institute of Agricultural Medicine. All rights reserved. Introduction. Patients with chronic rheumatoid arthritis (RA) need advice in order to face the problems of everyday life, as well as suffering associated with the disease. Health professionals should attempt to raise the level of resourcefulness and independence of the patient. Objective. To assess the relationship between the deficit of knowledge about RA and the degree of pain, fatigue, morning stiffness, assessment of disease activity as well as functional efficiency. Materials and method. The study was conducted on 277 patients with RA in 7 rheumatologic centres in Poland. The method applied was the questionnaire Pol-ENAT (0–156); HAQ DI (0–3); analog scales (0–100). Results. Mean (SD) age was 53.28 (13.01) and disease duration 13.70 (10.63) years. The mean (SD) value was 54.93 (23.17) for pain, 52.97 (21.98) for fatigue, 48.28 (24.76) for morning stiffness (0–100 mm). HAQ DI was 1.40 (0.66), with an upward trend with duration of disease (

    Factors associated with quality of life in systemic sclerosis: a cross-sectional study

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    © 2019, The Author(s). Introduction: Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a connective tissue disease characterized by progressive fibrosis of the skin and internal organs, leading to their failure and disturbances in the morphology and function of blood vessels. The disease affects people in different ways, and identifying how the difficulties and limitations are related to quality of life may contribute to designing helpful interventions. The aim of this study was to identify factors associated with quality of life in people with SSc. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in 11 rheumatic centres in Poland. Patients diagnosed with SSc were included. Quality of life was measured using the SSc Quality of Life Questionnaire (SScQoL). The following candidate factors were entered in preliminary multivariable analysis: age, place of residence, marital status, occupational status, disease type, disease duration, pain, fatigue, intestinal problems, breathing problems, Raynaud’s symptoms, finger ulcerations, disease severity, functional disability, anxiety and depression. Factors that achieved statistical significance at the 10% level were then entered into a final multivariable model. Factors achieving statistical significance at the 5% level in the final model were considered to be associated with quality of life in SSc. Results: In total, 231 participants were included. Mean age (SD) was 55.82 (12.55) years, disease duration 8.39 (8.18) years and 198 (85.7%) were women. Factors associated with quality of life in SSc were functional disability (β = 2.854, p < 0.001) and anxiety (β = 0.404, p < 0.001). This model with two factors (functional disability and anxiety) explained 56.7% of the variance in patients with diffuse SSc and 73.2% in those with localized SSc. Conclusions: Functional disability and anxiety are significantly associated with quality of life in SSc. Interventions aimed at improving either of these factors may contribute towards improving the quality of life of people with SSc

    Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: Do we have to perform coronary angiography?

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    Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) remains a leading cause of global mortality, while survivors are burdened with long-term neurological and cardiovascular complications. OHCA management at the hospital level remains challenging, due to heterogeneity of OHCA presentation, the critical status of OHCA patients reaching the return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), and the demands of post ROSC treatment. The validity and optimal timing for coronary angiography is one important, yet not fully defined, component of OHCA management. Guidelines state clear recommendations for coronary angiography in OHCA patients with shockable rhythms, cardiogenic shock, or in patients with ST-segment elevation observed in electrocardiography after ROSC. However, there is no established consensus on the angiographic management in other clinical settings. While coronary angiography may accelerate the diagnostic and therapeutic process (provided OHCA was a consequence of coronary artery disease), it might come at the cost of impaired post-resuscitation care quality due to postponing of intensive care management. The aim of the current statement paper is to discuss clinical strategies for the management of OHCA including the stratification to invasive procedures and the rationale behind the risk-benefit ratio of coronary angiography, especially with patients in critical condition

    Debates on the War Impact on Women’s Emancipation in the Female Press of the Interwar Period

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    Tekst zawiera próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak na łamach prasy kobiecej dwudziestolecia międzywojennego widziano wpływ Wielkiej Wojny na procesy emancypacyjne i zmianę relacji między płciami. Analizie poddano cykl artykułów Cecylii Walewskiej, pt. Zróżniczkowanie się typu kobiecego po wojnie, publikowanych na łamach „Bluszczu” w 1927 r. Skonfrontowano je z innymi głosami pojawiającymi się w prasie międzywojennej oraz z realiami ówczesnego życia.The text attempts to present how the Great War’s impact on emancipation processes and changes in the relationship between the genders were seen in the women’s press. An analysis was conducted of the series of articles by Cecylia Walewska entitled ‘The differentiation of the female type after the war’, published in the weekly Bluszcz in 1927; the series has been confronted with other voices appearing in the interwar press and with the realities of life at that time

    The Expulsions from the ‘Congress’ Kingdom of Poland and Galicia as Seen from Personal Accounts (1914–18)

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    The article discusses the refugees’ life during the Great War, focusing on the living conditions on their route to and in exile. The aim here is to grasp the experience that the refugees underwent when they were still uncertain of their future, and when they were venturing into the unknown without being aware of where their journey would take them. The source material concerns refugees who fled from the ‘Congress’ Kingdom of Poland and Galicia to central Russia and western part of the Austro-Hungarian empire. It involves personal documents, especially those created during this exile experience, and the accounts included in the press, notably in Ognisko Polskie. The evidence presented in the article shows that the exile was among the most traumatic war events. It also demonstrates that the flight and exile affected various groups in different ways. Children and elderly persons were most vulnerable and most likely to suffer damage to their health or even to lose their lives. It was particularly difficult for them to endure adverse weather conditions and malnutrition. They were also more prone to contagious diseases, especially typhus and cholera. The stay in the barracks camps established in the Austro-Hungarian Empire was another difficult experience. Especially initially the camps were not fi t for housing so great a number of people of different age and gender. Finally, the analysis of personal documents shows the use of different survival strategies in the exile. The refugees showed much determination in finding employment or seeking compensation and various benefits; and there was a significant social mobilization to organize assistance to the refugees

    Konie i inne zwierzęta na ziemiach polskich w latach Wielkiej Wojny

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    W artykule podjęto próbę oceny zawartości materiałów pamiętnikarskich polskich autorów, dotyczących I wojny światowej, pod kątem obecności w nich relacji o zwierzętach. Analizie poddano konteksty, w jakich pojawiają się w zapiskach czworonogi oraz relacje ludzi i zwierząt w szczególnym okresie wojny.The aim of the article is to analyze the content of diaries and memoirs by Polish authors dealing with World War I with regard to references to animals. The analysis concerns the contexts in which animals are mentioned and the mutual relationship between people and animals in extraordinary circumstances, in this case in times of war

    Janusz Żarnowski (1932–2019)

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