2,719 research outputs found

    A comparative study of the estimators for the demand of engineering courses in Portugal

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    For the purpose of modeling the demand of Engineering Courses in Portugal we analyzed the possible regression models for panel count data models by establishing a comparison between the estimators obtained and then finding the most appropriate ones for our dataset. A precise quantification of the demand for each academic program is facilitated by the rules of access to higher education, in National Contest for Access and Admission to Higher Education, where candidates must list up to six preferences of institution and program. The data used in this paper covers the results of the national contest from 1997 to 2015 provided by the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science. Multivariate methodologies were performed in order to allow a better understanding of the students’ allocation behavior. The results seem to indicate that the negative binomial estimates fit better the dataset analyzed.A. Manuela Gonc¾alves and Raquel Oliveira were supported by the Research Centre of Mathematics of the University of Minho with the Portuguese Funds from the ”FCT Fundac¾ao para a Ci ˜ encia e a Tecnologia”, through the Project PEstOE/MAT/UI0013/2014. Rosa ˆ M. Vasconcelos was supported by the Foundation through ”FCT - Fundac¾ao para a Ci ˜ encia e Tec- ˆ nologia”, within the Project UID/MAT/00013/2013, by FEDER funds through the Competitivity Factors Operational Programme - COMPET and by national funds through FCT within the scope of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007136

    Generalised geometry, eleven dimensions and E11

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    We construct the non-linear realisation of E11 and its first fundamental representation in eleven dimensions at low levels. The fields depend on the usual coordinates of space-time as well as two form and five form coordinates. We derive the terms in the dynamics that contain the three form and six form fields and show that when we restricted their field dependence to be only on the usual space-time we recover the correct self-duality relation. Should this result generalise to the gravity fields then the non-linear realisation is an extension of the maximal supergravity theory, as previously conjectured. We also comment on the connections between the different approaches to generalised geometry.Comment: 17 pages, Trivial typos corrected in version one and a substantial note added which gives the equation of motion relating the gravity field to its dua

    Long-term patterns of body mass and stature evolution within the hominin lineage.

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    Body size is a central determinant of a species' biology and adaptive strategy, but the number of reliable estimates of hominin body mass and stature have been insufficient to determine long-term patterns and subtle interactions in these size components within our lineage. Here, we analyse 254 body mass and 204 stature estimates from a total of 311 hominin specimens dating from 4.4 Ma to the Holocene using multi-level chronological and taxonomic analytical categories. The results demonstrate complex temporal patterns of body size variation with phases of relative stasis intermitted by periods of rapid increases. The observed trajectories could result from punctuated increases at speciation events, but also differential proliferation of large-bodied taxa or the extinction of small-bodied populations. Combined taxonomic and temporal analyses show that in relation to australopithecines, early Homo is characterized by significantly larger average body mass and stature but retains considerable diversity, including small body sizes. Within later Homo, stature and body mass evolution follow different trajectories: average modern stature is maintained from ca 1.6 Ma, while consistently higher body masses are not established until the Middle Pleistocene at ca 0.5-0.4 Ma, likely caused by directional selection related to colonizing higher latitudes. Selection against small-bodied individuals (less than 40 kg; less than 140 cm) after 1.4 Ma is associated with a decrease in relative size variability in later Homo species compared with earlier Homo and australopithecines. The isolated small-bodied individuals of Homo naledi (ca 0.3 Ma) and Homo floresiensis (ca 100-60 ka) constitute important exceptions to these general patterns, adding further layers of complexity to the evolution of body size within the genus Homo. At the end of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene, body size in Homo sapiens declines on average, but also extends to lower limits not seen in comparable frequency since early Homo

    Classification of non-Riemannian doubled-yet-gauged spacetime

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    Assuming O(D,D)\mathbf{O}(D,D) covariant fields as the `fundamental' variables, Double Field Theory can accommodate novel geometries where a Riemannian metric cannot be defined, even locally. Here we present a complete classification of such non-Riemannian spacetimes in terms of two non-negative integers, (n,nˉ)(n,\bar{n}), 0≀n+nˉ≀D0\leq n+\bar{n}\leq D. Upon these backgrounds, strings become chiral and anti-chiral over nn and nˉ\bar{n} directions respectively, while particles and strings are frozen over the n+nˉn+\bar{n} directions. In particular, we identify (0,0)(0,0) as Riemannian manifolds, (1,0)(1,0) as non-relativistic spacetime, (1,1)(1,1) as Gomis-Ooguri non-relativistic string, (D−1,0)(D{-1},0) as ultra-relativistic Carroll geometry, and (D,0)(D,0) as Siegel's chiral string. Combined with a covariant Kaluza-Klein ansatz which we further spell, (0,1)(0,1) leads to Newton-Cartan gravity. Alternative to the conventional string compactifications on small manifolds, non-Riemannian spacetime such as D=10D=10, (3,3)(3,3) may open a new scheme of the dimensional reduction from ten to four.Comment: 1+41 pages; v2) Refs added; v3) Published version; v4) Sign error in (2.51) correcte

    Generating MHV super-vertices in light-cone gauge

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    We constructe the N=1\mathcal{N}=1 SYM lagrangian in light-cone gauge using chiral superfields instead of the standard vector superfield approach and derive the MHV lagrangian. The canonical transformations of the gauge field and gaugino fields are summarised by the transformation condition of chiral superfields. We show that N=1\mathcal{N}=1 MHV super-vertices can be described by a formula similar to that of the N=4\mathcal{N}=4 MHV super-amplitude. In the discussions we briefly remark on how to derive Nair's formula for N=4\mathcal{N}=4 SYM theory directly from light-cone lagrangian.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, JHEP3 style; v2: references added, some typos corrected; Clarification on the condition used to remove one Grassmann variabl

    Local and global modes of drug action in biochemical networks

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    It becomes increasingly accepted that a shift is needed from the traditional target-based approach of drug development to an integrated perspective of drug action in biochemical systems. We here present an integrative analysis of the interactions between drugs and metabolism based on the concept of drug scope. The drug scope represents the set of metabolic compounds and reactions that are potentially affected by a drug. We constructed and analyzed the scopes of all US approved drugs having metabolic targets. Our analysis shows that the distribution of drug scopes is highly uneven, and that drugs can be classified into several categories based on their scopes. Some of them have small scopes corresponding to localized action, while others have large scopes corresponding to potential large-scale systemic action. These groups are well conserved throughout different topologies of the underlying metabolic network. They can furthermore be associated to specific drug therapeutic properties

    On the Trace Anomaly and the Anomaly Puzzle in N=1 Pure Yang-Mills

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    The trace anomaly of the energy-momentum tensor is usually quoted in the form which is proportional to the beta function of the theory. However, there are in general many definitions of gauge couplings depending on renormalization schemes, and hence many beta functions. In particular, N=1 supersymmetric pure Yang-Mills has the holomorphic gauge coupling whose beta function is one-loop exact, and the canonical gauge coupling whose beta function is given by the Novikov-Shifman-Vainshtein-Zakharov beta function. In this paper, we study which beta function should appear in the trace anomaly in N=1 pure Yang-Mills. We calculate the trace anomaly by employing the N=4 regularization of N=1 pure Yang-Mills. It is shown that the trace anomaly is given by one-loop exact form if the composite operator appearing in the trace anomaly is renormalized in a preferred way. This result gives the simplest resolution to the anomaly puzzle in N=1 pure Yang-Mills. The most important point is to examine in which scheme the quantum action principle is valid, which is crucial in the derivation of the trace anomaly.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure; v2:slight correction in sec.5, minor addition in appendi

    d=3 Bosonic Vector Models Coupled to Chern-Simons Gauge Theories

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    We study three dimensional O(N)_k and U(N)_k Chern-Simons theories coupled to a scalar field in the fundamental representation, in the large N limit. For infinite k this is just the singlet sector of the O(N) (U(N)) vector model, which is conjectured to be dual to Vasiliev's higher spin gravity theory on AdS_4. For large k and N we obtain a parity-breaking deformation of this theory, controlled by the 't Hooft coupling lambda = 4 \pi N / k. For infinite N we argue (and show explicitly at two-loop order) that the theories with finite lambda are conformally invariant, and also have an exactly marginal (\phi^2)^3 deformation. For large but finite N and small 't Hooft coupling lambda, we show that there is still a line of fixed points parameterized by the 't Hooft coupling lambda. We show that, at infinite N, the interacting non-parity-invariant theory with finite lambda has the same spectrum of primary operators as the free theory, consisting of an infinite tower of conserved higher-spin currents and a scalar operator with scaling dimension \Delta=1; however, the correlation functions of these operators do depend on lambda. Our results suggest that there should exist a family of higher spin gravity theories, parameterized by lambda, and continuously connected to Vasiliev's theory. For finite N the higher spin currents are not conserved.Comment: 34 pages, 29 figures. v2: added reference

    Cooperation and Contagion in Web-Based, Networked Public Goods Experiments

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    A longstanding idea in the literature on human cooperation is that cooperation should be reinforced when conditional cooperators are more likely to interact. In the context of social networks, this idea implies that cooperation should fare better in highly clustered networks such as cliques than in networks with low clustering such as random networks. To test this hypothesis, we conducted a series of web-based experiments, in which 24 individuals played a local public goods game arranged on one of five network topologies that varied between disconnected cliques and a random regular graph. In contrast with previous theoretical work, we found that network topology had no significant effect on average contributions. This result implies either that individuals are not conditional cooperators, or else that cooperation does not benefit from positive reinforcement between connected neighbors. We then tested both of these possibilities in two subsequent series of experiments in which artificial seed players were introduced, making either full or zero contributions. First, we found that although players did generally behave like conditional cooperators, they were as likely to decrease their contributions in response to low contributing neighbors as they were to increase their contributions in response to high contributing neighbors. Second, we found that positive effects of cooperation were contagious only to direct neighbors in the network. In total we report on 113 human subjects experiments, highlighting the speed, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness of web-based experiments over those conducted in physical labs
