177 research outputs found

    Influence of Halides on the Luminescence of Silver Molecular Clusters in Photo-Thermo-Refractive Glasses

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    The luminescence spectra of silver molecular clusters in photo-thermo-refractive glasses are investigated in detail before and after the UV irradiation and also after the heat treatment of the samples. Also investigat-ed are (I) the influence of halogens such as Cl and Br in glass matrix composition on the luminescence of sil-ver molecular clusters in photo-thermo-refractive glasses and (II) the effect of temperature on the lumines-cence spectra and the integrated intensity of luminescence of photo-thermo-refractive glasses. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3524

    Luminescence of Silver Nanoclusters Formed by Ion Exchange Method in Cerium-doped and Undoped Glasses

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    The paper describes the research of influence of cerium ions in a silicate glass composition on the process of formation silver nanoclusters and their optical properties. Effect ion exchange time and subsequent heat treatment at temperature below transition temperature were investigated. The paper shows that in cerium-doped glasses the rate of formation of silver nanoclusters higher than in the glass without cerium. It explained by the shift of redox reaction of cerium and silver ions towards formation of atomic silver. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3524

    Improving the Fermilab Booster Notching Efficiency, Beam Losses and Radiation Levels

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    Currently a fast vertical 1.08-m long kicker (notcher) located in the Fermilab Booster Long-5 straight section is used to remove 3 out of 84 circulating bunches after injection to generate an abort gap. With magnetic field of 72.5 Gauss it removes only 87% of the 3-bunch intensity at 400 MeV, with 75% loss on pole tips of the focusing Booster magnets, 11% on the Long-6 collimators, and 1% in the rest of the ring. We propose to improve the notching efficiency and reduce beam loss in the Booster by using two horizontal kickers in the Long-12 section. The STRUCT calculations show that using such horizontal notchers, one can remove up to 99% of the 3-bunch intensity at 400-700 MeV, directing 96% of it to a new beam dump at the Long-13 section. This fully decouples notching and collimation. The beam dump absorbs most of the impinging proton energy in its jaws. The latter are encapsulated into an appropriate radiation shielding that reduces impact on the machine components, personnel and environment to the tolerable levels. The MARS simulations show that corresponding prompt and residual radiation levels can be reduced ten times compared to the current ones.Comment: 4 pp. 3rd International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2012) 20-25 May 2012. New Orleans, Louisian

    Interferometer-Type Structures for Guided Atoms

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    We experimentally demonstrate interferometer-type guiding structures for neutral atoms based on dipole potentials created by micro-fabricated optical systems. As a central element we use an array of atom waveguides being formed by focusing a red-detuned laser beam with an array of cylindrical microlenses. Combining two of these arrays, we realize X-shaped beam splitters and more complex systems like the geometries for Mach-Zehnder and Michelson-type interferometers for atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Measurement of xF3xF_3 and F2F_2 Structure Functions in Low Q2Q^2 Region with the IHEP-JINR Neutrino Detector

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    The isoscalar structure functions xF3xF_3 and F2F_2 are measured as functions of xx averaged over all Q2Q^2 permissible for the range of 6 to 28 GeV of incident neutrino (anti-neutrino) energy at the IHEP-JINR Neutrino Detector. The QCD analysis of xF3xF_3 structure function provides ΛMSˉ(4)=(411±200)\Lambda_{\bar{MS}}^{(4)} = (411 \pm 200) MeV under the assumption of QCD validity in the region of low Q2Q^2. The corresponding value of the strong interaction constant αS(MZ)=0.1230.013+0.010\alpha_S (M_Z) = 0.123^{+0.010}_{-0.013} agrees with the recent result of the CCFR collaboration and with the combined LEP/SLC result.Comment: 11 pages, 1 Postscript figure, LaTeX. Talk given at the 7th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and QCD (DIS 99), Zeuthen, Germany, 19-23 Apr 199

    Possibility of local pair existence in optimally doped SmFeAsO₁₋х in pseudogap regime

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    We report the analysis of pseudogap Δ* derived from resistivity experiments in FeAs-based superconductor SmFeAsO₀.₈₅, having a critical temperature Tc=55 K. Rather specific dependence Δ*(T) with two representative temperatures followed by a minimum at about 120 K was observed. Below Ts ≈ 147 K, corresponding to the structural transition in SmFeAsO, Δ*(T) decreases linearly down to the temperature TAFM ≈ 133 K. This last peculiarity can likely be attributed to the antiferromagnetic (AFM) ordering of Fe spins. It is believed that the found behavior can be explained in terms of Machida, Nokura, and Matsubara theory developed for the AFM superconductors

    Determination of the high-twist contribution to the structure function xF3νNxF^{\nu N}_3

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    We extract the high-twist contribution to the neutrino-nucleon structure function xF3(ν+νˉ)NxF_3^{(\nu+\bar{\nu})N} from the analysis of the data collected by the IHEP-JINR Neutrino Detector in the runs with the focused neutrino beams at the IHEP 70 GeV proton synchrotron. The analysis is performed within the infrared renormalon (IRR) model of high twists in order to extract the normalization parameter of the model. From the NLO QCD fit to our data we obtained the value of the IRR model normalization parameter Λ32=0.69±0.37 (exp)±0.16 (theor) GeV2\Lambda^2_{3}=0.69\pm0.37~({\rm exp})\pm0.16~({\rm theor})~{\rm GeV}^2. We also obtained Λ32=0.36±0.22 (exp)±0.12 (theor) GeV2\Lambda^2_{3}=0.36\pm0.22~({\rm exp})\pm0.12~({\rm theor})~{\rm GeV}^2 from a similar fit to the CCFR data. The average of both results is Λ32=0.44±0.19 (exp) GeV2\Lambda^2_{3}=0.44\pm0.19~({\rm exp})~{\rm GeV}^2.Comment: preprint IHEP-01-18, 7 pages, LATEX, 1 figure (EPS

    Velocity-selective sublevel resonance of atoms with an array of current-carrying wires

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    Resonance transitions between the Zeeman sublevels of optically-polarized Rb atoms traveling through a spatially periodic magnetic field are investigated in a radio-frequency (rf) range of sub-MHz. The atomic motion induces the resonance when the Zeeman splitting is equal to the frequency at which the moving atoms feel the magnetic field oscillating. Additional temporal oscillation of the spatially periodic field splits a motion-induced resonance peak into two by an amount of this oscillation frequency. At higher oscillation frequencies, it is more suitable to consider that the resonance is mainly driven by the temporal field oscillation, with its velocity-dependence or Doppler shift caused by the atomic motion through the periodic field. A theoretical description of motion-induced resonance is also given, with emphasis on the translational energy change associated with the internal transition.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, final versio