13 research outputs found

    Transportation research process bulk material widely universal screw conveyor

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    Наведено конструкцію широкоуніверсального шнекового транспортера з різними технологічними можливостями. Встановлено, що важливою умовою при виборі конвеєрів для універсальних перевантажувальних комплексів є визначення області їх використання, зокрема щодо транспортування певного діапазону сипких вантажів. Оскільки мінімальна межа енергоємності гвинтових конвеєрів визначається коефіцієнтом тертя вантажу до поверхні спіралі, то визначальною умовою при проектуванні конвеєра є його спроможність транспортувати вантаж з несприятливими властивостями. При цьому розглянуто найнесприятливіше, з точки зору енергетичних затрат вертикальне розміщення гвинтового конвеєра. Виведено аналітичні залежності для визначення силових, конструктивних і кінематичних параметрів. Отримані співвідношення дозволяють з високою точністю обчислити оптимальні конструктивні й технологічні параметри гвинтових конвеєрів (ГК), при яких забезпечується потрібна якість суміші при високій ефективності процесу транспортування.Screw transporter has been developed, which consists of the vertical tube-column, to which the horizontal loading branch is fixed rigidly in the upper part being able to revolve, and in the bottom part – the unloading branch is fixed. Loading and unloading branches are similar in design and are separate units with the separate electric drives located horizontally. Screw shafts are fixed rigidly to the ends of the electric drives shafts and inserted into the tubes. The other ends of the shaft are inserted into the tube ends piers. The second end of the tube of loading and unloading branches is limited by the stopper, with the help of which they are fastened to the tube-stoppers of the upper and bottom branches, which in their turn are fixed to the electric drives stoppers by the second end. Tube-stoppers of the upper and bottom branches can revolve. In the upper part of the tube-stopper of the unloading branch a cylinder hole is made to supply the bulk-cargo from the top downwards. Besides, the loading and unloading branches are equipped with the stopper mechanisms, one of which is located in the upper part of the tube on the loading branch, and in the bottom, in the lower part of the unloading branch. Stopper mechanisms are made as step-by-step cylinder rollers, which are fixed rigidly to the stoppers and stopping bushes welded to the tube-column. Stopper mechanisms are fixed rigidly to the tie links, which are mounted through the bushes by the stoppers to the vertical tube-base, which is fixed to the frame. The supply of the bulk-cargo from the heap is performed by the left end of the loading branch. The unloading of the bulk-cargo in the unloading branch 3 is performed by the screw 6 through the exit into the tank. The upper loading branch is mounted on the tube-column, the angle of its inclination to the horizon being adjusted by the known-design mechanism. The bottom branch is mounted at the inclination angle to the horizon. Besides, the screws of both branches are rigidly fixed to the shafts with uniformly increased steps along the length of the upper branch towards the supply of the bulk-cargo in the place of the tube-column hole, and the bottom branch towards the exit of the bulk-cargo from the transporter

    Assessment of Pig Products Market Infrastructure Formation

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    The object of research is the functioning of the subjects of infrastructural support for the functioning of the market for pig products, in particular, its information and transport components. Now one of the main problems in ensuring the food and biological safety of any country, which must be solved in the near future, is the formation of a traceability system for all livestock products, which will provide a positive effect at the entire stage of commodity circulation. Experience shows that the complexity and high level of costs associated with running an animal transport business are holding back the quantitative growth of companies in this market segment. Therefore, the work is devoted to the substantiation and improvement of the theoretical and methodological foundations, as well as the development of practical recommendations for the formation and functioning of the infrastructure of the market for pig products. The paper shows that the implementation of the proposed information system for traceability of the movement of pig products will ensure the quality of pig slaughter products, monitor compliance with the antiepizootic and antiepidemiological situation. An integrated approach to the segment of animal transportation will solve the main problems of organizing business, in particular: reducing transportation costs, minimizing environmental impact and ensuring humane treatment of animals. Methodological approaches to the formation of a monitoring system for the movement of products of animal origin based on the creation of an information system for automated document flow «Biosafety», which will ensure the traceability of the movement of pig products at all stages of the agri-food chain, have been substantiated. This will provide a qualitatively new level of information and communication technologies in the industry. In the course of the study, the comparison method was used to compare economic phenomena in different time periods in order to identify a causal relationship. The information provided in the research process should become the basis for the development of measures to control the antiepizootic and antiepidemiological situation by local self-government bodies and the relevant specialized state bodies