9 research outputs found

    Pragmatic Forces in the Language of Two American Presidential Candidates

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    This article explains about pragmatic force that found in the language of two American presidential candidates in 2012 US Presidential Debate about foreign policy where the purpose on sharing a belief and influencing the other’s people view are appeared significantly in the utterances of two candidates. The pragmatic forces in this research are revealed by analyzing the illocutionary force that appeared and the reason of its performing related to the context of the utterance through pragmatics’ perspective, speech act. The result of analysis indicates that (i) four of five types of illocutionary forces were found and (ii) two of three reasons are used by the two American presidential candidates on the debate. The paper tries to highlight the pragmatic force that the speakers want to deliver where on this case was focused on sharing their belief in order to influence the other people’s (society and audiences) view. The paper also highlights some of the general considerations relating to the contexts of utterances. In analyzing the text, the writer used a combination method of quantitative and qualitative


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    AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana makna “Pancasila” dibingkai dan direpresentasikan dalam pemberitaan online editorial Media Indonesia, dimana adanya pergeseran dan perubahan pada proses pemaknaan terhadap Pancasila yang terjadi dewasa ini menjadi isu krusial dalam penelitian ini. Pergeseran dan perubahan dalam pemaknaan ditemukan dengan membandingkan dua artikel pada pemberitaan online Media Indonesia yakni pada tahun 2016 dan 2017 yang mana diasumsikan mengindikasikan waktu kapan nilai atau proses pemakanaan mulai bergeser. Dalam menganalisis teks secara keseluruhan, penulis menggunakan metode kombinasi pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Penulis mengambil dan melakukan analisis dari data berbasis korpus untuk menelaah frekuensi kemunculan kata dominan yang hadir dan diperoleh dari telaah kemunculan pemarkah leksikal “Pancasila” dalam dua artikel berita ini. Hasil analisis menunjukkan adanya pergeseran dan perubahan pada proses pemaknaan terhadap Pancasila, dimana makna “Pancasila” yang ditampilkan diidentikkan dengan konsep “persatuan”, “agama” dan “toleransi” dari yang sebelumnya dimaknai sebagai “landasan”, “falsafah”, dan “dasar Negara”. Penelitian ini kemudian menyoroti dan menganalisis beberapa pertimbangan yang diduga berkaitan erat dan melatar-belakangi terjadinya fenomena ini, yakni realita sosial, konteks situasi dan faktor-faktor kepentingan lainnya dalam rangka untuk menyoroti dan membongkar makna keseluruhan dan kepentingan dibalik pergeseran dan perubahan pada proses pemaknaan yang terjadi. Secara garis besar, penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif. Dimana metode deskriptif adalah sebuah metode penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan, menjelaskan keadaan yang ada berdasarkan data dan fakta yang dikumpulkan yang mana kemudian disusun secara sistematis dan selanjutnya dianalisis untuk mendapatkan kesimpulan secara rinci, penuh makna dan mendalam.Kata kunci: Pancasila, pergeseran makna, wacana, propaganda, teks framing, Media Indonesia

    Pragmatic Forces in the Language of Two American Presidential Candidates

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    This article explains about pragmatic force that found in the language of two American presidential candidates in 2012 US Presidential Debate about foreign policy where the purpose on sharing a belief and influencing the other’s people view are appeared significantly in the utterances of two candidates. The pragmatic forces in this research are revealed by analyzing the illocutionary force that appeared and the reason of its performing related to the context of the utterance through pragmatics’ perspective, speech act. The result of analysis indicates that (i) four of five types of illocutionary forces were found and (ii) two of three reasons are used by the two American presidential candidates on the debate. The paper tries to highlight the pragmatic force that the speakers want to deliver where on this case was focused on sharing their belief in order to influence the other people’s (society and audiences) view. The paper also highlights some of the general considerations relating to the contexts of utterances. In analyzing the text, the writer used a combination method of quantitative and qualitative


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan memaknai tindak komunikatif wacana politik dalam tuturan pidato Donald Trump di KTT Arab Islam Amerika. Untuk mengeksplorasi hal tersebut, digunakan analisis terhadap tindak tutur dengan fokus pada tuturan representatif yang digunakan Trump dalam merepresentasikan konsep “Terorisme, Radikalisme, dan Ektremisme” dan respon yang dimunculkan publik dalam berbagai bentuk pemberitaan media terhadap berbagai gagasan yang disampaikan Trump dalam pidatonya. Adanya ketidak-konsistenan yang ditampilkan Trump dalam berbagai gagasan, strategi, pemarkah leksikal, sikap, dan pola kecenderungan tertentu menjadi isu krusial akan adanya isu terkait kualitas informasi dalam tuturan bahasa Trump sebagai seorang politisi yang syarat dengan kepentingan dibaliknya. Secara garis besar, penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif-eksploratif. Deskriptif dan eksploratif dalam hal ini ditujukan untuk menggambarkan dan menjelaskan keadaan berdasarkan data dan fakta yang dikumpulkan yang kemudian disusun secara sistematis dan dianalisis untuk mendapatkan kesimpulan secara rinci, penuh makna, dan mendalam untuk kemudian dihimpun menjadi sebuah hipotesis. Dalam penelitian ini, data penelitian diambil dari pidato Trump di sebuah forum internasional yakni KTT Arab Islam Amerika dan beberapa artikel pemberitaan online terkait pidato tersebut karena disinyalir mampu mengungkap makna tindak komunikatif wacana politik Trump. Dalam menganalisis tuturan secara keseluruhan, penulis menggunakan telaah pendekatan pragmatik kritis, tindak tutur, dan analisis framing sebagai pisau analisis yakni dalam menganalisis bentuk tindak tutur, respon, konteks tuturan yang berlangsung, dan makna sosial dari kehadiran sebuah wacana bahasa. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa bentuk tuturan, respon, tindakan, dan pemarkah leksikal yang ditampilkan dalam berbagai gagasan pada tuturan pidato Trump yakni dalam mengungkap dan memaknai konsep terorisme, radikalisme, dan ekstremisme memiliki kecenderungan positif terhadap kehadiran konspirasi wacana imperialisme yang digagas Amerika dibaliknya. ;---This study is aimed to describe the communicative action on political discourse in Donald Trump’s speech on Arab Islamic American Summit where the presence of speech act on Trump’s representative utterance about “Terrorism, Radicalism, and Extremism” and the effect of his utterance to public that can see through the Media’s respond on their news article be the crucial issues on understanding Trump’s communicative act. Definitely, Trump’s inconsistencies on strategies, statements, attitudes, and also lexical choices indicate the presence of information quality’s issue on his speech as a politician who is always identically with some intentions. Generally, this study is a qualitative descriptive-explorative research where descriptive and explorative in this case are intended to describe and explain the situation based on collected data and facts which then analyzed and arranged systematically to get conclusions in detail and depth to be a hypothesis. In this research, the research data is taken from Trump’s speech in an international conference, Arab Islamic American Summit, and from some news articles that are related to the speech. In analyzing the data, the author uses critical pragmatic approaches, speech acts, and framing text as tools on analyzing the forms of speech acts, responses, context of utterances, and the presence of social meaning on language discourse. The results of the analysis show that the forms of speech, responses, actions, and lexical choices that are displayed in Trump’s statement and speech about the concept of terrorism, radicalism, and extremism have a positive tendency to the presence of America’s Imperialism conspiracy behind it. The paper tries to highlight the presence of it (how and why) and the impact of it on Trump’s speech about Terrorism, Radicalism, and Extremism

    Run-on and Fragment Sentences: An Error Analysis in Indonesian English Learners’ Writings

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    Run-on and fragment sentences provide clues as to how English learners understand English sentences and how English learners organize information and shape their essays. This research was based on a group case study of run-on and fragment sentences in English college students’ essays, using an English Sentence Completeness approach to investigate how English college students make an error on making a sentence in their English essays and discusses the further pedagogical implications based on the errors pattern found. English college students were found to do run-on in their sentences more often than fragments. They write more than one subject and one verb in a sentence and significantly forget to limit their sentences. The carelessness in punctuation and a period between sentences make the sentence permitted to “run on” into the next. Besides run-on, fragments were also found in students’ essays: Missing subject and verb conditions are significantly found in the students’ sentences. These findings revealed that English college students lack knowledge of how to make complete sentences in ordering information and building up a text’s structure. Therefore the learning process of English writing should be informed of the importance of English sentence completeness in organizing a text and introduce the strategies for avoiding and making less run-on and fragment sentences through practice activities and writing assignments. This research is qualitative descriptive-explorative research where descriptive and explorative are intended to describe and explain the situation based on collected data and facts, which are then analyzed and arranged systematically to get conclusions in detail to be a hypothesis


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    Dalam skripsi ini dibahas tentang kajian daya pragmatik dalam tuturan dua orang calon presiden Amerika Serikat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengidentifikasi tipe-tipe daya pragmatik yang ingin disampaikan dan ditekankan oleh si penutur dalam berkomunikasi. Penulis menggunakan teori yang mengkaji daya ilokusi beserta alasan dibalik penggunaannya dalam meneliti setiap pesan yang ingin disampaikan si penutur dalam setiap tuturannya. Langkah-langkah dalam melakukan penelitian adalah mengumpulkan data, menganalisis data, dan menampilkan hasil analisis yang terdiri dari 60 data yang mengandung daya ilokusi yang ditemukan dalam tuturan debat presiden Amerika tahun 2012. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan metode observasi dan teknik catat. Dari 60 data yang ada analisis dilakukan dengan metode padan pragmatik dan referential yang dihubungkan pada konsep-konsep yang dikemukakan oleh Yule (1995), Austin (1957) dan teori konteks yang dikemukakan oleh McManis (1988). Selanjutnya hasil analisis disajikan dengan menggunakan metode informal dan formal (Sudaryanto, 1988). Hasil analisis menunjukkan adanya 4 dari 5 tipe daya ilokusi yaitu (1)representatif, (2)direktif, (3)ekspresif dan (4)komisif. Tipe daya ilokusi yang paling dominan ditemukan adalah tipe representatif. Disamping itu juga ditemukan 2 dari 3 hal yang menjadi alasan dibalik penggunaan daya ilokusi, yakni (1)untuk berbagi hal yang diyakini dan mempengaruhi pandangan orang disekitarnya dan (2)untuk mengekpresikan sikap yang ingin disampaikan si penutur melalui tuturannya. Alasan yang paling dominan muncul dan digunakan oleh penutur dalam acara debat tersebut yaitu untuk berbagi hal yang diyakini oleh si penutur serta mempengaruhi pandangan orang disekitarnya. Hal ini disebabkan oleh debat yang dilakukan dua calon kandidat presiden ini mengandung banyak kalimat yang berisikan tentang penjelasan dan penegasan kepada penonton. Kata kunci: tindak tutur, daya ilokusi, kontek

    Pragmatik : Teori dan Aplikasi

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    126 hlm.;21 c

    Distributed sensor for earthquake identification system to activate tsunami shelter finding system

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    Padang City as the capital of West Sumatera Province is at high risk of earthquakes and tsunamis due to its location between two continental plates and the Semangko Fault. Currently, there are several shelters in Padang that serve as evacuation sites as a rescue location when a tsunami hits. This paper presents an earthquake detection system that uses distributed sensors to activate the shelter search system. The proposed system will activate the shelter search system when the earthquake has medium or high magnitude intensity. The earthquake identification system is achieved by calculating the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) value from the p-wave and s-wave using piezoelectric and accelerometer sensors. The proposed system is a distributed node sensor placed in different shelters which communicate using MQTT protocol. To evaluate the system, system for earthquake detection using Raspberry Pi, piezoelectric sensor, accelerometer MPU-6050, and Xbee for data communication have been implemented. The result shows that the system can detect the magnitude and intensity of the earthquake

    Run-on and Fragment Sentences: An Error Analysis in Indonesian English Learners’ Writings

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    Run-on and fragment sentences provide clues as to how English learners understand English sentences and how English learners organize information and shape their essays. This research was based on a group case study of run-on and fragment sentences in English college students’ essays, using an English Sentence Completeness approach to investigate how English college students make an error on making a sentence in their English essays and discusses the further pedagogical implications based on the errors pattern found. English college students were found to do run-on in their sentences more often than fragments. They write more than one subject and one verb in a sentence and significantly forget to limit their sentences. The carelessness in punctuation and a period between sentences make the sentence permitted to “run on†into the next. Besides run-on, fragments were also found in students’ essays: Missing subject and verb conditions are significantly found in the students’ sentences. These findings revealed that English college students lack knowledge of how to make complete sentences in ordering information and building up a text’s structure. Therefore the learning process of English writing should be informed of the importance of English sentence completeness in organizing a text and introduce the strategies for avoiding and making less run-on and fragment sentences through practice activities and writing assignments. This research is qualitative descriptive-explorative research where descriptive and explorative are intended to describe and explain the situation based on collected data and facts, which are then analyzed and arranged systematically to get conclusions in detail to be a hypothesis