206 research outputs found


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    Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) are now the center of attention for global economic development, employment creation, and growth. Micro and small enterprises account for the majority of businesses globally.The informal sector, which mostly creates MSE, continues to be the main source of employment and income for the populace in developing nations, particularly in Ethiopia.In 2011, the plan was updated with fresh focus and more aggressive goals for employment and the percentage of businesses moving up to a medium level. Nevertheless, despite their efforts, MSEs in Ethiopia face numerous challenges, which leads to poor performance and a failure to make the necessary contributions from many MSEs. Therefore, in order to boost MSE growth and performance and improve their contribution to the growth of the national economy, the government should place a strong emphasis on procedures for addressing these issues

    Prevalence and vector distributions of bovine trypanosomosis in control (Sibu Sire) and noncontrol (Guto Gida) districts bordering upper Anger valley of East Wollega Zone, Western Ethiopia

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    A cross-sectional study was conducted from December 2008 to March 2009 in two districts where tsetse control implemented (Sibu Sire district) and non-control implemented (Guto Gida district) bordering Anger river valley in East Wollega Zone, Western Ethiopia. The objectives of the study were to determine the prevalence of bovine trypanosomosis and to assess the distribution and apparent densities of vectors of the trypanosomosis. A parasitological study using buffy coat technique was employed for the determination of prevalence of trypanosomosis while monoconical traps were used for the vector studies. A total of 368 cattle randomly selected from the study population (166 in Sibu Sire and 202 in Guto Gida) districts were examined for the parasitological study. The result of parasitological study revealed that the prevalence of trypanosomosis was found to be 5.42% and 11.88% in Sibu Sire and Guto Gida districts, respectively. There was statistically significant difference in the prevalence of trypanosomosis between tsetse control implemented and non-control implemented districts (

    Exploring the Demotivating and Re-Motivating Factors among MA Students of TEFL at Wollega University, Ethiopia

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    The present study explored the demotivating and re-motivating factors from the point of view of MA students at Wollega University. The study employed mixed method, and the quantitative data were gathered from 161 students, and to gather the qualitative data, six students were interviewed. SPSS 16 was employed to analyse the quantitative data. The qualitative data were analysed using NVivo. An explanatory factor analysis was conducted to revalidate the questionnaire and to explore the sampling adequacy and factorability of the items. Based on the result, nine demotivating factors were retained. As the result of independent t-tests revealed, there were no significant differences between male and female students and government and self-sponsor students regarding the demotivating factors. However, the one-way ANOVA revealed a statistically significant difference across respondents’ year of study for most of the factors except instructors’ characteristics and administrative decisions. The interviews were analysed to explore the possible re-motivating factors. Three major sub-themes (curriculum revision, improving facilities and improving administrative decisions) were emerged. It was concluded that curriculum decision is the most prevalent problem for MA in TEFL students. To solve this problem, the researchers recommended the need for MA in TEFL curriculum

    Comparison of effects of isoniazid plus ART and ART only regimen on the incidence of tuberculosis and HIV progression in HIV positive patients: a retrospective cohort study at two hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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    Background: Tuberculosis is a major opportunistic complication of HIV-infection. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) lowers incidence of tuberculosis (TB) but may not be sufficient to control HIV-related tuberculosis, implying a need for additional interventions. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) plus ART and ART only regimens on the incidence of active TB and HIV progression in HIV positive patients.Methods: The retrospective cohort study was conducted at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital and Zewditu Memorial Hospital on 185 patients receiving IPT plus ART and 557 patients receiving ART only. Incidence rates (IR) were used to determine incidence rates of tuberculosis. Time to AIDS and TB event were compared using student t-test. Risks of the outcomes were identified using regression models.Results: The study showed a reduced tuberculosis incidence rate from 7.44 to 1.8 cases/100 person-years [PYs] by IPT plus ART compared to ART only. In reference to ART alone, the IPT plus ART significantly reduced risks of active TB (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] 0.24; 95% CI 0.09–0.63; P=0.004) and had about 16 months of TB protection (P<0.001). In addition, the IPT plus ART delayed HIV progression to AIDS more significantly than the ART only (P=0.029). However, it increased risks of adverse events (AOR 3.33; 95% CI 1.35–8.19; P=0.01) more than the ART only.Conclusions: The wider use of IPT with ART impacts more on incidence of tuberculosis and time to AIDS while simultaneously increasing risks of adverse events than the ART only.

    Pattern of skin diseases in children attending the dermatology clinic in Alert referral hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: a retrospective study

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    Background: A Skin disease, which is estimated to affect between 21 and 87% of children, are the reason for up to a third of outpatient visits to pediatricians and dermatologists. It can possibly re-sult in considerable anxiety, parental worry, and embarrassment to the child and lead to loss of confidence, disruption of social relations, and feeling of stigmatization. This study aimed to assess the pattern of skin diseases in children attending at ALERT referral hospital.Methods: The study setting is ALERT referral hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. A hospital-based, retrospective, cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out between July and August 2020. All children younger than 12 years, who were diagnosed for skin diseases from May 2018 to May 2020, were included. Four hundred twenty-three children were sampled using a random sampling method. SPSS Version 20 software was used for data analysis.Results: The results showed that 385(91%) of patients had one skin disease and the remaining 38(9%) had two or more skin diseases. Fungal infections were present in30.1% of the cases fol-lowed by eczema, which accounted for 27.4%. Among fungal infections, Tinea Capitis (106/116), 91.4% followed by Tinea Corporis and Tinea Pedis were the most common in ALERT dermatology clinic. Among eczema cases, family atopic dermatitis (82/106), 77% was the most common. The result showed seasonal variation in some diseases.Conclusion: Skin fungal infections were the most common followed by eczema, pigmentary dis-order, infestation, viral infection, urticaria, bacterial infection, and others. There was some sea-sonal variation in some diseases

    Knowledge and adherence to antiretroviral therapy among adult people living with HIV/AIDS at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Ethiopia

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    Background: Adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) is necessary to achieve best virological response, lower the risk of drug resistance, and reduce morbidity and mortality. The objectives of the current study were to assess the extent of knowledge of patients on treatment plan and regimen, determine the rate of adherence and identify factors related to non-adherence to ART.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Teaching Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, using data from both semi-structured interview (self-report) and ART database (pharmacy refill) during the months of March and April 2013 using a total 350 participants.Results: The results indicated that 33% of the participants had good knowledge on the treatment plan and regimen. Using self-report and pharmacy refill record, 79.1% and 72.9% respectively showed adherence rate of ≥95%. Younger people were found to be less likely to adhere to ART (AOR [95%] = 0.51 [0.30, 0.85]) using pharmacy refill record. Risk factors for ART non-adherence using self-report were use of memory aids (AOR [95%] = 3.46 [1.72, 6.98]), treatment satisfaction (AOR [95%] = 2.33 [1.22, 4.07]), taking co-medication (AOR [95%] = 0.56 [0.32, 0.98]), and regimen switch (AOR [95%] = 0.41 [0.19, 0.85]). Whereas using pharmacy refill record risk factors were, knowledge on treatment plan and regimen (AOR [95%] = 2.50 [1.39, 4.51]), use of memory aids (AOR [95%] = 2.71 [1.34, 5.47]), treatment satisfaction (AOR [95%] = 3.78 [1.47, 9.71]), and regimen switch (AOR [95%] = 0.50 [0.27, 0.92]).Conclusion: Older age, good knowledge on treatment plan and regimen, use of memory aids, treatment satisfaction, and not having co-medications and regimen switch showed more adherence to ART

    Selecting and augmenting a FOSS development and deployment environment for personalized video-oriented services in a Telco context

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    The great demand for video services on the Internet is one contributing factor that led telecom companies to search for solutions to deliver innovative video services, using the different access technologies managed by them and leveraging the capacity of enforcing Quality of Service (QoS). One part of the solution was an infrastructure that guarantees QoS for these services, in the form of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) framework. The IMS framework was developed for delivering innovative multimedia services, but IMS alone does not provide the required services. This has led to further work in the area of multimedia service architectures. One noteworthy architecture is IPTV. IPTV is more than what its name implies, as it allows the development of various innovative video-oriented services and not just tv. When IPTV was introduced, many thought that it would bring back the revenue loss that telecom companies experienced to over-the-top (OTT) service providers. However, despite all its promises, the IPTV implementation has not shown as wide an uptake as one would expect. Although there could be various reasons for the slow penetration of IPTV, one reason could be the technical challenge that IPTV poses to service developers. One of the main reasons for the embarking of the research reported in this thesis was to identify and select free and open source software (FOSS) based platforms and augment them for easy development and deployment of video-oriented services. The thesis motivated how the IPTV architecture, with some modification, can be a good architecture to develop innovative video-oriented services. For a better understanding and investigate the issues of video-oriented service development on different platforms, we followed an incremental and iterative prototyping method. As a result, various video-oriented services were first developed and implementation-related issues were analyzed. This has helped us to identify problems that service developers face, including the requirement to utilize a number of protocols to develop an IPTV-based video-oriented service and the lack of a platform that provides a consistent programming interface to implement them all. The process also helped us to identify new uses cases through the process. As part of our selection process, we found that the Mobicents service development platform can be used as the basis for a good service development and deployment environment for video-oriented services. Mobicents is a Java-based service delivery platform for quick development, deployment and management of next generation network applications. Mobicents is a good choice because it provides a consistent programming interface and supports the various protocols needed in a consistent manner or an easy way to include the support for them. We used Mobicents to compose the environment that developers can use to build video-oriented services. Specifically we developed components and service building blocks that service developer can use to develop various innovative video-oriented services. During our research, we also identified various issues with regard to support from streaming servers in general and open source streaming servers in particular and also with the protocol they use. Specifically, we identified issues with Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP), a protocol specified as the media control protocol in the IPTV specification, and made proposals for solving them. We developed an RSTP proxy to augment the features lacking in the current streaming servers and implemented some of the features we proposed in it

    Etablierung und Charakterisierung primärer equiner Trachealepithelzellen: Ein in vitro-Modell zur Untersuchung der Expression und Funktion pulmonaler beta-adrenerger Rezeptoren

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    Die Kultivierung equiner Trachealepithelzellen stellt ein nützliches Modell dar, die (patho)-physiologischen Mechanismen der obstruktiven Atemwegserkrankungen des Pferdes auf zellulärer Ebene zu untersuchen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, Methoden für die Isolation, Charakterisierung und weitergehende Kultivierung equiner Trachealepithelzellen (ETEZ) zu etablieren und validieren und die Expression und Funktionalität der beta-adrenergen Rezeptoren an frisch isolierten ETEZ und deren Primärkulturen mittels pharmakologischer und biochemischer Verfahrenstechniken zu analysieren. Epithelzellen wurden durch Trypsinverdau aus der Trachea gesunder Pferde gewonnen, indem zuerst die Mukosa der Trachea freigelegt und diese dann vom daruntergelegenen Bindegewebe stumpf getrennt wurde. Das gewonnene Gewebe wurde zerkleinert und enzymatisch mit 0,25% Trypsin-EDTA-Lösung für 2 h bei 37°C verdaut. Durch Siebung und Zentrifugation wurden die Zellen gereinigt, vereinzelt und gesammelt, wobei kontaminierende Fibroblasten später durch differentielle Adhäsion von den Epithelzellen getrennt wurden. Die isolierten Zellen wurden sowohl licht- bzw. elektronenmikroskopisch charakterisiert, als auch immunzytochemisch hinsichtlich Zytokeratin (für Epithelzellen) und Vimentin (für Fibroblasten) gefärbt. Die durchschnittliche Zellausbeute wurde mit der Neubauer-Zählkammer bestimmt und betrug 6,10 ± 0,63×106 Zellen pro 500 mg zerkleinertem Gewebe (n = 11). Die Zellvitalität wurde mittels Trypanblau-Färbung ermittelt und betrug 94,70 ± 1,17% (n = 11). Immunfluoreszensfärbungen zeigten, dass 93,57 ± 1,67% (n = 11) der frisch isolierten Zellen und ca. 100% (n = 5) der Primärkulturen auf Zytokeratin 5/6/18 positiv reagierten. Auf Anti-Vimentin reagierten dagegen nur 9,83 ± 0,94% (n = 11) der Zellen positiv. Die Zellen wurden in einer Dichte von 6,90 x 104 Zellen/cm2 in serumfreiem AECGM ausgesät und bildeten innerhalb einer Woche einen konfluenten Monolayer. Die konfluenten Zellen wurden mittels Dispase II abgelöst. Die erste (P1) und die zweite (P2) Passage konnte erfolgreich in serumfreien AECGM kultiviert und auf der Stufe P2 30 Tage lang gehalten werden. Weitethin wurden die Expression und Funktionalität der b-adrenergen Rezeptoren in frisch isolierten und kultivierten Epithelzellen untersucht. Mittels Radioligandenbindungsstudien, Westernblot, Immunfluoreszensfärbung und cAMP-Assays konnten erstmalig die Dichte, Affinität, Subtypen, Proteinexpression und zelluläre Lokalisation der beta-adrenergen Rezeptoren sowie die Rezeptorfunktion bestimmt werden. Messungen an frisch isolierten ETEZ ergaben für die mittlere Dissoziationskonstante (KD) von 31,78 ± 6,57 pM (n = 7) und eine maximale b-adrenerge Rezeptordichte (BMax) von 12727 ± 883,6 Bindungsstellen/Zelle (n = 7) ermittelt aus Sättigungsexperimenten mit dem b-adrenergen Rezeptorantagonisten [125I] Iodocyanopindolol (ICYP) in Anwesenheit des nicht selektiven beta-Rezeptorantagonisten (±)-CGP 12177. Für Primärkulturen ergaben sich Werte für KD von 15,26 ± 3,37 pM (n =6) und für BMax von 3730 ± 212 Bindungsstellen/Zelle (n = 6). Bei Verdrängungsexperimenten wurde die ICYP konzentrationsabhängig durch den beta2-selektiven Rezeptorantagonisten ICI 118.551 und den beta1-selektiven Rezeptorantagonisten CGP 20712A verdrängt, wobei für ICI 118.551 eine 10.000-fach höhere Affinität (Ki = 1,74 ± 0,15 nM in frisch-isolierten Zellen und 1,19 ± 0,41 nM in Primärkultur) gezeigt wurde als für CGP 20712A (Ki = 17 ± 7,90 μM in frisch isolierten Zellen). Die cAMP-Bildung wurde in frisch isolierten ETEZ konzentrationsabhängig durch die beta-adrenergen Rezeptoragonisten Isoproterenol, Epinephrin und Norepinephrin in der Reihenfolge ihrer Potenz mit einer EC50 von 58 nM (n = 6), 13,60 μM (n = 6) bzw. 0,43 mM (n = 6) stimuliert. Diese cAMP-Bildung konnte durch Behandlung der Zellen mit 100 nM der beta2-selektiven ICI 118.551, nicht aber durch 300 nM des beta1-selektiven CGP 20712A blockiert werden. Mit einem beta2-adrenergen Rezeptorantikörper konnte eine 72 kDa Proteinbande und mit demselben Antikörper in der Fluoreszenzfärbung Rezeptorantigene auf der Zelloberfläche nachgewiesen werden. Zusammenfassend konnten mit dem etablierten Protokoll große Mengen equiner Trachealepithelzellen isoliert und kultiviert werden. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie zeigen erstmalig, dass primäre equine Trachealepithelzellen funktionale beta2-adrenerge Rezeptoren exprimieren und das Protokoll zur Etablierung eines zellbasierten Modells geeignet ist, um in vitro verschiedene Funktionen und eine Pharmaka-induzierte Regulation der beta-adrenergen Signalkaskade hinsichtlich physiologischer und pathophysiologischer Zustände bei Atemwegserkrankungen des Pferdes und hierfür relevante pharmakologische und toxikologische Zielstrukturen untersuchen zu können

    Non-Newtonian and flow pulsatility effects in simulation models of a stented intracranial aneurysm

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    Permission to redistribute provided by publishers.Three models of different stent designs implanted in a cerebral aneurysm, originating from the Virtual Intracranial Stenting Challenge'07, are meshed and the flow characteristics simulated using commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software in order to investigate the effects of non-Newtonian viscosity and pulsatile flow. Conventional mass inflow and wall shear stress (WSS) output are used as a means of comparing the cfd simulations. In addition, a WSS distribution is presented, which clearly discriminates in favour of the stent design identified by other groups. It is concluded that non-Newtonian and pulsatile effects are important to include in order to avoid underestimating wss, to understand dynamic flow effects, and to discriminate more effectively between stent designs. © Authors 2011