55 research outputs found

    The Contemporary University: A Tradition that Creates the Future (Współczesny uniwersytet: Tradycja, która buduje przyszłość)

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    Rejecting the frequently raised claim that the tradition of the university is on the decline, the author emphasizes the necessity of grounding the vision of the future of this institution on the refl ection on its past. He discusses both historical and contemporary models of the university (e.g., the medieval corporation of scholars, the state-controlled university, the Humboldtian university, and the entrepreneurial university), pointing to the need to fi nd a balance between maintaining academic traditions on the one hand, and, facing the political, economic, and cultural challenges of modernity, on the other; between the national state, which is gradually losing its sovereignty, and the global market. Drawing on the ideas of such authors as Jaroslav Pelikan, Bill Readings, Burton R. Clark, Michael Barber, Katelyn Donnelly, Saada Rizvi, Alasdair MacIntyre, and Martha Nussbaum, the author proposes considering the university as a tradition that creates its future by implementing its own cultural policy in defense of freedom. (Odrzucając głoszoną dziś często tezę o upadku tradycji uniwersytetu, autor artykułu podkreśla konieczność oparcia wizji przyszłości tej instytucji na refl eksji o jej przeszłości. Na podstawie analizy zarówno historycznych modeli uniwersytetu (średniowiecznej korporacji uczonych, uniwersytetu państwowego, uniwersytetu Humboldtowskiego), jak i jego współczesnych koncepcji (np. tak zwanego uniwersytetu przedsiębiorczego), wskazuje on potrzebę znalezienia równowagi między tradycją akademicką a odpowiadaniem na bieżące wyzwania polityczne, gospodarcze i kulturalne, a także między potrzebami tracących suwerenność państw narodowych a wymogami globalnego rynku. Odwołując się do prac autorów takich, jak Jaroslav Pelikan, Bill Readings, Burton R. Clark, Michael Barber, Katelyn Donnelly, Saada Rizvi, Alasdair MacIntyre i Martha Nussbaum, autor przedstawia uniwersytet jako instytucję, w której tradycja służy budowaniu przyszłości i która prowadzi własną politykę kulturową mającą na celu obronę wolności.

    The Performative Practices in Politics: The Ukrainian Maidan and its Carnivalization

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    Performance theory is one of the methods that can explain dynamic and unpredictable social phenomena. The basics of our research are to be found in the artistic practices that destroyed previous classical patterns in art, while overcoming its boundaries. Accordingly, performance as a practical phenomenon has become the basis for a theoretical explanation of different political processes with carnival nature that influence and change social reality. This article proves that the Maidan in Kiev had a performative nature as well, which developped spontaneously due to its active involvement of the human body and the release of unconscious elements. It is claimed that the use of performative practices inside the Maidan allowed to overcome the totalitarian vertical logic of power, realizing democratic ideals and overcoming nihilism. Therefore, we suggest that performative theory can be applied to similar carnival political, social, and cultural phenomena, revealing their procedural and creative substance

    Рolitics between theology and messianism in secular times

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of political theology, messianism and their influence on the modern politics. The authors pay attention to the fact that every political theory (or political philosophy) has reference to the ideal state, the most obvious example of which is the transfer of religious concepts and ideas to the political domain. This transfer has two major consequences: the first of them is an act of transcendence which generates the political theology; the second is an act of immanence, which generates the political messianism. The political theology and messianism are seeking to carry meanings that not only explain but in a certain way construct the vision of the political and its historical manifestations. The political theology and political messianism of modernity have some specific caused by the peculiarities of the secularization. The authors refer to the relations between politics and religion in the secular times which is a topical issue of modern political philosophy. Such questions as the essence of the political theology and messianism, the genesis of modern political theology and the appearance of messianism in the political world are investigated

    Феноменологія політичного світу і сучасна політична філософія

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    The paper considers various conceptions of the phenomenon of political, summarizes some results and elucidates some possibilities of a phenomenolical approach in social and political science. The author points out that the phenomenology of political world by K.Held presents an example of the construction of the phenomenological theory of politics which is alternative to positivist, structuralist, marxist, and omher approaches to political reality.В статті розглядаються різні концепції феномену політичного, узагальнюються досягнення та виявляються можливості феноменологічного підходу в соціальних і політичних науках. Підсумовуючи, автор зауважує, щофеноменологія політичного світу К. Гельда демонструє приклад можливості витворення феноменологічної теорії політики, альтернативної до позитивістського, структуралістського, марксистського та інших підходів до смислення політичних явищ

    Course “Europe after Communism: democratic culture and integration”. Academic year 2019-2020. Didactic materials

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    Contents Project “European Values and Identity Studies” ................ 5 Course: “Europe after Communism: democratic culture and integration” .............................................................................. 7 Teachers .................................................................................................... 11 Reading Texts: Martin Dangerfield The European Union and Post-Communist Europe: One Approach or Several ........................................................... 12 Ivan Krastev, Stephen Holmes Explaining Eastern Europe: Imitation and Its Discontents ........................................................................................ 46 Mykhailo Minakov The Significance of Euromaidan for Ukraine and Europe .................................................................................................. 63 Kimberly Amadeo Ukraine Crisis Summary and Explanation ............................. 68 Javad Nikmoeen Review of Color Revolution ............................................................ 74 About Jean Monnet .............................................................................. 83 About ERASMUS+ Jean Monnet Programme ......................... 8

    Course “European Identity Politics”. Academic year 2018-2019. Didactic materials

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    Contents Project “European Velues and Identity Studies” ................. 4 Course: “European Identity Politics” ................................... 6 Teachers ................................................................................... 10 Reading Texts: Avraham Rot Constructing Identity and Embracing Boredom in United Europe ............................................................................... 11 Juliette Chevée Constructing a European identity: yes, but how? .................. 25 The manifesto of European patriots Fight for Europe – or the wreckers will destroy it ............................................. 28 Francis Fukuyama Against Identity Politics ......................................................... 31 About Jean Monnet .............................................................. 56 About ERASMUS+ Jean Monnet Programme ................... 5

    Philosophical Counselling: Synthesis of the Essence and Modern Tendencies of Philosophy

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    Abstract: The article is devoted to analyzing philosophical counseling and coaching as contemporary tendencies of philosophy. The authors intend to demonstrate that philosophical counseling arises as a result of transformations of philosophy, its acquisition of a practical dimension related to the “end of metaphysics,” the situation of “end of ‘grand narratives” (J.-F. Lyotard), “linguistic/communicative / practice turns in philosophy,” “era of interpretation.” Thus, philosophical counseling is closely related to modern philosophical trends - existentialism, philosophy of dialogue, communicative philosophy, hermeneutics. But, at the same time, the dimension of philosophical counseling was embedded in philosophy from the very beginning. The idea of “philosophy as a way of life” defines the essence of philosophical practice. Certain archetypal images include Socrates, who used his maieutic method to lead students to the truth (essentially advising them on how to choose the path to truth), or Plato, who traveled to the tyrants of Syracuse to “consult” how to create an ideal state. That is why the author’s thesis is that to understand the essence of philosophical counseling and define its principles, we should turn to the peculiarities of the development of philosophy in the modern era and certain universal principles of philosophizing, manifested throughout history of philosophical thought

    Religion and Ecological Ethics Through the Lenses of the Secularization of the Moral Sphere

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    Abstract: The article is dedicated to several main problems of ecological ethics and to the Christian reactions to it. The authors demonstrate that the Christian response (especially, the one of Orthodox Christianity) to the ecological crisis and to the development of moral principles for the conservation of the natural habitat and for solving the environmental problems is the result of a synthesis of environmental ethics as a secular transformation of the moral sphere and of traditional religious principles based on theological reflections. At the same time, the ecological ethics of Christianity lays down a distinct anthropological aspect, which presupposes at the same time the challeges for human nature, which is connected with the improvement of the soul. The article also analyzes the influence of secularization on moral systems and thinking (especially, Charles Taylor’s conception) and the general issues of ecological ethics. Authors state that within Christianity, we can observe a kind of adaptation of the response to environmental issues to religious consciousness and their interpretation through religious categories. The Orthodox Church, which is considered to be perhaps the most traditional Christian community, does not ignore environmental issues and tries to respond to the demand for ethical solutions to environmental problems. The appeal to environmental ethics enables the Church to show its civic activism and to give its moral principles a practical dimension

    Використання волоконно-оптичних інтелектуальних структур діагностування технічного стану зовнішніх обводів літака

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     Article is devoted to the possibilities of usage of the fiber-optic intelligence structure for the diagnosis of the technical conditions of the outside of the airplane. Рассмотрена возможность использования волоконно-оптических интеллектуальных структур для диагностирования технического состояния внешних обводов самолета. Розглянуто можливість використання волоконно-оптичних інтелектуальних структур для діагностування технічного стану зовнішніх обводів літака