28 research outputs found


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    Changes in lung, liver and brain were investigated, in wild, ducks and. domestic chicken under experimental infection caused by highly pathogenic avian Influenza virus A/H5N1. Isolation of virus was demonstrated, in swabs from the throat and. cloaca, virus titers were presented, in patterns of organs. Changes in organs of wild, ducks have dystrophic characteristics, but in domestic chickens are of the dystrophic and necrotic nature

    Особенности селекции томата в Приамурье. Итоги и перспективы

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    Relevance. Khabarovsk region is considered to be the zone of risky agriculture. It is characterized by the monsoon climate (july - september), having no analogies in Russia by univen distribution of precipitation, temperature drops and high natural infections background. That is why the search of tomato sorts, responsive to environmental changes, with increased or stable yield is highly relevant. The aim of our perennial researches in the creation of highly productive sorts and hybrids of tomato, most fully realizing natural and climatic conditions of cultivation, having higher stability to the most harmful diseases, stress environmental factors and high productive potential. The most significant limiting factors when growing tomatoes in the region are high natural infections background and sharply variable hydrothermal regime, formed under the influence of the Priamurye monsoon climate.Methods. The selection work had been made on vegetable plot of DV NIISH. The seedlings had been growing by cassette method into film greenhouse, which had been no had heating. Then the seedlings was planted out into open ground in accordance with bed technology recommended in the region by scheme 140 X 35 cm. The main method of selection work of new tomato sorts creation was analytical with continious selection. All the necessary phenological, biometrical and psychopathological observations and accounts had been done by generally accepted methodics.Results. The results in development of tomato selection in DV NIISH was the creation of sorts with different ripening time: early ripe – Zarya Vostokа and middle ripe – Amursky Utios and Dunyasha. They were included in the State registry of selection achievements in 2008 year. Sorts Klad and Galant passed successfully the state sort tests and were included in the state registry of selection achievements in 2017 and 2018 years. All these sorts are recommended for growing in garden plots, private plots and farms.Актуальность. Хабаровский край считается зоной рискованного земледелия. Характеризуется муссонным климатом (июль-сентябрь), не имеющим аналогов в России, с неравномерным распределением осадков, перепадами температур и высоким естественным инфекционным фоном. Поэтому поиск сортов томата, отзывчивых на изменения окружающей среды, с повышенной или стабильной урожайностью весьма актуален. Самыми значимыми лимитирующими факторами при культивировании томата в регионе являются высокий естественный инфекционный фон и резко-переменный гидротермический режим, сложившиеся под влиянием муссонного климата Приамурья.Целью наших многолетних исследований являлось создание высокопродуктивных сортов и гибридов томата, наиболее полно реализующих природные и климатические условия возделывания, обладающих повышенной устойчивостью к наиболее вредоносным болезням, стрессовым факторам среды и высоким продуктивным потенциалом.Методы. Селекционная работа проводилась на овощном участке ДВ НИИСХ. Выращивание рассады проводили кассетным методом в необогреваемой пленочной теплице с последующим высаживанием в открытый грунт по рекомендованной в регионе грядовой технологии по схеме 140 х 35 см. Основным методом селекционной работы по созданию новых сортов томата был аналитический с непрерывным отбором. Все необходимые фенологические, биометрические и фитопатологические наблюдения и учеты проводили по общепринятым для данной культуры методикам.Результаты и обсуждение. Итогом селекции томата в ДВ НИИСХ стало создание сортов различных сроков созревания: раннеспелого – Заря Востока и среднеспелых – Амурский утес и Дуняша, в 2008 году включенных в Госреестр селекционных достижений, а также Клад и Галант, успешно прошедших Государственное сортоиспытание и включенных в Государственный реестр селекционных достижений РФ в 2017 и 2018 годах соответственно, рекомендованных для выращивания на садово-огородных участках, приусадебных и фермерских хозяйствах

    Cellular internalisation, bioimaging and dark and photodynamic cytotoxicity of silica nanoparticles doped by {Mo₆I₈}⁴⁺ metal clusters

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    Silica nanoparticles (SNPs) doped by hexanuclear molybdenum cluster complexes [{Mo₆X₈}L₆]n (X = Cl, Br, or I; L = various inorganic or organic ligands) have been recently suggested as materials with a high potential for biomedical applications due to both the outstanding photoluminescent properties and the ability to efficiently generate singlet oxygen upon photoirradiation. However, no studies were undertaken so far to prove this concept. Therefore, here we examined the potential of photoluminescent SNPs doped by {Mo₆I₈}⁴⁺ for such applications as bioimaging and photodynamic therapy using human epidermoid larynx carcinoma (Hep-2) cell line as a model. Our results demonstrated both: (i) significant luminescence from cells with internalised molybdenum cluster doped SNPs combined with the low cytotoxicity of particles in the darkness and (ii) significant cytotoxicity of the particles upon photoirradiation. Thus, this research provides strong experimental evidence for high potential of molybdenum cluster doped materials in such biomedical applications as optical bioimaging, biolabeling and photodynamic therapy


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    The production of functional food products is one of the most important directions of development of the food industry. Particular attention is paid to the creation of new balanced in composition of products enriched with functional components, allowing them to increase their nutritional and biological value. Among vegetable crops, pumpkin is a highly valuable raw material in the food industry, which has equally both nutritional and biological value, and allowing for the correction of the human nutritional status. Based on this, we has been assessed the biochemical indicators of the varieties and hybrids of table pumpkin during to keeping as a perspectives raw material for the products of functional allocation in the Far East region. The research was carried out by the department of vegetable crops and potatoes of the Far Eastern Research Institute of Agriculture in the framework of the Far East program. Biochemical studies on pumpkin were carried out in the laboratory of agriculture of the Far Eastern Research Institute of Agriculture and in the laboratory of testing of the Center for Agrochemical Service “Khabarovsk” three times: 1 - before laying on to keeping; 2 - after 1.5 months of keeping; 3 - 1 month after the previous study. The results of studies showed that the varieties Nadezhda, Zimnyaya sladkay and Japanese hybrid Orange colon after 2.5 months of keeping, there was a decrease in some biochemical parameters. The varieties Vnuchka, Zhemchuzhina and a Japanese hybrid Sweet kob there is a tendency to increase almost all the quality indicators during the whole period of keeping. The content of dry matter, Vitamin C and potassium increases significantly. A favorable period for the processing of raw materials in the manufacture of the products of functional allocation is 1-2 months after harvesting for the Nadezhda variety and 1-4 months for the Vnuchka variety. Perspectives for the Far Eastern region in the manufacture of the products of functional allocation from foreign varieties are the Zimnyaya sladkay variety and the Japanese hybrid Orange colon.Производство продуктов функциональной направленности является одним из важнейших направлений развития пищевой промышленности. Особое внимание отводится созданию новых сбалансированных по составу продуктов, обогащенных функциональными компонентами, позволяющими повысить их пищевую и биологическую ценность. Среди овощных культур тыква является высокоценным сырьем в пищевой промышленности, обладающим в равной степени как пищевой, так и биологической ценностью, и позволяющим осуществлять коррекцию пищевого статуса человека. Исходя из этого, нами была дана оценка биохимических показателей сортов и гибридов тыквы столовой в период хранения как перспективного сырья для продуктов функционального назначения в Дальневосточном регионе. Исследования проводили в отделе овощных культур и картофеля ФГБНУ «Дальневосточный научно-исследовательский институт сельского хозяйства» в рамках программы «Дальний Восток». Биохимические исследования по тыкве осуществляли в лаборатории земледелия ФГБНУ «ДВ НИИСХ» и в испытательной лаборатории ФГБУ Центра агрохимической службы «Хабаровский» трижды: 1 −перед закладкой на хранение; 2 −через 1,5 месяца хранения; 3 −через 1 месяц после предыдущего исследования. Результаты исследований показали, что у сортов Надежда, Зимняя сладкая и японского гибрида Orange colon после 2,5 месяцев хранения наблюдалось снижение некоторых биохимических показателей. Сорта Внучка, Жемчужина и японский гибрид Sweet kob имеют тенденцию к увеличению практически всех качественных показателей в течение всего срока хранения. Значительно увеличивается содержание сухого вещества, витамина С и калия. Благоприятный период для переработки сырья при изготовлении продуктов функционального назначения −1-2 месяца после уборки – для сорта Надежда и 1-4 месяца – для сорта Внучка. Перспективными для Дальневосточного региона при изготовлении продуктов функционального назначения из инорайонных сортов являются сорт Зимняя сладкая и японский гибрид Orange colon


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    The paper contains an analysis pertaining to operation of a gas compressor unit while applying imitation modeling in which probabilities of adverse events (failures) have been quantitatively evaluated. In order to obtain risk values of failures it is necessary to carry out an additional analysis of the importance of negative failure consequences (financial losses). The obtained risk values will allow to work out recommendations on reduction of risk by probability reduction of adverse events or by consequence scope of the given events that will allow to increase quality of the services supplied by the main pipeline transport. Проведен анализ функционирования газоперекачивающего агрегата с применением имитационного моделирования, в ходе которого количественно оценены вероятности неблагоприятных событий (отказов). Для получения численных значений риска отказов необходимо провести дополнительный анализ значимости негативных последствий отказов (финансовые потери). Полученные в дальнейшем значения риска позволят выработать рекомендации по уменьшению риска путем уменьшения вероятности неблагоприятных событий либо величины последствий данных событий, что позволит повысить качество услуг, предоставляемых магистральным трубопроводным транспортом

    On the age of white anorthosite of the Novomirgorod massif of the Korsun-Novomirgorod pluton (the Ukrainian Shield)

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    Xenolites of white anorthosites have been found in anorthosites of the main phase of the Novom-irgorod massif of the Korsun-Novomirgorod pluton (the Ukrainian Shield, the Ingul megablock). The age of white anorthosite has been determined by classical uranium-lead method by zircon. Isotopic study of zircon showed considerable dispersion of values that is possibly caused by heterogeneous internal structure zircon crystals and different combination of generations of different ages. The most ancient, practically concordant age has been obtained for two fractions of light rosy zircon (1796-1806 b. y). that is considerably older than the age of zircon from enclosing anorthosites (1750,2 b. y.) and in our opinion characterizes the age of anorthosite. There are several assumptions as to the origin of xenolites of white anorthosites. They can be the earlier phase of basic rocks of the pluton; a fragment of substance of the lower crust transported from the depth and changed by superposed metasomatic and hydrothermal processes, leucocrate variety of «ancient» anorthosite of AMCHG association, represented by white bronsite anorthosites in the Korosten pluton

    Experience in the use of MRI-ultrasound fusion-targeted biopsy of the prostate for the diagnosis of prostate cancer

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    The objective of this study was to compare the results of the MRI-ultrasound fusion-targeted biopsy (MRF-TB) and the systematic 12-core biopsy (SB) of the prostate and investigate the relationship between the results of the biopsy and the multiparametric MRI of the prostate before the biopsy.Material and methods. The study included 380 men with a total PSA level from 4 to 10 ng/ml (according to Hybritech calibration) and with negative result of finger rectal examination at the age from 45 to 80 years. All men underwent a multiparametric MRI of the prostate before biopsy. The changes detected on the MRI were assessed taking into account the PI-RADS Version 2-criterion. All men (247 men) with PI-RADS 2 or more underwent MRF-TB (4 aiming columns) and SB (12 standard points) of the prostate.Results. There were no significant differences in the detection of all types of prostate cancer (PC) in all patients between MRF-TB and SB (p=0.731). At the same time, significantly less PC (Gleason 6) (p<0.001) and significantly more PC (Gleason ≥7) (p<0.001) were detected with MRF-TB compared with SB. Also, MRF-TB allows significantly more often to detect the most malignant form of PC (Gleason ≥4+3) compared with SB (p=0.025).Conclusion. MRF-TB detects more cases (Gleason ≥7), compared with SB, while limiting the detection of PC (Gleason 6) in all men presented for biopsy of the prostate


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    The production of functional food products is one of the most important directions of development of the food industry. Particular attention is paid to the creation of new balanced in composition of products enriched with functional components, allowing them to increase their nutritional and biological value. Among vegetable crops, pumpkin is a highly valuable raw material in the food industry, which has equally both nutritional and biological value, and allowing for the correction of the human nutritional status. Based on this, we has been assessed the biochemical indicators of the varieties and hybrids of table pumpkin during to keeping as a perspectives raw material for the products of functional allocation in the Far East region. The research was carried out by the department of vegetable crops and potatoes of the Far Eastern Research Institute of Agriculture in the framework of the Far East program. Biochemical studies on pumpkin were carried out in the laboratory of agriculture of the Far Eastern Research Institute of Agriculture and in the laboratory of testing of the Center for Agrochemical Service “Khabarovsk” three times: 1 - before laying on to keeping; 2 - after 1.5 months of keeping; 3 - 1 month after the previous study. The results of studies showed that the varieties Nadezhda, Zimnyaya sladkay and Japanese hybrid Orange colon after 2.5 months of keeping, there was a decrease in some biochemical parameters. The varieties Vnuchka, Zhemchuzhina and a Japanese hybrid Sweet kob there is a tendency to increase almost all the quality indicators during the whole period of keeping. The content of dry matter, Vitamin C and potassium increases significantly. A favorable period for the processing of raw materials in the manufacture of the products of functional allocation is 1-2 months after harvesting for the Nadezhda variety and 1-4 months for the Vnuchka variety. Perspectives for the Far Eastern region in the manufacture of the products of functional allocation from foreign varieties are the Zimnyaya sladkay variety and the Japanese hybrid Orange colon

    Development of biodegradable polysaccharide-protein edible gel coat with antimicrobial properties for food products

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    Food edible coatings are an important milestone in food production and one of the innovations in food packaging development. This article presents materials on the development of the formulation and technology for the manufacture of a novel composite coating based on sodium alginate, chitosan and protein hydrolysate obtained by the electrochemical method of double extraction from cod processing waste to obtain edible coatings for semi-finished fish products. Furthermore, the physicochemical, physical, mechanical and microbiological properties of this material are described


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    Aim. Compare the degree of pathogenicity of newly emerging influenza virus strains with pandemic potential by experimental infection of BALB/c mice with highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus and mouse adapted pandemic influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus. Materials and methods. The first group of BALB/c mice (n=24) were infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus in a dose of 5 LD50, and the second group (n=24) were infected with mouse adapted pandemic influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus at a dose of 5 LD50. Determination of LD50 and TCID50 were performed by virological methods. Morphological changes in internal organs (lung, brain, liver, kidney, spleen) were examined by light and transmission electron microscopy. Results. Virologic analysis showed that both strains are highly lethal for mice. Microscopic examination revealed the development of interstitial pneumonia in the lungs and generalization of infection in the internal organs. Conclusion. In both groups of BALB/c mice experimentally infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) and mouse adapted pandemic influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus were revealed the development of a highly lethal disease in the form of respiratory pneumonia. It is noted, different mechanisms of pathological process: in case of infection with mouse adapted pandemic influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus firstly developed bronchitis, which quickly exacerbated by the development of alveolitis, while in case of infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) immediately developed alveolitis. On the 6th day after infection recorded the development of generalized infection in mice of both experimental groups