12 research outputs found

    Release and Consumption of DMSP from Emiliania Huxleyi during grazing by Oxyrrhis Marina

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    Degradation and release to solution of intracellular dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) from Emiliania huxleyi 370 was observed during grazing by the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina in 24 h bottle incubations. Between 30 and 70% of the lost algal DMSP was metabolized by the grazers without production of dimethylsulfide (DMS) when grazer densities were 150 to 450/ml. The rest was released to solution and about 30% was converted to DMS by bacteria associated with the grazer culture. These experiments demonstrate that grazing by herbivorous protists may be an important sink for DMSP in marine waters, removing a potential source of DMS. Microzooplankton grazing may also indirectly increase the production of DMS by transferring algal DMSP to the dissolved pool, making it available for bacterial metabolism

    Climate variability, oceanography, bowhead whale distribution, and Iñupiat subsistence whaling near Barrow, Alaska

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    Author Posting. © Arctic Institute of North America, 2010. This article is posted here by permission of Arctic Institute of North America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Arctic 63 (2010): 179-194.The annual migration of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) past Barrow, Alaska, has provided subsistence hunting to Iñupiat for centuries. Bowheads recurrently feed on aggregations of zooplankton prey near Barrow in autumn. The mechanisms that form these aggregations, and the associations between whales and oceanography, were investigated using field sampling, retrospective analysis, and traditional knowledge interviews. Oceanographic and aerial surveys were conducted near Barrow during August and September in 2005 and 2006. Multiple water masses were observed, and close coupling between water mass type and biological characteristics was noted. Short-term variability in hydrography was associated with changes in wind speed and direction that profoundly affected plankton taxonomic composition. Aggregations of ca. 50–100 bowhead whales were observed in early September of both years at locations consistent with traditional knowledge. Retrospective analyses of records for 1984–2004 also showed that annual aggregations of whales near Barrow were associated with wind speed and direction. Euphausiids and copepods appear to be upwelled onto the Beaufort Sea shelf during Eor SEwinds. A favorable feeding environment is produced when these plankton are retained and concentrated on the shelf by the prevailing westward Beaufort Sea shelf currents that converge with the Alaska Coastal Current flowing to the northeast along the eastern edge of Barrow Canyon.This work was supported by NSF Grants OPPPP-0436131 to C. Ashjian (S. Braund Subcontract), OPPPP-0436110 to R. Campbell, OPPPP-0436127 to W. Maslowski, OPPPP-0436009 to C. Nicolson and J. Kruse, OPPPP-043166 to S. Okkonen, and OPPPP-0435956 to Y. Spitz, E. Sherr, and B. Sherr

    The molecular basis of genistein-induced mitotic arrest and exit of self-renewal in embryonal carcinoma and primary cancer cell lines

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genistein is an isoflavonoid present in soybeans that exhibits anti-carcinogenic properties. The issue of genistein as a potential anti-cancer drug has been addressed in some papers, but comprehensive genomic analysis to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying the effect elicited by genistein on cancer cells have not been performed on primary cancer cells, but rather on transformed cell lines. In the present study, we treated primary glioblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, hepatocellular carcinoma and human embryonic carcinoma cells (NCCIT) with μ-molar concentrations of genistein and assessed mitotic index, cell morphology, global gene expression, and specific cell-cycle regulating genes. We compared the expression profiles of NCCIT cells with that of the cancer cell lines in order to identify common genistein-dependent transcriptional changes and accompanying signaling cascades.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We treated primary cancer cells and NCCIT cells with 50 μM genistein for 48 h. Thereafter, we compared the mitotic index of treated versus untreated cells and investigated the protein expression of key regulatory self renewal factors as OCT4, SOX2 and NANOG. We then used gene expression arrays (Illumina) for genome-wide expression analysis and validated the results for genes of interest by means of Real-Time PCR. Functional annotations were then performed using the DAVID and KEGG online tools.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that cancer cells treated with genistein undergo cell-cycle arrest at different checkpoints. This arrest was associated with a decrease in the mRNA levels of core regulatory genes, <it>PBK</it>, <it>BUB1</it>, and <it>CDC20 </it>as determined by microarray-analysis and verified by Real-Time PCR. In contrast, human NCCIT cells showed over-expression of <it>GADD45 A </it>and <it>G </it>(growth arrest- and DNA-damage-inducible proteins 45A and G), as well as down-regulation of OCT4, and NANOG protein. Furthermore, genistein induced the expression of apoptotic and anti-migratory proteins p53 and p38 in all cell lines. Genistein also up-regulated steady-state levels of both <it>CYCLIN A </it>and <it>B</it>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results of the present study, together with the results of earlier studies show that genistein targets genes involved in the progression of the M-phase of the cell cycle. In this respect it is of particular interest that this conclusion cannot be drawn from comparison of the individual genes found differentially regulated in the datasets, but by the rather global view of the pathways influenced by genistein treatment.</p

    Double-Staining Epifluorescence Technique to Assess Frequency of Dividing Cells and Bacteriovory in Natural Populations of Heterotrophic Microprotozoa

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    We have developed a double-staining procedure for use with epifluorescence microscopy which allows the detection both of dividing cells and of ingested bacteria in food vacuoles of heterotrophic microprotozoa. Microprotozoan cells are stained sequentially with the DNA-specific fluorochrome DAPI (4′,6-diami-dino-2-phenylindole) and the nonspecific protein stain fluorescein isothiocyanate. During microscopic examination, heterotrophic microprotozoan cells are first located with fluorescein isothiocyanate fluorescence and then epifluorescence filter sets are switched to permit inspection under DAPI fluorescence of the cell nuclei and of the contents of food vacuoles. Among in situ populations of estuarine microprotozoa sampled over a tidal cycle, we found from 2.2 to 5.2% of the heterotrophic cells in a recognizable stage of division (nuclei elongated or double). Batch culture growth experiments were also carried out both with natural populations and with two isolated species of estuarine microprotozoa. In these experiments, the frequency of dividing cells ranged from 1.2 to 3.8% and appeared to be negatively correlated with growth rate. Microprotozoan populations sampled in continental shelf waters off Savannah, Ga., had mean frequencies of dividing cells ranging from 2.0 to 5.0%. A large fraction of cells in heterotrophic microprotozoan populations (an average of 27.4 ± 1.0% in estuarine water and of 30.1 ± 4.8% in shelf water) had DAPI-stained inclusions, presumably recently ingested bacteria, in their food vacuoles