1,763 research outputs found

    First results from the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    We review in these notes the status of the construction of the Pierre Auger Observatory and present the first Physics results, based on the data collected during the first year and a half of operation. These results are preliminary, once the work to understand the systematics of the detectors are still underway. We discuss the cosmic ray spectrum above 3 EeV, based on the measurement done using the Surface Detector and the Fluorescence Detector, both, components of the observatory. We discuss, as well, the search for anisotropy near the Galactic Center and the limit on the photon fraction at the highest energies.Comment: 10 pages, 16 figures, Brazilian National Meeting on Particle and Fields 200

    Topological Defects in Contracting Universes

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    We study the behaviour and consequences of cosmic string networks in contracting universes. They approximately behave during the collapse phase as a radiation fluids. Scaling solutions describing this are derived and tested against high-resolution numerical simulations. A string network in a contracting universe, together with the gravitational radiation it generates, can affect the dynamics of the universe both locally and globally, and be an important source of radiation, entropy and inhomogeneity. We discuss possible implications for bouncing and cyclic models.Comment: Shorter version of astro-ph/0206287. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Radiation from Excited Vortex in the Abelian Higgs Model

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    Excitation of a vortex in the Abelian Higgs model is investigated with the help of a polynomial approximation. The excitation can be regarded as a longitudinal component of the vector field trapped by the vortex. The energy and profile of the excitation are found. Back-reaction of the excitation on the vortex is calculated in the small Îș\kappa limit. It turns out that in the presence of the excitation the vortex effectively becomes much wider - its radius oscillates in time and for all times it is not smaller than the radius of the unexcited vortex. Moreover, we find that the vector field of the excited vortex has long range radiative component. Bound on the amplitude of the excitation is also found.Comment: Latex, 20 pages. 2 figures attached as .uu file to be decoded and used as input for epsfbox command which is already included in the main Latex fil

    Interactions between U(1)U(1) Cosmic Strings: An Analytical Study

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    We derive analytic expressions for the interaction energy between two general U(1)U(1) cosmic strings as the function of their relative orientation and the ratio of the coupling constants in the model. The results are relevant to the statistic description of strings away from critical coupling and shed some light on the mechanisms involved in string formation and the evolution of string networks.Comment: 31 pages,REVTEX, Imperial/TP/93-94/3

    Cosmic strings, loops, and linear growth of matter perturbations

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    We describe the detailed study and results of high-resolution numerical simulations of string-induced structure formation in open universes and those with a non-zero cosmological constant. The effect from small loops generated from the string network has also been investigated. We provide a semi-analytical model which can reproduce these simulation results. A detailed study of cosmic string network properties regarding structure formation is also given, including the correlation time, the topological analysis of the source spectrum, the correlation between long strings and loops, and the evolution of long-string and loop energy densities. For models with Γ=Ωh=0.1−−0.2andacolddarkmatterbackground,weshowthatthelineardensityfluctuationpowerspectruminducedbycosmicstringshasbothanamplitudeat\Gamma=\Omega h=0.1--0.2 and a cold dark matter background, we show that the linear density fluctuation power spectrum induced by cosmic strings has both an amplitude at 8 h^{-1}Mpc,Mpc, \sigma_8$, and an overall shape which are consistent within uncertainties with those currently inferred from galaxy surveys. The cosmic string scenario with hot dark matter requires a strongly scale-dependent bias in order to agree with observations.Comment: 60 pages, 24 figure

    Vorton Formation

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    In this paper we present the first analytic model for vorton formation. We start by deriving the microscopic string equations of motion in Witten's superconducting model, and show that in the relevant chiral limit these coincide with the ones obtained from the supersonic elastic models of Carter and Peter. We then numerically study a number of solutions of these equations of motion and thereby suggest criteria for deciding whether a given superconducting loop configuration can form a vorton. Finally, using a recently developed model for the evolution of currents in superconducting strings we conjecture, by comparison with these criteria, that string networks formed at the GUT phase transition should produce no vortons. On the other hand, a network formed at the electroweak scale can produce vortons accounting for up to 6% of the critical density. Some consequences of our results are discussed.Comment: 41 pages; color figures 3-6 not included, but available from authors. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    A Note on the evolution of cosmic string/superstring networks

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    In the context of brane world scenario, cosmic superstrings can be formed in D-brane annihilation at the end of the brane inflationary era. The cosmic superstring network has a scaling solution and the characteristic scale of the network is proportional to the square root of the reconnection probability.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures (revised version

    Vortex Dynamics in Selfdual Maxwell-Higgs Systems with Uniform Background Electric Charge Density

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    We introduce selfdual Maxwell-Higgs systems with uniform background electric charge density and show that the selfdual equations satisfied by topological vortices can be reduced to the original Bogomol'nyi equations without any background. These vortices are shown to carry no spin but to feel the Magnus force due to the shielding charge carried by the Higgs field. We also study the dynamics of slowly moving vortices and show that the spin-statistics theorem holds to our vortices.Comment: 24 pages + 2 figures ( not included), Cu-TP-611, IASSNS-HEP-93/33, NSF-ITP-93-13

    Non-Gaussianities in two-field inflation

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    We study the bispectrum of the curvature perturbation on uniform energy density hypersurfaces in models of inflation with two scalar fields evolving simultaneously. In the case of a separable potential, it is possible to compute the curvature perturbation up to second order in the perturbations, generated on large scales due to the presence of non-adiabatic perturbations, by employing the ÎŽN\delta N-formalism, in the slow-roll approximation. In this case, we provide an analytic formula for the nonlinear parameter fNLf_{NL}. We apply this formula to double inflation with two massive fields, showing that it does not generate significant non-Gaussianity; the nonlinear parameter at the end of inflation is slow-roll suppressed. Finally, we develop a numerical method for generic two-field models of inflation, which allows us to go beyond the slow-roll approximation and confirms our analytic results for double inflation.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figures. v2, comparison with previous estimates. v3, JCAP version; Revisions based on Referee's comment, corrected typos, added few eqs and refs, conclusions unchange
