128 research outputs found

    Predicting Peptide Structures in Native Proteins from Physical Simulations of Fragments

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    It has long been proposed that much of the information encoding how a protein folds is contained locally in the peptide chain. Here we present a large-scale simulation study designed to examine the extent to which conformations of peptide fragments in water predict native conformations in proteins. We perform replica exchange molecular dynamics (REMD) simulations of 872 8-mer, 12-mer, and 16-mer peptide fragments from 13 proteins using the AMBER 96 force field and the OBC implicit solvent model. To analyze the simulations, we compute various contact-based metrics, such as contact probability, and then apply Bayesian classifier methods to infer which metastable contacts are likely to be native vs. non-native. We find that a simple measure, the observed contact probability, is largely more predictive of a peptide's native structure in the protein than combinations of metrics or multi-body components. Our best classification model is a logistic regression model that can achieve up to 63% correct classifications for 8-mers, 71% for 12-mers, and 76% for 16-mers. We validate these results on fragments of a protein outside our training set. We conclude that local structure provides information to solve some but not all of the conformational search problem. These results help improve our understanding of folding mechanisms, and have implications for improving physics-based conformational sampling and structure prediction using all-atom molecular simulations

    Saddles in the energy landscape: extensivity and thermodynamic formalism

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    We formally extend the energy landscape approach for the thermodynamics of liquids to account for saddle points. By considering the extensive nature of macroscopic potential energies, we derive the scaling behavior of saddles with system size, as well as several approximations for the properties of low-order saddles (i.e., those with only a few unstable directions). We then cast the canonical partition function in a saddle-explicit form and develop, for the first time, a rigorous energy landscape approach capable of reproducing trends observed in simulations, in particular the temperature dependence of the energy and fractional order of sampled saddles.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Signal Intensity Analysis and Optimization for in Vivo Imaging of Cherenkov and Excited Luminescence.

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    During external beam radiotherapy (EBRT), in vivo Cherenkov optical emissions can be used as a dosimetry tool or to excite luminescence, termed Cherenkov-excited luminescence (CEL) with microsecond-level time-gated cameras. The goal of this work was to develop a complete theoretical foundation for the detectable signal strength, in order to provide guidance on optimization of the limits of detection and how to optimize near real time imaging. The key parameters affecting photon production, propagation and detection were considered and experimental validation with both tissue phantoms and a murine model are shown. Both the theoretical analysis and experimental data indicate that the detection level is near a single photon-per-pixel for the detection geometry and frame rates commonly used, with the strongest factor being the signal decrease with the square of distance from tissue to camera. Experimental data demonstrates how the SNR improves with increasing integration time, but only up to the point where the dominance of camera read noise is overcome by stray photon noise that cannot be suppressed. For the current camera in a fixed geometry, the signal to background ratio limits the detection of light signals, and the observed in vivo Cherenkov emission is on the order of 100×  stronger than CEL signals. As a result, imaging signals from depths  \u3c 15 mm is reasonable for Cherenkov light, and depths  \u3c 3 mm is reasonable for CEL imaging. The current investigation modeled Cherenkov and CEL imaging of two oxygen sensing phosphorescent compounds, but the modularity of the code allows for easy comparison of different agents or alternative cameras, geometries or tissues

    Energy landscapes, ideal glasses, and their equation of state

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    Using the inherent structure formalism originally proposed by Stillinger and Weber [Phys. Rev. A 25, 978 (1982)], we generalize the thermodynamics of an energy landscape that has an ideal glass transition and derive the consequences for its equation of state. In doing so, we identify a separation of configurational and vibrational contributions to the pressure that corresponds with simulation studies performed in the inherent structure formalism. We develop an elementary model of landscapes appropriate to simple liquids which is based on the scaling properties of the soft-sphere potential complemented with a mean-field attraction. The resulting equation of state provides an accurate representation of simulation data for the Lennard-Jones fluid, suggesting the usefulness of a landscape-based formulation of supercooled liquid thermodynamics. Finally, we consider the implications of both the general theory and the model with respect to the so-called Sastry density and the ideal glass transition. Our analysis shows that a quantitative connection can be made between properties of the landscape and a simulation-determined Sastry density, and it emphasizes the distinction between an ideal glass transition and a Kauzmann equal-entropy condition.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    On the Wang-Landau Method for Off-Lattice Simulations in the "Uniform" Ensemble

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    We present a rigorous derivation for off-lattice implementations of the so-called "random-walk" algorithm recently introduced by Wang and Landau [PRL 86, 2050 (2001)]. Originally developed for discrete systems, the algorithm samples configurations according to their inverse density of states using Monte-Carlo moves; the estimate for the density of states is refined at each simulation step and is ultimately used to calculate thermodynamic properties. We present an implementation for atomic systems based on a rigorous separation of kinetic and configurational contributions to the density of states. By constructing a "uniform" ensemble for configurational degrees of freedom--in which all potential energies, volumes, and numbers of particles are equally probable--we establish a framework for the correct implementation of simulation acceptance criteria and calculation of thermodynamic averages in the continuum case. To demonstrate the generality of our approach, we perform sample calculations for the Lennard-Jones fluid using two implementation variants and in both cases find good agreement with established literature values for the vapor-liquid coexistence locus.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Molecular structural order and anomalies in liquid silica

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    The present investigation examines the relationship between structural order, diffusivity anomalies, and density anomalies in liquid silica by means of molecular dynamics simulations. We use previously defined orientational and translational order parameters to quantify local structural order in atomic configurations. Extensive simulations are performed at different state points to measure structural order, diffusivity, and thermodynamic properties. It is found that silica shares many trends recently reported for water [J. R. Errington and P. G. Debenedetti, Nature 409, 318 (2001)]. At intermediate densities, the distribution of local orientational order is bimodal. At fixed temperature, order parameter extrema occur upon compression: a maximum in orientational order followed by a minimum in translational order. Unlike water, however, silica's translational order parameter minimum is broad, and there is no range of thermodynamic conditions where both parameters are strictly coupled. Furthermore, the temperature-density regime where both structural order parameters decrease upon isothermal compression (the structurally anomalous regime) does not encompass the region of diffusivity anomalies, as was the case for water.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figure

    Model-free test of local-density mean-field behavior in electric double layers

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    We derive a self-similarity criterion that must hold if a planar electric double layer (EDL) can be captured by a local-density approximation (LDA), without specifying any specific LDA. Our procedure generates a similarity coordinate from EDL profiles (measured or computed), and all LDA EDL profiles for a given electrolyte must collapse onto a master curve when plotted against this similarity coordinate. Noncollapsing profiles imply the inability of any LDA theory to capture EDLs in that electrolyte. We demonstrate our approach with molecular simulations, which reveal dilute electrolytes to collapse onto a single curve, and semidilute ions to collapse onto curves specific to each electrolyte, except where size-induced correlations arise. © 2013 American Physical Society

    Histone deacetylase regulates high mobility group A2-targeting microRNAs in human cord blood-derived multipotent stem cell aging

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    Cellular senescence involves a reduction in adult stem cell self-renewal, and epigenetic regulation of gene expression is one of the main underlying mechanisms. Here, we observed that the cellular senescence of human umbilical cord blood-derived multipotent stem cells (hUCB-MSCs) caused by inhibition of histone deacetylase (HDAC) activity leads to down-regulation of high mobility group A2 (HMGA2) and, on the contrary, to up-regulation of p16INK4A, p21CIP1/WAF1 and p27KIP1. We found that let-7a1, let-7d, let-7f1, miR-23a, miR-26a and miR-30a were increased during replicative and HDAC inhibitor-mediated senescence of hUCB-MSCs by microRNA microarray and real-time quantitative PCR. Furthermore, the configurations of chromatins beading on these miRNAs were prone to transcriptional activation during HDAC inhibitor-mediated senescence. We confirmed that miR-23a, miR-26a and miR-30a inhibit HMGA2 to accelerate the progress of senescence. These findings suggest that HDACs may play important roles in cellular senescence by regulating the expression of miRNAs that target HMGA2 through histone modification