73 research outputs found

    A Recent Trend in Individual Counting Approach Using Deep Network

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    In video surveillance scheme, counting individuals is regarded as a crucial task. Of all the individual counting techniques in existence, the regression technique can offer enhanced performance under overcrowded area. However, this technique is unable to specify the details of counting individual such that it fails in locating the individual. On contrary, the density map approach is very effective to overcome the counting problems in various situations such as heavy overlapping and low resolution. Nevertheless, this approach may break down in cases when only the heads of individuals appear in video scenes, and it is also restricted to the feature’s types. The popular technique to obtain the pertinent information automatically is Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). However, the CNN based counting scheme is unable to sufficiently tackle three difficulties, namely, distributions of non-uniform density, changes of scale and variation of drastic scale. In this study, we cater a review on current counting techniques which are in correlation with deep net in different applications of crowded scene. The goal of this work is to specify the effectiveness of CNN applied on popular individuals counting approaches for attaining higher precision results

    Generating an Arabic Calligraphy Text Blocks for Global Texture Analysis

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    This paper objective is to improve the current method for generating an Arabic Calligraphy text blocks. We test on seven types of Arabic Calligraphy text. We apply  projection profiles and a proposed filter to discriminate each line of the Arabic Calligraphy scripts. After performing text detection, skew correction, text and line normalization subsequently, we generate Arabic Calligraphy text blocks for global texture analysis purposes. We compare our proposed filter with current method and median filter. The results show that the proposed filter  is outperformed. The proposed method can be further  improved to boost the overall performance

    Cosine Harmony Search (CHS) for Static Optimization

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    Harmony Search (HS) is a behaviour imitation of a musician looking for the balance harmony. HS suffers to find the best parameter tuning especially for Pitch Adjustment Rate (PAR). PAR plays a crucial role in selecting historical solution and adjusting it using Bandwidth (BW) value. However, PAR in HS requires to be initialized with a constant value at the beginning step. On top of that, it also causes delay in convergence speed due to disproportion of global and local search capabilities. Even though, some HS variants claimed to overcome that shortcoming by introducing the self-modification of pitch adjustment rate, some of their justification were imprecise and required deeper and extensive experiments. Local Opposition-Based Learning Self-Adaptation Global Harmony Search (LHS) implements a heuristic factor, η for self-modification of PAR. It (η) manages the probability for selecting the adaptive step either as global or worst. If the value of η is large, the opportunity to select the global adaptive step is high, so the algorithm will further exploit for better harmony value. Otherwise, if η is small, the worst adaptive step is prone to be selected, therefore the algorithm will close to the global best solution. In this paper, regarding to the HS problem, we introduce a Cosine Harmony Search (CHS) by incorporating embedment of cosine and additional strategy rule with self-modification of pitch tuning to enlarge the exploitation capability of solution space. The additional strategy employs the η inspired by LHS and contains the cosine parameter. We test our proposed CHS on twelve standard static benchmark functions and compare it with basic HS and five state-of-the-art HS variants. Our proposed method and these state-of-the-art algorithms executed using 30 and 50 dimensions. The numerical results demonstrated that the CHS has outperformed with other state-of-the-art in accuracy and convergence speed evaluations

    The Patch-Levy-Based Bees Algorithm Applied to Dynamic Optimization Problems

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    Many real-world optimization problems are actually of dynamic nature. These problems change over time in terms of the objective function, decision variables, constraints, and so forth. Therefore, it is very important to study the performance of a metaheuristic algorithm in dynamic environments to assess the robustness of the algorithm to deal with real-word problems. In addition, it is important to adapt the existing metaheuristic algorithms to perform well in dynamic environments. This paper investigates a recently proposed version of Bees Algorithm, which is called Patch-Levy-based Bees Algorithm (PLBA), on solving dynamic problems, and adapts it to deal with such problems. The performance of the PLBA is compared with other BA versions and other state-of-the-art algorithms on a set of dynamic multimodal benchmark problems of different degrees of difficulties. The results of the experiments show that PLBA achieves better results than the other BA variants. The obtained results also indicate that PLBA significantly outperforms some of the other state-of-the-art algorithms and is competitive with others

    Support Vector Machine Based on Adaptive Acceleration Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Existing face recognition methods utilize particle swarm optimizer (PSO) and opposition based particle swarm optimizer (OPSO) to optimize the parameters of SVM. However, the utilization of random values in the velocity calculation decreases the performance of these techniques; that is, during the velocity computation, we normally use random values for the acceleration coefficients and this creates randomness in the solution. To address this problem, an adaptive acceleration particle swarm optimization (AAPSO) technique is proposed. To evaluate our proposed method, we employ both face and iris recognition based on AAPSO with SVM (AAPSO-SVM). In the face and iris recognition systems, performance is evaluated using two human face databases, YALE and CASIA, and the UBiris dataset. In this method, we initially perform feature extraction and then recognition on the extracted features. In the recognition process, the extracted features are used for SVM training and testing. During the training and testing, the SVM parameters are optimized with the AAPSO technique, and in AAPSO, the acceleration coefficients are computed using the particle fitness values. The parameters in SVM, which are optimized by AAPSO, perform efficiently for both face and iris recognition. A comparative analysis between our proposed AAPSO-SVM and the PSO-SVM technique is presented

    Gait Recognition based on Inverse Fast Fourier Transform Gaussian and Enhancement Histogram Oriented of Gradient

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    Gait recognition using the energy image representation of the average silhouette image in one complete cycle becomes a baseline in model-free approaches research. Nevertheless, gait is sensitive to any changes. Up to date in the area of feature extraction, image feature representation method based on the spatial gradient is still lacking in efficiency especially for the covariate case like carrying bag and wearing a coat. Although the use of Histogram of orientation Gradient (HOG) in pedestrian detection is the most effective method, its accuracy is still considered low after testing on covariate dataset. Thus this research proposed a combination of frequency and spatial features based on Inverse Fast Fourier Transform and Histogram of Oriented Gradient (IFFTG-HoG) for gait recognition. It consists of three phases, namely image processing phase, feature extraction phase in the production of a new image representation and the classification. The first phase comprises image binarization process and energy image generation using gait average image in one cycle. In the second phase, the IFFTG-HoG method is used as a features gait extraction after generating energy image. Here, the IFFTG-HoG method has also been improved by using Chebyshev distance to calculate the magnitude of the gradient to increase the rate of recognition accuracy. Lastly, K-Nearest Neighbour (k=NN) classifier with K=1 is employed for individual classification in the third phase. A total of 124 people from CASIA B dataset were tested using the proposed IFTG-HoG method. It performed better in gait individual classification as the value of average accuracy for the standard dataset 96.7%, 93.1% and 99.6%compared to HoG method by 94.1%, 85.9% and 96.2% in order. With similar motivation, we tested on Rempit datasets to recognize motorcycle rider anomaly event and our proposed method also outperforms Dalal Method

    Uniform Distorted Scene Reduction on Distribution of Colour Cast Correction

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    Scene in the photo occulated by uniform particles distribution can degrade the image quality accidently. State of the art pre-processing methods are able to enhance visibility by employing local and global filters on the image scene. Regardless of air light and transmission map right estimation, those methods unfortunately produce artifacts and halo effects because of uncorrelated problem between the global and local filter’s windows. Besides, previous approaches might abruptly eliminate the primary scene structure of an image like texture and colour. Therefore, this study aims not solely to improve scene image quality via a recovery method but also to overcome image content issues such as the artefacts and halo effects, and finally to reduce the light disturbance in the scene image. We introduce our proposed visibility enhancement method by using joint ambience distribution that improves the colour cast in the image. Furthermore, the method is able to balance the atmospheric light in correspondence to the depth map accordingly. Consequently, our method maintains the image texture structural information by calculating the lighting estimation and maintaining a range of colours simultaneously. The method is tested on images from the Benchmarking Single Image Dehazing research by assessing their clear edge ratio, gradient, range of saturated pixels, and structural similarity metric index. The scene image restoration assessment results show that our proposed method had outperformed resuls from the Tan, Tarel and He methods by gaining the highest score in the structural similarity index and colourfulness measurement. Furthermore, our proposed method also had achieved acceptable gradient ratio and percentage of the number of saturated pixels. The proposed approach enhances the visibility in the images without affecting them structurally

    A Study of Atmospheric Particles Removal in a Low Visibility Outdoor Single Image

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    Maximum limit of human visibility without the assistance of equipment is 1000 m based on International Commission on Illumination. The use of camera in the outdoor for the purpose of navigation, monitoring, remote sensing and robotic movement sometimes may yield images that are interrupted by haze, fog, smoke, steam and water drops. Fog is the random movement of water drops in the air that normally exists in the early morning. This disorder causes a differential image observed experiences low contrast, obscure, and difficult to identify targets. Analysis of the interference image can restore damaged image as a result of obstacles from atmospheric particles or drops of water during image observation. Generally, images with atmospheric particles contain a homogeneous texture like brightness and a heterogeneous texture which is the object that exists in the atmosphere. Pre-processing method based on the dark channel prior statistical measure of contrast vision and prior knowledge, still produces good image quality but less effective to overcome Halo problem or ring light, and strong lighting. This study aims to propel the development of machine vision industry aimed at navigation or monitoring for ground transportation, air or sea

    Image Enhancement Background for High Damage Malay Manuscripts using Adaptive Threshold Binarization

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    Jawi Manuscripts handwritten which are kept at Malaysia National Library (MNL), has aged over decades. Regardless of the intensive sustainable process conducted by MNL, these manuscripts are still not maintained in good quality, and neither can easily be read nor better view. Even thought, many states of the art methods have developed for image enhancement, none of them can solve extremely bad quality manuscripts. The quality of old Malay Manuscripts can be categorize into three types, namely: the background image is uneven, image effects and image effects expand patch. The aim of this paper is to discuss the methods used to value add the quality of the manuscript.  Our propose methods consist of several main methods, such as: Local Adaptive Equalization, Image Intensity Values, Automatic Threshold PP, and Adaptive Threshold Filtering. This paper is intend to achieve a better view image that geared to ease reading. Error Bit Phase achievement (TKB) has a smaller error value for proposed method (Adaptive Threshold Filtering Process / PAM) namely 0.0316 compared with Otsu’s Threshold Method / MNAO, Binary Threshold Value Method / MNAP, and Automatic Local Threshold Value Method / MNATA. The precision achievement (namely on ink bleed images) is using a proposed method more than 95% is compared with the state of the art methods MNAO, MNAP, MNATA and their performances are 75.82%, 90.68%, and 91.2% subsequently.  However, this paper’s achievement is using a proposed method / PAM, MNAO, MNAP, and MNATA for correspondingly the image of ink bleed case are 45.74%, 54.80%, 53.23% and 46.02%.  Conclusion, the proposed method produces a better character shape in comparison to other methods
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