941 research outputs found

    A note on a class of pp-valent starlike functions of order beta

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    In this paper we obtain sharp coefficient bounds for certain pp-valent starlike functions of order β\beta, 0β<10\le \beta<1. Initially this problem was handled by Aouf in "M. K. Aouf, On a class of pp-valent starlike functions of order α\alpha, Internat. J. Math. &\& Math. Sci. 1987;10:733--744". We pointed out that the proof given by Aouf was incorrect and a correct proof is presented in this paper.Comment: 6 pages, 1 table, submitted to a journa

    Maximal area integral problem for certain class of univalent analytic functions

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    One of the classical problems concerns the class of analytic functions ff on the open unit disk z<1|z|<1 which have finite Dirichlet integral Δ(1,f)\Delta(1,f), where Δ(r,f)=z<rf(z)2dxdy(0<r1).\Delta(r,f)=\iint_{|z|<r}|f'(z)|^2 \, dxdy \quad (0<r\leq 1). The class S(A,B){\mathcal S}^*(A,B) of normalized functions ff analytic in z<1|z|<1 and satisfies the subordination condition zf(z)/f(z)(1+Az)/(1+Bz)zf'(z)/f(z)\prec (1+Az)/(1+Bz) in z<1|z|<1 and for some 1B0-1\leq B\leq 0, ACA\in {\mathbb C} with ABA\neq B, has been studied extensively. In this paper, we solve the extremal problem of determining the value of maxfS(A,B)Δ(r,z/f)\max_{f\in {\mathcal S}^*(A,B)}\Delta(r,z/f) as a function of rr. This settles the question raised by Ponnusamy and Wirths in [11]. One of the particular cases includes solution to a conjecture of Yamashita which was settled recently by Obradovi\'{c} et. al [9].Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    Opinions of children regarding their needs and use for children library: user expectation survey in Varanasi

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    Purpose- The vital part of society that decides how the world will be after some years is ‘child’. Child care and nurturing become the focus point for any society. Due to lack of money, they are deprived of good education and other basic facilities of life. In India, rural community faces more problems in delivering proper education and basic facilities to the children than urban one. If we can make good changes in a child’s life, then eventually it will help in shaping a better world in future. Libraries can help in shaping a better future for a child. Children libraries not only support the basic education but also extracurricular activities for the overall development of the child. In the light of changing information and communication technology, children libraries should also need to change their policies and strategies. This paper aims at bringing the expectations from children about children libraries in terms of infrastructure, library hours, information source, events etc. Methodology- To get the expectation of children, a survey is done with the help of questionnaire on 150 children in the vicinity of Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. Convenience sampling is done to get primary data. Percentage method is used for data representation and analysis. Research limitations- This research is limited to the children residing in the vicinity of Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. The data is collected from the children having less than 18 years of age. Practical Implications- This survey will be helpful for revising the public library guidelines for children. It will promote to set a national platform for children libraries. This research will help in designing learning commons for the children. It will also help the library authorities in framing collection development policy for children libraries. Furthermore, it will help children librarian to acquire and disseminate information according to children’s needs. Findings- Children are in support for the technological advancement in the children library. They have diverse nature and needs to approach their information need. Further, the need of library learning commons is quite important in the present scenario of Varanasi children. Originality- The paper is the first research of its kind in terms of its scope and coverage. It presents the original information about expectations of children about children library in Varanasi, India

    Ethnoveterinary studies of medicinal plants used to treat livestock in the Haridwar region of Uttarakhand, India

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    Ethnoveterinary practices are still prevalent in rural livestock healthcare. This research contributes significantly to the understanding of biological resources employed in ethnoveterinary practices in the Haridwar district of Uttarakhand. This current study focuses on ethnoveterinary knowledge among ethnic populations in Haridwar and quantitatively documented the traditional knowledge about the usage of different medicinal herbs. The field survey was carried out at four sampling sites, i.e., Chilla range, Mohand range, Vindhyavasini hills, and Shyampur range. The ethnoveterinary information was documented and collected in the study areas through interviews, questionnaires, and group discussions with ethnic communities and traditional healers, primarily elderly shepherds and farmers. The collected data were quantitatively analysed utilizing the informant consensus factor (ICF), fidelity level (FL), and use value (UV). In this study, 102 medicinal plant species were identified in which herbs (58.8%) were the maximum used life forms. Leaves (27.1%) were found to be the most commonly used plant part. The oral mode of medication was used most often in the ethnoveterinary practices (79.4%) used. Quantitative analysis revealed that the most important species having high UV values for curing livestock was Zingiber officinale (L) (UV = 2.67). FL% values ranged between 27.8 to 100% and ICF values ranged from 0.97 to 0.99. This study reveals that a large variety of medicinal plant species are of great ethnoveterinary relevance and are used by informants in Haridwar to treat cattle ailments. Further phytochemical and pharmacological studies would be needed to determine the usefulness and safety of the identified plants, allowing communities to use them in a more cost-effective, and safe manner

    Non-invasive diagnostic tools in early detection of oral epithelial dysplasia

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    Objective: The incidence of oral cancer worldwide varies 2-18% and in India 0.1 to 13.5%. Early evaluation of oral precancerous lesions can have dramatic effect on oral cancer mortality rate. Among the premalignant stage, leukoplakia is the most commonly encountered clinical lesion and epithelial dysplasia is most important predictive factor. The objective of this paper is to compare the efficacy of exfoliative cytology, toluidine blue and chemiluminescent illumination (VIZILITE) to detect early dysplastic changes in leukoplakia. Study design: Study involved 50 patients of leukoplakia (homogeneous, speckled) in the age group of 20-72 years including males and females in the ratio of 7:3. All the diagnostic procedures were carried out on each patient followed by biopsy and data was subjected to statistical analysis. Results: Comparing the results of exfoliative cytology with toluidine blue in diagnosing dysplasia in leukoplakia, it showed 50% sensitivity and 83.3 % specificity. In comparison to chemiluminescent light examination, cytology showed 42.9% sensitivity and 79.3% specificity. Chemiluminescent light examination showed 60% sensitivity and 70% specificity compared to toluidine blue. Conclusions: Overall accuracy of exfoliative cytology was less than toluidine blue, whereas latter showed superior but comparable results to chemiluminescent illumination in detecting dysplasia. However role of chemiluminescent illumination should be further investigated in demarcating dysplatic lesion

    Connect Exchange Programs: A Critical Component in Media Studies for Indian Media Schools

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    This article addresses the objectives, philosophy, and need assessment of connect exchange programmes (CEP) in media studies. It underlines the importance of CEPs as an effort to mitigate the chasms created by a discriminatory, hierarchical, and fragmented society. Simultaneously, this article questions how CEPs can contribute to the paradigm of media studies when the institutions of media and media Studies still abide by the vision of age-old understanding of the constitution of Media and its function. This article raises a pitch for viewing media studies as a discipline with an integral commitment to society and social issues rather than relying upon the training of ‘graduates’ to fit in the needs and demands of the job market. This article emphasizes that how a CEP can contribute to the making of a ‘universal global citizenry.

    Diagnosis of tubercular lymphadenopathy by fine needle aspiration cytology and Z-N staining

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    Background: Tuberculosis continues to be the biggest health problem in India. Tuberculosis involves respiratory, gastrointestinal tract as well as extrapulmonary site. Tubercular lymphadenopathy is the most common form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. FNAC plays a vital role in diagnosis of tubercular lymphadenopathy. FNAC is not only used for cytological diagnosis but also used for other ancillary tests like Ziehl-Neelsen staining and AFB culture.Methods: The study was conducted in the department of pathology, Government Medical College, Jammu over a period of 6 months and included 450 cases presenting with superficial lymphadenopathy. FNAC was performed in the cases and smears in each case, were stained with May Grunwald Giemsa (MGG), Papanicolaou and Z-N stain.Results: Out of 450 cases,160 cases (35.5%) showed features of tubercular lymphadenitis. The most common site of presentation, being cervical region with 75% cases. Females outnumbered males by ratio of 1.46:1. In cytomorphology 93 cases (58.1%) showed epithelioid granulomas with caseous necrosis,37 cases (23.1%) showed caseous necrosis only while only epithelioid granulomas were seen in 30 cases (23.1%). AFB positivity was seen in 82 cases with maximum AFB positivity (78.3%) seen in cases with necrosis only.Conclusions: FNAC is a rapid diagnostic technique because of its simplicity, cost effectiveness, early availability of results and minimal invasion. FNAC is a reliable and sensitive first line investigation in diagnosis of tubercular lymphadenitis combined with AFB staining


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    Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), mainly cardiovascular diseases, cancers, diabetes, obesity and chronic respiratory diseases, represent a leading threat to human health and human development in todays world. Medicinal plants have always been the principle sources of medicine worldwide. Ayurvedic medicines share the millennia of Ayurvedic herbs which prevent and effectively treat many non-communicable diseases. These drugs are safe, effective and affordable. We cannot limit the study of Indian plants based on their therapeutic values but we should also consider their use from Astrological point of view. As we all know, in astrology it is believed that there are nine planets which are controlling the destiny of a person and there are certain specified herbs which act as a remedy to treat disastrous effect of planets. To minimize the ill effect of Navgrahas one of the easiest methods is to plant the Navgrah Vatika (garden). It protects from various problems including non-communicable diseases. Astrology along with Ayurveda shows how we can heal ourselves through the herbs corresponding to their particular star. Combining astrology and Ayurveda fruitful results can be obtained. Each plant in this paper corresponds to that particular planet/star which gives energy to that particular person born during that particular star time. Present paper will describe the importance Navgrahavatika, role of planets in health and how these Navgraha plants are useful in prevention and treatment of non-communicable diseases

    Study of Different Images in Digital image Processing to Make a Coin Recoginition System

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    The advanced picture preparing manages building up a computerized framework to performs tests and activities on a computerized picture with the utilization of PC calculations. A picture is just a 2D numerical capacity f(x,y) where x and y are two on a level plane and vertically co-ordinates. Money acknowledgment is a standout amongst the most essential uses of picture handling. The cash acknowledgment framework is utilized as a part of numerous situations, for example, bank, business firms, railroads, shopping centers, departmental stores, government association, and so forth. Be that as it may, acknowledgment is done significantly utilizing equipment gadget. Additionally regular man can't think that its achievable to utilize it as equipment. So there is a need to automate the human push to perceive the cash. Think about the case of a bank; it needs to perceive the section from time to time they utilize the gadget which comprise of bright light .The financier keeps the money note on the gadget and endeavor to discover whether the watermark image, serial number and some different qualities of the notes are appropriate to get the category and check its credibility. This expands crafted by the broker. Rather if the financier utilizes the framework and mechanizes his work, the outcome will be considerably more exact. Same is the situation with regions, for example, shopping centers, speculation firms where such frameworks can be utilized. So there is expected to make less demanding approach to perceive the money notes