156 research outputs found

    Teaching physics novices at university: A case for stronger scaffolding

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    In 2006 a new type of tutorial, called Map Meeting, was successfully trialled with novice first year physics students at the University of Sydney, Australia. Subsequently, in first semester 2007 a large-scale experiment was carried out with 262 students who were allocated either to the strongly scaffolding Map Meetings or to the less scaffolding Workshop Tutorials, which have been run at the University of Sydney since 1995. In this paper we describe what makes Map Meetings more scaffolding than Workshop Tutorials—where the level of scaffolding represents the main difference between the two tutorial types. Using a mixed methods approach to triangulate results, we compare the success of the two with respect to both student tutorial preference and examination performance. In summary, Map Meetings had a higher retention rate and received more positive feedback from students—students liked the strongly scaffolding environment and felt that it better helped them understand physics. A comparison of final examination performances of students who had attended at least 10 out of 12 tutorials revealed that only 11% of Map Meeting students received less than 30 out of 90 marks compared to 21% of Workshop Tutorial students, whereas there were no differences amongst high-achieving students. Map Meetings was therefore particularly successful in helping low-achieving novices learn physics

    The Achievement Emotions Questionnaire: Validation and implementation for undergraduate physics practicals

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    Physics is a discipline associated with diverse emotions; some enjoy it, others don’t. Yet, students’ emotions when studying physics are under researched. This study adapts the Achievement Emotions Questionnaire (AEQ) to measure the emotions of students with first year physics undergraduate practicals. The aims of this research are to validate the AEQ in our context and to probe students’ emotions towards two practicals; the control which is of standard format and the intervention which incorporates colour and historical aspects seeking to produce more positive emotions. Confirmatory Factor Analysis and descriptive statistics conducted with a sample of 320 students confirm the reliability and internal validity of the adapted AEQ (AEQ-PhysicsPrac) for the purposes of this study. Differences in emotions between the control and intervention are detected indicating that the AEQ-PhysicsPrac has utility in physics education

    Innovative physics teaching spaces

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    There are often heated debates around teaching and learning spaces, from collaborative spaces for student centred learning to abolishing teacher centred lecture theatres. In both school and university contexts, economics and practicalities have led to designing multi-purpose learning spaces which can be used by different disciplines and for different purposes. Consequently, it is often a challenge to justify and advocate for dedicated discipline-based laboratory teaching and learning spaces.  In this workshop we will share a particular innovative space specifically designed as a physics laboratory, with the functionality of being used as a recitation/tutorial space, project space as well as for studio teaching with mini lectures.  We will also share our experience of running Physics labs in this space. We will show how particular demands:  to be ‘multipurpose’ across different modes of physics teaching allowing for in-depth learning of physics, be able to accommodate various level of experimental classes, provide ability of skills development including open-ended projects, grant effective teaching technical support, could be implemented in design solutions. We will discuss how features of teaching space influenced teaching modes. Participants are requested to bring designs of their teaching and learning spaces, share experiences of fit-for-purpose learning spaces as well as pick up some tips if designing new learning spaces. In particular, the space could be welcoming, has a pleasant ambience and has been well received by both staff and students. Given the current context of ‘going online’, physical learning spaces need to be something extra special as we move into the future. Bring along your future-looking extra special learning space designs! Intended Audience: University and Secondary-School Physics Educator


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    This project focuses on the novel idea of integration of technologies with inquiry skills and modelling (Crook & Sharma, 2013; Cornish et al., 2019; Gilbert, 2004) and associates these with students’ cognitive engagement, behavioural engagement and emotional engagement (Muller, Sharma & Reimann, 2008; Kota, Cornish & Sharma, 2019). Using design-based research methodology, we integrated technology and inquiry to design an experiment on ‘modelling waves on a rope’, a standard topic in first-year undergraduate physics. Furthermore, we investigated how students engaged with the new experiment? It had three features; (1) qualitative description and kinaesthetic feel of waves being created on ropes, (2) taking measurements using video analysis software, and (3) a whole class comparison of experimental and theoretical values using a pre-designed EXCEL spreadsheet. The experiment was trialled in two tutor training sessions, and the final version was implemented in first year physics labs in 2018 and 2019. We used a survey (Barrie et al., 2015) that measures student experiences in labs by evaluating: how technology was integrated, how much inquiry skills are developed, and how well the students understand the modelling. We also collected observational notes and student logbooks and conducted interviews. Tutors were also surveyed. The sample size includes 406 students and 24 tutors. Findings show that students engaged in a hands-on experiment by creating waves on a rope, in using technology for data analysis and in developing ICT skills, and in understanding modelling using EXCEL spreadsheets. The experiment also fostered teamwork and required investment of an appropriate level of mental effort demonstrating that the experiment did engage students in a meaningful manner. The integration of digital technologies with ‘modelling waves on a rope’ resulted in higher overall enjoyment of the experiment and increased student engagement. REFERENCES Barrie, S. C., Bucat, R. B., Buntine, M. A., Burke da Silva, K., Crisp, G. T., George, A. V., & Yeung, A. (2015). Development, evaluation and use of a student experience survey in undergraduate science laboratories: The Advancing Science by Enhancing Learning in the Laboratory Student Laboratory Learning Experience Survey. International Journal of Science Education, 37(11), 1795-1814. Cornish, S., Yeung, A., Kable, S. H., Orgill, M., & Sharma, M. D. (2019). Using teacher voices to develop the ASELL Schools professional development workshops. Teaching Science, 65(1), 4. Crook, S. J. & Sharma, M. D. (2013). Bloom-ing heck! The activities of Australian science teachers and students two years into a 1:1 laptop program across 14 high schools. International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 21(1), 54-69. Gilbert, J. K. (2004). Models and modelling: Routes to more authentic science education. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 2(2), 115–130. Kota, S. D., Cornish, S, & Sharma, M. D. (2019); Switched on! Student and teacher engagement in an electricity practical, Physics Education, 54(1), 1-9. Muller, D. A., Sharma, M. D., & Reimann P 2008 Raising cognitive load with linear multimedia to promote conceptual change, Science Education, 92, 278–296


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    During semester 1 of 2020, which was disrupted by COVID-19, first year physics students at The University of Sydney undertook three face-to-face labs, followed by a 3-week break, and 4 totally online labs. Using the Achievement Emotions Questionnaire, AEQ- PhysicsPrac (Pekrun, Goetz, & Perry, 2005; Bhansali & Sharma, 2019) we probed students’ emotions towards Physics labs during this time of pandemic and compared them to emotions measured previously in the regular face-to-face labs. Our sample consisted of 100 students who were given the survey towards the end of semester 1 of 2020. Comparison with regular electricity experiments in semester 2 of 2018 with 117 students showed that students’ anxiety increased during COVID-19. We also compared students’ emotions with 2 experiments from semester 1 of 2018; a control experiment with black and white lab notes which was perceived by 133 students as quite negatively emotionally engaging, and an intervention practical with a short, colourful, historical story which was perceived by 187 students as positively emotionally engaging (Bhansali & Sharma, 2019). Intriguingly, our comparison showed that the emotions reported during COVID-19 were somewhere in between those reported for the control and intervention. The COVID-19 labs had decreased enjoyment, and increased anxiety and hopelessness when compared with the intervention; while COVID-19 labs had increased pride and anxiety, and decreased boredom when compared with the control. This paper focuses on the implications of our findings in terms of the influence of the reported emotions on students’ attention, focus and the will to continue studies

    Thermal conductivity: Concept and apparatus

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    The study of the physical mechanisms involved in heat transfer phenomena is important as they influence many aspects of our life. However, thermal physics practicals are one of the most challenging in the Junior Physics lab, mostly due to conceptual difficulty, equipment problems and safety issues. In this presentation we describe one of our new thermal experiments – thermal conductivity. This topic is of considerable pedagogical importance since it requires a good understanding of the physical mechanisms involved in heat transfer and can be exploited in junior and senior physics courses in different ways. This practical consists of two parts – qualitative and quantitative. In the first part we describe how a daily experience such as the touch of hot and cool objects with the hands can be used to learn concepts related to heat transfer. The second part is devoted to quantitative measurements of thermal conductivity. If you apply heat to one end of a copper rod and hold the other end, the atoms in the hot end become excited, i.e., they have higher energy, and share their energies with their neighbours, and they in turn share energy with their neighbours, and so on along the rod. So eventually, your end of the copper rod starts becoming warm. See Abstract PDF for the equation heat flux is determined by. In-house built apparatus consisting of four rods, four heaters, heat sink, and 4 thermal probes provides opportunity to explore Eq1, as we can vary A and k, by varying rod’s diameter and material. Four thermal probes provide temperature gradient. During the practical, students determine the thermal conductivity of each rod using Eq.(1), the heat conduction equation


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    Undergraduates' emotions in physics are not well studied despite plenty of research showing that students’ emotional engagement influences their academic achievement. Our research uses the Pekrun (2006) model and adapts the associated Achievement Emotions Questionnaire, AEQ. We validate using Confirmatory Factor Analysis and check for reliability with 395 surveys completed by students taking a module run in a face-to-face mode within an introductory physics course. The new survey, called AEQ-Physics, was able to adequately measure and differentiate the following emotions, enjoyment, pride, anger, anxiety, hopelessness and boredom. The AEQ was also administered to students taking the same module in a blended mode, receiving 111 responses. Furthermore, the AEQ-Physics was administered during the COVID-19 affected period; all students were forced to continue online, and 74 responses were received. In this paper, we present Pearson Correlations and descriptive statistics for all three cases. We examine trends and patterns to ascertain if the emotions behave as per the Pekrun conceptual model, affirming that the conceptual basis is suitable for physics courses. The AEQ-Physics can now be used in other contexts providing academics with measures of emotional engagement for use in courses to positively influence students’ achievement


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    It is agreed upon in the literature that reflection is a vital part of learning, yet it is seldom focused on in the physics education context. This presentation will summarise three studies into reflective thinking in the physics education multimedia context, and the development of the “question-solution-reflection” framework. According to Dewey (1933) and Rogers (2002), reflection can be thought of containing phases - • An experience, and the spontaneous interpretation of that experience • The articulation of the problem or question that arises out of the experience • The generation of possible explanations for the question • The explanations need to be examined and tested The videos used, and developed for the present studies, followed these phases. In the first video, an experience was shown, and a question was asked. The students wrote down their answers to the question, and then watched the second video, which contained the solutions. The students were prompted to write down if they changed their answers, and the reasons for doing or not doing so. Over 3000 responses to this format have been received as part of the three studies, and we argue that the results show that this framework is effective at promoting reflective thinking. REFERENCES Dewey, J. (1933). How we think. Courier Corporation. Rodgers, C. (2002). Defining reflection: Another look at John Dewey and reflective thinking. Teachers College Record, 104(4), 842-866


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    Casual academics teaching staff, such as tutors and laboratory demonstrators, play a vital role in our undergraduate teaching programs. Indeed, this casual academic workforce often forms the vast majority of the academic teaching staff at most universities, especially in the first-year units/courses. In particular, casual laboratory teaching staff possess several responsibilities such as, ensuring adherence to the health and safety policies, assessing student performance and output, developing undergraduate students' practical and transferable skills, mentoring and correcting misconceptions in theoretical understanding (Herrington & Nakhleh, 2003; Rodriques & Bond-Robinson, 2006). Literature suggests that there is a strong positive correlation between how students interact with their laboratory demonstrator and how these same students rank their interest in (and attitudes towards) their undergraduate science courses (Pentecost et al., 2012; Osbourne, Simon & Collins, 2003). What is unclear however: how do these casual academics perceive their own teaching roles and how does this influence both their own teaching practices and the learning environment experienced by the students? A recent study undertaken by Flaherty et al. (2017) showed the positive impact of psychological empowerment on both the self-efficacy of the teaching staff and its ability to create a more positive, student-centered teaching environment. Preliminary quantitative and qualitative data collected through questionnaires of laboratory teaching staff at Monash University and the University of Sydney have been collected investigating the perceptions of our casual teaching staff (George-Williams, 2019; Spreitzer, 1995; George-Williams, 2020), particularly towards their own teaching roles. The results of these studies will be discussed alongside potential future directions for this study. REFERENCES Flaherty, A., O'Dwyer, A., Mannix-McNamara, P. & Leahy, J. (2017). The influence of psychological empowerment on the enhancement of chemistry laboratory demonstrators' perceived teaching self-image and behaviours as graduate teaching assistants. Journal of Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 18, 710-736. George-Williams, S. R. (2019) Unpublished results, Monash University. George-Williams, S. R. (2020) Unpublished results, The University of Sydney. Herrington D. G. & Nakhleh M. B. (2003). What Defines Effective Chemistry Laboratory Instruction? Teaching Assistant and Student Perspectives. Journal of Chemical Education, 80(10), 1197-1205. Osborne, J., Simon, S., & Collins, S. (2003). Attitudes toward science: A review of the literature and its implications. International Journal of Science Education, 25(9), 1049-1079. Pentecost, T. C., Langdon, L. S., Asirvatham, M., Robus, H., & Parson, R. (2012). Graduate teaching assistant training that fosters student-centered instruction and professional development. Journal of College Science Teaching, 41(6), 68–75. Rodriques R. A. B. & Bond-Robinson J. (2006). Comparing Faculty and Student Perspectives of Graduate Teaching Assistants’ Teaching. Journal of Chemical Education, 83(2), 305-312. Spreitzer, G. M. (1995). Psychological Empowerment in the Workplace: Dimensions, Measurement, and Validation. The Academy of Management Journal, 38(5), 1442-1465
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