353 research outputs found

    Statistical Analysis of Instantaneous Velocities in Turbulent Flow of Dilute Viscoelastic Solutions

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    An experimental study, based on streak photograph determination of instantaneous velocities, was directed at determining the structure of turbulence within the boundary layer and core regions of circular pipes. The measurements lend support to the ejection phenomenon as the mechanism controlling drag reduction. A correlation factor, defined as the ratio of the observed number of positive instantaneous radial velocities, to the observed number of negative instantaneous radial velocities, suggests acceleration in the radial direction as the elements of fluid move through the sublayer. The correlation factor also provides information about the thickening of the boundary layer for drag reducers relative to the Newtonian case. Radial turbulent intensity data for 0.01% aqueous solutions of Separan AP-30 were found to be markedly lower, at all radial positions, than the intensities for Newtonian fluids. The lowering of the radial intensities being ordered according to the amount of drag reduction

    So far, so good… Similar fitness consequences and overall energetic costs for short and long-distance migrants in a seabird

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    Although there is a consensus about the evolutionary drivers of animal migration, considerable work is necessary to identify the mechanisms that underlie the great variety of strategies observed in nature. The study of differential migration offers unique opportunities to identify such mechanisms and allows comparisons of the costs and benefits of migration. The purpose of this study was to compare the characteristics of short and long-distance migrations, and fitness consequences, in a long-lived seabird species. We combined demographic monitoring (survival, phenology, hatching success) of 58 Northern Gannets (Morus bassanus) breeding on Bonaventure Island (Canada) and biologging technology (Global Location Sensor or GLS loggers) to estimate activity and energy budgets during the non-breeding period for three different migration strategies: to the Gulf of Mexico (GM), southeast (SE) or northeast (NE) Atlantic coast of the U.S. Survival, timing of arrival at the colony and hatching success are similar for short (NE, SE) and long-distance (GM) migrants. Despite similar fitness consequences, we found, as expected, that the overall energetic cost of migration is higher for long-distance migrants, although the daily cost during migration was similar between strategies. In contrast, daily maintenance and thermoregulation costs were lower for GM migrants in winter, where sea-surface temperature of the GM is 4-7o C warmer than SE and NE. In addition, GM migrants tend to fly 30 min less per day in their wintering area than other migrants. Considering lower foraging effort and lower thermoregulation costs during winter for long-distance migrants, this suggests that the energetic benefits during the winter of foraging in the GM outweigh any negative consequences of the longer-distance migration. These results support the notion that the costs and benefits of short and long-distance migration is broadly equal on an annual basis, i.e. there are no apparent carry-over effects in this long-lived bird species, probably because of the favourable conditions in the furthest wintering area

    Plasma lipidomic analysis shows a disease progression signature in mdx mice

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a rare genetic disorder affecting paediatric patients. The disease course is characterized by loss of muscle mass, which is rapidly substituted by fibrotic and adipose tissue. Clinical and preclinical models have clarified the processes leading to muscle damage and myofiber degeneration. Analysis of the fat component is however emerging as more evidence shows how muscle fat fraction is associated with patient performance and prognosis. In this article we aimed to study whether alterations exist in the composition of lipids in plasma samples obtained from mouse models. Analysis of plasma samples was performed in 4 mouse models of DMD and wild-type mice by LC-MS. Longitudinal samplings of individual mice covering an observational period of 7 months were obtained to cover the different phases of the disease. We report clear elevation of glycerolipids and glycerophospholipids families in dystrophic mice compared to healthy mice. Triacylglycerols were the strongest contributors to the signatures in mice. Annotation of individual lipids confirmed the elevation of lipids belonging to these families as strongest discriminants between healthy and dystrophic mice. A few sphingolipids (such as ganglioside GM2, sphingomyelin and ceramide), sterol lipids (such as cholesteryl oleate and cholesteryl arachidonate) and a fatty acyl (stearic acid) were also found to be affected in dystrophic mice. Analysis of serum and plasma samples show how several lipids are affected in dystrophic mice affected by muscular dystrophy. This study sets the basis to further investigations to understand how the lipid signature relates to the disease biology and muscle performance.Development and application of statistical models for medical scientific researc

    Simultaneous computed tomography-guided biopsy and radiofrequency ablation of solitary pulmonary malignancy in high-risk patients

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    Background: In recent years experience has been accumulated in percutaneous radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of lung malignancies in nonsurgical patients. Objectives: In this study, we retrospectively evaluated a simultaneous diagnostic and therapeutic approach including CT-guided biopsy followed immediately by RFA of solitary malignant pulmonary lesions. Methods: CT-guided transthoracic core needle biopsy of solitary pulmonary lesions suspicious for malignancy was performed and histology was proven based on immediate frozen sections. RFA probes were placed into the pulmonary tumors under CT guidance and the ablation was performed subsequently. The procedure-related morbidity was analyzed. Follow-up included a CT scan and pulmonary function parameters. Results: A total of 33 CT-guided biopsies and subsequent RFA within a single procedure were performed. Morbidity of CT-guided biopsy included pulmonary hemorrhage (24%) and a mild pneumothorax (12%) without need for further interventions. The RFA procedure was not aggravated by the previous biopsy. The rate of pneumothorax requiring chest tube following RFA was 21%. Local tumor control was achieved in 77% with a median follow-up of 12 months. The morbidity of the CT-guided biopsy had no statistical impact on the local recurrence rate. Conclusions: The simultaneous diagnostic and therapeutic approach including CT-guided biopsy followed immediately by RFA of solitary malignant pulmonary lesions is a safe procedure. The potential of this combined approach is to avoid unnecessary therapies and to perform adequate therapies based on histology. Taking the local control rate into account, this approach should only be performed in those patients who are unable to undergo or who refuse surgery. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Base

    Longitudinal metabolomic analysis of plasma enables modeling disease progression in Duchenne muscular dystrophy mouse models

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a severe pediatric neuromuscular disorder caused by the lack of dystrophin. Identification of biomarkers is needed to support and accelerate drug development. Alterations of metabolites levels in muscle and plasma have been reported in pre-clinical and clinical cross-sectional comparisons. We present here a 7-month longitudinal study comparing plasma metabolomic data in wild-type and mdx mice. A mass spectrometry approach was used to study metabolites in up to five time points per mouse at 6, 12, 18, 24 and 30 weeks of age, providing an unprecedented in depth view of disease trajectories. A total of 106 metabolites were studied. We report a signature of 31 metabolites able to discriminate between healthy and disease at various stages of the disease, covering the acute phase of muscle degeneration and regeneration up to the deteriorating phase. We show how metabolites related to energy production and chachexia (e.g. glutamine) are affected in mdx mice plasma over time. We further show how the signature is connected to molecular targets of nutraceuticals and pharmaceutical compounds currently in development as well as to the nitric oxide synthase pathway (e.g. arginine and citrulline). Finally, we evaluate the signature in a second longitudinal study in three independent mouse models carrying 0, 1 or 2 functional copies of the dystrophin paralog utrophin. In conclusion, we report an in-depth metabolomic signature covering previously identified associations and new associations, which enables drug developers to peripherally assess the effect of drugs on the metabolic status of dystrophic mice.Development and application of statistical models for medical scientific researc

    A randomized trial to compare smooth monofilament suture vs. barbed suture using the three-layer continuous closure technique in canine ovariohysterectomy in a high-quality high-volume spay/neuter clinic

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    The primary objective of this study was to compare time efficiency and complication rates between smooth monofilament suture (SMS) and barbed suture (BS) using the three-layer continuous incisional closure pattern after ovariohysterectomy in a high-quality high-volume spay/neuter clinic. The study was designed as a randomized controlled trial enrolling 71 adult female dogs. Dogs were randomly assigned to SMS or BS treatments. The effect of closure with BS or SMS on closure time was tested through multilevel, multivariable linear regression in a generalized linear mixed model. Body condition score, weight, and pre-closure incision length were tested as covariates. Surgeon was included in the model as a random effect. Pre-closure incision length (p = 0.01) and method (p ≤ 0.0001) were associated with closure time. Adjusting for pre-closure incision length, the average time for closure with SMS was 6.5 min (range 3.70–10.31 min), and the average time for closure with BS was 4.91 min (range 3.05–8.05 min). Accounting for the closure method, the closure time increased by 39 s for each additional centimeter of incision length. BS was more efficient than SMS when performing the three-layer continuous suture pattern. No short-term telemedicine-assessed complications were noted with either treatment method. BS can improve efficiency in surgical closures, especially considering large volumes of animals, and appears to have a similar short-term, telemedicine-assessed complication rate when compared to SMS
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