5 research outputs found

    Sindromul urechii roşii (red ear syndrome). Primul caz clinic diagnosticat în Republica Moldova

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    The Red Ear Syndrome (RES) was fi rst described by Lance JW in 1994 intending to elucidate “the mystery of one read ear” in a report of three cases of recurrent attacks of unilateral ear discomfort or burning associated with erythema. In fact clinical manifestations may vary, determined probably by different pathophysiologic mechanism. This is a fi rst case report of patient with Red Ear Syndrome in the Republic of Moldova associated with Chronic Migraine. This paper presents the available data concerning the etiology, theories of pathophysiological mechanisms, diagnostic management and treatment of the RES

    Association between headache and arterial hypertension: theoretical review

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    Catedra Neurologie, USMF “ Nicolae Testemiţanu”¹, Institutul de Neurologie şi Neurochirurgie, Centrul de cefalee şi tulburări vegetativeAssociation between headache and arterial hypertension: theoretical review Association between headache and essential arterial hypertension is an old issue intensely discussed in the specialized literature. Some of the studies suggest a link between headache and hypertension, while others deny such an association. More recent, hypertension is considered an important factor for migraine transformation and chronification. Correlation between headache and hypertension is important to study, as both pathologies are well known risk factors for stroke, cardiovascular disease, and silent white matter lesion. Asocierea dintre cefalee şi hipertensiunea arterială este un subiect controversat, intens discutat în literatura de specialitate. Unele studii confirmă asocierea dintre cefalee şi hipertensiunea arterială, altele nu găsesc nici o asociere. Datele de ultimă oră consideră hipertensiunea ca un important factor de risc pentru transformarea şi cronicizarea migrenei. Interacţiunea dintre cefalee şi hipertensiune este un subiect important de studiu, deoarece ambele patologii sunt considerate factori de risc pentru accident vascular cerebral, patologii cardiovasculare şi leziuni silenţioase ale substantei albe cerebrale

    Differences of subcortical structures in patients with nocturnal, diurnal and mixed seizures [Poster Abstract]

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    Volumetric changes of subcortical grey matter structures in epilepsy patients with different circadian profiles of seizure presentation


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    ZnO thin layers were grown from zinc acetate dissolved in methanol-acetic acid-water solution with the molarity of 0.2M by using the pulverization method in an argon flow at the temperatures of 250-450°C. The temperature dependence of electrical and optical properties of the obtained layers were studied. The optical transmittance at the wavelengths of (300 -1000) nm has the values of 80-85%. The resistivity of ZnO thin layers grown at 450°C decreases from 33W•cm to       0,028 W•cm after annealing in hydrogen at 450°C during an hour. The radiative recombination is related to the electron transitions to the deep levels and band to band transitions at the charge carriers transitions with the LO type phonons.</p

    Constituţiunea României din 1923 : adnotată cu desbateri parlamentare şi jurisprudenţe

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    Bucureşti : Editura Tipografiei "Curierul Judiciar", 1925. - 401 p. ; 24 cm. - (Biblioteca legilor uzuale adnotate ; No. 2