876 research outputs found

    A Structured Systems Approach for Optimal Actuator-Sensor Placement in Linear Time-Invariant Systems

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    In this paper we address the actuator/sensor allocation problem for linear time invariant (LTI) systems. Given the structure of an autonomous linear dynamical system, the goal is to design the structure of the input matrix (commonly denoted by BB) such that the system is structurally controllable with the restriction that each input be dedicated, i.e., it can only control directly a single state variable. We provide a methodology that addresses this design question: specifically, we determine the minimum number of dedicated inputs required to ensure such structural controllability, and characterize, and characterizes all (when not unique) possible configurations of the \emph{minimal} input matrix BB. Furthermore, we show that the proposed solution methodology incurs \emph{polynomial complexity} in the number of state variables. By duality, the solution methodology may be readily extended to the structural design of the corresponding minimal output matrix (commonly denoted by CC) that ensures structural observability.Comment: 8 pages, submitted for publicatio

    On the Complexity of the Constrained Input Selection Problem for Structural Linear Systems

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    This paper studies the problem of, given the structure of a linear-time invariant system and a set of possible inputs, finding the smallest subset of input vectors that ensures system's structural controllability. We refer to this problem as the minimum constrained input selection (minCIS) problem, since the selection has to be performed on an initial given set of possible inputs. We prove that the minCIS problem is NP-hard, which addresses a recent open question of whether there exist polynomial algorithms (in the size of the system plant matrices) that solve the minCIS problem. To this end, we show that the associated decision problem, to be referred to as the CIS, of determining whether a subset (of a given collection of inputs) with a prescribed cardinality exists that ensures structural controllability, is NP-complete. Further, we explore in detail practically important subclasses of the minCIS obtained by introducing more specific assumptions either on the system dynamics or the input set instances for which systematic solution methods are provided by constructing explicit reductions to well known computational problems. The analytical findings are illustrated through examples in multi-agent leader-follower type control problems

    Static Output Feedback: On Essential Feasible Information Patterns

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    In this paper, for linear time-invariant plants, where a collection of possible inputs and outputs are known a priori, we address the problem of determining the communication between outputs and inputs, i.e., information patterns, such that desired control objectives of the closed-loop system (for instance, stabilizability) through static output feedback may be ensured. We address this problem in the structural system theoretic context. To this end, given a specified structural pattern (locations of zeros/non-zeros) of the plant matrices, we introduce the concept of essential information patterns, i.e., communication patterns between outputs and inputs that satisfy the following conditions: (i) ensure arbitrary spectrum assignment of the closed-loop system, using static output feedback constrained to the information pattern, for almost all possible plant instances with the specified structural pattern; and (ii) any communication failure precludes the resulting information pattern from attaining the pole placement objective in (i). Subsequently, we study the problem of determining essential information patterns. First, we provide several necessary and sufficient conditions to verify whether a specified information pattern is essential or not. Further, we show that such conditions can be verified by resorting to algorithms with polynomial complexity (in the dimensions of the state, input and output). Although such verification can be performed efficiently, it is shown that the problem of determining essential information patterns is in general NP-hard. The main results of the paper are illustrated through examples

    Media-Independent Multicast Signalling for Enhanced Video Performance in the MEDIEVAL Project

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    With the foreseen major increase in video traffic over the coming years, the current Internet’s design is being perceived as inefficient for handling the demanding flow of video over wireless access networks, populated by an ever increasing number of mobile terminals. The MEDIEVAL project aims to evolve the current Internet architecture to provide an optimized video support in all layers of the protocol stack. With its cross-layer approach, abstraction mechanisms such as IEEE802.21 will work as enablers between the different architecture modules. With the widespread diffusion of video being realized over multicast and broadcast channels for resource optimization, using 802.21 signalling to optimize handovers affecting groups of users will generate multiple messages to each individual terminal. In this article, we extend 802.21 to support multicast transport of its signalling, enabling more efficient group handover scenarios.Não há na obra de Eduardo Lourenço propriamente um tópico anticlerical,embora tenha publicado longos e profundos ensaios sobre a Igreja e o Cristianismo,nos quais aborda a situação histórico-cultural destas realidades, e muito especificamente a questão do poder temporal da Igreja nas suas complexas relações históricas com o poder político.(...
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