12 research outputs found

    Assessing cow's milk allergy and molecular profiles in the clinical lab with a chemiluminescence-based method

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    European-Academy-of-Allergology-and-Clinical-Immunology Digital Congress (EAACI), London, ENGLAND, JUN 06-08, 202

    Comparison of two serum IgE-specific assays in grass pollen sensitization

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    European-Academy-of-Allergology-and-Clinical-Immunology Digital Congress (EAACI), London, ENGLAND, JUN 06-08, 202

    La nasofibroscopie en pratique orl a ouagadougou

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    La nasofibroscopie est une technique d’examen endoscopique des voies aérodigestives supérieures. Nous avons voulu présenter les avantages diagnostiques que procure cet examen à travers notre expérience àOuagadougou. Il s’est agi d’une étude rétrospective qui a permis d’analyser les dossiers de 115 patients ayant bénéficié d’une nasofibroscopie au Centre Médical Schiphra entre mars 2007 à mars 2010. L’âge moyen des patients était de 41,34 ans avec une prédominance masculine de 52 % des cas. Les patients étaient en majorité des cultivateurs et des femmes au foyer dans 29,56 % des cas et provenaient de la ville de Ouagadougou dans 97,4 % des cas. Les prescripteurs de la nasofibroscopie étaient des médecins ORL dans 93,9 % cas. Les principales indications de l’examen étaient des signes pharyngés dans 44,35 % des cas, et la dysphonie dans 38,26 % des cas. Les lésions tumorales laryngées prédominaient, suivies des laryngites, puis des pharyngites. The nasofibroscopy in an upper airway endoscopic technical exam we wanted to show the diagnostic advantages of this exam between our experience in Ouagadougou. It was a retrospective study carried outby revision of medical charts of 115 patients who underwent nasofibroscopy in Schiphra Medical Center from march 2007 to march 2010. The median age of patients was 41.34 years with a male predominance of 52% of cases. The patients were in majority cultivators and women at home in 29.56% of cases and came from Ouagadougou’s town in 97.4% of cases. Nasofibroscopy was prescribed by specialist ENT physician in 93.9% of cases. The main indications of the exam were pharyngeal symptoms in 44.35% of cases and dysphonia in 38.26% of cases. The laryngeal tumours lesions were most frequent, followed by laryngitis and pharyngitis

    Specific IgE profiling using an allergen biochip and western blot in fecal samples of children aged 0-3 months

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    International audienceBackground: The advent of allergen biochips has resulted in the description of complex sensitization profiles in allergic children. The low volume required for a biochip scan facilitates the analysis of local samples. The objective of this work was to develop an experimental protocol to detect specific IgE (sIgE) in fecal samples using allergen biochips and to evaluate its predictive value for the subsequent development of allergic diseases.Method: The analysis was carried out on 21 stool samples collected between birth and 14 weeks of age from infants included in the Primibiota protocol (NCT02738411). The occurrence of food allergies, asthma, or atopic dermatitis at 1 year of age was recorded as part of the cohort follow-up. We developed and optimized a stool extraction protocol, followed by freeze-drying and solubilization. sIgE responses were investigated with a 300-allergen biochip containing whole extracts and molecular allergens, and confirmed by capillary Western blot with nano-immunoassay. The local eosinophilic component was explored by measuring the concentration of Eosinophil-Derived Neurotoxin (EDN) with a fluoroenzymoimmunoassay.Results: sIgE was detected in all tested samples. With respect to prevalence, the main sIgE responses were detected with animal food (21/21), plant food (20/21), pollens (19/21) and animal dander (15/21) extracts and molecular allergens. The presence of sIgE was confirmed by Western blot for cow's milk proteins. Quantitatively, fecal EDN and sIgE concentrations were significantly different in infants who would later develop atopic disease.Conclusion: Exploration of the sIgE and eosinophilic response can be performed non-invasively in the stool of the infant. Our results suggest a predictive value of this investigation for the subsequent development of asthma, food allergy or atopic dermatitis

    Eosinophil-derived neurotoxin suggests early eosinophil activation may be involved in COVID-19-related immune exhaustion

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    International audienceBackground: Upregulation of PD-L1 (B7-H1, CD274) on eosinophils (Eos) discriminates moderate/severe (MOD) and mild forms of COVID-19. PD-L1 is a ligand of PD-1 (CD279), a coinhibitory receptor (immune checkpoint) expressed by T cells and thus a gatekeeper for broad adaptive immune suppression. Outside COVID-19, PD-L1/PD-1-mediated synapses enable Eos to downregulate T cell responses, mainly in the context of Eos activation and degranulation. We sought to determine Eos activation during COVID-19.Method: Eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN), a granular RNase specific of Eos, was measured with an experimental fluoroimmunoenzyme assay in the serum of 79 COVID-19 patients (PCR-confirmed) at 0–180 days post-symptom onset (PSO) and of 15 PCR-negative controls. Serum (s) EDN, Eos blood counts and the EDN/blood Eos ratio were analyzed as a function of COVID-19 severity and time PSO. Results are expressed as median and interquartile range (IQR).Results: Patients experienced mild (60) or MOD (19) COVID-19. The former received outpatient care. Moderate (MOD) required hospitalization and oxygen but not intensive care. MOD (59.41–71) were older than controls (32.24–54) but not mild (39.26–51). Overall, sEDN levels in mild COVID-19 at any time PSO were lower than in controls or MOD: 49 (25–75), 69 (36–98) and 78 (54–125) µg/L, p < 0.05. sEDN decreased in mild COVID-19 as early as the first 24h PSO, remained significantly lower until day 22, and was still lower, albeit not significantly, after 6 months. Eos counts dropped in MOD (median<0.005 giga/L vs mild 0.06, controls 0.14, p < 0.05). Patient EDN/Eos ratio increased during the first 24h PSO, peaked during the 1st week, then decreased progressively. Peak levels of the EDN/Eos ratio, attained during the first week, were substantially higher in MOD (27325, 15800–38850 vs mild 864, 511–2027 and control 543, 420–1560, p < 0.001). EDN/Eos ratio values returned to baseline at day 22 PSO in mild forms, but only at 6 months in MOD.Conclusion: Analysis of sEDN/Eos ratio levels and kinetics suggests COVID-19-related eosinopenia and tissue emigration associate with early Eos activation, proportional to severity and peaking during the first week PSO. Early Eos activation might contribute to downstream modulation of adaptive immune responses, notably T cells, and COVID-19-related immune exhaustion. Moreover, released EDN may contribute to chemotaxis and local and systemic inflammation, hallmarks of COVID-19 severity

    Non-invasive immunological exploration of the premature newborn infant

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    European-Academy-of-Allergology-and-Clinical-Immunology Digital Congress (EAACI), London, ENGLAND, JUN 06-08, 202

    Plaies pénétrantes du cou: aspects épidémiologiques, diagnostiques et thérapeutiques dans le service d’ORL et de Chirurgie Cervico-Faciale du CHU Yalgado Ouedraogo. A propos de 11 cas.

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    Le but de cette étude était d’analyser les aspects épidémiologiques, diagnostiques et thérapeutiques des plaies pénétrantes du cou dans notre service. Il s’agissait d’une étude prospective sur un an (mars 2011 à février 2012). Onze patients victimes de plaies pénétrantes du cou avaient été enregistrés. Ils étaient majoritairement des adultes jeunes (07 cas) de sexe masculin (10 cas). Les circonstances de survenue étaient surtout accidentelles (05 cas) et autolytiques (04 cas) et les lésions occasionnées étaient monofocales (07 cas) bi-focales (03 cas) et trifocales (01 cas). Les plaies examinées étaient myo-cutanées (16 cas), viscérales (11 cas) et vasculaires (06 cas) et les agents vulnérants incriminés étaient les contondants (03 cas), les tranchants (05 cas) et les projectiles (02 cas). Le traitement était surtout médico-chirurgical (10 cas) avec une évolution favorable dans 08 cas et des complications dans 03 cas dont 02 décès.Mots clés : plaies pénétrantes du cou, épi-démiologie, diagnostic, thérapeutiqu