58 research outputs found

    İşe Alım Süreci Aday Ön Tesbitinde Bulanık Mantık Tabanlı SQL Sorgulama Yönteminin İncelenmesi

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    Bu çalışmada, kurumların aday kayıtlarını tuttuğu insan kaynakları veri tabanın, klasik SQL sorgulama yöntemi ile uygun çıkarımın yapılamadığı sorgulamalarda bulanık mantık ile sorgulama yapımı anlatılmıştır. Böylelikle klasik veri tabanı tablo yapısı referans alınarak SQL sorgulama diline uyumlu, karmaşık sorgulamaların çözümüne alternatif yapı geliştirilmesi sağlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada dikkat çekilmesi istenen diğer noktalardan biri de; klasik veritabanı yapılarına, bulanık teknik kullanarak bilgisayarlardan farklı olarak insanın yaklaşık düşünme ve belirsizlik içeren bilgiler ile işlem yapabilme yeteneğinin kazandırılmasının mümkün olduğudur

    Prognostic importance of central thrombus in hemodynamically stable patients with pulmonary embolism

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    Background: The association between mortality and localization of central thrombus in hemodynamically stable patients with pulmonary embolism (PE) is unclear. Sufficient data are not available to help clinicians to select between low molecular weight heparin (LMWH), unfractionated heparin (UFH) and thrombolytics for the management of central thrombus. The present study aims to investigate whether central thrombus in the pulmonary artery affects 30-day mortality rate, and to compare the outcomes of different treatment approaches in patients with central thrombus. Methods: This multi-central, prospective, observational study included 874 hemodynamically stable patients with PE confirmed by multidetector computed tomography scan. The localization of the emboli was evaluated and categorized as central (saddle or at least one main pulmonary artery), lobar or distal. The primary study outcome was 30-day all-cause mortality. Results: Localization of the emboli was central in 319 (36.5%) patients, lobar in 264 (30.2%) and distal in 291 (33.2%) patients. Seventy-four (8.5%) patients died during the 30-day follow-up period. All-cause mortality rate was 11.9%, 6.8% and 6.2% in patients with central, lobar, and distal emboli, respectively (p < 0.001). Multivariate analysis did not show that hemodynamically stable central thrombus was an independent predictor of mortality. Additionally, mortality rate was not significantly different between UFH, LMWH and thrombolytic therapy groups. Conclusions: The present study showed that central thrombus was not an independent predictor of mortality in hemodynamically stable PE patients. LMWH and UFH were similarly effective in the treatment of this patient group.

    Advancing Crayfish Disease Detection : A Comparative Study of Deep Learning and Canonical Machine Learning Techniques

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    This study evaluates the effectiveness of deep learning and canonical machine learning models for detecting diseases in crayfish from an imbalanced dataset. In this study, measurements such as weight, size, and gender of healthy and diseased crayfish individuals were taken, and at least five photographs of each individual were used. Deep learning models outperformed canonical models, but combining both approaches proved the most effective. Utilizing the ResNet50 model for automatic feature extraction and subsequent training of the RF algorithm with these extracted features led to a hybrid model, RF-ResNet50, which achieved the highest performance in diseased sample detection. This result underscores the value of integrating canonical machine learning algorithms with deep learning models. Additionally, the ConvNeXt-T model, optimized with AdamW, performed better than those using SGD, although its disease detection sensitivity was 1.3% lower than the hybrid model. McNemar’s test confirmed the statistical significance of the performance differences between the hybrid and the ConvNeXt-T model with AdamW. The ResNet50 model’s performance was improved by 3.2% when combined with the RF algorithm, demonstrating the potential of hybrid approaches in enhancing disease detection accuracy. Overall, this study highlights the advantages of leveraging both deep learning and canonical machine learning techniques for early and accurate detection of diseases in crayfish populations, which is crucial for maintaining ecosystem balance and preventing population declines.Peer reviewe

    Efficacy of Antibiotic Coated Clean Intermittent Catheterization in Children with Neurogenic Bladder

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    Aim: The primary goal of urologic management in children with neurogenic bladder is to reduce the risk of urinary tract infection (UTI) and associated renal injury. We aimed to evaluate the use of antibacterial-coated clean intermittent catheterization (CIC) catheters for neurogenic bladder patients in comparison with standard catheters.  Material and Methods: We performed a retrospective study of 144 neurogenic bladder patients aged 6-16 years old, who received CIC at two major centers between January 2007 and June 2016. Group 1 consisted of children used antibacterial coated (chitosan) catheter (n=55), group 2 of children used standard CIC without antibacterial (n=42) and group 3 of children used standard CIC returned into antibiotic coated CIC (n=29). Febrile urinary tract infection and asymptomatic bacteriuria were evaluated among patients with antibacterial coated or standard catheters. We also focused on a subgroup of patients with high risk of urinary tract infection (grade 3> vesicoureteral reflux, previously scar formation in renal scintigraphy).  Results: Totally 126 patients (89 female, 37 male) were involved in this study. The mean age of the study group was 9.6±2.6 years (range 6 to 16) and the mean follow-up 58±14 months (min: 22, max: 69). There was no significant difference between three groups for asymptomatic bacteriuria and febrile UTI frequencies. However, febrile UTI frequencies and de nova scar formation in renal scintigraphy were higher in previously defined subgroup of patients with high risk of urinary tract infection in group 2 than group1 and 3.  Discussion: Both antibiotic coated and standard CIC can be used in children with neurogenic bladder with similar complication rates. Patients with high risk of urinary tract infection (higher than grade 3 vesicoureteral reflux, dilated ureter, previously de nova scar formation in renal scintigraphy) will benefit from antibacterialcoated catheters rather than standard ones

    A longitudinal study on lung disease in dental technicians: What has changed after seven years?

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    Objectives: The aim of this 7-year follow-up study was to determine respiratory changes in dental technicians. Material and Methods: In our region, in the year 2005, 36 dental technicians were evaluated with a cross-sectional study on respiratory occupational diseases, and in 2012 we evaluated them again. Inclusion of information on respiratory symptoms and demographic features questionnaires was applied. Pulmonary function tests (PFT) were performed. Chest X-rays (CXR) were evaluated according to the ILO-2000 classification. For the comparisons of the technicians' findings in 2005 and 2012, data analyses were performed with the Wilcoxon test in addition to descriptive statistical procedures. Results: In 2012, 19 out of the 36 technicians continued to work in the same place, so we were able to evaluate their findings. The prevalence of respiratory symptoms in dental technician was as follows: dyspnea 7 (37%), cough 6 (32%), and phlegm 5 (26%). According to ILO classifications in 2005, among the 36 technicians, 5 (13.8%) had pneumoconiosis. At the end of 7 years, there were 9 pneumoconiosis cases among the 19 remaining technicians (47%). Thus, there was a statistically significant progression on the profusion of the radiologic findings (p < 0.005). Also there was a significant worsening on spirometric findings (p < 0.05). Conclusion: In dental technicians, a determination of both radiologic and functional progressions at the end of 7 years demonstrate that the primary and secondary preventive measures are necessary for these workplaces. Workplaces must be regularly controlled for worker health and hygiene

    Reviewing The Effect of Business Intelligence on Decision Support Process: An Application on The Finance Sector

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    Nowadays, data warehouse (DWH) and the business intelligence enterprise solutions frequently used bycompanies blend the services of reporting, analysis and data mining by rich visual components and provide easy tointerpret and meaningful information for decision makers. This study aims to summarize the bank profit loss andBalance in the corporate data warehouse model using the bottom up methodology at enterprise level. Building a datamart using the bottom up methodology allows; high flexibility and user friendliness, because it is based on theindividual business department (finance) information needs. The other reason this methodology which was preferred, isthat the fundamental concept of dimensional modelling, is the star schema and it also supported by data modellingarchitecture of Oracle OBIEE 11g .One of the main pillars of a bank's pricing policy is to control the profit and loss ofbranches. At the end of application of this concept’s study, Corporate memory became more mature and dependency onpeople was removed in terms of reporting. In addition communication and sharing of information within the financedepartment increased, personal Productivity increased and cost advantage was ensured and the widespread use ofstructural data, the users' confidence on business intelligence solutions increased by new data mart.Günümüzde, veri ambarı (VA) ve şirketler tarafından sıklıkla kullanılan iş zekası kurumsal çözümleri, zengin görsel bileşenler sayesinde raporlama, analiz ve veri madenciliği hizmetlerini sunmakta ve karar vericiler için kolay anlaşılır ve anlamlı bilgiler sağlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada banka gibi kurumsal veri ambarı modelinde kar zarar ve bakiyesini işletme düzeyinde aşağıdan yukarı metodoloji kullanarak özetleme işlemi amaçlanmıştır. Aşağıdan yukarıya metodolojisini kullanarak bir veri mart oluşturmak; bireysel iş departmanı (finans) bilgi gereksinimlerine dayandığı için yüksek esneklik ve kullanım kolaylığı sağlamaktadır. Bu metodolojinin tercih edilmesinin bir diğer nedeni, boyutsal modellemenin temel kavramının yıldız şeması olması ve Oracle OBIEE 11g veri modelleme mimarisi tarafından desteklenmesidir. Bir bankanın fiyatlandırma politikasının temel dayanaklarından biri şubelerin kar ve zararını kontrol etmektir. Banka üzerinde yapılan uygulamalı çalışma neticesinde, kurumsal hafızanın artması ve raporlama açısından insanlara olan bağımlık ortadan kaldırılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda uygulamaya alınan bu yapı ile bankanın finans bölümünde iletişim ve bilgi paylaşımı, kişisel verimlilik artmış, maliyet avantajı sağlanmış, yapısal verilerin yaygın kullanımı arttırılmış ve kullanıcıların iş zekası çözümlerine olan güvenleri artmıştır

    İşe Alım Süreci Aday Ön Tesbitinde Bulanık Mantık Tabanlı SQL Sorgulama Yönteminin İncelenmesi

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    Bu çalışmada, kurumların aday kayıtlarını tuttuğu insan kaynakları veri tabanın, klasik SQL sorgulama yöntemi ile uygun çıkarımın yapılamadığı sorgulamalarda bulanık mantık ile sorgulama yapımı anlatılmıştır. Böylelikle klasik veri tabanı tablo yapısı referans alınarak SQL sorgulama diline uyumlu, karmaşık sorgulamaların çözümüne alternatif yapı geliştirilmesi sağlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada dikkat çekilmesi istenen diğer noktalardan biri de; klasik veritabanı yapılarına, bulanık teknik kullanarak bilgisayarlardan farklı olarak insanın yaklaşık düşünme ve belirsizlik içeren bilgiler ile işlem yapabilme yeteneğinin kazandırılmasının mümkün olduğudur. Anahtar Kelimeler: İnsan kaynakları, Bulanık mantık, SQ

    İşe Alım Süreci Aday Ön Tesbitinde Bulanık Mantık Tabanlı SQL Sorgulama Yönteminin İncelenmesi

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    Bu çalışmada, kurumların aday kayıtlarını tuttuğu insan kaynakları veri tabanın, klasik SQL sorgulama yöntemi ile uygun çıkarımın yapılamadığı sorgulamalarda bulanık mantık ile sorgulama yapımı anlatılmıştır. Böylelikle klasik veri tabanı tablo yapısı referans alınarak SQL sorgulama diline uyumlu, karmaşık sorgulamaların çözümüne alternatif yapı geliştirilmesi sağlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada dikkat çekilmesi istenen diğer noktalardan biri de; klasik veritabanı yapılarına, bulanık teknik kullanarak bilgisayarlardan farklı olarak insanın yaklaşık düşünme ve belirsizlik içeren bilgiler ile işlem yapabilme yeteneğinin kazandırılmasının mümkün olduğudur. Anahtar Kelimeler: İnsan kaynakları, Bulanık mantık, SQ