98 research outputs found

    ‘More than just a game’: family and spectacle in marketing the England Women’s Super League

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    The Women’s Super League (WSL) is the first semi-professional women’s football league in England and the Football Association (FA) is central to reproducing its values and practices. This study employed observation at WSL matches and interviews with personnel involved in the League to identify how the FA conceptualised the WSL as a product in its first 3 years. The study found that the elite club game’s existing audience was alienated by the FA’s articulation of a heteronormative family target audience of young girls and their fathers. An overriding concern also appeared to be providing a commercialised matchday experience that goes beyond the game itself, situating the match at the periphery of broader entertainment. We argue that in positioning the WSL as a niche and new entertainment product, thereby eradicating the pre-WSL history of the elite club game, the FA has constructed women’s football as inherently distinct from, and inferior to, men’s football, negating any perceived threat to the wider gender order within the sport

    Expressão de GABA e plasticidade do fenótipo neuroquímico e morfológico de células da Zona Subventricular pós-natal

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    The subventricular zone (SVZ) is proliferative epithelium that continuously gives rise to new neurons in postnatal and adult mammals. The neurons generated in the SVZ migrate through the rostral migratory stream (RMS) where they differentiate in GABAergic interneurons. A characteristic of these neuron precursors is that they start to express GABA while they are still in the SVZ. This fact can lead to the conclusion that at this time they are already commited to the GABAergic phenotype. However, to affirm this one has to show that the origin of GABA in these cells is the same as in mature neurons. One of the most important steps to define GABAergic commitment in neurons is to demonstrate the expression of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), the synthetic enzyme for GABA in mature neurons. Here we show that SVZ cells display low levels of GAD immunocytochemistry and enzyme activity as compared with the olfactory bulb. We also show that these cells are able to synthesize GABA using an alternative source, the putrescine pathway. To test the importance of putrescine made GABA in vivo, we pharmacolgically inhibited putrescine synthesis through DFMO administration. We observed that this treatment lead to an increase of GAD expression in the SVZ and RMS. We also show here that SVZ cells can display phenotypic plasticity. Co-culturing SVZ explants and dorsal telencephalic slices, a spot of glutamatergic neurogenesis, we observed that a subpopulation of SVZ derived neurons differentiated into GABAergic neurons and another into glutamatergic pyramidal neurons. Our working hypothesis is that the putrescine pathway is a mechanism to synthesize GABA without commitment to the GABAergic phenotype. The release of putrescine derived GABA inhibits GAD expression leaving these neuroblasts in an undifferentiated state. The inhibition of putrescine synthesis caused an upregulation of GAD expression which would lead to GABAergic commitment. If we present these neuroblasts with different signals, as those present in the embryonic dorsal telencephalon, they would show plasticity in their phenotypic fate and differentiate into other neurochemical and morphological phenotypes, one of which is the glutamatergic pyramidal neuron.A zona subventricular (SVZ) é um sítio de contínua neurogênese em mamíferos pós-natos e adultos. Ao longo de toda a vida, os progenitores neuronais gerados destinam-se ao bulbo olfatório (BO) para onde migram através da via migratória rostral (RMS). Uma vez no BO, os novos neurônios se diferenciam em neurônios GABAérgicos que integram-se à circuitaria local. A expressão de GABA inicia ainda na zona germinativa. Essa expressão precoce poderia levar a hipótese de que estes progenitores já estariam comprometidos com o fenótipo GABAérgico. Porém, para demonstrar seu comprometimento GABAérgico, um dos passos necessários é mostrar que a descarboxilase do ácido glutâmico (GAD), a enzima que sintetiza GABA em neurônios maduros, está presente nestas células. Nesta tese mostramos que a expressão e atividade enzimática de GAD, são muito baixas na SVZ. Revelamos que o GABA presente em neurônios imaturos da SVZ provém de uma via de síntese alternativa, a via da putrescina. Para analisar a importância do GABA proveniente de putrescina para estas células realizamos a inibição farmacológica de sua síntese através da administração de DFMO. Observamos que o tratamento com DFMO regula positivamente a expressão de GAD na SVZ e RMS. Mostramos também que os neuroblastos da SVZ que expressam GABA são realmente plásticos quanto a sua escolha de fenótipo neuroquímico. Quando explantes de SVZ são co-cultivados com fatias de telencéfalo embrionário dorsal, sítio de geração de neurônios glutamatérgicos, uma subpopulação se diferencia em neurônios GABAérgicos e outra menor em glutamatérgicos. Sugerimos, portanto, que a via da putrescina permite que neurônios imaturos sintetizem GABA sem, no entanto, haver comprometimento com o fenótipo GABAérgico. Esta produção de GABA parece ser importante para a migração de neuroblastos da SVZ, embora não tenhamos tido sucesso em mostrar um papel na proliferação com o decréscimo na produção do precursor putrescina. Mostramos que a liberação de GABA de putrescina parece ter um papel em inibir a expressão de GAD nestes neuroblastos. Em contrapartida, a subregulação desta sinalização levaria ao comprometimento pelo fenótipo GABAérgico. Se mudarmos os sinais apresentados ás células da SVZ, como àqueles presentes na VZ do telencéfalo embrionário, pelo menos uma de suas subpopulações é capaz de mudar seu destino fenotípico, e diferenciar-se em neurônios glutamatérgicos piramidais

    Gráficos do programa MAFMINE

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    Leitura compartilhada de livros-álbum em classes de alfabetização inicial

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    O presente trabalho ocorreu nas seis classes de 1º ano do Colégio Santa Cruz, escola privada da cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. O grupo de crianças, em sua maioria, cursou a Educação Infantil na mesma instituição. Além disso, praticamente todas têm uma escrita condizente com a hipótese alfabética, sendo capazes de ler e escrever pequenos textos com relativa autonomia, porém enfrentando questões próprias aos momentos de alfabetização inicial.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    The FA women's super league : framing developments in elite women's football

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    In 2009, the Football Association (FA), the national governing body of football in England, announced its plan to introduce the country's first semi-professional women's elite league. Launched in 2010 as the FA Women's Super League (FA WSL), its introduction provided both an opportunity to research whether this evidenced a change of position for the women's elite game within footballing narratives and also to examine the place of the FA within these. This study adopted a critical sociological feminist approach to deconstruct the assumptions, values and practices that frame the female game and the introduction of the FA WSL, while providing new insights into the role of the sport's governing organisation in defining elite women's football. Through observations at matches and interviews with people working within the women's game, an examination of the development and introduction of the FA WSL was undertaken, with valuable early insights provided into the first three years of the new League. The study identified that the introduction of the FA WSL was impacted upon by the complex, closed and gendered nature of the FA's organisational structure. The new League adhered to traditional societal concepts of hegemonic masculinity, heteronormativity and liberal approaches to gender equality. The study also found that the new elite women's structures required the clubs who gained entry into the FA WSL to adhere to commercialised, spectacularised and commodified values which dominate the men's game and neo liberal societal narratives. The increased inclusion of females into elite football structures did not profoundly disrupt traditional discourses or provide evidence of a fundamental challenge to gender inequality in the game

    Leitura compartilhada de livros-álbum em classes de alfabetização inicial

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    O presente trabalho ocorreu nas seis classes de 1º ano do Colégio Santa Cruz, escola privada da cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. O grupo de crianças, em sua maioria, cursou a Educação Infantil na mesma instituição. Além disso, praticamente todas têm uma escrita condizente com a hipótese alfabética, sendo capazes de ler e escrever pequenos textos com relativa autonomia, porém enfrentando questões próprias aos momentos de alfabetização inicial.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    From right to written : an inquiry into the codification of a right to data

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    Award date: 17 June 2022. Supervisor: Professor Madeleine De Cock Buning, EUI School of Transnational GovernanceThis thesis analyses Brazil’s Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados, and Marco Civil da Internet in an attempt to answer the question: "to what extent is the right to Data Protection entrenched in Brazilian legislation?”. The investigation applies a black letter analysis approach to the laws, surveying the values at the their foundation, the systems they put in place, and the procedural tools made available within that system. It concludes that while the values contained in the laws are consistent with a right to data protection, and the systems built give a strong framework for application, the right is jeopardized by a politicization of procedural tools

    Revisitando a mobilidade intergeracional de educação no Brasil

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    Artigo aprovado para publicação na Revista Brasileira de Economia. Os autores agradecem os comentários de Maurício Busnello, Fabio Giambiagi e participantes de seminário apresentado no Encontro Nacional da Associação Nacional dos Centros de Pós-Graduação em Economia (Anpec), em 2017.Bibliografia: p. 29-30.In this article, recent evidences about intergenerational mobility in Brazil are presented. It was found that the degree of educational persistence has decreased substantially since the 1990s, for all regions, races and household situations. This is explained by the increase in educational attainment of the children of the schooled parents and by the stabilization of educational attainment of the children of more schooled parents around 11 years of schooling. Despite this, mobility is still lower for the children of less schooled parents. Finally, we report an increase in educational mobility among younger generations.Neste artigo, são apresentadas evidências recentes acerca da mobilidade intergeracional no Brasil. Verificou-se que o grau de persistência educacional se reduziu substancialmente desde os anos 1990, para todas as regiões, raças e situações de domicílio. Isso se explica pelo aumento da escolaridade de filhos dos pais pouco educados e pela estabilização da escolaridade dos filhos de pais mais educados em 11 anos de estudo. Apesar disso, a mobilidade ainda é menor para os filhos de pais menos escolarizados. Por último, atesta-se um aumento da mobilidade educacional nas gerações mais jovens

    Functional modularity of nuclear hormone receptors in a Caenorhabditis elegans metabolic gene regulatory network

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    We present the first gene regulatory network (GRN) that pertains to post-developmental gene expression. Specifically, we mapped a transcription regulatory network of Caenorhabditis elegans metabolic gene promoters using gene-centered yeast one-hybrid assays. We found that the metabolic GRN is enriched for nuclear hormone receptors (NHRs) compared with other gene-centered regulatory networks, and that these NHRs organize into functional network modules.The NHR family has greatly expanded in nematodes; C. elegans has 284 NHRs, whereas humans have only 48. We show that the NHRs in the metabolic GRN have metabolic phenotypes, suggesting that they do not simply function redundantly.The mediator subunit MDT-15 preferentially interacts with NHRs that occur in the metabolic GRN.We describe an NHR circuit that responds to nutrient availability and propose a model for the evolution and organization of NHRs in C. elegans metabolic regulatory networks

    A first version of the Caenorhabditis elegans Promoterome

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    An important aspect of the development of systems biology approaches in metazoans is the characterization of expression patterns of nearly all genes predicted from genome sequences. Such localizome maps should provide information on where (in what cells or tissues) and when (at what stage of development or under what conditions) genes are expressed. They should also indicate in what cellular compartments the corresponding proteins are localized. Caenorhabditis elegans is particularly suited for the development of a localizome map since all its 959 adult somatic cells can be visualized by microscopy, and its cell lineage has been completely described. Here we address one of the challenges of C. elegans localizome mapping projects: that of obtaining a genome-wide resource of C. elegans promoters needed to generate transgenic animals expressing localization markers such as the green fluorescent protein (GFP). To ensure high flexibility for future uses, we utilized the newly developed MultiSite Gateway system. We generated and validated version 1.1 of the Promoterome: a resource of approximately 6000 C. elegans promoters. These promoters can be transferred easily into various Gateway Destination vectors to drive expression of markers such as GFP, alone (promoter::GFP constructs), or in fusion with protein-encoding open reading frames available in ORFeome resources (promoter::ORF::GFP)