145 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the neurotoxical effect of aluminum on the Wistar rat

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    Our previous investigations on an animal model of neurotoxicity show that increased power in the delta range is connected with the neurotoxic effect of aluminum exposure. In this study we used several aluminum-treated animals as a reliable model for the evaluation of the neurotoxic effects of aluminum on neurons, and compared it with a control group. We conclude that spectral analysis and the ratio between the delta and theta ranges might be reliable for a qualitative description of the neurotoxic effect of aluminum, and that the t test might be used to evaluate the change in brain activity between the treated and control groups of animals. The animal model under anesthesia was used to describe the state of brain activity with neurotoxicity with suppressed functional connectivity in the brain structure. We also performed fractal analysis to quantitatively describe neurotoxic effect in different pathophysiological states of animals treated with different doses of aluminum. A decrease in the fractal dimension is an indicator of neurodegeneration in the state of stress. This animal model is suitable for evaluation of the neurodegenerative processes in Alzheimer's dementia and Parkinson's disease.Prethodna istraživanja na animalnom modelu neurotoksičnosti aluminijuma pokazuju da povećanje spektralne snage u delta opsegu je indikator neurotoksičnosti. U ovoj studiji smo koristili nekoliko životinja koje su pogodne za procenu neurotoksičnog efekta aluminijuma u poređenju sa kontrolom. Za kvalitativni opis neurotoksičnosti koristili smo odnos delta i teta opsega i t test za opis promene između tretiranih i kontrolnih pacova. Korišćen je animalni model u uslovima anestezije je opis moždane aktivnosti sa suprimiranim funkcionalnim vezama između moždanih struktura. Koristili smo i fraktalnu dimenziju za kvantitativni opis neurotoksičnog efekta u različitim patofiziološkim stanjima. Smanjenje fraktalne dimenzije je izraz neurodegeneracije u uslovima stresa. Ovaj model je komparabilan sa neurodegenerativnim i neurotransmiterskim promenama u Alchejmerovoj bolesti i Parkinsonovoj bolesti.Projekat ministarstva br. 14302

    Non-low in Germany during national socialism

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    Nepravo je pojam kojim se obeležava pravni poredak Trećeg Rajha. Osnov funkcionisanja ovakvog poretka bila su oprečna pravna rešenja do kojih se dolazilo zloupotrebom pravne nauke i pravne prakse. Osnivanjem Akademije za nemačko pravo i tzv. Kilske škole prava nacisti su izvršili snažan uticaj na teoriju prava i pravnu praksu, s ciljem da nemački pravni poredak reformišu u duhu nacističke ideologije. To su činili donošenjem novih standarda (pravila) za tumačenje prava, kao i iskrivljivanjem pozitivističkih shvatanja teoretičara prava, pre svega Gustava Radbruha. Izvršivši takav uticaj na pravo i pravnu praksu, nacionalsocijalisti su donosili zakone koji se označavaju rasnim ili antisemitskim zakonodavstvom, koje je otvoreno diskriminisalo i obespravljivalo određene grupe ljudi, pre svega Jevreje. U ovom radu analiziramo (ne)pravni poredak Trećeg Rajha. Pažnju, najpre, posvećujemo stavovima teoretičara nacionalsocijalizma i rešenjima rasnog zakonodavstva, a zatim se bavimo nastankom pojma neprava, stavljajući u fokus rad profesora Gustava Radbruha koji je nakon Drugog svetskog rata kreirao ovaj pojam, a čija je filozofija prava bila prethodno zloupotrebljena od strane nacionalsocijalista. Na kraju, dajemo kratak osvrt na suđenje u Nirnbergu, koje je značajno ne samo za ispravljanje grešaka iz prošlosti, već i za postavljanje temelja savremenog međunarodnog krivičnog prava.Non-law is a term which characterizes the law system of the Third Reich. The basis of this regime was conflicting legal solutions which were reached by abusing legal science and legal practice. Founding Academy for German Law and the Kiel School of Law Nazis made a powerful influence on legal theory and legal practice with the aim of reforming the German legal order in the spirit of the Nazism ideology. Nazis did it by adopting new rules for the interpretation of the law and also by abusing of positivist understandings of legal theorists, primarily the positivist understandings of Gustav Radbruh. Also, the Nazis made laws that disenfranchised certain groups of people, particularly the Jews. This research will be analyzed the illegal order of the Third Reich. First, we pay attention to the theorist of Nazism and solutions of racial legislation. Thereafter, we study the origin of the concept of non-law putting in focus professor Gustav Radbruh who created this term because of abusing his philosophy of law. In the end, we give a brief overview of the trial in Nuremberg which is significant not only for correcting the mistakes from the past but also for laying the foundations of modern international criminal law

    Investigation of passenger's oscillatory comfort in the bus with respect to the seat position and quality

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    Doktorska disertacija pod nazivom „Istraživanјe oscilatornog komfora putnika u autobusu sa aspekta položaja i kvaliteta sedišta“ imala je za cilj određivanje oscilatornih karakteristika sedišta u cilju poboljšanja udobnosti korisnika čiji je komfor u pojedinim zonama na platformi autobusa u realnim uslovima eksploatacije smanjen ili ugrožen. Drugi cilj istraživanja je bio provera hipoteze da li promena oscilatornih parametara pojedinih sedišta može da omogući da se postigne ujednačen nivo oscilatornog komfora za sve putnike, bez obzira na njihov položaj na platformi autobusa. U radu je definisan originalni prostorni oscilatorni model međugradskog autobusa IK 301, sa 65 stepeni slobode, koji je poslužio kao konkretna podloga za simulaciono istraživanje "zona jednakog oscilatornog komfora". U oscilatorni model je kao pobuda uvedeno sedam različitih neravnosti kolovoza, snimljenih u realnim uslovima eksploatacije, pri različitim brzinama kretanja mernog vozila (tri loše asfalt-betonske podloge pri brzinama od 64 km/h, 72 km/h i 80 km/h; dobar asfalt-beton i vrlo dobra cement-betonska podloga pri brzini od 80 km/h, kao i dve vremenski smaknute pobude - dobar asfalt-beton i vrlo dobar asfalt-beton pri brzini od 90 km/h). Za svakog korisnika autobusa i za svaku oscilatornu pobudu određen je komfor po metodi za kvantifikovanje vibracija celog tela čoveka, prema međunarodnom standardu ISO 2631 (1997). Uvođenje realnih neravnosti kolovoza omogućilo je da se u obzir uzmu različiti uslovi eksploatacije, što je naročito važno prilikom određivanja oscilatornih zona i pravilnog izbora sedišta kojima treba da se poboljša oscilatorna udobnost u autobusu. Poređenje oscilatornih veličina utvrđenih simulacijom sa kriterijumima koji postavlja međunarodni standard ISO 2631 omogućilo je da se oscilatorni komfor oceni na svakom pojedinačnom sedištu. Pokazalo se da se na platformi vozila mogu definisati "zone približno jednakog komfora". Najkomfornija zona nalazi se u srednjem delu vozila (između osovina), a zona najnižeg komfora se nalazi na zadnjem prepustu, što je potvrđeno rezultatima istraživanja za sve vrste podloga i pri svim razmatranim brzinama kretanja...The aim of doctoral dissertation entitled "Investigation of passengers’ oscillatory comfort in the bus with respect to the seat position and quality" was to define the oscillatory parameters of bus user’s seats with goal to improve ride comfort for users sitting in the platform zones with lower or jeopardized oscillatory comfort, while the bus is running under real operating conditions. The second goal of investigation was to check the hypothesis whether the seats with oscillatory parameters that enable improved vibratory comfort also enable achievement of uniform ride comfort level for all bus occupants, regardless of a seat position on the bus platform. The thesis defines the original spatial oscillatory model of the intercity bus IK 301 with 65 degrees of freedom, used as the basis to determine, by means of simulations, the "almost equal oscillatory comfort zones". The oscillatory model was excited by seven different road roughnesses, registered in service at different speeds (three asphalt-concrete roads in bad conditions recorded at speeds of 64 km/h, 72 km/h and 80 km/h; asphalt-concrete pavement in good condition and cement-concrete pavement in very good condition, both recorded at speed of 80 km/h and two time-staggered excitations - asphalt-concrete in good condition and asphalt-concrete in very good condition, both recorded at speed of 90 km/h). The oscillatory comfort has been determined for each bus occupant and for each excitation signal, according the method for quantifying the whole body vibration prescribed by the international standard ISO 2631 (1997). The introduction of the real excitations into the model allowed the consideration of different bus service conditions, which is especially important for the definition of oscillatory comfort zones and proper choice of seats which should improve the ride comfort. Comparison of oscillatory values defined through simulation and comfort criteria from international standard ISO 2631 (1997) allowed to assess the oscillatory comfort for each particular seat. It is confirmed that the "zones of approximately equal oscillatory comfort" on the vehicle platform can be defined. The most comfortable oscillatory zone is in the middle of the vehicle (between the front and the rear bus axle) and the less comfortable oscillatory zone is on the rear overhang, which is approved by the results of investigation for all road surfaces and for all bus speeds considered..

    Beyond Diophantine Wannier diagrams: Gap labelling for Bloch-Landau Hamiltonians

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    It is well known that, given a 2d2d purely magnetic Landau Hamiltonian with a constant magnetic field bb which generates a magnetic flux φ\varphi per unit area, then any spectral island σb\sigma_b consisting of MM infinitely degenerate Landau levels carries an integrated density of states Ib=Mφ\mathcal{I}_b=M \varphi. Wannier later discovered a similar Diophantine relation expressing the integrated density of states of a gapped group of bands of the Hofstadter Hamiltonian as a linear function of the magnetic field flux with integer slope. We extend this result to a gap labelling theorem for any 2d2d Bloch-Landau operator HbH_b which also has a bounded Z2\mathbb{Z}^2-periodic electric potential. Assume that HbH_b has a spectral island σb\sigma_b which remains isolated from the rest of the spectrum as long as φ\varphi lies in a compact interval [φ1,φ2][\varphi_1,\varphi_2]. Then Ib=c0+c1φ\mathcal{I}_b=c_0+c_1\varphi on such intervals, where the constant c0Qc_0\in \mathbb{Q} while c1Zc_1\in \mathbb{Z}. The integer c1c_1 is the Chern character of the spectral projection onto the spectral island σb\sigma_b. This result also implies that the Fermi projection on σb\sigma_b, albeit continuous in bb in the strong topology, is nowhere continuous in the norm topology if either c10c_1\ne0 or c1=0c_1=0 and φ\varphi is rational. Our proofs, otherwise elementary, do not use non-commutative geometry but are based on gauge covariant magnetic perturbation theory which we briefly review for the sake of the reader. Moreover, our method allows us to extend the analysis to certain non-covariant systems having slowly varying magnetic fields.Comment: 17 pages, no figure

    Effect of muscular training on urinary 17-ketosteroids

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    Promene u izlučivanju 17-ketosteroida mokraćom nastale pod uticajem kratkotrajnog intenzivnog mišićnog napora u toku treninga nisu još uvijek jasne niti su dovoljno proučene. Proučavali smo ovaj problem na netreniranim klinički zdravim studentima-dobrovoljcima, životne dobi od 20 do 22 godine u uslovima svakodnevnog mišićnog treninga za vreme 13 dana, i to pre i posle rada i u toku oporavka 5 sati posle rada. Određivanje 17-ketosteroida u mokraći vršeno je kvantitativno Zimmermannovom reakcijom u sopstvenoj modifikaciji. Vežba na bicikl-ergometru po Mülleru obavljena je svakog dana u 8 časova pre podne uz opterećenje od 150 mkg/min, a ukupno maksimalno opterećenje iznosilo je 18000 mkg u 12 minuta rada. Sve zdrave osobe nisu podnele ovo opterećenje, pa su u ogledu zadržane samo one osobe koje su ovu veoma napornu vežbu izdržale dokraja. Postignuti rezultati prikazani su tablicom i grafikonima. Nađeno je da postoji razlika između srednjih vrednosti 17-ketosteroida pre i posle mišićnog naprezanja te konstatovano da kod netreniranih osoba mišićni rad izaziva kratkotrajan porast izlučivanja 17-ketosteroida. Ovaj efekat bio je najjače izražen prvog dana treniranja, narednih dana bio je manji, a na kraju trinaestodnevnog perioda treniranja potpuno se izgubio. U oporavku - mirovanju 5 časova posle vežbe - vrednosti 17-ketosteroida bile su niže nego pre rada. Ovaj pozni efekt mišićne vežbe na izlučivanje 17-ketosteroida s mokraćom u saglasnosti je s rezultatima naših ranijih ispitivanja koja su pokazala da nekoliko časova posle mišićnog naprezanja nastupa faza u kojoj je izlučivanje 17-ketosteroida snižene. Međutim, nije se moglo uočiti da treniranje utiče u smislu izmene ovog poznog efekta mišićnog rada na izlučivanje 17-ketosteroida.The changes in the elimination of 17-ketosteroids in the urine due to short-lasting intense muscular work in the course of training have not yet been fully explained. The problem was studied in untrained healthy students-volunteers aged 20-22 in conditions of everyday muscular work, for 13 days, before and after the exercise as well as during restitution 5 hours after the cessation of work. The determination of 17-ketosteroids in urine was carried out quantitatively using own modification of the Zimmermann reaction. The exercise on the Muller\u27s bicycle ergometer was performed every day at 8 a. m, with a Ioad of 1500 mkg/min, while the total maximal load was 18.000 kgm for a 12-minute work. All healthy subjects were not able to endure the load, so that only those who accomplished this very strenuous exercise, remained in the experiment. The results are shown in tables and graphs. A difference was found in the mean 17-ketosteroid values before and after muscular effort. In untrained persons muscular effort induced a short increase in the 17-ketosteroid elimination. This effect was most marked the first day of training, it was Iess the following days, and completely disappeared at the end of the 13-day period. During restitution (a 5-hour rest after work) the urinary 17-ketosteroid values were lower than before work. This late effect of muscular effort on the elimination of 17-ketosteroids in urine was in agreement with the results of the authors earlier Investigations which had shown that a few hours after the muscular effort the 17-ketosteroid elimination is diminished. The training was not found to produce any changes in this late effect of muscular work on the 17-ketosteroid elimination

    Legal regulations of dangerous and harmful substances, the problem of pesticide residues in soil

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    Zemljište je neobnovijivi resurs i veoma dinamičan sistem, koji obavija mnogo funkcija i pruža usluge od vitalnog značaja za Ijudske delatnosti i opstanak ekosistema. Proizvodnja zdravstveno ispravne hrane, zaštita zdravlja Ijudi, životinjskog i biljnog svijeta, nesmetanog korištenja i zaštite prirode životne sredine mogući su jedino uz zaštitu poljoprivrednog zemljista od zagađenja. Zaštita poljoprivrednog zemljišta se sprovodi zabranom, ograničavanjem i sprečavanjem od direktnog unošenja te unošenja vodem i vazduhom štetnih materija i preduzimanjem drugih mera za očuvanje i poboljšanje njegove plodnosti. U radu su navedeni ključni aspekti regulatorne politike Srbije i zemalja u okruženju sa osvrstom na direktivu EU (91/414/EEC) za postojanost poljoprivrednih pesticida (aktivnih materija) u zemljištu. U radu je predstavijen Evropski regulatorni stav za zemljište po pitanju ne-ekstrahovanih ili vezanih pesticida i njihov uticaj na životnu sredinu kao i uticaj đubrenja na vezivanje pesticida u poljoprivrednom zemljištu.The paper set out key aspects of regulatory policy of Serbia and neighboring countries with regard to the EU directive (91/414/EEC) for the stability of agricultural pesticides (active substances) in soil. This paper presents European regulatory position regarding land for non-extracted or related pesticides and their impact on the environment and the impact of fertilization on the binding of pesticides in agricultural soil

    Određivanje fenmedifama i desmedifama u komercijalnom herbicidu tečnom hromatografijom pod visokim pritiskom

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    Betanal AM-11 is the herbicide that is using to control one-year old weeds with wide leafs in sugar beet fields. Active ingredients of the herbicide are phenmedipham and desmedipham. Commercial emulsifiable concentrate (EC) contains 80 g/L ( 10% of each active compound. We applied high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with diode array detector (DAD) at 254 nm for the determination of phenmedipham and desmedipham in commercial samples of Betanal AM-11. This method involves reversed-phase separation of the components on C-18 bonded silica with methanol-water (51+49, v/v) as the eluent. The procedure was highly selective and reproducible and can be successfully used in determining contents of phenmedipham and desmedipham on micro and macro levels.Betanal AM-11 je herbicid koji se koristi za suzbijanje jednogodišnjih širokolisnih korova na poljima sa šećernom repom. Aktivni sastojci herbicida su fenmedifam i desmedifam. Komercijalni koncentrat za emulziju (ES) sadrži 80 g/l ( 10% svake aktivne komponente. Za određivanje fenmedifama i desmedifama u komercijalnim uzorcima Betanala AM-11 je primenjena tečna hromatografija pod visokim pritiskom, DAD detektor i talasna dužina od 254 nm. Metod je obuhvatio razdvajanje komponenata na obrnutim fazama sa kolonom C-18 i eluentom metanol-voda (51+49, v/v). Postupak je veoma selektivan i reproduktivan i može se koristiti za određivanje makro- i mikro količina fenmedifama i desmedifama

    Evaluation of the neurotoxical effect of aluminum on the Wistar rat

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    Our previous investigations on an animal model of neurotoxicity show that increased power in the delta range is connected with the neurotoxic effect of aluminum exposure. In this study we used several aluminum-treated animals as a reliable model for the evaluation of the neurotoxic effects of aluminum on neurons, and compared it with a control group. We conclude that spectral analysis and the ratio between the delta and theta ranges might be reliable for a qualitative description of the neurotoxic effect of aluminum, and that the t test might be used to evaluate the change in brain activity between the treated and control groups of animals. The animal model under anesthesia was used to describe the state of brain activity with neurotoxicity with suppressed functional connectivity in the brain structure. We also performed fractal analysis to quantitatively describe neurotoxic effect in different pathophysiological states of animals treated with different doses of aluminum. A decrease in the fractal dimension is an indicator of neurodegeneration in the state of stress. This animal model is suitable for evaluation of the neurodegenerative processes in Alzheimer's dementia and Parkinson's disease.Prethodna istraživanja na animalnom modelu neurotoksičnosti aluminijuma pokazuju da povećanje spektralne snage u delta opsegu je indikator neurotoksičnosti. U ovoj studiji smo koristili nekoliko životinja koje su pogodne za procenu neurotoksičnog efekta aluminijuma u poređenju sa kontrolom. Za kvalitativni opis neurotoksičnosti koristili smo odnos delta i teta opsega i t test za opis promene između tretiranih i kontrolnih pacova. Korišćen je animalni model u uslovima anestezije je opis moždane aktivnosti sa suprimiranim funkcionalnim vezama između moždanih struktura. Koristili smo i fraktalnu dimenziju za kvantitativni opis neurotoksičnog efekta u različitim patofiziološkim stanjima. Smanjenje fraktalne dimenzije je izraz neurodegeneracije u uslovima stresa. Ovaj model je komparabilan sa neurodegenerativnim i neurotransmiterskim promenama u Alchejmerovoj bolesti i Parkinsonovoj bolesti.Projekat ministarstva br. 14302

    Automatic Generation Control Application for Transmission and Generation Centres

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    Recently, a new Emergency Control Centre for Albanian Transmission System Operator (TSO), which includes Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and Automatic Generation Control (AGC) applications, has been commissioned. Nowadays, an AGC application is being prepared for the biggest generation company in Croatia, as part of control centre for hydropower plants within western part of Croatia. Both of these implementations use the same AGC application, which is presented in this paper. Although AGC for TSO and AGC for Generation Centre (GC) have many similarities, their main goals are different. AGC for TSO must mainly regulate system’s frequency and area’s active power interchange to their desired values, using only power plants engaged in load-frequency control (LFC). However, AGC for GC must ensure that power production of each power unit not engaged in LFC tracks its planned value, while also ensuring that centre’s share in LFC is being respected. Albeit the AGC is standalone application, in both afore-mentioned implementations it is affiliated with SCADA application, from which it obtains all required input measurements and indications and to which it delivers calculated setpoints. Additionally, all AGC pictures are integrated into SCADA pictures as well, in order to simplify operation and monitoring functionalities. AGC for Albanian TSO controls active power generation of six hydro power plants engaged in LFC. AGC for GC West in Croatia controls active power generation of ten hydro power plants. In both implementations, communication with remote objects is done using IEC 60870-5-104 communication protocol, while communication with other control centres is done using ICCP communication protocol. Power production plans are sent to AGC either from Market Management Systems (in TSO case) or from scheduling and optimization application (in GC case

    Spectral changes of brain activity in rat offspring exposed to aluminium during gestation and lactation

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    Exposure to aluminium during gestation causes changes in mammalian brain development and behavior. Our aim was to perform spectral analysis on electrocortical activity of Sprague Dawley male pups (30±3 days of age) whose mothers were treated with aluminium during gestation and lactation. There was a higher presence of power spectra in the delta range of parietal electrocortical activity, a lower presence in the theta range and increased values of the parameter DT as the ratio of delta to theta range in pups indirectly exposed to aluminium (whose mothers were drinking a 0.5% water solution of aluminium chloride during the gestation and lactation periods), compared to controls.Izlaganje dejstvu aluminijuma tokom gestacije i laktacije može dovesti do promena u razviću mozga i ponašanja kod sisara. Naš cilj je bio da se uradi spektralna analiza elektrokortikalne aktivnosti mladih Sprague Dawley pacova muškog pola (starosti 30±3 dana) čije su majke bile tretirane aluminijumom tokom gestacije i laktacije. U poređenju sa kontrolom, kod mladih pacova koji su bili indirektno trovani aluminijumom (čije su majke pile 0,5 % vodeni rastvor AlCl3 tokom gestacionog i laktacionog perioda) postoji veća zastupljenost delta ritma aktivnosti kore velikog mozga, manje prisustvo teta ritma, kao i porast parametra DT kao odnos između delta i teta opsega.Projekat ministarstva br. 14302