42 research outputs found
The influence of the construction of tram fronts on the consequences of accidents with passenger cars
In recent years, there has been a large increase in passenger and public transport in cities. An increase in traffic flow results in an increasing risk of accidents. Manufacturers and operators of trams are increasingly subject to higher requirements for ensuring the safety of vehicles. Vehicle safety can be divided into two groups: active and passive safety. Systems and elements of active safety are intended to reduce the risk of accidents. Systems and elements of passive safety are intended to minimize the consequences of accidents. The requirements for the passive safety of newly designed railway vehicles are described in standard EN 15227. Standard EN 15227 was created due to the effort to protect passengers and crew inside railway vehicles in the event of an accident, so it is a so-called self-protection. The standard EN 15227 does not stipulate any requirements for so-called partner protection. Partner protection means an approach in which the vehicle protects passengers inside and outside the vehicle with its deformation elements.This article deals with the issue of how the construction of the front of tram vehicles designed according to the requirements of the standard EN 15227 will affect the consequences of tram´s accidents with passenger cars. The first part of the article describes the requirements of the standard EN 15227 for newly designed trams. Than it describes the creation and evaluation of tram accident statistics in the Czech Republic for the years 2016 to 2018 with regard to the types of collision vehicles, collision directions and consequences of accidents. From the results of the evaluation of the accident statistics, a collision scenario was determined, in which the passengers inside cars were most often injured. The last part of the article is devoted to the creation of simulation models of accidents of three trams with a car and evaluation of simulation calculations with regard to the risk of injury to car´s driver in an accident with trams using human biomechanical criteria
Accident rate of regional railway vehicles at railway crossings for the years 2014 to 2018
From a societal point of view, there are growing demands to increase traffic safety and reduce the risk of accidents of rail and road vehicles. The research to increase the safety of railway vehicles, which is carried out at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague, aims to increase the active and passive safety of railway vehicles. Components and systems of active safety are designed to reduce the risk of an accident. Components and systems of passive safety are designed to minimize the consequences of accidents. One of the parts of the active safety of railway vehicles is the condition and safety of the railway lines on which the railway vehicle is operated. The first part of the article focuses on the evaluation of accident statistics of railway vehicles with other road users at railway crossings for the years 2014 to 2018 with regard to the cause of the accident and the level of security of railway crossings. The conclusion of the article is devoted to proposals for solutions that could lead to a reduction in accidents at railway crossings
Anomální difuze plazmatu z okrajové turbulentní oblasti tokamaku
Název práce: Anomální difuze plazmatu z okrajové turbulentní oblasti tokamaku Autor: Jakub Seidl Školící pracoviště: Ústav fyziky plazmatu AV ČR, v.v.i. Vedoucí disertační práce: Doc. Ing. Ladislav Krlín, DrSc., ÚFP AV ČR Konzultant: RNDr. Radomír Pánek, Ph.D., ÚFP AV ČR Abstrakt: Tato práce poskytuje stručný úvod do problematiky turbulence plazma- tu v okrajové vrstvě tokamaku a diskutuje některé aspekty anomální difuze plazma- tu v této oblasti. V rámci modelování turbulence generované výměnnou nestabili- tou je s užitím kódu ESEL zkoumán vliv paralelního transportu, a to především charakteru paralelních proudů, na vlastnosti turbulentních struktur s přihlédnutím k možnostem experimentálního ověření. Na základě modelovaných charakteristik turbulence je pak diskutován vliv fluktuací na měření elektrostatických sond v okrajové vrstvě tokamaku v režimu vysoké srážkovosti. Srovnání modelu s měře- ním provedeným na tokamaku ASDEX Upgrade vysvětluje některé neočekávané výsledky experimentu, jako například přítomnost 'hrbu' ve frekvenčních spektrech potenciálu plazmatu. Dále je vysvětleno chování korelační funkce hustoty měřené na dvou prostorově separovaných Langmuirových sondách v oblasti magnetické separatrix a je poukázáno na nejednoznačnost metody měření vorticity plazmatu pomocí sady plovoucích...Title: Anomalous diffusion of plasma in tokamak edge region Author: Jakub Seidl Tutoring institution: Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR, v.v.i. Supervisor: Doc. Ing. Ladislav Krlín, DrSc., IPP AS CR Consultant: RNDr. Radomír Pánek, Ph.D., IPP AS CR Abstract: This work provides brief introduction to the topic of plasma turbu- lence in tokamak edge region and several aspects of anomalous plasma diffusion are discussed. We use numerical code ESEL to model interchange turbulence and investigate properties of turbulent structures in different regimes of parallel trans- port. Means of experimental verification of the results are discussed. Results of the modelling are then used to interpret unexpected results experimentally obtained by electrostatic ball-pen probes on tokamak ASDEX Upgrade, mainly appearance of a 'bump' in power spectra of measured plasma potential. Next, we explain be- haviour of cross-correlation function of density signals measured by two spatially separated Langmuir probes in the vicinity of magnetic separatrix and we point out an ambiguity in interpretation of results of vorticity measurement made by set of floating Langmuir probes. In the last part, transport of plasma impurities by electrostatic turbulent potential is modelled. We identify reversal of radial particle velocity for particles with...Matematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic
In this article we have used the 2D fluid turbulence numerical model, ESEL, to simulate turbulent transport in edge tokamak plasma. Basic plasma parameters from the ASDEX Upgrade and COMPASS tokamaks are used as input for the model, and the output is compared with experimental observations obtained by reciprocating probe measurements from the two machines. Agreements were found in radial profiles of mean plasma potential and temperature, and in a level of density fluctuations. Disagreements, however, were found in the level of plasma potential and temperature fluctuations. This implicates a need for an extension of the ESEL model from 2D to 3D to fully resolve the parallel dynamics, and the coupling from the plasma to the sheath
Political behavior of the Andalusians
This study concerns the political behavior of the Andalusians and its reasons. In this autonomous community exists a traditional tendency to support the left-wing party PSOE. The object of this study is an analysis of this political trend and the aim is to explain why this phenomenon exists in the society. There is discovered the link between historical, sociopolitical and economical factors and the voting behavior of the Andalusians. The study is divided into a factographic and an analytical chapter. The first chapter includes a recapitulation of the results of autonomic elections and also there is an outline of the political behavior using the output of public opinion polls. These data are mentioned also in the next part of the study where are explained more deeply. The analytical chapter concerning the support of PSOE and its reasons is divided into parts following the character of the circumstanses affecting the political behavior. The first chapter is about historical factors, the second one about sociopolitical issues and the last one about economical factors. The main historical questions are the underdevelopment and poverty, the satisfaction paradox and the problem of latifundium. The sociopolitical factors include the political culture and nationalism and the chapter about economical..
Anomalous diffusion of plasma in tokamak edge region
Title: Anomalous diffusion of plasma in tokamak edge region Author: Jakub Seidl Tutoring institution: Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR, v.v.i. Supervisor: Doc. Ing. Ladislav Krlín, DrSc., IPP AS CR Consultant: RNDr. Radomír Pánek, Ph.D., IPP AS CR Abstract: This work provides brief introduction to the topic of plasma turbu- lence in tokamak edge region and several aspects of anomalous plasma diffusion are discussed. We use numerical code ESEL to model interchange turbulence and investigate properties of turbulent structures in different regimes of parallel trans- port. Means of experimental verification of the results are discussed. Results of the modelling are then used to interpret unexpected results experimentally obtained by electrostatic ball-pen probes on tokamak ASDEX Upgrade, mainly appearance of a 'bump' in power spectra of measured plasma potential. Next, we explain be- haviour of cross-correlation function of density signals measured by two spatially separated Langmuir probes in the vicinity of magnetic separatrix and we point out an ambiguity in interpretation of results of vorticity measurement made by set of floating Langmuir probes. In the last part, transport of plasma impurities by electrostatic turbulent potential is modelled. We identify reversal of radial particle velocity for particles with..
Anomalous Diffusion of Electrons in Tokamak by Their Interaction With Lower Hybrid Wave
Interaction of electrons with a lower-hybrid wave (LHW) is usually described using a quasilinear theory. It was shown formerly that in some cases the quasilinear approach is not proper. This work deals with an eect of spatial geometry of LHW spectra on a particle velocity diusion. Diusion coecient for various cases was computed and put to use to predict a long term evolution of an electron velocity distribution function. The computation was (on the contrary of previous papers) based on fully relativistic equations of motion. The results conrm that region of high electron acceleration is broadest just after the wave enters plasma and becomes narrower along its progress deeper into it. In the range of wave intensities over 105 V/m we found that the diusion becomes Lévy-walk. In the second part predictions of electron acceleration in front of LH grill of two dierent approaches were compared. We showed that the approach based on usage of Fourier expansion of potential gives only a rough estimate of the acceleration
Comparison Of Software for Unmanned Air Vehicles Data Processing with Focus on Digital Terrain Model Acquisition
Tématem této práce je srovnání software pro zpracování snímků z bezpilotních leteckých prostředků se zaměřením na tvorbu digitálních modelů terénu. V první části jsou popsány základní principy získávání dat pomocí UAV, charakteristika testovacích lokalit a výběr software použitého ke zpracování těchto dat. Srovnání software bylo následně realizováno několika různými způsoby. V teoretické části byly hodnoceny zejména poskytované funkce a také licenční politika. Další fáze práce proběhla pomocí praktických testů, a to porovnáním rychlosti zpracování nad testovací sadou dat, polohové přesnost a celkového fungování software. Finálním krokem bylo srovnání vytvořených digitálních modelů reliéfu s oficiálním zdrojem výškových dat pro Českou republiku a vlastními GNSS měřeními. Celkem byly vybrány čtyři software, ze kterých obecně nejlepších výsledků dosáhli Agisoft PhotoScan a Pix4Dmapper.Thesis deals with comparison of various software for unmanned air vehicles (UAV) data processing with focus on digital terrain model acquisition. In the first part are described the basic principles of data acquisition using UAV, are being described together with characteristics of testing areas and selection of software used for processing of this data. Comparison of software was realized by several ways In the theoretical part their functionality potential and licensing policywas examined. The next part was based on practical tests, where processing time, positional accuracy and overal software functionalitywas evaluated. The final step was the comparison of created digital terrain models with the official source of elevation data for the Czech republic and with own GNSS measurement. Four softwares were selected of which Agisoft PhotoScan and Pix4Dmapper achieved the best results.548 - Katedra geoinformatikyvýborn