680 research outputs found

    Retrofit de la construcción mediante paneles prefabricados: una reseña del estado del arte = Building Retrofit through prefabricated panels: an overview on the state of the art

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    The main aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the use of prefabricated panels in external building retrofitting. Building retrofit represents a pivotal point in terms of energy efficiency, connected to the great amount of existing buildings, both public and private, all around Europe. The need of intervention is underlined by different European Directives, as well as by Horizon 2020 roadmap. Many research works and projects are focusing on the theme of prefabrication in retrofit, stressing the importance of this strategy. The review of the state of the art shows several approaches in terms of prefabricated panels: a critical classification of these projects distinguish between systems based on large and small panels, systems for extensions based on structural panels, and partially prefabricated systems. The classification is useful as it can help in understanding further development of prefabricated panels, underlining the advantages and disadvantages of the systems. The main challenges are linked to design, fabrication, transport and installation. An overview of those issues is also provided, stressing the main innovation fields to be further investigated, and the possible future developments of prefabrication in building retrofit

    Identification of technological and installation-related parameters for a multi-criteria approach to building retrofit

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    Building retrofit is a main concern to reach EU de-carbonisation goals of 2050. Façade retrofit plays a pivotal role in the reduction of energy consumption in buildings: several strategies are in fact available, both in terms of on-site systems and prefabricated elements. The research question arising regards therefore how to choose the best-suiting residential retrofit strategy between different technological systems. In this sense, a current lack of diffusion of Decision Support Systems between can be underlined, as decisions mainly derive from previous experiences. An optimizing strategy that could express the goals of the many actors involved in the building process is required. In order to consider the impact of different criteria on the choice, multi-criteria methodologies could be effective. Existing similar methods mostly focus uniquely on energy performance, or follow the categories of environment, economy and society. What is currently lacking in available tools regards production-linked and technological aspects, related to e.g. façade morphology, and building site features. The aim of this paper is to identify relevant parameters related to installation and economy aspects, for a multi-criteria approach to be used in the choice of the most suitable building retrofit strategy. The methodological approach is therefore provided, and the choice of parameters, carried out by means of interview with actors of the building process, is explained. The criteria selection and the subsequent criteria weighting phase is to be carried out by means of interviews and surveys to the actors involved in the building process. The application on case-studies will offer the opportunity to assess the effectiveness of the method

    Italy’s Industry 4.0 Plan: An Analysis from a Labour Law Perspective

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    PURPOSE. Examining the major challenges posed by Industry 4.0 to workers and employers (e.g. the crisis of subordination, the new roles of skills, the risk of technological unemployment, new decentralized and participatory forms of collective bargaining), this paper sets out to identify actions and perspectives to manage current changes, focusing on workers rather than on those technologies that will be used to work in the years to come. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH. Industry 4.0 will be examined adopting a labour law perspective. In the authors’ opinion, labour law is not only tasked with providing protection and favouring production, but it has other important functions in historical and political terms. FINDINGS. Labour law is not doomed to be set aside following the demise of Fordism, but it will innovate over time to enable and balance the new productive model underlying Industry 4.0. RESEARCH LIMITATIONS/IMPLICATIONS. The research contributes to the debate on the new functions of labour law in the Industry 4.0 era. ORIGINALITY/VALUE. The originality of the paper lies in its approach, which considers labour law in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. PAPER TYPE. Issues paper

    Characterization of key triacylglycerol biosynthesis processes in rhodococci.

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    Oleaginous microorganisms have considerable potential for biofuel and commodity chemical production. Under nitrogen-limitation, Rhodococcus jostii RHA1 grown on benzoate, an analog of lignin depolymerization products, accumulated triacylglycerols (TAGs) to 55% of its dry weight during transition to stationary phase, with the predominant fatty acids being C16:0 and C17:0. Transcriptomic analyses of RHA1 grown under conditions of N-limitation and N-excess revealed 1,826 dysregulated genes. Genes whose transcripts were more abundant under N-limitation included those involved in ammonium assimilation, benzoate catabolism, fatty acid biosynthesis and the methylmalonyl-CoA pathway. Of the 16 atf genes potentially encoding diacylglycerol O-acyltransferases, atf8 transcripts were the most abundant during N-limitation (~50-fold more abundant than during N-excess). Consistent with Atf8 being a physiological determinant of TAG accumulation, a Δatf8 mutant accumulated 70% less TAG than wild-type RHA1 while atf8 overexpression increased TAG accumulation 20%. Genes encoding type-2 phosphatidic acid phosphatases were not significantly expressed. By contrast, three genes potentially encoding phosphatases of the haloacid dehalogenase superfamily and that cluster with, or are fused with other Kennedy pathway genes were dysregulated. Overall, these findings advance our understanding of TAG metabolism in mycolic acid-containing bacteria and provide a framework to engineer strains for increased TAG production

    Sense of agency disturbances in movement disorders: A comprehensive review

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    Sense of agency refers to the experience that one’s self-generated action causes an event in the external environment. Here, we review the behavioural and brain evidence of aberrant experiences of agency in movement disorders, clinical conditions characterized by either a paucity or an excess of movements unrelated to the patient’s intention. We show that specific abnormal agency experiences characterize several movement disorders. Those manifestations are typically associated with structural and functional brain abnormalities. However, the evidence is sometimes conflicting, especially when considering results obtained through different agency measures. The present review aims to create order in the existing literature on sense of agency investigations in movement disorders and to provide a coherent overview framed within current neurocognitive models of motor awareness

    E-grocery logistics: exploring the gap between research and practice

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    Purpose: This paper investigates the logistics management in the e-grocery sector. It contrasts the key issues faced by practitioners and the topics addressed in the academic literature, to identify potential misalignments between research and practice and propose avenues for future efforts. Design/methodology/approach: This work adopts a twofold methodological approach. From an academic perspective, a systematic literature review (SLR) is performed to define the topics addressed so far by scholars when analysing e-grocery logistics. From a managerial perspective, a Delphi study is accomplished to identify the most significant issues faced by logistics practitioners in the e-grocery context and the associated significance. Findings: The study develops a conceptual framework, identifying and mapping the 9 main logistics challenges for e-grocery along 4 clusters, in the light of a logistics-related revision of the SCOR model: distribution network design (area to be served, infrastructures), order fulfilment process (picking, order storage, consolidation, delivery), logistics-related choices from other domains (product range, stock-out management) and automation. These elements are discussed along three dimensions: criticalities, basic and advanced/automation-based solutions. Finally, the main gaps are identified – in terms of both under-investigated topics (order storage and stock-out management) and investigated topics needing further research (picking and automation) – and research questions and hypotheses are outlined. Originality/value: This paper provides a threefold contribution, revolving around the developed framework. First, it investigates the state of the art about e-grocery logistics, classifying the addressed themes. Second, it explores the main issues e-grocery introduces for logistics practitioners. Third, it contrasts the two outcomes, identifying the misalignment between research and practice, and accordingly, proposing research directions

    Parcel lockers vs. home delivery: a model to compare last-mile delivery cost in urban and rural areas

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    Purpose This paper investigates the economic performances of two business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce last-mile delivery options -parcel lockers (PLs) and traditional home delivery (HD) in contexts where e-commerce is still at its early stages. It analyses and compares two different implementation contexts, urban and rural areas. Design/methodology/approach This study develops an analytical model that estimates delivery costs for both the PL and HD options. The model is applied to two base cases (representative of urban and rural areas in Italy), and sensitivity analyses are subsequently performed on a set of key variables/parameters (i.e. PL density, PL fill rate and PL annual costs). To support the model development and application, interviews with practitioners (Edwards et al., 2011) were performed. Findings PLs imply lower delivery cost than HD, independently from the implementation area (urban or rural): advantages mainly derive from the higher delivery density and the drastic reduction of failed deliveries. Benefits entailed by PLs are more significant in rural areas due to lower PL investments and annual costs, as well as higher HD costs. Originality/value This paper offers insights to both academics and practitioners. On the academic side, it develops a model to compare the delivery cost of PL and HD, which includes the analysis of urban and rural contexts. This could serve as a platform for developing/informing future analytical/optimisation contributions. On the managerial side, it may support practitioners in making decisions about the implementation of PLs and HD, to benchmark their costs and to identify the main variables and parameters at play

    Enhancing in-store picking for e-grocery: an empirical-based model

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    Purpose: This paper identifies, configures and analyses a solution aimed at increasing the efficiency of in-store picking for e-grocers and combining the traditional store-based option with a warehouse-based logic (creating a back area dedicated to the most required online items). Design/methodology/approach: The adopted methodology is a multi-method approach combining analytical modelling and interviews with practitioners. Interviews were performed with managers, whose collaboration allowed the development and application of an empirically-grounded model, aimed to estimate the performances of the proposed picking solution in its different configurations. Various scenarios are modelled and different policies are evaluated. Findings: The proposed solution entails time benefits compared to traditional store-based picking for three main reasons: lower travel time (due to the absence of offline customers), lower retrieval time (tied to the more efficient product allocation in the back) and lower time to manage stock-outs (since there are no missing items in the back). Considering the batching policies, order picking is always outperformed by batch and zone picking, as they allow for the reduction of the average travelled distance per order. Conversely, zone picking is more efficient than batch picking when demand volumes are high. Originality/value: From an academic perspective, this work proposes a picking solution that combines the store-based and warehouse-based logics (traditionally seen as opposite/alternative choices). From a managerial perspective, it may support the definition of the picking process for traditional grocers that are offering – or aim to offer – e-commerce services to their customers

    Sustainability in urban logistics : a literature review

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    Purpose: The importance of urban logistics is on the rise. On the one hand, the population in cities is growing due to urbanization processes. On the other hand, there is a significant increase in the flow of goods (e.g., a boost in online purchases). Such changes are leading cities to face social, economic, and environmental issues, which urge to be addressed. Based on these premises, this study aims to identify, classify and provide an overview of the environmentally sustainable logistics solutions for urban contexts. Methodology: This study performs a systematic literature review. First, it provides a quantitative description of the results, highlighting eventual trends; second, it displays a narrative description of the papers considered to map the current solution and of the related methodology. Findings: The study highlights the maturity and interest in adopting more sustainable delivery options in urban logistics. The selection of suitable transport means, the engagement of stakeholders, as well as the definition of norms and regulations, emerge as the most discussed and promising solutions. Originality: This study is a first attempt to classify the existing body of knowledge related to urban logistics, analysing contributions based on different axes of classification and highlighting cutting-edge solutions to propose possible research directions

    Comparativa legislativa entre España y Argentina en materia de prevención de riesgos laborales

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    Uno de los principios elementales de la política social es el velar por la seguridad y salud de los trabajadores. Este pilar constitucional conlleva a la elaboración de una política de protección de la salud de los trabajadores a partir de diferentes acciones preventivas de los riesgos que derivan de sus puestos laborales. Este Proyecto Final de Grado consta de realizar una comparativa de normativas de Seguridad y Salud Laboral entre los países de España, pertenecientes a la Unión Europea y Argentina, que pertenece a los países del Mercosur de América Latina. De esta manera, poder realizar un estudio legal para determinar la aportación única y directa de cada país tanto a nivel general como en el marco de la construcción. Para la redacción de la memoria, la estructura principal está dividida en dos bloques: En la primera unidad, que comprende el capítulo 3 y sus respectivos subcapítulos, se describe la comparativa legal. Dentro de ella, se analizan marcos generales, aspectos en el sector de la construcción y otras normas secundarias. En el segundo bloque, que incluye el capítulo 4 y los correspondiente subapartados, se estudian las leyes a nivel organizativo. Así, integran descripciones particulares de ambos territorios referentes a organismos, modalidades preventivas, documentación, sistemas de gestión, entre otros. Finalmente, se recogen las conclusiones del presente estudio y la correspondiente biografía legal
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