18 research outputs found

    Spinal Cord Pathology in Alpha-Synuclein Transgenic Mice

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    Accumulation of α-synuclein is observed in neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's disease and Multiple System Atrophy. In previous studies with transgenic C57BL/6 mice overexpressing α-synuclein carrying the mutations A53T and A30P found in Parkinson's disease or with a parkin-null background, we reported severe mitochondrial impairments in neurons and to a larger extent in glial cells of the mesencephalon. Neuron death was not observed in the brain. Here we show that the mice show severe motor impairments in behavioral tests. In addition, these mice exhibit astrocytic cell death in the spinal cord, accompanied by extensive gliosis and microglial activation. This is shown by cell death staining and immunohistochemistry. Ultrastructural analyses revealed severe mitochondrial impairments not only in astrocytes, but also in oligodendrocytes and, to a small extent, in neurons. Thus, the transgenic mice show a profound pathology in glial cells of the spinal cord

    The “WWHow” Concept for Prospective Categorization of Post-operative Severity Assessment in Mice and Rats

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    The prospective severity assessment in animal experiments in the categories' non-recovery, mild, moderate, and severe is part of each approval process and serves to estimate the harm/benefit. Harms are essential for evaluating ethical justifiability, and on the other hand, they may represent confounders and effect modifiers within an experiment. Catalogs and guidelines provide a way to assess the experimental severity prospectively but are limited in adaptation due to their nature of representing particular examples without clear explanations of the assessment strategies. To provide more flexibility for current and future practices, we developed the modular Where-What-How (WWHow) concept, which applies findings from pre-clinical studies using surgical-induced pain models in mice and rats to provide a prospective severity assessment. The WWHow concept integrates intra-operative characteristics for predicting the maximum expected severity of surgical procedures. The assessed severity categorization is mainly congruent with examples in established catalogs; however, because the WWHow concept is based on anatomical location, detailed analysis of the tissue trauma and other intra-operative characteristics, it enables refinement actions, provides the basis for a fact-based dialogue with authority officials and other stakeholders, and helps to identify confounder factors of study findings

    Behavioral Voluntary and Social Bioassays Enabling Identification of Complex and Sex-Dependent Pain-(-Related) Phenotypes in Rats with Bone Cancer

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    Simple Summary Bone metastases are one of the most common complications in patients with advanced cancer that result in pain, which is usually severe, thereby significantly reducing the patient's quality of life. Although preclinical pain research in rodents is improving, the pain phenotyping methods currently used have been criticized. This study aimed to identify in detail pain phenotypes of cancer-induced bone pain (CIBP) in both sexes of rats. CIBP in the splint bone on one side results in a distinct CIBP-related phenotype characterized by mechanical hypersensitivity, resting pain, and antalgic gait in both sexes. Progression of tumor growth leads to the establishment of the CIBP phenotype that appears earlier in male than in female rats and affects rat-specific social behaviors in both sexes. We demonstrate social transfer of pain in a bone cancer model in both sexes, resulting in mechanical and, in females, also heat hypervigilance in non-tumor bearing control rats. Cancer-induced bone pain (CIBP) is a common and devastating symptom with limited treatment options in patients, significantly affecting their quality of life. The use of rodent models is the most common approach to uncovering the mechanisms underlying CIBP; however, the translation of results to the clinic may be hindered because the assessment of pain-related behavior is often based exclusively on reflexive-based methods, which are only partially indicative of relevant pain in patients. To improve the accuracy and strength of the preclinical, experimental model of CIBP in rodents, we used a battery of multimodal behavioral tests that were also aimed at identifying rodent-specific behavioral components by using a home-cage monitoring assay (HCM). Rats of all sexes received an injection with either heat-deactivated (sham-group) or potent mammary gland carcinoma Walker 256 cells into the tibia. By integrating multimodal datasets, we assessed pain-related behavioral trajectories of the CIBP-phenotype, including evoked and non-evoked based assays and HCM. Using principal component analysis (PCA), we discovered sex-specific differences in establishing the CIBP-phenotype, which occurred earlier (and differently) in males. Additionally, HCM phenotyping revealed the occurrence of sensory-affective states manifested by mechanical hypersensitivity in sham when housed with a tumor-bearing cagemate (CIBP) of the same sex. This multimodal battery allows for an in-depth characterization of the CIBP-phenotype under social aspects in rats. The detailed, sex-specific, and rat-specific social phenotyping of CIBP enabled by PCA provides the basis for mechanism-driven studies to ensure robustness and generalizability of results and provide information for targeted drug development in the future

    Generation of a whole-brain hemodynamic response function and sex-specific differences in cerebral processing of mechano-sensation in mice detected by BOLD fMRI

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    BOLD fMRI has become a prevalent method to study cerebral sensory processing in rodent disease models, including pain and mechanical hypersensitivity. fMRI data analysis is frequently combined with a general-linear-model (GLM) -based analysis, which uses the convolution of a hemodynamic response function (HRF) with the stimulus paradigm. However, several studies indicated that the HRF differs across species, sexes, brain structures, and experimental factors, including stimulation modalities or anesthesia, and hence might strongly affect the outcome of BOLD analyzes. While considerable work has been done in humans and rats to understand the HRF, much less is known in mice. As a prerequisite to investigate mechano-sensory processing and BOLD fMRI data in male and female mice, we (1) designed a rotating stimulator that allows application of two different mechanical modalities, including innocuous von Frey and noxious pinprick stimuli and (2) determined and statistically compared HRFs across 30 brain structures and experimental conditions, including sex and, stimulus modalities. We found that mechanical stimulation lead to brain-wide BOLD signal changes thereby allowing extraction of HRFs from multiple brain structures. However, we did not find differences in HRFs across all brain structures and experimental conditions. Hence, we computed a whole-brain mouse HRF, which is based on 88 functional scans from 30 mice. A comparison of this mouse-specific HRF with our previously reported rat-derived HRF showed significantly slower kinetics in mice. Finally, we detected pronounced differences in cerebral BOLD activation between male and female mice with mechanical stimulation, thereby exposing divergent processing of noxious and innocuous stimuli in both sexes

    Planning preclinical confirmatory multicenter trials to strengthen translation from basic to clinical research – a multi-stakeholder workshop report

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    Clinical translation from bench to bedside often remains challenging even despite promising preclinical evidence. Among many drivers like biological complexity or poorly understood disease pathology, preclinical evidence often lacks desired robustness. Reasons include low sample sizes, selective reporting, publication bias, and consequently inflated effect sizes. In this context, there is growing consensus that confirmatory multicenter studies -by weeding out false positives- represent an important step in strengthening and generating preclinical evidence before moving on to clinical research. However, there is little guidance on what such a preclinical confirmatory study entails and when it should be conducted in the research trajectory. To close this gap, we organized a workshop to bring together statisticians, clinicians, preclinical scientists, and meta-researcher to discuss and develop recommendations that are solutionoriented and feasible for practitioners. Herein, we summarize and review current approaches and outline strategies that provide decision-critical guidance on when to start and subsequently how to plan a confirmatory study. We define a set of minimum criteria and strategies to strengthen validity before engaging in a confirmatory preclinical trial, including sample size considerations that take the inherent uncertainty of initial (exploratory) studies into account. Beyond this specific guidance, we highlight knowledge gaps that require further research and discuss the role of confirmatory studies in translational biomedical research. In conclusion, this workshop report highlights the need for close interaction and open and honest debate between statisticians, preclinical scientists, meta-researchers (that conduct research on research), and clinicians already at an early stage of a given preclinical research trajectory

    Behavioral Voluntary and Social Bioassays Enabling Identification of Complex and Sex-Dependent Pain-(-Related) Phenotypes in Rats with Bone Cancer

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    Cancer-induced bone pain (CIBP) is a common and devastating symptom with limited treatment options in patients, significantly affecting their quality of life. The use of rodent models is the most common approach to uncovering the mechanisms underlying CIBP; however, the translation of results to the clinic may be hindered because the assessment of pain-related behavior is often based exclusively on reflexive-based methods, which are only partially indicative of relevant pain in patients. To improve the accuracy and strength of the preclinical, experimental model of CIBP in rodents, we used a battery of multimodal behavioral tests that were also aimed at identifying rodent-specific behavioral components by using a home-cage monitoring assay (HCM). Rats of all sexes received an injection with either heat-deactivated (sham-group) or potent mammary gland carcinoma Walker 256 cells into the tibia. By integrating multimodal datasets, we assessed pain-related behavioral trajectories of the CIBP-phenotype, including evoked and non-evoked based assays and HCM. Using principal component analysis (PCA), we discovered sex-specific differences in establishing the CIBP-phenotype, which occurred earlier (and differently) in males. Additionally, HCM phenotyping revealed the occurrence of sensory-affective states manifested by mechanical hypersensitivity in sham when housed with a tumor-bearing cagemate (CIBP) of the same sex. This multimodal battery allows for an in-depth characterization of the CIBP-phenotype under social aspects in rats. The detailed, sex-specific, and rat-specific social phenotyping of CIBP enabled by PCA provides the basis for mechanism-driven studies to ensure robustness and generalizability of results and provide information for targeted drug development in the future

    Die Rolle des 5-HT2B_{2B}-Rezeptors in einem Maus-Tiermodell fĂŒr MigrĂ€ne

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    Der 5-HT2B_{2B}-Rezeptor spielt in der Entstehung der neurogenen Inflammation (NI), welche ein Bestandteil der MigrĂ€nepathogenese ist, eine entscheidende Rolle. In dieser Arbeit werden die beiden Hauptbestandteile der neurogenen Inflammation die Plasmaproteinextravasation (PPE) und die Vasodilatation von BlutgefĂ€ĂŸen in der Dura mater\textit {Dura mater} der Maus untersucht. Dazu wurden die MĂ€use unter hypoxischen Bedingungen gehalten, um ein neues chronisches Tiermodell zu etablieren, indem durch die akute Gabe von 5-HT2B_{2B}-Rezeptorangonisten eine, durch Evans Blue messbare, PPE erzeugt werden konnte. In einem zweiten Teil konnte gezeigt werden, dass es in der Dura mater\textit {Dura mater} der Maus eine Vasodilatation sowohl induzierbar, als auch messbar ist. Somit ist es möglich in einem Tier beide Bestandteile der NI durch Aktivierung des 5-HT2B_{2B}-Rezeptors sichtbar zu machen und somit neue Erkenntnisse ĂŒber die Entstehung der MigrĂ€ne im Menschen zu gewinnen

    Putative role of 5-HT2B receptors in migraine pathophysiology

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    Objective In this review we attempt to characterize the acute and chronic role of 5-HT2B receptors with regard to meningeal nociception in animal experiments and clinical data targeting migraine therapy. Background Migraine is a common disabling neurovascular primary headache disease, the pathomechanism of which is still unclear. Serotonin (5-HT) and its receptors might play an important role in some aspects of migraine pathogenesis. The ability of the unselective 5-HT2B receptor agonist m-chlorophenylpiperazine to induce migraine attacks in migraine sufferers, the high affinity of prophylactic antimigraine drugs to this receptor and its expression in migraine-relevant structures like the dura mater argue for a role of 5-HT2B receptors in the pathogenesis of migraine attacks. Methods For this review, the relevant databases such as PubMed, MEDLINE¼, Cochrane Library and EMBASE, respectively, were searched to December 2015 using the keywords “migraine, 5-HT2, trigeminal, neurogenic inflammation, nitric oxide, nitroxyl, vasodilatation, plasma protein extravasation” and combinations thereof. Conclusion Our literature review suggests an important role of 5-HT2B receptor activation in meningeal nociception and the generation of migraine pain

    The “WWHow” Concept for Prospective Categorization of Post-operative Severity Assessment in Mice and Rats

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    The prospective severity assessment in animal experiments in the categories' non-recovery, mild, moderate, and severe is part of each approval process and serves to estimate the harm/benefit. Harms are essential for evaluating ethical justifiability, and on the other hand, they may represent confounders and effect modifiers within an experiment. Catalogs and guidelines provide a way to assess the experimental severity prospectively but are limited in adaptation due to their nature of representing particular examples without clear explanations of the assessment strategies. To provide more flexibility for current and future practices, we developed the modular Where-What-How (WWHow) concept, which applies findings from pre-clinical studies using surgical-induced pain models in mice and rats to provide a prospective severity assessment. The WWHow concept integrates intra-operative characteristics for predicting the maximum expected severity of surgical procedures. The assessed severity categorization is mainly congruent with examples in established catalogs; however, because the WWHow concept is based on anatomical location, detailed analysis of the tissue trauma and other intra-operative characteristics, it enables refinement actions, provides the basis for a fact-based dialogue with authority officials and other stakeholders, and helps to identify confounder factors of study findings

    Effects of muscle relaxants on ischaemia damage in skeletal muscle

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    Abstract Muscle ischaemia is frequently induced intraoperatively by i.e. a surgical tourniquet or during the re-grafting phase of a free muscle transplant. The resulting muscle cell damage may impact on postoperative recovery. Neuromuscular paralysis may mitigate the effects of ischaemia. After ethics approval, 25 male Sprague-Dawley rats were anaesthetized and randomly assigned to 1 of 4 groups: Sham operation, treatment with normal saline, treatment with rocuronium (muscle relaxant) 0.6 or 1 mg kg−1, respectively. In the non-sham groups, ischaemia of one hind leg was achieved by ligation of the femoral vessels. Muscle biopsies were taken at 30 and 90 min, respectively. Cell damage was assessed in the biopsies via the expression of dystrophin, free calcium, as well as the assessment of cell viability. Pre-ischaemia muscle relaxation led to a reduction in ischaemia-induced muscle cell damage when measured by the expression of dystrophin, cell viability and the expression of free calcium even after 90 min of ischaemia (i.e. ratio control/ischaemic site for dystrophin expression after saline 0.58 ± 0.12 vs. after 1 mg/kg rocuronium 1.08 ± 0.29; P < 0.05). Muscle relaxation decreased the degree of ischaemia-induced muscle cell damage. The results may have significant clinical implications