210 research outputs found

    Alternative Forest Restoration Techniques

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    This chapter seeks to describe the need to adapt the forest restoration to the different regional environmental filters and the different ecological opportunities of the landscapes, through the adoption of techniques not conventional or alternative restoration. When starting this text, it should be made clear that all restoration models and techniques have their environmental and socioeconomic importance, since they contribute to the return of forest ecosystems to a non-degraded state, with direct or indirect impacts on the recovery and conservation of hydrological and nutrient cycles, biodiversity, agricultural production, and the minimization of climate change. Therefore, there is no pretension here to present a set of models and techniques that are “superior and unique” and that should be standardized and followed throughout the country. To be clear in this text, there are innumerable possibilities and alternatives for forest restoration in Brazil, given its continental dimensions, with remarkable climatic, edaphic, cultural, and socioeconomic diversity. Therefore, there is no single restoration model or technique that can be applied widely and on a large scale; what is important is to take advantage of the remaining potential for ecosystem regeneration by adapting more appropriate techniques for each situation


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    This study aimed to characterize the soil seed bank in an area dominated by Leucaena leucocephala, here called “Povoamento de Leucaena” (PL) and an area of native forest in the Parque Estadual do Rio Doce (PERD), both of which are affected by the city of Ipatinga, MG. Thirty sample units (SU) with dimensions of 25.0 x 25.0 x 5.0 cm were installed in each of the study areas and the seed bank of the areas was collected and evaluated. The emerging seedlings were counted and identified; the evaluations were carried out weekly during the six-month period. The average density of germinated seeds was 716.2 seeds/m² in the PL and 86.4 seeds/m² in the PERD area. In addition, 39 species were identified in the PL area (41% exotic), while in the PERD area 32 species were identified (25% exotic). The exotic tree species that stood out in number of individuals were Muntingia calabura and L. leucocephala, representing 82.57% and 5.88%, respectively of the total individuals found. Therefore, both environments are under strong environmental pressure, requiring the control of existing exotic species, as well as enrichment actions with the planting of species of diversity to accelerate the restoration process in the PL area

    Natural regeneration of seasonal semideciduous forest in different successional stages (Zona da Mata, MG, Brazil)

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a estrutura e a composição florística da regeneração natural de trechos de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual em diferentes estágios sucessionais. Para a estrutura fitossociológica, foram demarcadas sistematicamente 10 parcelas de 5 x 10 m em trecho de floresta em estágio médio de regeneração (FEM), floresta em estágio avançado de regeneração (FEA) e pastagem abandonada (PAS), sendo amostrados os indivíduos com altura ≥ 50 cme diâmetro à altura do solo ≤ 5 cm. Foi realizada análise de correspondência retificada e análise de espécies indicadoras de cada trecho. Na estrutura da regeneração natural da FEM e da pastagem, houve destaque de apenas uma espécie (Psychotria sessilis e Vernonia polyanthes, respectivamente) quanto ao Valor de Importância (VI), devido principalmente à alta densidade. Já na FEA não foi observada forte dominância por uma espécie. As três áreas apresentaram-se distintas quanto à abundância e composição de espécies, sugerindo que a matriz florestal é composta por um mosaico sucessional. Além disso, cada trecho ainda mantém espécies indicadoras características, de acordo com o estágio sucessional em que se encontram, razão pela qual ações de manejo e enriquecimento poderiam ser adotadas para acelerar o processo de sucessão.Palavras-chave: Composição florística; conservação; estrutura; sucessão secundária. AbstractNatural regeneration of seasonal semideciduous forest in different successional stages (Zona da Mata, MG, Brazil). The objective of this study was to evaluate the floristic structure and composition of the natural regeneration of stretches from Seasonal Semideciduous Forest in different successional stages. Ten plots, 5 x 10 meters in size, were systematically delimited for phytosociological structure in patches of forest which were in intermediate regeneration stage (FEM), advanced regeneration stage (FEA) and abandoned pasture (PAS).We sampled the individuals with ≥ 50 cm in height and diameter at ground height ≤ 5 cm. We performed Detrended Correspondence Analysis and analysis of indicative species of each forest section. In the natural regeneration structure of FEM and pasture it was featured only one species (Psychotria sessilis and Vernonia polyanthes, respectively) in the Importance Value (IV), mainly due to high density. In relation to the FEA there was no strong dominance by one species. The three sections showed distinct species abundance and composition, which suggests that the forest matrix comprises a successional mosaic. Furthermore, each stretch still maintains indicative characteristic species, according to the successional stage they are in. Because of this, management and enrichment actions could be performed to accelerate the succession process.Keywords: Floristic composition; conservation; structure; secondary succession.AbstractThe objective of this study was to evaluate the floristic structure and composition of the natural regeneration of stretches from Seasonal Semideciduous Forest in different successional stages. Ten plots, 5 x 10 meters in size, were systematically delimited for phytosociological structure in patches of forest which were in intermediate regeneration stage (FEM), advanced regeneration stage (FEA) and abandoned pasture (PAS).We sampled the individuals with ≥ 50 cm in height and diameter at ground height ≤ 5 cm. We performed Detrended Correspondence Analysis and analysis of indicative species of each forest section. In the natural regeneration structure of FEM and pasture it was featured only one species (Psychotria sessilis and Vernonia polyanthes, respectively) in the Importance Value (IV), mainly due to high density. In relation to the FEA there was no strong dominance by one species. The three sections showed distinct species abundance and composition, which suggests that the forest matrix comprises a successional mosaic. Furthermore, each stretch still maintains indicative characteristic species, according to the successional stage they are in. Because of this, management and enrichment actions could be performed to accelerate the succession process.Keywords: Floristic composition; conservation; structure; secondary succession

    Floristic composition of three successional stages of a riparian forest in the municipality of Arroio do Padre, very south of Brazil

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     O objetivo foi caracterizar a composição e as relações florísticas de estágios sucessionais de uma mata ciliar em um fragmento de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual no Município de Arroio do Padre, extremo sul do Brasil. A área amostral foi 1,2 ha, dividida em 0,2 ha para capoeira (5 anos de regeneração), 0,5 ha para floresta secundária (45 anos de regeneração) e 0,5 ha de floresta madura. Em parcelas de 10 x 10 m, foram amostrados todos os indivíduos arbustivo-arbóreos com DAP ≥5 cm. A riqueza nos três estágios sucessionais revelou 72 espécies, distribuídas em 52 gêneros e 33 famílias. A capoeira apresentou menor número de táxons, enquanto na fase madura ocorreram maior quantidade (49) e riqueza de espécies exclusivas (20). A composição florística foi influenciada pelo estágio sucessional, e a classificação das parcelas pela análise de similaridade formou agrupamentos conforme a idade da regeneração. Isso reflete a adaptação da comunidade às condições ambientais proporcionadas pelo avanço da sucessão ecológica. Assim, recomenda-se que as estratégias de restauração florestal considerem as espécies adaptadas ao estágio sucessional, a fim de maximizar os projetos de reflorestamento e restauração ecológica.Palavras-chave: Pelotas; Floresta Estacional Semidecidual; sucessão florestal; ecologia florestal. AbstractFloristic composition of three successional stages of a riparian forest in the municipality of Arroio do Padre, very south of Brazil. This research aims to characterize composition and floristic relations of three successional stages of a Riparian Semi-deciduous Seasonal Forest, in the municipality of Arroio do Padre, South of Brazil. The sample area was divided into 0.2 ha for ‘capoeira’ (five years of regeneration), 0.5 ha for secondary forest (45 years for regeneration), and 0.5 ha for mature forest (primary forest). Richness in the three succession stages included 72 species distributed into 52 genera and 33 families. ‘Capoeira’ presented lower quantity of taxa, whereas in the mature forest occurred greater number of species (49) and exclusive species (20). The floristic composition was influenced by successional stage and classification of plots by the similarity analysis clusters formed as the regeneration time. Differences in floristic composition reflect community adaptation to the conditions provided along succession. These variations reveal that the age of the succession reflects in forest floristic, and strategies for forest restoration should consider species adapted to successional stages in order to maximize native forests reforestation projects.Keywords: Municipality of Pelotas; Semi-deciduous Seasonal Forest; forest ecology.AbstractThis research aims to characterize composition and floristic relations of three successional stages of a Riparian Semi-deciduous Seasonal Forest, in the municipality of Arroio do Padre, South of Brazil. The sample area was divided into 0.2 ha for ‘capoeira’ (five years of regeneration), 0.5 ha for secondary forest (45 years for regeneration), and 0.5 ha for mature forest (primary forest). Richness in the three succession stages included 72 species distributed into 52 genera and 33 families. ‘Capoeira’ presented lower quantity of taxa, whereas in the mature forest occurred greater number of species (49) and exclusive species (20). The floristic composition was influenced by successional stage and classification of plots by the similarity analysis clusters formed as the regeneration time. Differences in floristic composition reflect community adaptation to the conditions provided along succession. These variations reveal that the age of the succession reflects in forest floristic, and strategies for forest restoration should consider species adapted to successional stages in order to maximize native forests reforestation projects.Keywords: Municipality of Pelotas; Semi-deciduous Seasonal Forest; forest ecology

    Influence of Environmental Variables on the Natural Regeneration of a Forest under Restoration after Bauxite Mining and in a Reference Ecosystem in Southeastern Brazil

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    The shrub-tree floristic composition of the natural regeneration stratum of a bauxite mine in the process of restoration and in a reference ecosystem (remnant of a preserved secondary Seasonal Semi-Deciduous Forest) were analysed to evaluate forest restoration conditions after five years of planting. The influence of canopy openness, accumulated leaf litter and soil attributes in the regeneration stratum were also investigated in both the forests. The floristic composition of the regeneration stratum in the forest under restoration (16 species and 5,083 individuals ha-1) and in the reference ecosystem (58 species and 26,250 individuals ha-1) are distinct due to the difference in the environmental variables. Results showed that the reference ecosystem favours the presence of species that tolerate environments with greater shading and higher aluminium and organic matter content in the soil like Psychotria carthagenensis Jacq., while the forest under restoration favours the presence of species adapted to fertile soils and those that tolerate greater luminosity like Vernonanthura phosphorica (Vell.) H.Rob


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    The aim of this study is to evaluate land cover dynamics and landscape structure in the area surrounding two water reservoirs built-in 2009 for energy production, in the mountainous region of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Serra Fluminense). The analysis was developed through the interpretation of Landsat images from 2003, 2009, and 2013, considering the following land cover classes: early successional forest, mid successional forest, pasture, pasture with shrubs and trees, geological outcrop, urban area, and water area. We used thematic maps to determine landscape metrics of size and proximity in the reservoirs catchment area and the Permanent Preservation Area (PPA). At catchment level, pasture was predominant, a consequence of the extensive livestock production carried out in the whole watershed. During the evaluated period, the forest area remained consistent, however, fragmented in many small patches of mid successional forest. The average patch area of mid successional forest is three times the size of the early successional forest patches. For neither forest land cover classes, no significant variations through time in area or isolation were identified. On the PPA, an overall reduction of the forest cover was registered before the construction of the reservoir. However, from 2009 to 2013, after the enclosure of PPA areas, the forest cover increased 35% via assisted natural regeneration, suggesting a high potential for cost-effective restoration in the region

    The structure of the understorey of pure stand of Mimosa scabrella Bentham in mined area, in Poços de Caldas, Brazil

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    Foi realizado um inventário florístico-estrutural da regeneração natural de espécies arbustivo-arbóreas do sub-bosque de um plantio homogêneo de Mimosa scabrella Bentham implantado, visando à reabilitação de área minerada, em Poços de Caldas. Foram utilizadas dezenove parcelas de 50 m2 (5 m × 10 m) e amostrados os indivíduos arbustivo-arbóreos com altura igual ou superior a 30cm, tendo sido encontrados 1.946 indivíduos, pertencentes a 63 famílias botânicas. Amostras de solo foram coletadas à profundidade de 0 cm a 20 cm, em cada uma das dezenove parcelas e analisados os teores de areia, silte, argila, matéria orgânica, pH, nitrogênio, fósforo, potássio, cálcio e magnésio. Foi analisada a influência de variáveis edáficas sobre a densidade das espécies amostradas, utilizando Análise de Correspondência Canônica (“Canonical Correspondence Analysis” – CCA). Foi verificada correlação significativa entre elas a 5% de probabilidade pelo teste de Monte-Carlo. As espécies Miconia sellowiana, Miconia pepericarpa, Cestrum amictum, Alchornea triplinervia, Cordia superba e Casearia sylvestris apresentaram comportamento próximo ao indiferente em relação às variáveis edáficas estudadas, sendo que estas se destacam de forma superior em relação às demais espécies quanto aos parâmetros florístico-estruturais. Esse comportamento reforça a indicação de tais espécies, feita por NAPPO (1999), como de potencial para uso em plantios mistos e de enriquecimento em condições similares às da área estudada. A identificação e mensuração de outras variáveis ambientais e do histórico da área são peças importantes para o entendimento dos processos de dinâmica de povoamentos e, em particular, para áreas degradadas em fase de reabilitação. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTA floristic and structural survey of the natural regeneration of shrubby and arboreal species of the understory of an established homogeneous plantation of Mimosa scabrella Bentham was corried out viewing, the reclamation of a mined area, in Poços de Caldas, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Nineteen plots of 50 m2 (5 m × 10 m) were used and the shrubby and arboreal individuals measuring equal or above 30 cm were sampled and 1,946 individuals belonging to 63 botanic families were found. Soil samples were collected at a depth of 0 to 20 cm, in each of the 19 plots, and the contents of sand, silt,clay, organic matters, pH nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium were analysed. The influence of the soil variables upon the density of the sampled species was analysed using the Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). A significative correlation was verified among these variables at a level of 5% of probability using the Monte Carlo test. The species Miconia sellowiana, Miconia pepericarpa, Cestrum amictum, Alchornea triplinervia, Cordia superba and Casearia sylvestris presented a close to indifferent behaviour in relation to the soil variables studied, and these species largely surpassed the other species in relation to the floristic and the strutured parameters. This behaviour reinforces the indication of the species, made by NAPPO (1999), as having a potential for use in mixed and enrichment plantation in condition similar to those of the studied area. The identification and mensuration of the enviromental variables and of the history of the area are important pieces for the understanding of the process of population dynamics, and particularly, for degraded area getting to the reclamation phase


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    This study was carried out at the Vale Natural Reserve in Linhares, Espírito Santo, Brazil, with the objective of testing the use of direct seeding as a forest restoration method in Tabuleiro Forest (also called Tableland Forest outside of Brazil) 16 years after its implantation. Three different treatments were evaluated in which 29 native species with different area preparations were used, namely: Total manual mowing + residue burning + herbicide (T1); Total manual mowing + residue burning (T2); and Total manual mowing (T3). Each treatment had an area of 100m² (10x10m) and an interval between plots of 2 m. The survival of the individuals implanted in the direct seeding was evaluated, as well as the natural regeneration of the new individuals with Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) = 15 cm. As a result, after 16 years we can see the presence of 16 species and 106 individuals, as well as a Shannon’s diversity index of (H’) = 1.917 and Pielou’s index (P) = 0.691, demonstrating a low floristic diversity in the area. The species which stood out the most (most individuals) were: Joannesia princeps Vell. L.C.; Spondias venulosa (Engl.) Engl.; and Peltophorum dubium (Spreng.) Taub. As a suggestion, it is recommended to use direct seeding in a complementary manner to other restoration techniques, and there should be monitoring of the area in order to assess the evolution of the process and the need for any interventions to assertively assist the entire process

    Characterization and degradation state of the trails in Caparaó National Park

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    A large increase in visitation has recently been observed in Brazilian protected areas. The presence of visitors can cause changes in the environment, generating certain unwanted impacts. Therefore, the objective of this study is to assess the visitation at Caparaó National Park, map the main trails open to the public, and determine their degree of degradation. To define the most relevant trails for this study, the following criteria were used: visitation demand, impact intensity, and zoning. The elevation profile and other physical attributes of the selected trails were obtained by GPS. Erosion was established as the predominant impact, and the length of eroded stretches on each trail was evaluated. The trail to Pico da Bandeira through Casa Queimada has a greater declivity, and, although it sees fewer visitors than the trail to Pico da Bandeira through Tronqueira, it shows a higher erosion rate. This result indicates that, in certain cases, the declivity can contribute more significantly to the increase in erosion than the number of visitors

    Soil Seed Banks in Two Environments of Forest Restoration Post Bauxite Mining: Native Tree Plantation and Natural Regeneration

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    The objective of this study was to compare the soil seed bank in an area under natural regeneration (F1) and another reforested through seedling planting (F2), seven years after bauxite mining, in Southeast, Brazil. In each area, 10 sampling points were randomly distributed, using three samples of topsoil to represent each point. The samples were transported to a shade house and evaluated for six months, where emerging individuals were identified every two weeks. Floristic similarity was evaluated with cluster analysis based on the Jaccard index (SJ). Species richness and abundance of individuals were compared using Student's t test. In F1, 2,114.94 propagules m-2 were registered, belonging to 51 species and 24 botanical families, Shannon-Wiener diversity index H’=2.770 and Pielou evenness index J’=0.705. In F2, 1,168.62 propagules m-2 were registered, belonging to 42 species and 22 families, H’=2.618 and J’=0.700. The (SJ) between F1 and F2 was 0.61, indicating a high similarity. The results showed high density of propagules, good diversity and absence of ecological dominance. The high number of individuals and diversity of tree species with zoochoric dispersion found in the areas indicates that both natural regeneration and reforestation were efficient in the ecological restoration of bauxite mined areas