3,128 research outputs found

    Neither Reasonable nor Necessary: “Amateurism” in Big-Time College Sports

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    The NCAA and its member schools are a joint venture that fixes the compensation of its most important workers, the athletes, at a level that is substantially below what would otherwise occur in a competitive market. Claims of amateurism and the need for competitive balance obscure the more than $3.5 billion dollars in revenue generated mostly on the backs of those athletes. From the point of view of rule of reason antitrust analysis, the NCAA’s justification for its concerted wage fixing has obvious weaknesses. Recent phenomenal growth in revenue has made the claims of the necessity and reasonableness of concerted action to restrain wages increasingly dubious.amateurism; monopoly; cartel; NCAA; college sports; competitive balance; collusion

    Illustrations of Price Discrimination in Baseball

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    Price discrimination of this nature, focused on differing degrees of quality, bundled goods, volume discounts, and other forms of second-degree price discrimination, is commonplace in MLB. Indeed, it is safe to say that every single MLB ticket is sold under some form of price discrimination. As teams grow increasingly sophisticated in their pricing strategies, price discrimination is becoming more precise, more wide-spread, and more profitable, while at the same time providing for more opportunities for more fans to find tickets at a price they are willing to pay. Unlike a baseball game, where one team must lose and one must win, price discrimination allows for win-win economic outcomes for teams and fans alike.price discrimination; bundling; variable pricing; dynamic pricing; secondary ticketing; two-part tariff; loaded ticket

    Incorporating Choice into Models of Technology Adoption

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    Research investigating technology adoption has assumed that the individual accepting the technology has only one technology in mind when making their adoption decision. Models such as the UTAUT, TAM, PCI assume that the decision whether or not to adopt the technology occurs within a bubble – there is no explicit understanding in these models that no other technologies exist outside of the one technology under study and that a user has no other acceptance perceptions towards any other comparable technologies. Drawing upon prior work from the marketing literature on choice, we suggest three theoretical approaches to conceptualizing choice and three mathematical approaches to measuring the choice comparison. We report upon a study of technology choice among 60 MBA students, who were given an open source and online spreadsheet application to use for one-month. We conclude by discussing the implications of our findings and suggest new avenues of research on technology choice

    Guidelines to use tomato in experiments with a controlled environment

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    Domesticated tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is the most important horticultural crop worldwide. Low polymorphism at the DNA level conflicts with the wealth of morphological variation. Fruits vary widely in size, shape, and color. In contrast, genetic variation between the 16 wild relatives is tremendous. Several large seed banks provide tomato germplasm for both domesticated and wild accessions of tomato. Recently, the genomes of the inbred cultivar “Heinz 1706” (≈900 Mb), and S. pimpinellifolium (739 Mb) were sequenced. Genomic markers and genome re-sequencing data are available for >150 cultivars and accessions. Transformation of tomato is relatively easy and T-DNA insertion line collections are available. Tomato is widely used as a model crop for fruit development but also for diverse physiological, cellular, biochemical, molecular, and genetic studies. It can be easily grown in greenhouses or growth chambers. Plants grow, flower, and develop fruits well at daily light lengths between 8 and 16 h. The required daily light integral of an experiment depends on growth stage and temperature investigated. Temperature must be 10–35°C, relative humidity 30–90%, and, CO2 concentration 200–1500 ÎŒmol mol−1. Temperature determines the speed of the phenological development while daily light integral and CO2 concentration affect photosynthesis and biomass production. Seed to seed cultivation takes 100 days at 20°C and can be shortened or delayed by temperature. Tomato may be cultivated in soil, substrates, or aeroponically without any substrate. Root volume, and water uptake requirements are primarily determined by transpiration demands of the plants. Many nutrient supply recipes and strategies are available to ensure sufficient supply as well as specific nutrient deficits/surplus. Using appropriate cultivation techniques makes tomato a convenient model plant for researchers, even for beginners

    «  Betuchte Römer benutzten zu allen Jahreszeiten Schnee und Eis zur KĂŒhlung  ». Zwischenbericht zum experimental-archĂ€ologischen Projekt "fossa nivalis" in Augusta Raurica.

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    Zur Chronologie und Typologie der drei Theaterbauten von Augusta Rauricorum (Augst BL) : die vorlÀufigen Ergebnisse der Grabung 1990.51, FlÀche 3 (Region 2A, Giebenacherstr. 22, Parzelle 521)

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    Steinarchitektur - Öffentliches GebĂ€ude - Römerzeit - Baselland - Schwei

    Die spĂ€trömische Befestigung auf Kastelen in Augst BL : ein Vorbericht : mit einem Exkurs ĂŒber die unter Aureolus in Mailand geprĂ€gten PostumusmĂŒnzen.

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    Schweiz - Baselland - Römerzeit - SpĂ€tantike - Burg/Befestigung - Steinarchitektur - Befestigung - WohngebĂ€ude -ArchĂ€ologie/Ur- und FrĂŒhgeschicht

    Jahresbericht der Vindonissa-Professur 2016

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