2,563 research outputs found

    Fearless Friday: Julie Schuldt & Hannah Dallman

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    In this week’s edition of Fearless Friday, SURGE is honoring Julie Schuldt and Hannah Dallman for all the work they have done in our community as well as working on Gettysburg College’s first “Study Abroad Symposium.” [excerpt

    Web Video in Numbers - An Analysis of Web-Video Metadata

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    Web video is often used as a source of data in various fields of study. While specialized subsets of web video, mainly earmarked for dedicated purposes, are often analyzed in detail, there is little information available about the properties of web video as a whole. In this paper we present insights gained from the analysis of the metadata associated with more than 120 million videos harvested from two popular web video platforms, vimeo and YouTube, in 2016 and compare their properties with the ones found in commonly used video collections. This comparison has revealed that existing collections do not (or no longer) properly reflect the properties of web video "in the wild".Comment: Dataset available from http://download-dbis.dmi.unibas.ch/WWIN

    The PS-Battles Dataset - an Image Collection for Image Manipulation Detection

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    The boost of available digital media has led to a significant increase in derivative work. With tools for manipulating objects becoming more and more mature, it can be very difficult to determine whether one piece of media was derived from another one or tampered with. As derivations can be done with malicious intent, there is an urgent need for reliable and easily usable tampering detection methods. However, even media considered semantically untampered by humans might have already undergone compression steps or light post-processing, making automated detection of tampering susceptible to false positives. In this paper, we present the PS-Battles dataset which is gathered from a large community of image manipulation enthusiasts and provides a basis for media derivation and manipulation detection in the visual domain. The dataset consists of 102'028 images grouped into 11'142 subsets, each containing the original image as well as a varying number of manipulated derivatives.Comment: The dataset introduced in this paper can be found on https://github.com/dbisUnibas/PS-Battle

    Towards an All-Purpose Content-Based Multimedia Information Retrieval System

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    The growth of multimedia collections - in terms of size, heterogeneity, and variety of media types - necessitates systems that are able to conjointly deal with several forms of media, especially when it comes to searching for particular objects. However, existing retrieval systems are organized in silos and treat different media types separately. As a consequence, retrieval across media types is either not supported at all or subject to major limitations. In this paper, we present vitrivr, a content-based multimedia information retrieval stack. As opposed to the keyword search approach implemented by most media management systems, vitrivr makes direct use of the object's content to facilitate different types of similarity search, such as Query-by-Example or Query-by-Sketch, for and, most importantly, across different media types - namely, images, audio, videos, and 3D models. Furthermore, we introduce a new web-based user interface that enables easy-to-use, multimodal retrieval from and browsing in mixed media collections. The effectiveness of vitrivr is shown on the basis of a user study that involves different query and media types. To the best of our knowledge, the full vitrivr stack is unique in that it is the first multimedia retrieval system that seamlessly integrates support for four different types of media. As such, it paves the way towards an all-purpose, content-based multimedia information retrieval system

    ¿Cuesta demasiado el dólar? : algunas hipótesis económicas y políticas respecto al tipo de cambio en 1977 y 1978

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    Analiza la devaluación del sol respecto al dólar como resultado de la dinámica del “mercado libre” de cambios (reinstaurado el 11 de octubre de 1977). En este artículo se intenta dar unos pasos para dar respuesta a la interrogante que lo encabeza, señalando asimismo algunos elementos a considerarse en la proyección del tipo de cambio hasta fines de 1978

    Los efectos "adaptación" e "innovación" en la producción de los países tecnológicamente dependientes

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    Como es ya bien conocido, la gran mayoría de bienes que inicialmente importamos de las sociedades metrópoli (especialmente de los EEUU), se llega; a producir -luego de cierto tiempo- en nuestras propias sociedades. El efecto demostración internacional en el consumo garantiza y asegura la fluidez del fenómeno por el lado de la demanda. Por el lado de la oferta, en unos casos la misma empresa extranjera innovadora (que, generalmente, es "multinacional") efectúa tal transferencia de lo producción a países periféricos paro reducir los costos de producción con el objeto de re-exportar las mercancías a la metrópoli. En un inicio la producción de la nueva mercancía cubre sólo la demanda de los grupos de ingreso más alto en el país metropolitano, pero con su generalización a toda la sociedad y con el peligro de la aparición de bienes parecidos lanzados al mercado por otros, la empresa necesita producir más eficientemente si desee seguir gozando del alto grado de monopolio adquirido inicialmente por la innovación. Por ello se ubica en países en que la mano de obra (y la materia prima) permita reducir los costos -con lo que podrá llevar los bienes elaborados en la periferia a las sociedades centrales. El análisis posterior se referirá a esto como el Caso l. En otros situaciones lo producción se realizó solamente para atender la demanda nacional (del país periférico). El traspaso de lo producción de la metrópoli al país no-innovador responde a varias causas -que pueden darse separadamente o en combinación-, a sabe a los trabas (1) impuestos a la importación del bien innovado, al peligro que otros competidores de lo metrópoli introduzcan un sucedáneo al mercado nacional, o la amplitud de la demanda nacional, etc. (2). Por lo general, se trata aquí de una subsidiario - extranjero (filial de lo sede innovadora) que "sustituye importaciones; aunque, también, se dan ejemplos en que es un capitalista nocional -bien informado sobre la evolución tecnológica en la metrópoli- quién realiza tal producción adquiriendo los derechos para usar la innovación. A estas situaciones los denominaremos Coso II en el estudio (hipotético) que sigue. En este borrador se estudian los consecuencias -por lo general, nefastas- que para nuestros países conlleva la transferencia de las innovaciones metropolitanas. Al final se propondrán algunas medidas de política económica -en especial con respecto a la inversión extranjera-, recomendables para reducir el impacto dañino

    Erklären, warum Bibliotheken so sind, wie sie sind: Zur Nutzung von Archivmaterialien zur Erklärung des Status Quo von Bibliotheken

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    Die Geschichte von Bibliotheken kann helfen, ihren heutigen Status Quo zu erklären und Hinweise darauf geben, welche Entwicklungen der Bibliotheken realistisch sind. Anhand eines Beispiels aus einer Studie zum Status Quo der Volksschulbibliotheken im Kanton St. Gallen soll gezeigt werden, dass eine solche Rekonstruktion der Geschichte von Bibliotheken und bibliothekarischen Infrastrukturen mit teilweise wenig Aufwand möglich ist und unerwartete Ergebnisse hervorbringen kann. Zudem wird gezeigt, wie mit einer Archivrecherche der Status Quo von Bibliotheken gut erklärt werden kann

    Analysis of rate-dependent deformation and fracture phenomena during cutting of viscoelastic materials

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    The cutting of foods is characterized by deformation, fracture and friction processes, and the viscoelastic properties of the cutting materials determine their rate-dependent cutting behavior. This is responsible for uncontrolled fracture and deformation events with increasing cutting velocity. There is a significant information deficit regarding the assignment of material properties and cutting parameters, as well as regarding a process description for industrial high-speed cutting. The aim of the work is the analysis of the velocity-dependent cutting behavior of foods up to the high-speed range. The focus is on the deformation and fracture phenomena, analysed by methods of classical material analysis but also associated cutting experiments performed in the range from low to high cutting velocities. For high-speed analyses, a test station enabling cutting velocities of up to 10 m/s was designed. To identify relevant material and cutting parameters and to establish a systematic experimental program, elastomer-based model systems with controllable viscoelastic profiles were developed. The results of the respective investigations were further verified for foods. The velocity-dependent deformation behavior during cutting could be described by dynamic-mechanical material analyses in the frequency range. Cutting force slopes at the beginning of the cutting process correlated with the complex moduli and were furthermore dependent on the cutting velocity; this dependency corresponded to the frequency behavior from material analysis. The fracture properties could be attributed to ductile (polymeric systems) or brittle behavior (cellular plant systems). Confectionary products had a strong temperature- and time-dependent behavior with ductile-brittle transition within the experimental conditions. The results obtained demonstrate that there is a significant relationship between viscoelasticity and velocity-dependent cutting behavior. They allow a phenomenological process description of high-speed cutting and can be used as a basis for the balancing of cutting forces and as input parameters for numerical analyses of the cutting process.Das Schneiden von Lebensmitteln ist geprägt durch Deformations-, Bruch- und Reibvorgänge. Dabei bestimmen die viskoelastischen Eigenschaften der Schneidgüter deren geschwindigkeitsabhängiges Schneidverhalten. Dies führt mit zunehmender Schneidgeschwindigkeit zu unkontrollierten Bruch- und Deformationsereignissen. Dabei besteht ein Informationsdefizit bei der konkreten Zuweisung von Materialeigenschaften und Schneidparametern sowie einer Verfahrensbeschreibung für das industrielle Hochgeschwindigkeitsschneiden. Ziel der Arbeit ist die Analyse des geschwindigkeitsabhängigen Schneidverhaltens von Lebensmitteln bis in den Hochgeschwindigkeitsbereich. Der Fokus richtet sich auf die Untersuchung der Teilphänomene Deformation und Bruch durch Methoden der klassischen Materialanalyse sowie zugeordnete Schneidexperimente im Bereich von niedrigen bis hohen Schneidgeschwindigkeiten. Für entsprechende Hochgeschwindigkeitsanalysen wurde ein Versuchsstand mit Schneidgeschwindigkeiten von bis zu 10 m/s konzipiert. Zur Identifikation relevanter Material- und Schneidparameter und zur Aufstellung des systematischen Versuchsprogramms wurden Modellsysteme auf Elastomerbasis mit steuerbarem viskoelastischen Profil entwickelt. Die Ergebnisse wurden für Lebensmittel verifiziert. Das geschwindigkeitsabhängige Deformationsverhalten beim Schneiden konnte durch dynamisch-mechanische Materialanalysen im Frequenzbereich beschrieben werden. Dabei korrelierten Kraftanstiege zu Beginn des Schneidvorganges mit den Komplexmoduln. Die Anstiege zeigten eine Abhängigkeit von der Geschwindigkeit; diese entsprach dem Frequenzverhalten aus der Materialanalyse. Die Brucheigenschaften konnten produktspezifisch duktilem (polymere Systeme) oder sprödem Verhalten (zelluläre, pflanzliche Systeme) zugeordnet werden. Zuckerwaren zeigten ein stark temperatur - und zeitabhängiges Verhalten mit duktil-sprödem Übergang innerhalb der Versuchsbedingungen. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse demonstrieren den Zusammenhang von Viskoelastizität und geschwindigkeitsabhängigem Schneidverhalten. Sie erlauben eine phänomen ologische Verfahrensbeschreibung des Hochgeschwindigkeitsschneidens und können als Basis für die Bilanzierung von Schneidkräften und als Eingangsparameter für numerische Analysen des Schneidvorganges dienen

    Multi-channel automatic gain control

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    Automatic gain control (AGC) in audio conferencing aims to produce an even speech output level, e.g., by amplifying weak speech and attenuating strong speech. A non-zero adaptation time is needed to reliably measure current speech level prior to applying gain, e.g., too fast an application of gain can result in over- and under-shooting, which manifests as unpleasant aural artifacts. When multiple voices of varying strength in a room take turns speaking, the AGC re-adapts frequently, resulting in audible and unnatural aural side-effects. Techniques of this disclosure provide automatic gain control for each microphone, and apply the AGC gain after microphone selection but before mixing of microphone signals. Gains are adapted only across selected microphones, or microphones with energy levels similar to a selected microphone. In this manner, the techniques produce an even speech output level without the potentially jarring side-effects of AGC adaptation