885 research outputs found

    Grupos asociativos de turismo rural en Argentina : el caso de los grupos Cambio Rural del Centro Regional Buenos Aires sur del INTA

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    El Turismo Rural en la Argentina, surge acompañando los cambios en la demanda de los turistas que buscan formas de recreación en espacios abiertos. En esta actividad coexisten diferentes actores que llevan adelante la actividad. Si bien prevalecen los emprendimientos individuales y de baja escala de producción, existen grupos que trabajan en forma asociativa con la finalidad de facilitar la adaptación a los cambios y desafíos que plantea el nuevo escenario nacional y mundial. Dentro de estos, se destacan aquellos nucleados en la región del CeRBAS (Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur) perteneciente al INTA (Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria), por ser una región que logró mantener la cantidad de grupos asociativos; explicando en la actualidad el 20 por ciento del total a nivel país. En este sentido, surge como objetivo de investigación dilucidar qué aspectos ha logrado resolver el trabajo asociativo en este grupo y cuáles aún se presentan como desafíos a solucionar en pos del desarrollo sostenido de la actividad. Se utilizó como metodología el estudio de caso simple a partir del desarrollo del caso CeRBAS. Se seleccionaron tres variables: la tecnológica, la comercial y la actitudinal, las cuales se midieron a partir de encuestas semi estructuradas a 45 productores del grupo. Los resultados de las encuestas se procesaron con herramientas estadísticas multivariadas (Componentes principales y Análisis de Clúster), utilizando el software PC-ORD. En dos ejes se logró explicar el 64,5 por ciento de la variación total de la muestra. Del análisis de las variables se observa que la mayor limitante corresponde a la dimensión comercial y dentro de esta, el indicador de mayor peso, fue la dificultad de acceso al mercado (64 por ciento). El trabajo del grupo logró posicionarlos por encima de la media tecnológica del sector de Turismo Rural. Estos resultados se acompañaron de una actitud positiva frente al trabajo grupal (98 por ciento de los productores). La limitante comercial se correlacionó positivamente con la percepción de la performance económica por parte del productor que manifestó tener falta de fondos para inversión (91 por ciento) y retiros mensuales insuficientes (49 por ciento). Se concluye que los productores nucleados en los grupos asociativos de Turismo Rural del caso estudiado lograron ventajas tecnológicas, actitudinales y mostraron predisposición al trabajo en grupo, sin embargo, no logran resolver aspectos comerciales representando una de las principales limitaciones que dificulta la sostenibilidad de la actividad de los mismos

    Patrick-Murray Administration Celebrates Grand Opening of Old Colony Housing Development

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    <p>This case report presents the use of near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF) imaging using indocyanine green (ICG) and its potential for the evaluation of soft tissue viability in a traumatic case. Standard implementation of this novel imaging modality might decrease the number of surgical debridement procedures in complex traumatic wounds.</p

    Deep sternal wound infection after open heart surgery: current treatment insights. A retrospective study of 36 cases

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    The aim of this study was to retrospectively evaluate the results of reconstructing infected post-sternotomy wounds, with either sternal plating and/or pectoralis major flap transposition or pedicled omentoplasty after previous vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) therapy. Between January 2005 and December 2010, 36 patients, suffering from deep sternal wound infection (DSWI) after coronary artery bypass grafting procedure, received (plastic) reconstructive surgery. All patients, treated in the Maastricht University Medical Centre (Departments of Plastic Surgery and Cardiothoracic Surgery), were selected for this study. For 22 patients, sternal refixation and reconstruction were obtained by sternal internal plate fixation combined with bilateral pectoralis major advancement flap. In 11 patients, a pedicled omentoplasty was performed, with or without split-skin graft and additional VAC therapy. Three patients only received a pectoralis plasty. We evaluated preoperative characteristics and post-operative course. Twenty-four patients (66.7%) had an uneventful post-operative course. Complications in the other patients included wound dehiscence, herniation of the donor site and infection of sternal plating material. Average sternal wound healing after sternal plating plus pectoralis plasty, pectoralis plasty and omentoplasty respectively accounted 7.7, 8.0 and 11.6 weeks. From our experience, we recommend VAC therapy plus delayed sternal plating and additional bilateral pectoralis major flap advancement as first repair option in case of DSWI. However, individual clinical conditions need to be taken into account when making a decision between the different available reconstructive options. Omentoplasty should be reserved for cases in which the sternum has recurrently fallen open after previous sternal plate refixation, or for cases in which the sternum defect is too extended

    Self-report versus care provider registration of healthcare utilization: impact on cost and cost-utility

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    OBJECTIVES: This study aims to compare the impact of two different sources of resource use, self-report versus care provider registrations, on cost and cost utility. METHODS: Data were gathered for a cost-effectiveness study performed alongside a 2-year randomized controlled trial evaluating the effect of an INTERdisciplinary COMmunity-based management program (INTERCOM) for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The program was offered by physiotherapists, dieticians and respiratory nurses. During the 2-year period, patients reported all resource use in a cost booklet. In addition, data on hospital admissions and outpatient visits, visits to the physiotherapist, dietician or respiratory nurse, diet nutrition, and outpatient medication were obtained from administrative records. The cost per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) was calculated in two ways, using data from the cost booklet or registrations. RESULTS: In total, 175 patients were included in the study. Agreement between self-report and registrations was almost perfect for hospitalizations (rho = 0.93) and physiotherapist visits (rho = 0.86), but above 0.55, moderate, for all other types of care. The total cost difference between the registrations and the cost booklet was 464 euros with the highest difference for hospitalizations 386 euro. Based on the cost booklet the cost difference between the treatment group and usual care was 2,444 euros (95 percent confidence interval [CI], -819 to 5,950), which resulted in a cost-utility of 29,100 euro/QALY. For the registrations, the results were 2,498 euros (95 percent CI, -88 to 6,084) and 29,390 euro/QALY, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that the use of self-reported data or data from registrations effected within-group costs, but not between-group costs or the cost utility

    The perspectives of people with dementia on their future, end of life and on being cared for by others:A qualitative study

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    Aims and objectives:  To explore the perspectives of people with dementia on being cared for by others, on the future and on the end of life, and to evaluate the capability and willingness of participants to have these conversations. Background:  Awareness about perspectives of people with dementia should decrease stigmatisation and improve their quality of life. Applying palliative care principles from an early stage is important to address diverse needs and to anticipate the future. Few studies investigate perspectives of people with dementia regarding palliative care, including advance care planning. DESIGN: Qualitative descriptive design. METHODS: We performed in-depth interviews with 18 community-dwelling persons with dementia in South-Limburg, the Netherlands. Transcripts were analysed using an inductive content analysis. Two authors coded the data and regularly compared coding. All authors discussed abstraction into categories and themes. We followed the COREQ reporting guidelines. Results:  Five overarching themes derived from the interviews were as follows: (a) My life still has value and meaning, (b) I am my own unique individual, (c) I place my trust in other people, (d) The future worries me, and (e) I accept and embrace what life brings. Conclusions:  Participants' thoughts about the future and the end of life involved feelings of ambiguity and anxiety, but also of contentment and resignation. Despite worrying thoughts of decline, participants primarily demonstrated resilience and acceptance. They expressed appreciation and trust towards those who care for them. They wished to be recognised as unique and worthy humans, until the end of life. Relevance to clinical practice:  This study demonstrates capability and willingness of people with dementia to discuss the future and end-of-life topics. Public and professional awareness may facilitate opportunities for informal end-of-life discussions. Healthcare professionals should promote belongingness of persons with dementia and strive to build equal, trustful care relationships with them and their families

    A prospective study of decline in fat free mass and skeletal muscle strength in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    BACKGROUND: Skeletal muscle depletion is an important complication of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) but little prospective data exists about the rate at which it occurs and the factors that promote its development. We therefore prospectively investigated the impact of disease severity, exacerbation frequency and treatment with corticosteroids on change in body composition and maximum isometric quadriceps strength (QMVC) over one year. METHODS: 64 patients with stable COPD (FEV(1 )mean (SD) 35.8(18.4) %predicted) were recruited from clinic and studied on two occasions one year apart. Fat free mass was determined using bioelectrical impedance analysis and a disease specific regression equation. RESULTS: QMVC fell from 34.8(1.5) kg to 33.3(1.5) kg (p = 0.04). The decline in quadriceps strength was greatest in those with the highest strength at baseline (R -0.28 p = 0.02) and was not correlated with lung function, exacerbation frequency or steroid treatment. Decline in fat free mass was similarly higher in those with largest FFM at baseline (R = -0.31 p = 0.01) but was more strongly correlated with greater gas trapping (R = -0.4 p = 0.001). Patients with frequent exacerbations (>1 per year) (n = 36) experienced a greater decline in fat free mass compared to infrequent exacerbators (n = 28) -1.3(3.7)kg vs. +1.2(3.1)kg (p = 0.005), as did patients on maintenance oral steroids (n = 8) -2.8(3.3) kg vs. +0.2(3.5) kg (p = 0.024) whereas in those who stopped smoking (n = 7) fat free mass increased; +2.7(3.1) kg vs. -0.51(3.5) kg (p = 0.026). CONCLUSION: Decline in fat free mass in COPD is associated with worse lung function, continued cigarette consumption and frequent exacerbations. Factors predicting progression of quadriceps weakness could not be identified from the present cohort

    Systemic impairment in relation to disease burden in patients with moderate COPD eligible for a lifestyle program. Findings from the INTERCOM trial

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    Carel R van Wetering1, Floortje E van Nooten2, Stijn J M Mol3, Martine Hoogendoorn2, Maureen P M H Rutten-van M&amp;ouml;lken2, Annemie M Schols41Department of Physiotherapy, M&amp;aacute;xima Medical Centre, Veldhoven, The Netherlands; 2Institute for Medical Technology Assessment, Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 3Department of Respiratory Medicine, M&amp;aacute;xima Medical Centre, Veldhoven, The Netherlands; 4Department of Respiratory Medicine, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The NetherlandsIntroduction: In contrast with the frequency distribution of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) stages in the population, in which the majority of the patients is classified as GOLD 2, much less information is available on the prevalence and implications of systemic manifestations in less severe patients relative to GOLD 3 and 4.Aim: To characterize local and systemic impairment in relation to disease burden in a group of GOLD 2 COPD patients (n = 127, forced expiratory volume in one second (SD): 67 (11)% pred) that were eligible for the Interdisciplinary Community-based COPD management (INTERCOM) trial.Methods: Patients were included for this lifestyle program based on a peak exercise capacity (Wmax) &amp;lt;70% of predicted. Metabolic and ventilatory response to incremental cycle ergometry, 6 minute walking distance (6MWD), constant work rate test (CWR), lung function, maximal inspiratory pressure (Pimax), quadriceps force (QF), quadriceps average power (QP) (isokinetic dynamometry), handgrip force (HGF) and body composition were measured. Quality of life (QoL) was assessed by the St. George&amp;rsquo;s Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) and dyspnea by the modified Medical Research Council (MRC) dyspnea scale. Exacerbations and COPD-associated hospital admissions in 12 months prior to the start of the study were recorded. Burden of disease was defined in terms of exercise capacity, QoL, hospitalization, and exacerbation frequency. GOLD 2 patients were compared with reference values and with GOLD 3 patients who were also included in the trial.Results: HGF (77.7 (18.8) % pred) and Pimax (67.1 (22.5)% pred) were impaired in GOLD 2, while QF (93.5 (22.5)% pred) was only modestly decreased. Depletion of FFM was present in 15% of weight stable GOLD 2 patients while only 2% had experienced recent involuntary weight loss. In contrast to Wmax, submaximal exercise capacity, muscle function, and body composition were not significantly different between GOLD 2 and 3 subgroups. Body mass index and fat-free mass index were significantly lower in smokers compared to ex-smokers. In multivariate analysis, QF and diffusing capacity (DLco) were independently associated with Wmax and 6 MWD in GOLD 2 while only 6 MWD was identified as an independent determinant of health-related QoL. HGF was an independent predictor of hospitalization.Conclusions: This study shows that also in patients with moderate COPD, eligible for a lifestyle program based on a decreased exercise capacity, systemic impairment is an important determinant of disease burden and that smoking affects body composition.Keywords: COPD, systemic impairment, lifestyle, pulmonary rehabilitatio

    The potential of individualized dosing of ravulizumab to improve patient-friendliness of paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria treatment at reduced costs

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    Contains fulltext : 237767.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access)Ravulizumab is a very expensive complement C5-inhibitor for the treatment of paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria, with a fixed-dosing interval of 8 weeks. For lifelong treatment, a cost-effective and patient-friendly dosing strategy is preferred. We therefore explored alternative ravulizumab dosing regimens in silico based on the thorough dose-finding studies of the manufacturer. Extending the interval to 10 weeks or individually extending the interval to a mean of 12.8 weeks based on pharmacokinetic monitoring resulted in noninferior efficacy in terms of lactate dehydrogenase normalization, with drug cost savings up to 37%. We here show the potential of individualized ravulizumab dosing to improve patient-friendliness at reduced costs