82 research outputs found

    Integrability vs Supersymmetry: Poisson Structures of The Pohlmeyer Reduction

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    We construct recursively an infinite number of Poisson structures for the supersymmetric integrable hierarchy governing the Pohlmeyer reduction of superstring sigma models on the target spaces AdS_{n}\times S^n, n=2,3,5. These Poisson structures are all non-local and not relativistic except one, which is the canonical Poisson structure of the semi-symmetric space sine-Gordon model (SSSSG). We verify that the superposition of the first three Poisson structures corresponds to the canonical Poisson structure of the reduced sigma model. Using the recursion relations we construct commuting charges on the reduced sigma model out of those of the SSSSG model and in the process we explain the integrable origin of the Zukhovsky map and the twisted inner product used in the sigma model side. Then, we compute the complete Poisson superalgebra for the conserved Drinfeld-Sokolov supercharges associated to an exotic kind of extended non-local rigid 2d supersymmetry recently introduced in the SSSSG context. The superalgebra has a kink central charge which turns out to be a generalization to the SSSSG models of the well-known central extensions of the N=1 sine-Gordon and N=2 complex sine-Gordon model Poisson superalgebras computed from 2d superspace. The computation is done in two different ways concluding the proof of the existence of 2d supersymmetry in the reduced sigma model phase space under the boost invariant SSSSG Poisson structure.Comment: 33 pages, Published versio

    Lambda Models From Chern-Simons Theories

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    In this paper we refine and extend the results of arXiv:1701.04138, where a connection between the AdS5×S5AdS_{5}\times S^{5} superstring lambda model on S1=∂DS^{1}=\partial D and a double Chern-Simons (CS) theory on DD based on the Lie superalgebra psu(2,2∣4)\mathfrak{psu}(2,2|4) was suggested, after introduction of the spectral parameter zz. The relation between both theories mimics the well-known CS/WZW symplectic reduction equivalence but is non-chiral in nature. All the statements are now valid in the strong sense, i.e. valid on the whole phase space, making the connection between both theories precise. By constructing a zz-dependent gauge field in the 2+1 Hamiltonian CS theory it is shown that: i) by performing a symplectic reduction of the CS theory the Maillet algebra satisfied by the extended Lax connection of the lambda model emerges as a boundary current algebra and ii) the Poisson algebra of the supertraces of zz-dependent Wilson loops in the CS theory obey some sort of spectral parameter generalization of the Goldman bracket. The latter algebra is interpreted as the precursor of the (ambiguous) lambda model monodromy matrix Poisson algebra prior to the symplectic reduction. As a consequence, the problematic non-ultralocality of lambda models is avoided (for any value of the deformation parameter λ⊂[0,1]\lambda \subset [0,1]), showing how the lambda model classical integrable structure can be understood as a byproduct of the symplectic reduction process of the zz-dependent CS theory.Comment: Published version+Erratum (of typos), 57 page

    A generalized 4d Chern-Simons theory

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    A generalization of the 4d Chern-Simons theory action introduced by Costello and Yamazaki is presented. We apply general arguments from symplectic geometry concerning the Hamiltonian action of a symmetry group on the space of gauge connections defined on a 4d manifold and construct an action functional that is quadratic in the moment map associated to the group action. The generalization relies on the use of contact 1-forms defined on non-trivial circle bundles over Riemann surfaces and mimics closely the approach used by Beasley and Witten to reformulate conventional 3d Chern-Simons theories on Seifert manifolds. We also show that the path integral of the generalized theory associated to integrable field theories of the PCM type, takes the canonical form of a symplectic integral over a subspace of the space of gauge connections, turning it a potential candidate for using the method of non-Abelian localization. Alternatively, this new quadratic completion of the 4d Chern-Simons theory can also be deduced in an intuitive way from manipulations similar to those used in T-duality. Further details on how to recover the original 4d Chern-Simons theory data, from the point of view of the Hamiltonian formalism applied to the generalized theory, are included as well.Comment: 54 pages. Comments are welcom

    Integrable deformations of strings on symmetric spaces

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    A general class of deformations of integrable sigma-models with symmetric space F/G target-spaces are found. These deformations involve defining the non-abelian T dual of the sigma-model and then replacing the coupling of the Lagrange multiplier imposing flatness with a gauged F/F WZW model. The original sigma-model is obtained in the limit of large level. The resulting deformed theories are shown to preserve both integrability and the equations-of-motion, but involve a deformation of the symplectic structure. It is shown that this deformed symplectic structure involves a linear combination of the original Poisson bracket and a generalization of the Faddeev-Reshetikhin Poisson bracket which we show can be re-expressed as two decoupled F current algebras. It is then shown that the deformation can be incorporated into the classical model of strings on R x F/G via a generalization of the Pohlmeyer reduction. In this case, in the limit of large sigma-model coupling it is shown that the theory becomes the relativistic symmetric space sine-Gordon theory. These results point to the existence of a deformation of this kind for the full Green-Schwarz superstring on AdS5 x S5.Comment: 41 pages, typos corrected, references adde

    Supersymmetry Flows, Semi-Symmetric Space Sine-Gordon Models And The Pohlmeyer Reduction

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    We study the extended supersymmetric integrable hierarchy underlying the Pohlmeyer reduction of superstring sigma models on semi-symmetric superspaces F/G. This integrable hierarchy is constructed by coupling two copies of the homogeneous integrable hierarchy associated to the loop Lie superalgebra extension f of the Lie superalgebra f of F and this is done by means of the algebraic dressing technique and a Riemann-Hilbert factorization problem. By using the Drinfeld-Sokolov procedure we construct explicitly, a set of 2D spin \pm1/2 conserved supercharges generating supersymmetry flows in the phase space of the reduced model. We introduce the bi-Hamiltonian structure of the extended homogeneous hierarchy and show that the two brackets are of the Kostant-Kirillov type on the co-adjoint orbits defined by the light-cone Lax operators L_\pm. By using the second symplectic structure, we show that these supersymmetries are Hamiltonian flows, we compute part of the supercharge algebra and find the supersymmetric field variations they induce. We also show that this second Poisson structure coincides with the canonical Lorentz-Invariant symplectic structure of the WZNW model involved in the Lagrangian formulation of the extended integrable hierarchy, namely, the semi-symmetric space sine-Gordon model (SSSSG), which is the Pohlmeyer reduced action functional for the transverse degrees of freedom of superstring sigma models on the cosets F/G. We work out in some detail the Pohlmeyer reduction of the AdS_2xS^2 and the AdS_3xS^3 superstrings and show that the new conserved supercharges can be related to the supercharges extracted from 2D superspace. In particular, for the AdS_2xS^2 example, they are formally the same.Comment: V2: Two references added, V3: Modifications in section 2.6, V4: Published versio

    The AdS(5)xS(5) Semi-Symmetric Space Sine-Gordon Theory

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    The generalized symmetric space sine-Gordon theories are a series of 1+1-integrable field theories that are classically equivalent to superstrings on symmetric space spacetimes F/G. They are formulated in terms of a semi-symmetric space as a gauged WZW model with fermions and a potential term to deform it away from the conformal fixed point. We consider in particular the case of PSU(2,2|4)/Sp(2,2)xSp(4) which corresponds to AdS(5)xS(5). We argue that the infinite tower of conserved charges of these theories includes an exotic N=(8,8) supersymmetry that is realized in a mildy non-local way at the Lagrangian level. The supersymmetry is associated to a double central extension of the superalgebra psu(2|2)+psu(2|2) and includes a non-trivial R symmetry algebra corresponding to global gauge transformations, as well as 2-dimensional spacetime translations. We then explicitly construct soliton solutions and show that they carry an internal moduli superspace CP(2|1)xCP(2|1) with both bosonic and Grassmann collective coordinates. We show how to semi-classical quantize the solitons by writing an effective quantum mechanical system on the moduli space which takes the form of a co-adjoint orbit of SU(2|2)xSU(2|2). The spectrum consists of a tower of massive states in the short, or atypical, symmetric representations, just as the giant magnon states of the string world sheet theory, although here the tower is truncated.Comment: 39 pages, references adde

    Search for Fragmented M1 Strength in the 48-Ca(p,p') Reaction

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY-931478

    S-matrices and quantum group symmetry of k-deformed sigma models

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    Recently, several kinds of integrable deformations of the string world sheet theory in the gauge/gravity correspondence have been constructed. One class of these, the k deformations associated to the more general q deformations but with q=exp(i pi/k) a root of unity, has been shown to be related to a particular discrete deformation of the principal chiral models and (semi-)symmetric space sigma models involving a gauged WZW model. We conjecture a form for the exact S-matrices of the bosonic integrable field theories of this type. The S-matrices imply that the theories have a hidden infinite dimensional affine quantum group symmetry. We provide some evidence, via quantum inverse scattering techniques, that the theories do indeed possess the finite-dimensional part of this quantum grou
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