1,877 research outputs found

    Hyperresolution for guarded formulae

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    AbstractThis paper investigates the use of hyperresolution as a decision procedure and model builder for guarded formulae. In general, hyperresolution is not a decision procedure for the entire guarded fragment. However we show that there are natural fragments of the guarded fragment which can be decided by hyperresolution. In particular, we prove decidability of hyperresolution with or without splitting for the fragment GF1− and point out several ways of extending this fragment without losing decidability. As hyperresolution is closely related to various tableaux methods the present work is also relevant for tableaux methods. We compare our approach to hypertableaux, and mention the relationship to other clausal classes which are decidable by hyperresolution

    Recoil-Ion and Electron Momentum Spectroscopy: Reaction-Microscopes

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    Recoil-ion and electron momentum spectroscopy is a rapidly developing technique that allows one to measure the vector momenta of several ions and electrons resulting from atomic or molecular fragmentation. In a unique combination, large solid angles close to 4 and superior momentum resolutions around a few per cent of an atomic unit (a.u.) are typically reached in state-of-the art machines, so-called reaction-microscopes. Evolving from recoil-ion and cold target recoil-ion momentum spectroscopy (COLTRIMS), reaction-microscopes—the `bubble chambers of atomic physics'—mark the decisive step forward to investigate many-particle quantum-dynamics occurring when atomic and molecular systems or even surfaces and solids are exposed to time-dependent external electromagnetic fields. This paper concentrates on just these latest technical developments and on at least four new classes of fragmentation experiments that have emerged within about the last five years. First, multi-dimensional images in momentum space brought unprecedented information on the dynamics of single-photon induced fragmentation of fixed-in-space molecules and on their structure. Second, a break-through in the investigation of high-intensity short-pulse laser induced fragmentation of atoms and molecules has been achieved by using reaction-microscopes. Third, for electron and ion-impact, the investigation of two-electron reactions has matured to a state such that the first fully differential cross sections (FDCSs) are reported. Fourth, comprehensive sets of FDCSs for single ionization of atoms by ion-impact, the most basic atomic fragmentation reaction, brought new insight, a couple of surprises and unexpected challenges to theory at keV to GeV collision energies. In addition, a brief summary on the kinematics is provided at the beginning. Finally, the rich future potential of the method is briefly envisaged

    Three-body Interactions In Proton-helium Angular Scattering

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    H++He scattering at 0.5 MeV has been investigated using a coincidence technique that completely determines the three-body transverse momentum exchange in single ionization collisions. Three scattering regions could be distinctly recognized that are dominated by proton helium-nucleus, proton-electron, or electron helium-nucleus interactions. Calculations and the experimental data show that the coupling between the electronic and nuclear degrees of freedom is required to understand the dynamics for more than 97% of the ionizing collisions. © 1989 The American Physical Society

    NF-κB activation protects oligodendrocytes against inflammation

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    NF-κB is a key player in inflammatory diseases, including multiple sclerosis (MS) and its animal model experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). However, the effects of NF-κB activation on oligodendrocytes in MS and EAE remain unknown. We generated a mouse model that expresses IκBαΔN, a super-suppressor of NF-κB, specifically in oligodendrocytes and demonstrated that IκBαΔN expression had no effect on oligodendrocytes under normal conditions (both sexes). Interestingly, we showed that oligodendrocyte-specific expression of IκBαΔN blocked NF-κB activation in oligodendrocytes and resulted in exacerbated oligodendrocyte death and hypomyelination in young, developing mice that ectopically express IFN-γ in the CNS (both sexes). We also showed that NF-κB inactivation in oligodendrocytes aggravated IFN-γ-induced remyelinating oligodendrocyte death and remyelination failure in the cuprizone model (male mice). Moreover, we found that NF-κB inactivation in oligodendrocytes increased the susceptibility of mice to EAE (female mice). These findings imply the cytoprotective effects of NF-κB activation on oligodendrocytes in MS and EAE

    Design Studies of an Electrostatic Storage Ring

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    Electrostatic storage rings combine a number of very interesting characteristics that make them an attractive tool in the low energy range. In contrast to magnetic rings, all of the fields in an electrostatic storage ring are completely mass independent. At the same particle energy and charge state, ions from light protons to heavy biomolecules can in principal be stored with identical field setups. A small ring for ions of energies up to 50 keV is planned to be built up at Goethe University in Frankfurt. Different designs have been calculated and the results are presented in this contribution. Furthermore, prototypes of the necessary optical elements have been manufactured and are described as well

    Aromatic, microporous polymer networks with high surface area generated in Friedel-Crafts-type polycondensations

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.A series of novel, microporous polymer networks (MPNs) have been generated in a simple, acid catalysed Friedel–Crafts-type self-condensation of A2B2- and A2B4-type fluorenone monomers. Two A2B4-type monomers with 2,7-bis(N,N-diphenylamino) A or 2,7-bis[4-(N,N-diphenylamino)phenyl] D substitution of the fluorenone cores lead to MPNs with high SBET surface areas of up to 1400 m2 g−1. Two MPNs made of binary monomer mixtures showed the highest Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) surface areas SBET of our series (SBET of up to 1800 m2 g−1) after washing the powdery samples with supercritical carbon dioxide. Total pore volumes of up to 1.6 cm3 g−1 have been detected. It is observed that the substitution pattern of the monomers is strongly influencing the resulting physicochemical properties of the microporous polymer networks (MPNs)

    Influence of damping on the excitation of the double giant resonance

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    We study the effect of the spreading widths on the excitation probabilities of the double giant dipole resonance. We solve the coupled-channels equations for the excitation of the giant dipole resonance and the double giant dipole resonance. Taking Pb+Pb collisions as example, we study the resulting effect on the excitation amplitudes, and cross sections as a function of the width of the states and of the bombarding energy.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, corrected typo

    Analysis of a functional serotonin transporter promoter polymorphism in psoriasis vulgaris

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    Serotonin is a monoamine acting as a neuromediator in the central and peripheral nervous system. Recently, serotonin has also been shown to influence T- and B-cell function. The serotonin transporter is central in the regulation of the serotonergic system and widely expressed on cells of the immune system. A functional length polymorphism in the promoter of the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR) has been implicated in the genetic background of depression. Psoriasis is a complex disease with a polygenetic inheritance. In light of the role of T-cell mediated inflammation in psoriasis and the increased prevalence of depression in psoriatic patients, we analyzed the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism in 309 patients with psoriasis vulgaris and 315 healthy control individuals. No significant differences in genotype distribution and allele frequencies were found. There was also no difference in the score of the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression in patients with psoriasis (n = 137) characterized by carriage of different 5-HTTLPR genotypes. These findings argue against a major contribution of the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism to psoriasis susceptibility and the occurrence of depressive symptoms among psoriatic patients